UFOs Warning about Tsunami?

Bleh. Phlog, I don't know how you can focus on that guy's (girl's?) nonsensical rant. I'm having a hard time just following his poor quoting habits.

He gets to join fluid as the only two boneheads in my "ignore" list. But only because his posts are stylistically hard on the eyes and he doesn't appear to be saying anything worth trying to overlook it.

Now he's double-posting.
Onto the content of your post, rather than the delivery (Which is all you focussed on from my post, despite several typoes and grammtical errors in your own!).

Maybe what's rubbish is you MFs in charge of things

So I'm in charge now am I? Or is it just people like me ? You don't feel empowered, enfranchised, or consulted. You feel impotent, ineffectual. Unable to right the wrongs that you think have been done to the planet, and thus you lash out at 'scientists' and 'mechanists'.

So you deny the benefits that science has brought you, and concentrate on what you consider the bad things it has done, and attribute all the bad things you are angry about to science and mechanistic attitudes.

What I don't get, is why believing in UFOs makes you a better person? Why you aren't guilty of propogating the consumerist, mechanist society?

You are invested in the mechanistic! The computer you use, grew on a tree tended by Druids did it? The software that runs on it, channelled onto the hard drive by a mystic, from benevolent aliens? The electricity that runs it, free, unpolluting zero point energy generates that, does it?

You're angry at yourself, for being part of what you're angry at, and not being able to convince others that your theories are correct. Well, the latter is down to content AND delivery, you need to work on both.

So, I ask the question again, as you dodged it last time;

"So, you want to tell us what you think these supposed pre-Tsunami UFOs were trying to do, where they came from, why they chose such a rubbish way to warn people, and failed to save over a hundred thousand lives? You know, the substance of the matter?"
SkinWalker said:
Bleh. Phlog, I don't know how you can focus on that guy's (girl's?) nonsensical rant. I'm having a hard time just following his poor quoting habits.

@hey fool dont talk about me. talk TOO me if you have got something to say. all i have heard from you is preciely nothing.

He gets to join fluid as the only two boneheads in my "ignore" list. But only because his posts are stylistically hard on the eyes and he doesn't appear to be saying anything worth trying to overlook it.
@and what are YOu saying exactly apart from stirring up trouble?

Now he's double-posting.

hmmmm i wonder what next hey?
I might arrive in a fukin UFO ..what do you say?
phlogistician said:
Onto the content of your post, rather than the delivery (Which is all you focussed on from my post, despite several typoes and grammtical errors in your own!).

@I VERy rarely point out typos, and 'bad' forms of composition. i find it arrogant, and anal retentitive. but in YOUr case i make an exception. why? cause you imagine yourself to be such a clever bugger

So I'm in charge now am I?

Great GODDESS, i HOPe not!

Or is it just people like me ?
@And who is "me". we know your religion is mechanicistc sciencism. that we DO know. but ARe you a scientist? why do you duck this question? Are you ashamed?

You don't feel empowered, enfranchised, or consulted. You feel impotent, ineffectual.

@please dont tell me how i feel.

Unable to right the wrongs that you think have been done to the planet, and thus you lash out at 'scientists' and 'mechanists'.

@ you are completely patronizing aren't you? this is a common patter i see with people of your persuasion

So you deny the benefits that science has brought you, and concentrate on what you consider the bad things it has done, and attribute all the bad things you are angry about to science and mechanistic attitudes.

The bad things outweigh the good. Mechanisntic science has caused and is causing terrible physical impoverishment, and spiritual impoverishment for many.

What I don't get, is why believing in UFOs makes you a better person?

@ Did i say that? Being openminded makes one into a better person. your closedminded-ism suks

Why you aren't guilty of propogating the consumerist, mechanist society?
@say agin? that doesn't make any sense.

You are invested in the mechanistic! The computer you use, grew on a tree tended by Druids did it? The software that runs on it, channelled onto the hard drive by a mystic, from benevolent aliens? The electricity that runs it, free, unpolluting zero point energy generates that, does it?

@as i say. PATRONIZING. who do you think you are talking with, an 8 year old?
Yeah, i am using a digital set top box. it is extremely less thAN an average computer. i use it to communcate so as to try and educate thick buggers like yerself and yer mates

You're angry at yourself, for being part of what you're angry at, and not being able to convince others that your theories are correct.

@hah... Frued eat your heart out.......though on second thoughts....

Well, the latter is down to content AND delivery, you need to work on both.

@and like i said. you DON'T. just cause you have some mates here who believe the sun shines outta your 'sceptic' behind, that dont mean I am impressed. rfar from it actually. all i have got since my run in with you is snidey remarks. you woldn't do it to my face that's for sure.

So, I ask the question again, as you dodged it last time;

"So, you want to tell us what you think these supposed pre-Tsunami UFOs were trying to do, where they came from, why they chose such a rubbish way to warn people, and failed to save over a hundred thousand lives? You know, the substance of the matter?"

and like i SAY again. IF mechansitic science and fundamentalist religions poo pooh warnings from Earth or wherever, then people WONt pay attention will they

another vitally important point. something i have learnt. people such as yourself who live in the head..in the 'logic'...lose all sense of organismic receptivity. you are So sure you are better than Nature, you just become a talkin head. and a pretty borin one at that
duendy said:
HI...I found this today:
India Daily - an enormous number of UFO sightings before Tsunami

This really makes you wonder....THAt if we would just be more openminded about all this, then we would be able to SEE signs about disasters like Tsunami.

another natrual sign before it was may many sand snakes coming out of the ground as in response to earth tremor

I doubt aliens (if they exist) would bother warning "mankind" for the simple reason that "mankind" couldn't possibly be worth being "warned" -- especially since "mankind" would pay no heed anyway because aliens don't exist.

What this tragic episode tells me is how far removed "modern", "civilized" man has become -- stubborn, unadaptable, and stiff. Wildlife, although not "human", are, nonetheless, terrestrial.

re: http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/thisweek/story/0,,1383667,00.html

And although human but not "modern", these "primitives" were also spared.

re: http://www.washtimes.com/world/20050106-105800-8732r.htm
p.s. Why can't it really be a troll or a faery that's being misinterpreted as an alien?

I suppose it could, but it's highly unlikely. As time goes by, we continue to understand things better, not worse. To mistake an alien for a troll or fairy would be like mistaking natural and scientific phenomenon to be acts of God. If people of the past are wrong about that, they're most likely wrong about their trolls and fairies. Most things of the past were described the best they could due to their limited understanding of things. Those trolls and fairies do exist just as the acts of God of the past did exist, but they aren't literally what people said they are, they're something else which today we're able to place a better label on.

- N
anroid>v2 and neildo

anroid>2...i like your insight about animal sensitivity noticing about events such as Tsunami. I know this and very much agree. apparently before the Tsunami--i read--many many sandsnakes came out of the sand because of the vibration
i have in my notes somewhere that in China a Taoists peoples escaped an earthquake dude to their sensitivity for noticing anmial sensitivity, which pre-warned them

neildo....I am not happy wit the assumption coming from white western science that things are linear. that they are at the 'advanced' curve of knowing-superiority, and that 'therefre' all ancient knowledge, insight was 'pre-scientific', immature, superstitious etc
What i suspect is that superstition more so reigns with scientists who now see their shit as a religion, and thus, like any dogmatic religion refuse and deny any other forms of aqquiring insight about reality
i have seen this self-assured view's roots as being when in ancient Greece, 'LOGOS' becomes deified. so it is like the 'left brain' begins to dominate 'right brain', and EVEN comes to believe it is not even a part of Nature but is trapped in Nature. Then creates a dogma which is divisive, and demonizes Nature, and people who claim to be able to interelate on deep levels with Nature--regarding experiencing extraordniary phenomena, and so on
What i am talking about can be researched about. it is real, and is as much about history, as so-called 'real history' they indoctrinate in schools, etc, which is conveniently missing out much, and is inducted to manipulate the learner for political reasons, rather than inform and liberate

in order to explore allabout this doesn't mean you have to give up 'science' and logic--if that is what really interests you. rather it means being openminded. admitting you DON'T know. what the above so-called scpetics do is really believe they KNOW that EVERY report EVER made by people who have experienced 'unexplianable' phenomena' are either 'mentally ill', mis-informed, pre-scientfic, etc. Now some people ARe gullible, and there are hoaxes, and so on--as theer are in science, but to assume from that that ALL reports--and this includes Indigenous peoples way of relating with reality--are wrong is the height of ignorance
neildo....I am not happy wit the assumption coming from white western science that things are linear. that they are at the 'advanced' curve of knowing-superiority, and that 'therefre' all ancient knowledge, insight was 'pre-scientific', immature, superstitious etc

Where did I say we're at the advanced curve of knowing superiority? What I said is that as time goes by, understanding of everything gets better. Our known and unknown today will be better understood as time goes by as well.

I never said the ancients were stupid and didn't know anything. I'm just saying that most things that they wrote of in the few records we have of them, we can correct in many areas due to our further understanding of it.

What i suspect is that superstition more so reigns with scientists who now see their shit as a religion, and thus, like any dogmatic religion refuse and deny any other forms of aqquiring insight about reality

So you're going to believe that when people wrote about flaming chariots in the sky, that they were actual chariots on fire? Or Ezekiels image of some flying wheels were actual wheels? Or that when lightning strikes, it's actually because God is mad and is hurling bolts of power down at us? What I'm saying is that what they saw was actually something, but not to be taken literally because they could only describe what they saw to the best of their current knowledge. Flying chariots and wheels would more likely be some sort of aircraft, not an actual chariot or wheel. Try describing an aircraft right now without any knowledge of today. Put yourself in their shoes and more than likely, most words you choose to use would be words and descriptions they had no previous knowledge of. That doesn't mean the description they used was the correct one, it's just the closest they could come up with.

what the above so-called scpetics do is really believe they KNOW that EVERY report EVER made by people who have experienced 'unexplianable' phenomena' are either 'mentally ill', mis-informed, pre-scientfic, etc. Now some people ARe gullible, and there are hoaxes, and so on--as theer are in science, but to assume from that that ALL reports--and this includes Indigenous peoples way of relating with reality--are wrong is the height of ignorance

I agree completely with that.

- N
What i mean is this. I realize that science has given us explanations for a, b, and c. And i admit that these explanations are very useful........BUT, when they claim supreme dominance over any SUBJECTIVE, or inside feeling of our INTERELATIONSHIP with Nature, with reality, then they become fascist. They browbeat people to think A certain way or else that person is branded superstitious,
pre-scientific, anecdotal, a 'woowoo', or 'mentally ill'.
This is why i say that science when it becomes like this is really like any religion which crushes dissent, if their dogma is questioned.
There MIGHt BE a way of experiencing lightening that is not from a scientific textbook----of experiencing wind, water, and so on. a magical way. and it is that way that this age of science has lost, and stamps down on whenever mentioned, and poopoos Indigenous peoples ancient experience of it.
The universe surely is more flexible than such a narrow view supposes
I'll agree that science -- Science -- has more or less Socialised the system of human perception: we've become faceless number tags unless you wear a diploma to prove otherwise. And this serves to disparage, to minimize, to restrain the scope of our psyche's manifestation. Remember that the human psyche outshines all -- ALL -- historical data by countless of centuries. In other words, the human psyche has already developed a language for itself -- and it's not one that any scientist living today can speak or translate -- and definitely not outshine.

Science is not the sole answer to the human riddle -- but it enhances the human species.
you put it well android>v2. science does enhance. it is a tool. an approach to reality. logic is a tool. but when this tool says 'I AM THE I AM" is when we should worry and challenge!
duendy said:
What i mean is this. I realize that science has given us explanations for a, b, and c. And i admit that these explanations are very useful........BUT, when they claim supreme dominance over any SUBJECTIVE, or inside feeling of our INTERELATIONSHIP with Nature, with reality, then they become fascist.
Science cannot do this. Science is a methodology for investigating certain phenomena - not all phenomena. Scientists who are either misguided or corrupt may engage in what you describe, but not science.
duendy said:
There MIGHt BE a way of experiencing lightening that is not from a scientific textbook----of experiencing wind, water, and so on. a magical way. and it is that way that this age of science has lost, and stamps down on whenever mentioned, and poopoos Indigenous peoples ancient experience of it.
The universe surely is more flexible than such a narrow view supposes
Completely true. But this is a science forum, not an indigenous peoples magic forum.
Ophiolite said:
Science cannot do this. Science is a methodology for investigating certain phenomena - not all phenomena. Scientists who are either misguided or corrupt may engage in what you describe, but not science.

D--true. i am aware of this. i also have pointed out--maybe you missed--that the CRITERIa FOR the 'scientific method' was to leave sensual experience out. right?
regarding how science is practiced in ACTUALTY, in the 'real world'. it is NOT 'heroic' science trying to experiment and discover and share discovery. it is science+state= SCIENCEism, with just as much of an oppressive dogma as the theocracy it is supposed to have proceeded.

D--regarding my previous suggestion that natrual elements dont have to be experienced with a science hand-book:
Ophiliote says:
Completely true. But this is a science forum, not an indigenous peoples magic forum.

Hmmmm, this is exactly what i mean. you are going sciencismic on me. thqat ANYone should question sacience shouldn't be allowed freedom of speech. you have illustrated my point brillinatly ophji...well dont

may i also menion that these 'science' forums also have forums about religion, and all other subjects and thus do not have to also have a science-handbook so as to know what to say

also, THIs forum is called 'pseudoscience' hadn't you noticed?
Avatar said:
What most tend to forget is that pseudoscience is still science.

a dangerous thing to believe is that. for example, the mental health myth is pseudoscience. beCAuse it is claimed to be real science, nany people are opressed by it--in facyt ALL of us are oppressed by it. it is the current paradigm based on pseudoscience claiming to be science
duendy said:
Hmmmm, this is exactly what I mean. you are going sciencismic on me: that ANYone should question science shouldn't be allowed freedom of speech. you have illustrated my point brilliantly ophi...well done

may i also menion that these 'science' forums also have forums about religion, and all other subjects and thus do not have to also have a science-handbook so as to know what to say

also, THIs forum is called 'pseudoscience' hadn't you noticed?
I'm not saying alternative views should not be discussed. Start a thread on this in the philosophy section: call it science and religion - two sides of one coin.. You may be surprised how close some of our views are.

You say science+state= SCIENCEism.
You accuse me of SCIENCEism
I have a science background an am arguing the science case, so half of your definition.
I have as little as possible to do with the state.
Therefore, either your definition or your accusation are faulty..

also, THIs forum is called 'pseudoscience' hadn't you noticed?
Yes. That is exactly where I would have attacked my post. It was its single glaring weakness.
There MIGHt BE a way of experiencing lightening that is not from a scientific textbook----of experiencing wind, water, and so on. a magical way. and it is that way that this age of science has lost, and stamps down on whenever mentioned...

Magic? Slight-of-hand, smoke-and-mirrors are all that encompasses magic. Have you never been to Las Vegas?
If there were a significant amount of sightings of UFO's prior to the quake and tsunami, I would have done the same as they did, get myself, family and equipment to heck out of Dodge. The same as the animals did, so in essence the animal behaviour should have been taken as a warning that something was not right.
If there were a significant amount of sightings of UFO's prior to the quake and tsunami, I would have done the same as they did, get myself, family and equipment to heck out of Dodge.

So, how the heck would you make such a connection?

Would the UFO's be sporting a flashing billboard similar to the Goodyear blimp?