UFOS Exists!! Proof from FBI!!


<i>You do this every time,...you're just the same as Q,... </i>

It seems I am in good company then.

<i>Flaming and impurtinece,....</i>


<i>If you would be in my unit,...then I would have your guts</i>

What? Because I don't agree with you? I pity the people in your unit. You're stifling independent thought.

<i>you know why? You don't have the slightest idear what respect means</i>

Respect must be earned.

<i>,....(and your so dumm)</i>

At least I can spell "dumb".

So, when you run out of arguments you resort to personal abuse. It doesn't make you look very good, you know.
Okay,let me tackle each of your querries one by one.

What qualifies you to judge my knowhow?
Based on your your responses,i figured that out.you"re an Amateur in UFOs.that is because:
you didnt know most popular UFO incidences like Fedrich Valentich.
In other words, another anecdote.
Okay,Anecdote,(According to Oxford)means a short amusing story,that doesnt mean that it is false or true.Remember Einstein's anecdotes?;)
You took NASA scientist with no credibility,so i think you"re the best judge.You decide for yourself,when you see a UFO CEIII is enough for you i guess(;)),then you can believe.So neither my convincing,or anyone else will help you out.

Precisely why we should assume, without further evidence, that it was a fake or a story.
Right now,Dr.Leir gave it to Digital Instruments for further examination.Dr.Leir is the author of "Alien and the Scalpel"
he has performed surgeries in taking out the implants from the various abductess.A pattern is there in all the implants.They are all on the Left part of the body.
I can't. But if I am there's still no evidence that aliens exist in this simulation. :)
There is.you didnt comment personally on Billy Meir's photos?is that because you didnt have your ehm...ehm...technical comments on it?
waiting to hear from you...


<i>Based on your your responses,i figured that out.you"re an Amateur in UFOs.that is because:
you didnt know most popular UFO incidences like Fedrich Valentich.</i>

Fedrich Valentich is just another story among many as far as I am concerned. I'm sure I've read all about him at some stage, but I don't consider it important to remember the details of this one incident, especially as it shares so many features in common with other UFO stories. The evidence for this one is as shakey as the rest.

<i>Right now,Dr.Leir gave it to Digital Instruments for further examination.</i>

Where can I find the expert report? You never seem to reference this stuff.

<i>Dr.Leir is the author of "Alien and the Scalpel" he has performed surgeries in taking out the implants from the various abductess.</i>

So I take it he's unbiased then? :) He doesn't have money to make from saying UFOs are real, by any chance, does he? I thought so.

<i>There is.you didnt comment personally on Billy Meir's photos?is that because you didnt have your ehm...ehm...technical comments on it?</i>

Technically, I think they're fakes, but I don't have the original photos and I haven't seen any expert analysis so I can't draw a definite conclusion.