UFOS Exists!! Proof from FBI!!

James R,

Is there some reason why the reports from the first link are negative images? It makes them hard to read. Is there any easy way to view the positive images instead?

Yeah... I noticed. When I see those links I would almost blame the FBI in the first post, but then I saw that the others are better... ;)

Those are probably the most significant ones... ;)

Hi zion,

"one of them was in Belgium which gained world wide attention"

Yes, I remember that one... I believe it mostly catched the world's attention because the F-16 pilot sent to intercept it didn't know how to operate his onboard camera... :D



The camera didn't perform it's intentional meaning,...
because it got jammed,....DAMMIT !!!

An effect which happens to some of the camera's within crop circles too,...

BTW i have video too and RADAR capturing is also shown.
could you spread it on the net? even tough there's a campain going on with dismissing all the facts and the proofs: what I'm saying is that FOIA is a scam,...just like project bleubook: written to dissmiss every single item as explainable:

But my friends: explain this:
The lights that where silentely observed, hovering without sound above various parts of land,...confirmed and witnessed by already MILLIONS of peoples,...all over the world:

NOT moving at all: even whilst there is an ongoing storm,...
then moving: at great speads: then again hovering: close by enough to distuinguis it's contours,... circular or triangle,....but definately not an helicopter.

and what good would it be for any state department to admid that they mutilated the cattle: they could easely buy from the market all the cattle they would need: instead of breaking various laws,...

Leaving the possibility open that the farmer even suess there ass for destroying his crop,...or his cattle,...
the cattle mutulation,...sedation of cattle from unnown nerve-gas: lazer-precise extrahertions of various parts of the beasts,...without leaving ANY traces of blood.

The Millions of reports even by highly ranked govermental officcials,...even they get told to shut up !! The congress is aware and so are the : NSA / CIA / FBI ,...plus: every govering institution has it's rules and guidelines to report an event in case of a ufo flap,...

It all happens upon an ( YOU DON'T ) NEED TO KNOW >basis,...

Did you guys and gals knew that in some parts of the world it is even forbidden to have contact with extraterestials !! there's even a LAW for it that makes it possible for any,...institution,...to arrest you AND convict you by all means of this law,...

Making you vunarable to various possible harrassments and disapearings,...

What makes it impossible for people who have experiance to come forward,...hè?ç!

and what about the peoples that accually where abducted and where they removed implants: electrodes of bio-type, and of mechanical type?!? huh! ?ç!

Imagination or collective madness? Then what about war hé? NO says the goverment: that's all accounted for : that is sane,...not insane,...killing, poluting,...wasting,...that's 'normal' even tough there are already plenty of other possibilities,...but no, they do not get persued because there not lobbyed,...or approved by them,...

I already surpassed the : 'what if' fase,...and there's no more questioning in my mind of : "do they or don't they exist".

It just leaves the question why for hell's sake do they still deny somthing wich is already so common thought,... ?

Not for mine ,...I can tell you that: because I CAN live with the knowledge and facts of life,...but a goverment can't,...
why not ? Do I really have to tell you?

no: because : all that you will do: is dissmiss it as no proof: whilst there is enough proof but I already told so: if you see it with your own eyes still you wouldn't see,...or want to see,...

You want too make a bet that the next reply will be dismissing these facts of MILLIONS across the world,...who saw and believe in what they saw,...

It's not a hypothesis anymore,...it's a fact wich can easely be denied,...by keeping it secret,...it's utterly B*LLSH*T

Do I have to tell you where the goverment is afraid of? AFRAID? Yess: YOUR goverment,...is AFRAID of these things because they have absolutely no power over it: they just have power over the peoples that live in this world and there are agreements that ought to be respected by peoples: the people are brainwashed to dissmiss it as bulshit: because that's the ONLY way

I repeat: that's the ONLY way that the goverments and the lobby's and even individual persons have to stay in power of their thoughts and the thoughts of every working robot in this world: because that's what this war is all about: power of thoughts: don't you feel the subtle changes when you don't remember that particular important thought? and you can easely: go from there: scizo-frenia: para-noïa and so on,....how is proof of existence changing you hé,...?!?

It changes you for shure,....and you will not be accepted anymore,..you will even doubt yourselve,...and your thoughts,...you will even dismiss your own experiance and thoughts as beign dilusional in origin.

that's not how people can do there daily job: and everything will effect everything,....

well: let's start with these yeah,...
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Fukushi, we share a birthday. It's a very good day for a birthday too. Very special date, September 20th.

But back to the matter at hand.

There are NO alien spacecraft visiting Earth. What you saw was a weather balloon. Understand? *screws on pistol's silencer* Understand?
hai Adam !

:D hihihihi you have silencer that can silence me? hihihi !:D

Here's someone to silence: and I quote:

Dr.José M.R. Delgado, director of the Institution for Neuropsychiatry of the al known and nominated YALE UNIVERSITY medical scool: Congressional Record: nr 26. part 1118, 24 Feb, 1974

We need control of this society by means of a psychochirugic program: the goal of wich is the fysical control of humans and there consiousness. someone deteriorating from the norm, can be corrigated, the individual can think that it's most importantcy lies in his own existence. But that is just a personal vieuw. history theaches other things. Humans DON'T have the right to devellop their own conciousness. This liberal thought is verry popular. WE HAVE TO CONTROL THE BRAINS ELECTRONICALLY. The day will come when there are army's send on tho the field controlled by electrical impulses and stimulansia
Firstly,The 2 F-16s sent to intercept UFO locked the UFO more than 7 times,each it locked it,it seemed to flow out of its range,as if toying with F-16s.

your own credible military people,called on a press conference stated that(exact words)"whatever was that thing,was sure something out of our reach." the report also stated that object went from 100 KNOTS TO 999 KNOTS.!!!!.and after such high acceleration, stopped and accelerated again...ever seen an aircraft do that?such speeds as he stated would be impossible for human to tolerate.

you need more.check out the official report.(complete one).then you"ll know what i am talking about.

Oh yeah,now they are not UFOs they are IFOs you know,'cause we know what they are...

Welcome to the club Zion. :)

I see you are also studying computer engineering. Same here.
Re: hahaha


<i>even tough there's a campain going on with dismissing all the facts and the proofs: what I'm saying is that FOIA is a scam,...just like project bleubook: written to dissmiss every single item as explainable</i>

No. Not all UFO sightings are explained. But unexplained does not mean inexplicable.

<i>The lights that where silentely observed, hovering without sound above various parts of land,...confirmed and witnessed by already MILLIONS of peoples,...all over the world:</i>

When? Where? We need details, not vague anecdotes.

<i>The Millions of reports even by highly ranked govermental officcials,...even they get told to shut up !!</i>


<i>Did you guys and gals knew that in some parts of the world it is even forbidden to have contact with extraterestials !!</i>

Are you sure you're not talking about laws regarding "aliens"? The word "alien" in law seldom means "extraterrestrial" - practically never, in fact.

Please cite the relevant statutes (Act and section number), so we can check the truth of what you say.

<i>and what about the peoples that accually where abducted and where they removed implants: electrodes of bio-type, and of mechanical type?!? huh! ?</i>

None of the "implants" submitted for examination by experts, have proven to be even a little bit extraterrestrial.

<i>It just leaves the question why for hell's sake do they still deny somthing wich is already so common thought,... ?</i>

Um...because there's no good evidence, perhaps?

<i>You want too make a bet that the next reply will be dismissing these facts of MILLIONS across the world,...who saw and believe in what they saw,...</i>


<i>don't you feel the subtle changes when you don't remember that particular important thought? and you can easely: go from there: scizo-frenia: para-noïa and so on,....how is proof of existence changing you hé,...?!?</i>

Sounds like paranoia to me, all right.
Only 999 knots? That is easy to do with a drone. And the accelaration can be the product of a lorentz force ( I even could duplicate that with todays technology)....

My dreams surpass and outreach yours,...but there is no need for you to be jealous,...everybody has it's function,....just don't be afraid,...your fear is over,....you will do exactaly as 'we' say,....and you will obey,....remember,....

there's no need to disscuss this further,....you will retract from this thread,...unsubscribe,...find yourself first. It is I who command you to,...obey,...your fears are over.

100 to 999 knots in 0.016 secs?well may be.we are inside a computer you know;)...

James R,
Was Nanotechnology even known during 1950s?
Most of the implants during alien abductions are today discarded.but i would like to tell you that in 1957,that was the first year where Abduction case was registered.abduction of Antony Boas.during his,he was implanted with a triangular metallic sort of an object.So,either he has invented Nanotechnology in 50s,(in his dreams for sure)or...;)

PS:I thought you"re a skeptic James?

Hi zion:

We can come up with many different scenarios and explanations to the sightings. The problem is anchoring an explanation and keeping it there. That is where we are missing information. If you are willing to, you and I can start a separate thread with what we know and work on deducing what is probable how outlandish it may sound to the so called scientists. But without enough info...we will go nowhere...

You added a crucial piece of information 0.016 seconds - ie 16 milliseconds - where did we get that?
The problem with 99% of skeptics here is that they dont have much know how about UFOs.they do know a bit,but superficially.we all have our jobs to do,so UFOs are just amusing things,isnt it?;)

The skepticism example can be explained by one of my friend reporting the sighting to local police in Athens county,Atlanta GA.this incident occured in a new car(Landcruiser).there were 6 guys driving in ealy morning to my aunts house,when they saw a UFO passing overhead about height at 60 mts or so,it turned back and suddenly bobbed down a little bit.

here's what happened to the car:
Car whole ignition system went for a ride.;)the radio never worked after that incident.the windows(power) were jammed.clocks stopped.
one of the guys went to take in a closer look,he suffered from exhaustion for a week after that...and so on...

so when he went to report the incident to local police.he was questioned for about 3 hours.6 times being repeated with same cycle of questions.when he got tired,he was told he"ll be called again tommorrow,this continued for a week.he gave up and resolved never to report anything about UFOs to anyone,including cops.

This is skepticism.he was asked questions which were so technical that he was unable to answer.like how can UFO affect car ignitions?!!
But in a positive way.the questions are never biased with a particular mindset.open scientific mind is the key.
The 0.016 came report itself.the official press release.he also said that during accelerations the UFO shot like a bullet and then it stopped for a while and so on...

If you plan to start a thread on complete UFO stuff.i"ll be glad to post most of the info i have on UFOs.but Beware,material is VERY,VERY large.

lets do it offline through PM or direct email (mine is posted - kmguru@hotmail.com, I use it exclusively for sciforums) such that we do not put too many filler material. I will be interested to know the specific questions and answers of your friend and if anyone tested the radio or the car for damages. What I am thinking is first we have to rule out our DoD experiments. 30 years ago, I did an engineering college project using Lorentz Propulsion. About the same time DoD was working on a full scale prototype. I am sure in the last 30 years they must have gone way out there due to advanced computer control technology. If I can get some more data, I should be able to tell you if it was manmade or out of this world.

BTW: DoD has managed to keep it a secret even today - so I am not going to tell you any details about my experiments or their prototype. But I can post basis ideas which is out there anyway.

So it's a case of "When the heat gets too much, get out of the kitchen", is it?

I thought so.


Evidence is the key.

Anecdotes are not good evidence. 6 people claiming to have seen an alien spaceship, without more, adds practically nothing to the argument that aliens are visiting Earth.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If I say I had Wheaties for breakfast last Tuesday, you're probably fairly safe to take my word as sufficient evidence that my claim is true (although I could be lying). But if I claim that last Tuesday I was abducted by aliens from the planet Bumbleweenie, who carried out bizarre sexual experiments on me, then you'd be justified in demanding better evidence than my story. Do I have any scars or bruises from the experiments, which I could not easily have made myself? Any weird implants which are not something I could easily have made myself? Any alien devices I picked up on my travels? Any message from the aliens which is not something I could have learnt from reading the newspaper, or which is not so vague and non-specific that I could have made it up ("The aliens say - LOVE one another!").

The fact is: NONE of the evidence that UFO nutters claim as "proof" of aliens stands up under scrutiny. Some of it is unexplained, but always due to lack of the means to properly investigate it in the present. All purported evidence which can be examined in detail turns out either to be explainable by non-alien phenomena. Much of it is simple fakery.
James R,
I hope we soon realise the Uploading technology,so that interaction becomes quite like we would want.because sitting here and talking is different than interaction in the other case.Most of skepticism would go away if we talk inside the construct(Matrix).Thats why most of the people cant believe story of Dragon in Garrage;).aint it true?
But if you see,making the claim that extraterrestrials exist is no extraordinary thing.We are accustomed to that,isnt it?
I asked you in the previously,did NANOTECHNOLOGY exist during 50s when Antony Boas was abducted and implanted?No.isnt it?we didnt even know how to pronounce the word;).(Hell Zion wasnt even Born then!!.)

I find it particularly interesting that Most of Govt(U.S) reports are Ambigous in case of UFO.that is press releases.Take for instance Roswell,first a saucer then a weather Balloon.
Recent Pheonix Lights.First some investigation is being carried out.
then we found the result,a man with a gray sit enters the hall and says that the whole thing was a joke.

I dont know much about how Australian reports are Handled.But was Australian SAR(search and rescue) able to find Fedrich Valentich.??
If run over his Bio,he was a great pilot...he reported a UFO while being taken.Floatation tanks in his plane must have shown something on Beach,but none.no wrekage.various other parts were searched for evidence but none...How do you explain such things?
Why would a man who had such a great aviation carrier ahead of him,would report such things in the sky?

Not only he,but Astronauts are also reporting UFOs.people talk about credibility of such witnesses,sure.there's a difference between a Housewife seeing a UFO,and an Astronaut reporting the same.but its coming.reports by Pilots are increasing day by Day,at a staggering rate.Like i mentioned Speedbird226,Lufthansa405 etc. to BOSTON traffic control center.

the heat?

wich heat? I don't feel anything? could you be more specific? maby you're delusional and you're imaginating fire and smoke,...
Do you see lights in your head? Yes? well then it's time to see a doctor man,...

bye bye A.H !
James R,
Your saying that Aliens are required to give some message that is dIfferent is a bit result of overhyping of Aliens done by authors like Arthur C Clarke etc.Life is not like Independence day movie,where aliens would come and thwart us.if you think Aliens come here for a purpose,will they disclose it so easily?They have been interacting with earth for a long long time.they have their own purposes.What do you think,they"ll tell abductees,recipie to make Antigravity engines?;)
then someday you would be perhaps abducted and win a Noble prize for the greatest invention ever done.;)

Zion, I have still some faith in humans and believe tht we can invent something new and amasing ourselves, but I'm afraid tht something might "happen";) with those inventors.
