UFOS Exists!! Proof from FBI!!


Imagine for a minute that you are an alien. You have access to technology advanced enough that you can travel across the gulfs of interstellar space. Now, ask yourself:

* Why would you want to come to Earth? (I can think of some good reasons.)
* What would be your main aim in coming here?
* If you wanted to make contact with humans, what would be the best way? Would you contact a few hick farmers in a small town in the US, or would you park your spaceship on the lawn of the White House?
* If you wanted to provide proof of your presence to humans, how could you do that? (I can think of several ways.)
* Is it likely that you would need to perform countless hundreds of "experiments" on human beings, and mutilate hundreds of cows? (I can think of easier ways to gain the same knowledge.)

That's just to get you started thinking.
If I am a humanoid alien only 4 feet tall with a tiny penis and about 4000 years advanced:

I will only drop by the planet Earth, if it is in the way out to a settlement of my kind to check out what these big critters are upto and if they are going to threaten our settlement.

I will try to kidnap a female human to see if I can have sex but only if I am desparate (I understood that humans do it with animals if they got desparate - oh, those sheep stories...). Otherwise, humans are so ugly and big like our native apes.

No, I would not make contact with humans. They are too violent and kill without thinking. They may never be a part of galactic federation even if a few show initiative from the TV broadcast stories.

No, I will not stop at the whitehouse lawn, without a full armada of warships. Life is too precious to us. We had an accident many years ago in a palce the earthlings call Roswell. One of our research ships malfunctioned. And these humans cutup our people. They are so barbaric. If they could have put them in freezer, we could have revived our people.

We have experimented with humans from time to time . Whynot? They eat their kind - the mammals. Just to find out how to exterminate them if they pose a threat to us.

We do not want to settle on Earth. The gravity is too low and the Sun is too bright. Our base in Uranus is keeping tabs on these tall critters.

These humans evolved from the apes while we evolved from monkeys. And guess what, these humans eat monkey brains. How barbaric.
If I am a humanoid alien only 4 feet tall with a tiny penis and about 4000 years advanced:.

Whew ! That's a relief. I always thought Ron Jeremy was from another planet. :D
You mean this hairy ape? Neh!

Originally posted by kmguru
Our base in Uranus...
Ron Jeremy and Uranus.
A pair that almost naturally belong in the same thread.
Funny little world, ain't it? :D

Sorry about finishing with your jokes... but can we return, analyze those documents, and discuss the subject please... :D:D

Nelson: Who said they were jokes? :bugeye:

Woo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo

Oh, and who is Ron Jeremy? Isn't he a director of some sort? And why am I connecting his name with porn?

Oh, I'm sorry. I know that thinking can be too much of a strain for some.
Ron Jeremy has also tried to make it in non-porn films. I think he was in Orgazmo, and Boondock Saints.

Boondock Saints rocks.
* Why would you want to come to Earth?

why would humans would want to go out in to space? (I can think of some good reasons.)

* What would be your main aim in coming here?

what is the aim of going to the bottom of the sea,...the top of the mountains,...the endlessvastness of the universe?

* If you wanted to make contact with humans, what would be the best way?

If you wanted to conseal your presence to humans for times to come,....what would be the best way?

would you park your spaceship on the lawn of the White House?

Only if it where to make a statement that 'we' are here and you silly humans should deliver control to 'us' because in all ways : we are ahead of you (yuk!) species and NOW 'we' are going to take care of you like little baby's,...you fool!

* If you wanted to provide proof of your presence to humans, how could you do that?

If you wanted to hide your precense for ages in order to do the countless expiriments, how could you do that? (I can think of several ways.)

* Is it likely that you would need to perform countless hundreds of "experiments" on human beings, and mutilate hundreds of cows? (I can think of easier ways to gain the same knowledge.)

Is it likely that humans would need to perform countless hundreds of "experiments" on mice? and other beings,...?

And THAT should make YOU think,....
(you humans are so dumm! well: not all of you,...)
Yeah.I dont know how to think.
maybe.is that why you"re a Billionaire and i am not.

James R,
sorry for the loud Laugh,its my way of laughing,sorry if you felt disgusted.;)
let me tackle each of your questions one By one.

Originally posted by James R

Imagine for a minute that you are an alien. You have access to technology advanced enough that you can travel across the gulfs of interstellar space. Now, ask yourself:

* Why would you want to come to Earth? (I can think of some good reasons.)

the apparent reason for appearance of UFOs and Aliens visitation has been Unknown for a long time.they have been appearing even before 6500 B.C(If Rama Empire dates are correct,it may be even older)
The UFO sightings of the past have been described in roughly the same terms as todya,earlier it was Clouds with Fire Unfolding and so forth or Vimanas,today its a Space ship Flying Saucer.what was it?the SCIFI Arthur .C.Clarke RAMA culture of 6500 B.Cs?the caves in LA esae(i hope spellings are correct)in france are from the same period,sometime back,SCIFI culture?the Imagination also require some Initial inspiration,where the heck did they get their inspirations from?From James R?,From Cris,From Stryder,From Zion? From Albert einstein who travelled back in time?for more details about the past thingie,please <i>read</i> Kms Past Civilization thread.i have included most of the info required to come to the terms.
* What would be your main aim in coming here?
I think the above point explains this too.Ambiguity in this question.
* If you wanted to make contact with humans, what would be the best way? Would you contact a few hick farmers in a small town in the US, or would you park your spaceship on the lawn of the White House?
I think what you need to study is theory of Automata.(the logical study i have ever done).as i have repeatedly,they have been hiding this truth and themselves (Hiding by telling us themselves as GODs etc.) for thousands of years.they have been doing their own work successfully fro a long time.then also will they even like to introduce themselves?Gee...
* If you wanted to provide proof of your presence to humans, how could you do that? (I can think of several ways.)
Another Ambiguity.You"re asking same questions repeatedly.

* Is it likely that you would need to perform countless hundreds of "experiments" on human beings, and mutilate hundreds of cows? (I can think of easier ways to gain the same knowledge.)
How the hell did you say that?you are one of the intelligent people around here.And i think you know Biology better than me.You want to study complete human genetics,(commonly)you would need time,isnt it?
I think you are fantasizing yourself against the Arthur .C.C.larke's RAMA series.

OKAY,assume that cattle mutilation doesnt or isnt connected to UFOs,(Although I have Dozens of proofs to bury that thought.)
then who is causing or doing such things?
Yeah,they perform,Laser removal of organs and then eat them.they perform heat therapy and then eat them.they perform Radion therapy,becasue they would make sure that their Prey is dead.

In U.S only?hell Yeah;).most of Ranchers(all over the world) and cattle workers are reporting Cattle mutilations about UFOs picking up them and then throwing them off the ground.

the scene usually during cattle multilation is BLOODLESS,NO TRACKS ETC...

As i told you earlier,if you have time try to reseasrch in details about the UFOs.not from the information websites that you have on net.But from the seminars etc...
Because if you dont have complete knowledge then there's no use Discussing uselessly.

And you didnt answer my 2 queries?(since i have answered yours.):
1)About NANOTECHNOLOGY stuff and Antony Boas in 50s.
2)Fedrich Valentich's disappearance.

Take care.
And THAT should make YOU think,....
(you humans are so dumm! well: not all of you,...)

Oh bloody hell, the aliens have been reading the Sciforums 'Pseudoscience' section.

They must really, really look down on us, all the rampant credulity and weak attempts at insulting. :(

Would somone let them know we are not all like that?:p