UFOS Exists!! Proof from FBI!!

To just give you a sampling of massive degree of coverup on the Subject of UFOs,i have compiled a list(From Sidney's Note and couple of other sites,some FOIA papers,Some CIA papers,i have them in Tiff format) of few out of 3000(although there are many more) people who have died mysteriously,while researching UFOs.
Here's the list:
1)1982.Proffessor keith Bowden:Killed in auto-crash.

2)JULY 1982.Jack Wolfenden:DIED IN GLIDER accident.

3)November 1982.Ernest Brockway:suicide.

4)1983.Stephen Drinkwater:suicide by strangulation.

5)April 1983.Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Godley:Missing,declared dead.

6)April 1984.george Franks:suicide hanging.

7)1985. Stephen Oke:suicide by hanging.

8)Novemeber 1985.Jonathan Wash.:suicide by hanging.

9)1986.Dr.John Brittan:suicide by carbon-mono-oxide poisioning.

10)October 1986.Arshad Shariff: suicide by placing a rope around his neck,tying to a tree and then driving away at high speed.took place in Bristol,one hundred miles away from his home in London.

11)October 1986.Vimal Dajibhai:suicide by jumping from a bridge in Bristol,hundred miles away from his home in London.

12)Jan 1987 Avtar singh-Gida:Missing,declared dead.

13)Feb 1987.Peter peapell:suicide by crawling under car in garage.

14)March 1987.David Sands:Suicide by driving car into Cafe at high speed.

15)April 1987.Mark Wisner:Suicide by self-strangling.

16)April 10,1987.Stuart Gooding:Killed in Cyprus.

17)April 1987.Shani Warren.Suicide by drowning.

18)MAY 1987.Michael Baker.Killed in autocrash.

19)May 1988.Trevor Knight:Suicide.

20)August 1988.Alistair Beckham.:Suicide by self-electrocuton.

21)August 1988.Victor Moore:Suicide.

and the list goes on...


Hoax or Real?

Hundreds report UFO sighting in Yugoslavia

Authorities are investigating after hundreds of people in a Montenegrin village reported seeing a cluster of giant UFOs.

People in Godijevo say they rushed out of their homes after hearing a series of loud blasts and saw huge illuminated objects seemingly hovering overhead.

Officials are investigating numerous recorded sightings, but have been unable to offer an explanation so far.

According to the newspaper Vijesti, many witnesses claim the UFOs changed shape before heading off into the sky and out of sight.

They couldn't tell how high in the night sky the lights were.

"I went outside after hearing a commotion and when I looked up into the night sky there were around twenty large luminous circles, it was as if a UFO was hovering over our heads. The sky must have been lit up for hundreds of metres," said Sead Hodzic.

Suggestions the lights may have come from nearby nightlife have been dismissed because there are no discos in the vicinity of Godijevo and little in the way of hi-tech facilities which could generate such lights.

Story filed: 12:41 Thursday 7th March 2002

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<i>If you wanted to conseal your presence to humans for times to come,....what would be the best way?</i>

Please give me one good reason why aliens would want to conceal their presence from us.

At the same time, please explain why they are so astoundingly bad at doing so, seeing as they keep appearing to country bumpkins all over the United States, yet never seem to appear on radar screens and so on. (Yes, I know there have been some unidentified radar cases - more anecdotes.)

<i>Is it likely that humans would need to perform countless hundreds of "experiments" on mice? and other beings,...?</i>

These aliens supposedly have advanced technology, or they couldn't have got here. Do you seriously think we will need to experiment on mice when we've discovered interstellar travel?

<i>(you humans are so dumm! well: not all of you,...)</i>

Are you trying to imply that you're not human? I think you're all too human.

How do you know I am not a billionaire? :) Anyway, that's beside the point. You don't have to be rich to be smart. And vice versa. Surely that's obvious. And anybody who thinks critically about UFOs for five minutes can see that there's nothing to them. I'm just trying to jolt you into actually thinking for a change.

<i>The UFO sightings of the past have been described in roughly the same terms as todya,earlier it was Clouds with Fire Unfolding and so forth or Vimanas,today its a Space ship Flying Saucer.what was it?</i>

I'd say that descriptions from the past of gods and so on are quite different to the current descriptions of aliens and flying saucers. The UFO crowd go out looking for similarities, and of course they find them. But they ignore all the differences which don't fit their predetermined theories.

<i>the Imagination also require some Initial inspiration,where the heck did they get their inspirations from?</i>

Where did Tolkien's inspiration for <i>Lord of the Rings</i> come from? Does that mean there are orcs and wizards visiting Earth?

<i>I think what you need to study is theory of Automata.</i>

Have done some of that. What about them?

* If you wanted to provide proof of your presence to humans, how could you do that? (I can think of several ways.)

<i>Another Ambiguity.You"re asking same questions repeatedly.</i>

What's ambigous about that? It's a straight forward question. I don't think "ambigous" means what you think it means.

<i>OKAY,assume that cattle mutilation doesnt or isnt connected to UFOs...</i>

That's a good start to critical thinking. Ask yourself: what other explanation could there be? I can think of several, immediately.

<i>(Although I have Dozens of proofs to bury that thought.)</i>

Do you? Show me some.

<i>then who is causing or doing such things? Predators? </i>

Most likely. Either human or animal.

<i>Yeah,they perform,Laser removal of organs and then eat them.they perform heat therapy and then eat them.they perform Radion therapy,becasue they would make sure that their Prey is dead.</i>

Where's the evidence of any of these things? Note: once again, anecdotes don't cut the mustard. Show me the photos, or the lab reports or something solid. Not "My uncle's best friend said he saw a cow which had been mutilated with a laser beam."

<i>In U.S only?hell Yeah.most of Ranchers(all over the world) and cattle workers are reporting Cattle mutilations about UFOs picking up them and then throwing them off the ground.</i>

No. I think you'll find that by far the majority of alien encounters happen in the USA. Which is also where most of the Star Wars movies come from. Coincidence?

<i>Because if you dont have complete knowledge then there's no use Discussing uselessly.</i>

From my perspective, it is <i>your</i> knowledge which is incomplete here, not mine. You've only looked at one side of the story - the side of the UFO True Believers. You look only at the evidence which supports your preconceived belief, and don't even try to look for other explanations.

<i>1)About NANOTECHNOLOGY stuff and Antony Boas in 50s.</i>

What about it? Yes, I know nanotechnology wasn't invented in the 50s. So what? There's no evidence of any nanotechnology from that time.

<i>2)Fedrich Valentich's disappearance.</i>

I do not have all the relevant information to be able to sort out individual cases. Hence, I look at the collection of evidence as a whole.

<i> To just give you a sampling of massive degree of coverup on the Subject of UFOs,i have compiled a list(From Sidney's Note and couple of other sites,some FOIA papers,Some CIA papers,i have them in Tiff format) of few out of 3000(although there are many more) people who have died mysteriously,while researching UFOs.</i>

No, I don't buy it. We'd need to look at each case individually to determine if the death was suspicious, and then investigate each for all possible explanations. I'm not going to take somebody's word for this kind of thing with just some anonymous names. And anyway, this is beside the question of the existence of aliens.


More anecdotes. Where are the photos and other evidence?


I suppose that's just a guess on your part.
Check out CIA Papers obtained under FOIA,cattle mutilation LAB reports are present there.
All the results are there itself,no Uncle,No Zion's Mommy involved...

as i told you before,you dont have complete knowhow about UFOs.when you do have it,then you can discuss being a skeptic.when the knowhow is already there among different skeptics then it is great to discuss things out...

Okay,I"ll Talk about detailed things,i each case.each death.suspicious things etc.
do you think a NASA scientist is credible?
i talked about Dr. Richard F.Heins who's field of research was visual dynamics,optics etc,he set out to disprove the UFOs,only to find the otherwwise was true.he is now specialising into pilot sightings.
BTW,he was in charge of setting up Hoaxes of optics(becasue of light scatter within an eye)for GEMINI program,that was orbital.take a peep a UFOs poll thread.

Oh!yeah,Didnt i say you are a Billionaire;)?

You said i have looked into side of true believers??...


check out my postings at Stryder's thread about Roswell crash being weather balloon...I was a skeptic to the core.I have passed through the stage that you"re passing now.

And you dont read my all posts,do you?because i explained in my earlier post about Antony Boas Abduction experience,in 1957 where he was implanted with some sort of tracking device(We dont know completely what exactly it was)But you were saying to Fukushi i think,that none of the implants have been ever found to be extraterrestrial,yes indeed true,but Implant of NANOtech in 50s?you admit off course NANOtech wasnt even know those days...may be now you"ll say it was...


<i>as i told you before,you dont have complete knowhow about UFOs.when you do have it,then you can discuss being a skeptic.when the knowhow is already there among different skeptics then it is great to discuss things out...</i>

Do you have complete knowledge? I don't think so. That puts us on (at least) an even footing. Yet you are a believer and I am a skeptic. I say I have just as many reasons to be a skeptic as you have to be a believer.

<i>do you think a NASA scientist is credible?</i>

No more credible than other anecdotal accounts.

<i>check out my postings at Stryder's thread about Roswell crash being weather balloon...I was a skeptic to the core.I have passed through the stage that you"re passing now.</i>

No, I think I've passed through the stage you're at now. I did it when I was about 12. Then I learned some critical thinking skills.

<i>And you dont read my all posts,do you?because i explained in my earlier post about Antony Boas Abduction experience,in 1957 where he was implanted with some sort of tracking device(We dont know completely what exactly it was)</i>

If you don't know exactly what it was, how do you know it was a tracking device?

<i>But you were saying to Fukushi i think,that none of the implants have been ever found to be extraterrestrial,yes indeed true,but Implant of NANOtech in 50s?you admit off course NANOtech wasnt even know those days...may be now you"ll say it was...</i>

I think I've already covered all that. If you are claiming that the 1950s implant had nanotechnology in it, where is your supporting evidence for <i>that</i> claim, then?
There's a big Block in your mind,which you arent willing to take out,only you can help yourself.
I feel sorry for a guy who is a billionaire...;)

So much so for money,you asked me
"How do you know i am not a billionaire?"

Well,if you were,you wont spend time gossiping here.Time is Money in corporate world...

A Billion More to you.;)


James R,

Your saying that i am not having complete knowledge of UFOs makes you feel happy that we are even?if so,be it.
In my opinion we must stop this useless discussion.

You could have stopped this by saying
"Unless you land a saucer in my garden,take the aliens out and let me shake hands with them,study their blood reports,their genetics,compare it with all the extraterrestrial animals i will believe,less i wont."
We would have stopped it here.I hate ending a discussion fruitless,going nowhere.

Someday perhaps...


their is a top secret us base in australia,...maby he's just paid to bring discontent by stating we never can prove the black buget programs because the're not even known by the president for example,...

or maby he doesn't know about project paperclip, chatter, mkultra,...

maby he should take a look at us patent:nr: 4.858.612
date of patent: aug. 22. 1989.

it certainly would state that he's not aware of his state where he's in,...

if he does however,...then how can we be shure he's not here to spread his dismissions on this forum,...maby he even get's paid for doing so,...that's what I'm saying,...

how can we trust him?
Project Paperclip had nothing to do with UFOs and aliens. It was the Allies' end of WW2 programme of adopting ex-NAZY Germany scientists. For example, the father of NASA, Werner Von Braun, was a NAZI rocket scientist who was brought over to the USA. Well, Braun may not have been a NAZI, but he was forced to work for them. At the end of the war, the major Allied nations took as many of the German scientists as they could. That's all Paperclip was.

MK-Ultra was a CIA project involving chemicals which affected the mind. They did things such as spike university water supplies with LSD just to see what would happen.

I understand your 'splitting things up' but a book is full of pages,...
you have to read history likewise,...:

It's all connected,...

+ there's a lot more to these projects then 'just' a mere 'few' experiments.

here's an intresting site
and another one
this one is in german language
another one
verry interesting this one by Dr.Helmut Lammer
and if you want to know what some of the effects where then read this one
Dr.José Delgado has something to say also,..

wouldn't you abuse this knowledge if it came available for a broad public as a toy?
Last edited:

<i>There's a big Block in your mind,which you arent willing to take out,only you can help yourself.</i>

Is that a pot calling a kettle black I see before me? I think so.

It is funny how true believers always get defensive when you ask for reasonable supporting evidence for outrageous claims. Then, if you keep pushing, they eventually give up, as you are doing. What they <b>never</b> do is to sit down and critically examine their beliefs to see if they are anything better than a faith based on stories.

Wouldn't you rather live in the real world than in a story book world?

Come to think of it, probably not, because wishful thinking is the dominant mode of thought for some people. Wouldn't it be great if we all had psychic powers? Wouldn't it be nice if aliens came to visit you? Wouldn't you feel special? Of course you would. But that doesn't make any of these things real. The world doesn't care what you wish for.
You are acting like a fellow who thinks he has won a match because of his skills,not because the oponent chose to loose.;)Arent you throwing a party at KFC?

You dont have the knowhow,so i found this discussion useless.And like i said I passed the stage when i was a skeptic to the core,you are passing through it right now,you"ll come to terms...

Originally posted by James R

If you don't know exactly what it was, how do you know it was a tracking device?

Because,Antony Boas after that after that implant was tracked by them each time he went to a new place.
the components of the device arent known...

Originally posted by James R

Wouldn't you rather live in the real world than in a story book world?

How can you prove that right now you"re not inside a designed computer simulation?

As Chagur says,Take care.:cool:

<i>You are acting like a fellow who thinks he has won a match because of his skills,not because the oponent chose to loose.</i>

I'm not trying to "win" here. I'm trying to make you start thinking.

<i>You dont have the knowhow,so i found this discussion useless.</i>

What qualifies you to judge my knowhow?

<i>Because,Antony Boas after that after that implant was tracked by them each time he went to a new place.</i>

In other words, another anecdote.

<i>the components of the device arent known... </i>

Precisely why we should assume, without further evidence, that it was a fake or a story.

<i>How can you prove that right now you"re not inside a designed computer simulation?</i>

I can't. But if I am there's still no evidence that aliens exist in this simulation. :)