UFOS Exists!! Proof from FBI!!


Your title is very misleading. Did you read anything from the links you posted? I didn't think so.

What you've amassed is little more than reports documenting UFO sightings. Big deal.

You're quite the sensationalist.
That's already a great thing!
They are reveiling those documents that UFOs exist!
You are talking like that just because it proves you completly wrong...


They are reveiling those documents that UFOs exist!

No, they have documented reports from people who allegedly saw a UFO. Big difference.
Nelson: Remember what the 'U' stands for?

Your documents only prove what I can say myself - that people occasionally see unidentified flying objects.

They do not prove that UFOs are alien craft.
Yeah... but they are reveiling some documents now...

Later, we will probably see their best documents and even photos!!

That, if they accept the disclosure...

There are no aliens. What you saw was swamp gas reflecting lights from the highway...
No, it was the highway reflecting light from the swamp.

Nelson, they've been releasing documents on UFO sightings since the FOI was passed. Not a one has proven to be unexplainable.
I was on the surface radar plot one night and saw an intermittent contact several milse away, couldn't get a firm signal on it. The officer of the watch was passing by and I said "Look, Sir, a UFO." He said "No, that would have to be Flying." I said "No, an Unidentified Floating Object." Silly.
Say, what do you call an agnostic in a bar fight?

An unidentified flying object!

Geddit! Geddit!? His beliefs are unidentified, and he's being thrown around and....oh hell, I should sleep.
That's almost as pathetic as my jokes. :p

Once on the quarterdeck a petti officer asked us how many roses were on board. After some harrumphing from everyone he said "Only two types. The compass roses on the charts and the shower roses." I said "NO, PO, there's another one." He looked like he was expecting me to be a smart-arse, said "Well, what is it then?" I said "Fire 'ose." See, I thought it was really simple and dumb. But he cracked up laughing for a good few minutes.
Yeah, you haven't heard the one with the dyslexic insommniac agnostic!

Or the one where there are two physicists, and one asks

"Is that a tau neutrino in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" and the other replies "it is a hadron"

Right, I had better stop before Nelson starts throwing tomatos. :D
Originally posted by Xev
No, it was the highway reflecting light from the swamp.

Nelson, they've been releasing documents on UFO sightings since the FOI was passed. Not a one has proven to be unexplainable.

wow! you"re Dana Scully from FBI ist it?;)
yet i fail to understand why the British and American intelligence failed to identify about 20% of the sightings
Hadron, funny. :p

An Englishman, a Jew, and an Irishman walk into a bar. The barman says "What is this, a joke?"
Is there some reason why the reports from the first link are negative images? It makes them hard to read. Is there any easy way to view the positive images instead?
I think the only evidence that can come close to looking for anamolies will be the radar images that calculates a large object travelling at supersonic speed and it does not belong to us, russians or chinese....

Do we have such documents?
Radar Capturing of a UFO?
Yes,indeed and many.
one of them was in Belgium which gained world wide attention.the object tracked on RADAR defied all the charracterstics of a conventional aircraft,it was Triangular shaped UFO.the example (official press release) states that the object accelerated to such high speeds that would be impossible for Humans to tolerate.

BTW i have video too and RADAR capturing is also shown.

do you have tht on computer.or do you have a link on i-net where to get tht video.:)
I think, that is what we should discuss - whether it is a man made experimental pilotless device or an actual extraterrestial phenomena....