UFO study finds no sign of aliens

manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Novacane, Im fairly sure aliens exist, but I'm also fairly sure that the likely hood of them being intelligent is very low. Even less likely, intelligent creatures finding our earth, even less likely them coming to it. Our galaxy alone has over 100 billion stars in it, and the average distance between each one is several light years...

On the otherhand, if indeed these flying machines I have SEEN are real, I see that humanity is the most likely source.

Why would a bunch of advanced aliens risk their lives and their space ship to come here anyway? As soon as they landed (especially in the U.S.A., Russia or China), they can forget about going back to their home planet. It's would be a one way trip for them. Now on the other hand, if they visited 80 million years ago or so, the only thing they would have had to worry about was the pesky dinosaurs instead of the technology hungry, war mongering humans. :D
Then again, there are many other possible reasons "they" are here. Personaly I find the bible to give the most plausable reason for "who, what, and why, THEY" are here.
Of course we aren't.

I mean they aren't.

I mean...nothing to see here, move along.
This wizard phenomenon of flying in the sky had been witnessed and written about long before we humans had any technology. Groups of men with advanced technology, where they derived the technology from, is a mote point since the technology was acknowledged long before we humans acquired a level of technology, so we can comprehend.
Since your analogy is wizard and technology, don’t miss the grand technology/wizard book of all time, the Bible; make sure it includes the Second Book of Esdras since the questions asked of Ezra are all technological questions. Like so called wizard books, the Bible requires a few keys to unlock it, the right attitude, knowledge of science, and knowledge of technology. With those keys it becomes the True Book of Wisdom; who, what and why we humans are here and who, what and why they are here.
If you lizard men would stay out the discussion we might get some answers. Damn aliens - always confusing the issue. :D
This wizard phenomenon of flying in the sky had been witnessed and written about long before we humans had any technology.
Witnessed? Speculated about certainly, it's a human characteristic - if I could fly like bird, swim like a fish...
Groups of men with advanced technology, where they derived the technology from, is a mote point since the technology was acknowledged long before we humans acquired a level of technology, so we can comprehend.
The technology is not "acknowledged" it was "ascribed". By myth and story makers.
Since your analogy is wizard and technology, don’t miss the grand technology/wizard book of all time, the Bible; make sure it includes the Second Book of Esdras since the questions asked of Ezra are all technological questions.
Technology in the bible? Only if you read it as such... it's so open to interpretation. Who mentioned wizards? PS just been through 2nd book of Esdras - not a mention of anyone called Ezra at all - so who's asking the questions of whom?
Like so called wizard books, the Bible requires a few keys to unlock it, the right attitude, knowledge of science, and knowledge of technology.
Attitude: gullibility? I have a reasonable knowledge of science and a very good one of technology. There are no "keys"
With those keys it becomes the True Book of Wisdom; who, what and why we humans are here and who, what and why they are here.
There is no proof "they" exist let alone that "they" are here, and the bible is a myth to explain things that weren't understood when it was written, hence it also does not explain why we are here.
Oli said:
If you lizard men would stay out the discussion we might get some answers. Damn aliens - always confusing the issue. :D

I already told you - we don't exist.

Now I suggest everyone move along to the "Star Trek vs. Star Wars" thread; I think Luke rocks and Puke-ard sucks and I dare anyone to disprove my synthesis in 2000 words or more. Go on, the lot of you; I have the IRS on speed-dial.
Your DNA bloodline is showing Oily.
Congratulations: possibly the most witty and wounding remark I've ever read on this forum...
(That was sarcasm. I thought I'd point that out since you obviously have comprehension problems if that was the riposte to my questions above).
Oily, you are a liar; the very first mention of the prophet’s name is in the first sentence of the Second Book of Esdras.
Your reasonable knowledge must not be sufficient or lacking comprehension, a linear trait. A similar trait/quality as displayed by the deceiving authors of UFO studies finding no EBE’s evidence. Very apparent why you are here.
Can you explain, in passably convincing terms, why we should pay the slightest heed to your unsubstantiated, infantile, paranoid delusions? You do realise, don't you, that it is nutters such as yourself that prevent UFOs being afforded any kind of serious consideration. Indeed, the effect is so pronounced that if the government did wish to obfuscate matters they would establish puppets such as yourself. [Do they pay well?]
Ophiolite said:
the government did wish to obfuscate matters they would establish puppets such as yourself. [Do they pay well?]

I am not sure whose post your responding to Ophiolite but one does not have to go very far to observe this obfuscation of matters, even look at the USA Air Force commissioned report like the "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects" by Dr. Edward U. Condon, 1968-69 and Oily most likely gets paid sufficiently for his efforts.
Oily, you are a liar; the very first mention of the prophet’s name is in the first sentence of the Second Book of Esdras.
Okay: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/apo/es2001.htm

1:1 The second book of the prophet Esdras, the son of Saraias, the son of Azarias, the son of Helchias, the son of Sadamias, the sou of Sadoc, the son of Achitob,
1:2 The son of Achias, the son of Phinees, the son of Heli, the son of Amarias, the son of Aziei, the son of Marimoth, the son of And he spake unto the of Borith, the son of Abisei, the son of Phinees, the son of Eleazar,
Where does it say EZRA in either of those sentences? Halfwit.
Your reasonable knowledge must not be sufficient or lacking comprehension
I didn't claim knowledge: I said I'd just been through it. And no comprehension is needed when the word I'm looking for isn't there.
one does not have to go very far to observe this obfuscation of matters, even look at the USA Air Force commissioned report like the "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects" by Dr. Edward U. Condon, 1968-69
You mean it's obfuscation because you don't agree with it? Someone who had all the resources he wanted at his disposal, and copies of all the reports plus the benefit of scientific training? And it's obfuscation because you have an unsubstantiated "theory" that depends on woo-wooism... smart.
Oily most likely gets paid sufficiently for his efforts.
I don't get paid at all - I do this because I dislike stupidity.
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What the hell is FieryIce on about? Anyone care to "illuminate" a poor lizard?
, , , chuckles. Soon all we will have to do to rattle their cages is to stamp our feet on the ground over their heads. FOCLMAO
FieryIce is a puppet of Craterchains(Norval.
and strangely one which "contributes" more than Norval itself.... :D
The sock seems to be able to do more than chuckle, make inane remarks and fall off its chair.
Oily, the several different translations I have on my book shelf spell the prophet's name EZRA so better luck next time with your deception.

On another shelf I have an interesting book by David Saunders and Roger Harkins about the Condon Committee report.

Mr. Rodent, tis tis, you know I am no ones sock puppet, nor do I kiss anyone's ass or bend over.