UFO study finds no sign of aliens

Its the most illogical thing to assume that creatures dropped us off on earth millions of years ago, personally, I go with Darwin.

You guys all know damn well that aliens have never come to earth, if it weren't for your damned Sci-Fi channel, you'd think any flying machine seen in the sky would naturally be manmade. Right?
You guys all know damn well that aliens have never come to earth
You can't possibly know that. They may have come sometime in the past 4.6 billion years, landed, took samples and flew away. No trace of that would be left.
phlogistician said:
Am I an alien conspirator now Norv? Fear my tentacly appendages! I'm coming to get YOU. 'Klaatu! Klaatu!'
Oh crap, it's the Shikima. I had better call Miko mido.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
It cannot be proven either way, so the debate is dead.
It can not, therefore you have no authority or right to say that aliens have not visited Earth, you don't know that, as well as others.
Oli said:
And the extra payload capacity is taken by the heavier computers. If you scale up then yes you have more payload (but still only proportionally).
So what? That gets you into orbit, or around the moon. If you want to move anywhere else you need another propulsion method (i.e. your warp drive or whatever). So how big are the ships? And it's always more cost-effective to miniaturise as much as possible to increase payload than to increase vehicle size. A larger vehicle/ vessel needs larger everything.... and it's a law of diminishing returns.

Hmm. Why not build the sucker in orbit? Gravity schmavity.
Hmm. Why not build the sucker in orbit? Gravity schmavity.
Hey what a great idea. Oh wait. How do we get the components up there? Big boosters or little boosters?
That gets you into orbit, or around the moon. If you want to move anywhere else you need another propulsion method
There's two problems in that bit: getting to orbit and moving out of it once you're in orbit... You still have the problem of diminishing returns whichever one you want to discuss.
Oli said:
Hey what a great idea. Oh wait. How do we get the components up there? Big boosters or little boosters?

I think we should use medium-sized boosters. Not too hot, and not too cold, and not too soft and not too hard; that's the ticket.

There's two problems in that bit: getting to orbit and moving out of it once you're in orbit... You still have the problem of diminishing returns whichever one you want to discuss.

Yes but they aren't diminished by having to get the whole rocket into orbit on its own merit first. A savings, relative to that rocket.
The same aliens who allegedly may have dropped us off millions of years ago also had to evolve.

From other aliens dropping them off perhaps?

And so on...
There's a science fiction book similar to that idea: uplift, they called it. Instead of seeding, however, one alien species or another would go about helping their candidates achieve sentience and spacetravel. Interesting.
Well, I wish that someone would come and straighten out the mess we are in before a lot more species have died. What humanity looks like right now is the result of an entire biosphere trying and failing to achieve real intelligence. What we have to do is to try to be smarter.
MetaKron said:
Well, I wish that someone would come and straighten out the mess we are in before a lot more species have died. What humanity looks like right now is the result of an entire biosphere trying and failing to achieve real intelligence. What we have to do is to try to be smarter.

Based on earth's waring history and now the current situation, I don't think that's possible. :D
craterchains (Norval said:
Denial, is not just a river. FOCLMAO

'Denial' isn't even a river. It is however part of a cliché. But then Norv, you prefer clichés, lies, and spurious bullshit over anything real or tangible, don't you?
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Its the most illogical thing to assume that creatures dropped us off on earth millions of years ago,
No. the most illogical thing is to make the claim you have without any substantiation.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
You guys all know damn well that aliens have never come to earth...
How would we know this? If there are a reasonable number of technological civilisations in the Galaxy, then Earth has likely been visited by aliens on several occasions. Work the arithmetic yourself, if you doubt this.
Have we been visited during the lifetime of humanity. Very unlikely, as the arithmetic will also demonstrate. The one caveat to that is if a visiting civilisation has left monitoring devices that would be triggered by observation of the emergence of a technological species. That may prompt a personal visit to check us out. However, we shouldn't expect an arrival for a century or two yet.
if it weren't for your damned Sci-Fi channel, you'd think any flying machine seen in the sky would naturally be manmade. Right?
Right. And if it weren't for that damned Sci Fi channel ancient people would have accepted the sun, thunder, plague etc. as man made and not looked for supernatural explanations. Right?
Of course it does. It shows that humans as a species assign non-human causes to things they don't understand. God or alien, same difference.
Sci Fi channel is not responsible for the belief that UFOs are from "somewhere else". If you'd read the "literature" on UFOs in history they've (for the very most part) always been ascribed to non-Earthly origins.
Seeing as how the universe has been around for approx. 14 billion years, I would think that some so-called alien life forms besides the planet earth, (intelligent and/or brainless) have come and gone. It's almost illogical to think otherwise. Now I could be wrong on this.
Novacane, Im fairly sure aliens exist, but I'm also fairly sure that the likely hood of them being intelligent is very low. Even less likely, intelligent creatures finding our earth, even less likely them coming to it. Our galaxy alone has over 100 billion stars in it, and the average distance between each one is several light years...

On the otherhand, if indeed these flying machines I have SEEN are real, I see that humanity is the most likely source.