UFO study finds no sign of aliens

Regardless of evidence or not, Norval and FieryIce are far superior in ambience.

Relax, more colourful people wil simply come and fill their place if FieryNorval leaves. there's no shortage of them. We aliens breed them in vats.
You call us bores? Norval and FieryIce are one-trick ponies - with nothing to back them up. Sure, they're amusing, but it soon palls.
leopold99 said:
the universe is a big place
it is impossible for me to believe that earth is the only planet with intelligent life

Intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe shouldn't really concern us that much outside of our own galaxy. Even if we determined there was intelligent life in another galaxy 50 million light years away, what are you/we going to do about it? Send them a message and then what? Wait another 100 million years or so for a reply? :D
Oli said:
You call us bores?
Well, I had to contrast a word with colorful. I was thinking of "greys" but I'm not in total agreement with Norval and FieryIce's proposition on that one. But now you'll never exactly why.

Seriously tho', evidence or not, Duendy, Norval, FieryIce, and several others who have gone missing, added a perspective that would otherwise not be possible here. And no need to sham under-appreciation for something you all enjoyed thoroughly—agreements or not, notwithstanding.
Well, I had to contrast a word with colorful. I was thinking of "greys"
You've seen a photo of me? Honest, my hair went this colour when I was 24! :D

Seriously tho', evidence or not, Duendy, Norval, FieryIce, and several others who have gone missing, added a perspective that would otherwise not be possible here
Certainly, one reason I post mainly in the pseudo science - I read everything available when I was younger and the subject still, as a design engineer, intrigues me, but seriously how can you have serious discussion on "alien tactics" for a war over a thousand years ago when you can't even convince people that those aliens exist :rolleyes: . Norval and FieryIce keep coming back. I sort of miss Duendy...
And no need to sham under-appreciation for something you all enjoyed thoroughly—agreements or not, notwithstanding.
Hey, I appreciate the viewpoint (no sham, no under-appreciation (generally) involved), but Norval and FI were literally one-trick ponies. The same topic, the same arguments, the same lack of evidence, the same insistence that any data that disagreed was "disniformation"...
Duendy at least used to bounce around from one weird idea to another, Illuminati, aliens (IIRC), government control, male dominance, drugs, UFOs...
SkinWalker said:
RTFA. It isn't asserting that "intelligent life" in the universe is limited to Earth. It's asserting that intelligent life on Earth is limited to indigenous species.

I'm not even sure if the 'study' has even determined if there is so-called 'intelligent' life forms down here on planet earth. Maybe dolphins and whales might be the exception. Humans? Doubtful.:D
If you were an alien (logically more advanced technologically and more intelegent) and came to this planet to check what kind of life we have. and found that the world is rulled by greedy power, we are still killing ourselves. Would you just pop in and say; "hello earthlings I am from the planet X". This greedy power would kill you in that moment steal your much more advanced technology (I say much more advanced technology bacause they have been travelling around for a long time, and only now we are having the first steps) and dominate the world. So, you would keep it yourself and only to those ones which you knew spiritually more advanced.
I think, if anything, then a Babylon 5 type universe/galaxy is the most likely.
There is no real reason to think that those aliens would be harmless, idealistic monks.
Meantime said:
Regardless of evidence or not, Norval and FieryIce are far superior in ambience.
If you are attracted to people who make spectacles of themselves, rather than the spectacular;
If you confuse thinking without discipline with having an open mind;
If you believe that wanting something to be true is the same as it being true;
If you think stupidity is colourful;
If you cannot see the splendour in rigorous investigation of facts;
If you cannot appreciate the joy of the world we do know, and the excitement that lies at the edge of that knowledge;
If any, or all of these things are true, then you might well believe that Norval et al are colourful, and that the sceptics are bores.
You might.
But what a loss that would be.
cameras, radars, satellites, telescopes, microscopes, macros lenses, zoom lenses, space travel, telephones, televisions, radioscopes, eyes, noses, ears, touch, taste........

yet still there is no proof
when you find some let me know until then i'll be wondering at the complexity and cleverness of snail spit and gekko feet
sniffy said:
cameras, radars, satellites, telescopes, microscopes, macros lenses, zoom lenses, space travel, telephones, televisions, radioscopes, eyes, noses, ears, touch, taste........

yet still there is no proof
when you find some let me know until then i'll be wondering at the complexity and cleverness of snail spit and gekko feet

Yet there is no real 'confirmed' proof of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and it's probably safe to say that intelligent life is even rarer on planet Earth and nonexistant in the White House. :D
Avatar said:
I think, if anything, then a Babylon 5 type universe/galaxy is the most likely.
There is no real reason to think that those aliens would be harmless, idealistic monks.

Looking at some of the discoveries made in the 20th century and how they have effected technology as a whole, you could suggest any alien entities only growth for space exploration will probably be down to war and conflict not spiritual enlightenment.