Torture and Atheist Morality

Atheists continuously insist that they have a sense of Morality. Well, yes, a sense. They remember the difference between good and evil. However, there is nothing outside of law and peer pressure that could enforce this sense of morality into any action that could inconvenience an Atheist.
Bullshit. Since atheists are not deceived and distracted by fairytales about an afterlife and imaginary beings rewarding us for good intentions, we know that the only thing that keeps us from descending into the abysmal life of our Mesolithic ancestors is civilization. Civilization works only because we make it work and we make it work by following the rules we've spent twelve thousand years developing. Not because somebody will punish us for violating them, but because we are pack-social animals by instinct and we want the pack to thrive. We all have our weak moments of anger and selfishness and irresponsibility (and perhaps intoxication), but most people, most of the time, do what it takes to keep civilization running more or less smoothly, because it is in their own self-interest and in the interest of their pack-mates.

One of those rules is that we don't use violence against each other because if we did, we'd all have to divert so much of our attention and other resources to protecting ourselves against each other that civilization would grind to a halt.

We're allowed to use violence in self-defense against someone else who lost his connection to civilization and initiated violence first, but that's a last resort.

Wars start because deep down inside we are indeed still a pack-social species rather than herd-social. We've learned to override that instinct and build ever-larger packs, learning to live in harmony and cooperation with strangers. But every now and then our pack-social instinct overcomes us.

The reason I'm taking this odd twist of reasoning is that the O.P. obviously was intended to indict atheism as a force that works to the detriment of civilization, when in fact it is religion that does so. Particularly the monotheistic religions of Abraham. These religions reinforce mankind's tribal instinct. Regardless of the messages of peace and brotherhood and tolerance attributed to their prophets, in practice the followers of Christianity, Judaism and Islam invariably divide the world into "us" and "them" along religious lines. Frequently they can't even maintain a sense of community within their own sect, but divide into "Catholic" and "Protestant" tribes or "Orthodox" and "Reform" tribes or "Sunni" and "Shiite" tribes which then set about murdering each other (or in the case of the Jews tossing rocks at ambulances that have the nerve to operate on the Sabbath).

So if you want to talk about torture, it's Christians torturing Muslims. It's okay! They're from the enemy tribe!
. . . . and it is a little known fact that nearly every ‘Concentration Camp’ started out as Food Rationing Centers, and those who starved there were not killed by Adolf Hitler but by the American and the British Food Embargos.
Leo, that is not just an extraordinary assertion but an outrageous and hateful one. It is a textbook example of trolling, which is a violation of the rules of SciForums. If you ever say anything this mean-spirited again I will personally initiate the process of banning you permanently. If you wish to defend yourself against this accusation then, in accordance with the scientific method, you are hereby challenged to provide EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE for this extraordinary claim. Not just some crap from a racist crackpot Holocaust-denialism website but some REAL SCIENCE. Pending that satisfaction of the requirements of science, you may not pursue this line of discourse on this thread or any other, or it will be treated as trolling.
You can lie all you want to about that but we all know today that there were manufacturing plants in both of those cities and were military targets because of those manufacturing plants that help supply the Japanese war effort. For you to state this blatant lie only shows your ignorance of what the truth is.
Well hang on there dude. Yes, Hiroshima and Nagasaki had factories that supplied the war effort, but they were not prime military targets. The Americans realized that the Japanese sense of honor would never allow them to surrender, that we would have to invade the country and occupy it and they would still keep fighting until the last six-year-old girl was gunned down while charging a battalion of Marines with her dead daddy's samurai sword. This would result in something like seventy million Japanese casualties, several million American casualties, and the obliteration of an ancient culture. We decided that we had to prove to the Japanese that they were fighting an enemy without honor, so we vaporized a couple of hundred thousand civilians who had no reason to expect an attack and never got to look at their enemy's face. It worked. A shaken Japan quickly surrendered to the Western devil with no honor. I'm not saying this because I agree with the American reasoning, I think smarter leaders could have figured out a better way. But this was the reasoning. It was not a military decision, it was psychological. It was in fact terrorism: we "terrorized" the Japanese people into supporting a policy they did not approve of, by killing their civilians. That is exactly what terrorism is. One of the most unfortunate things about the nuclear attacks on Japan is that they succeeded. Every terrorist dirtbag on earth knows that American terrorism against Japan worked, so they think there's a chance that their terrorist attacks will accomplish their goals.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences. It bites you in the butt every single time.
Self interest is an over riding concern in most humans, atheism just makes it easier and guiltless.
You discount the pack-social instinct. Everyone has loved ones. Everyone cares about their welfare. Civilization exerts pressure on us to increase the number of people we consider loved ones, so that we care about the people on the other side of the planet who are no more than abstractions. Abrahamic religion does precisely the opposite. It encourages us to regard those people as a rival pack, an enemy tribe, of infidels, heathens, ragheads, great Satans, whatever... so it's okay not to care about them.

That, in a nutshell, is why I despise Abrahamism. It works against civilization. It is something we simply have to outgrow before the tribal instincts it reinforces destroy us.
I think Fraggle you'll find community and family feeling is next to nil in secular societies. Personally I will tell you there is a massive difference between what I have seen in the Middle East and the United States. The notion of family and community itself is completely different, in the US it is every man for himself, in the ME, notwithstanding some weird dictators, they have tremendous social support systems.
sam your discounting the fact that the US is brought up in a sociaty that ONLY values indervidual greed. Try Australia and the UK where we value social good over religion
Sam i could say the same about theists bombing bail but i wont. why? because i am inteligent enough to know there is more to it than that.

So your really tying my hands, either i become an anti islamic prick or i debate base on honesty while YOU throw in straw men

Oh and we havent "bombed" anyone, we dont have the airforce deployed apart from a couple of refuling planes
Sam i could say the same about theists bombing bail but i wont. why? because i am inteligent enough to know there is more to it than that.

So your really tying my hands, either i become an anti islamic prick or i debate base on honesty while YOU throw in straw men

Maybe I am not being clear. For example, while this is typical behaviour in the Middle East, it would be extremely unusual in Australia. The concept of morality is utterly different.

Oh and we havent "bombed" anyone, we dont have the airforce deployed apart from a couple of refuling planes

And what is the moral basis of Australian involvement in the Iraq war?

Is there one? What is the social good at stake there?
well the social good would proably howard's US citizanship sam.

Dont blame me for that decision, when i wrote to my local member to complain i was told "sorry, i think what the PM is doing is the right thing", when i marched in the street the only good that came out of it was that was that i saw Peter Garrot perform live and got to lission to Brian Brown (one of my favorate politions). Also howard lost his seat and the goverment both over this and other issues. I NEVER voted for the liberal party, (infact i dont even vote labor, i vote democrat), i write to my politions and i demonstate in the street against there actions if i dissagree with them. What more would you like me to do? If you send me a sniper rifle i could kill tony abbot for you??
well the social good would proably howard's US citizanship sam.

Dont blame me for that decision, when i wrote to my local member to complain i was told "sorry, i think what the PM is doing is the right thing", when i marched in the street the only good that came out of it was that was that i saw Peter Garrot perform live and got to lission to Brian Brown (one of my favorate politions). Also howard lost his seat and the goverment both over this and other issues. I NEVER voted for the liberal party, (infact i dont even vote labor, i vote democrat), i write to my politions and i demonstate in the street against there actions if i dissagree with them. What more would you like me to do? If you send me a sniper rifle i could kill tony abbot for you??

Hmm you could adopt an Iraqi. That would actually contribute to social good.

What I'm saying is that the individual Australian soldiers are not slaves of Howard. But they have no compunction about getting involved in a war that has absolutely nothing to do with them. Thats as much tribalism as anything else.
I think Fraggle you'll find community and family feeling is next to nil in secular societies. Personally I will tell you there is a massive difference between what I have seen in the Middle East and the United States.
I've lived in the United States for 64 years. Why are you lecturing me about my own country??? What you're observing is a different scope of community and family feeling. This is the inevitable result of our expansion from a pack-social species to a herd-social species. We may not have quite the same suffocating, cloying devotion to the family we had the good or bad luck to be born into, but we understand that the people in Germany, Japan, the USSR, China, Korea, Vietnam and now Iraq are our brothers too! No, we don't spend our days and nights wallowing in the affections of our parents and neighbors, but the up-side of that is that we don't tolerate the idea that it's okay to bomb the crap out of Iraq because they're not our parents and neighbors.
The notion of family and community itself is completely different
Yes it is. Over there the people on the other side of the planet are the Great Satan. Over here, the people on the other side of the planet are members of the same "family and community" as we are.
In the US it is every man for himself, in the ME, notwithstanding some weird dictators, they have tremendous social support systems.
You will probably never understand Western society because of the perceptual fraction you were taught, but your children will if they're born here. You look around you and don't SEE the things that YOU value, that close-knit family thingie that drives Americans up the wall. But you don't NOTICE the things that WE value, which is genuine concern for the whole human family. It's spread over more people, more by eight orders of magnitude, so of course it's highly dissipated. We're not conscious of it at every moment and some people manage to go their whole lives without having it enter their mind. But on the balance, we do care greatly about world civilization. The misguided attempt to impose democracy on Iraq, for example, was not launched by our treasonous leaders out of any love for the Iraqi people on their part, but the shrinking minority of Americans who think it's a good idea think so because they really believe it will make life better for our brothers, the Iraqis.

We all instinctively know that if the world becomes intertwined into one big global economic and political entity, with everyone caring for and depending on everyone else in one giant pack/tribe/herd, there can be no more war. What many of us don't understand is that this will never happen so long as Abrahamism remains a powerful counterforce dragging us back into tribalism.
You will probably never understand Western society because of the perceptual fraction you were taught, but your children will if they're born here. You look around you and don't SEE the things that YOU value, that close-knit family thingie that drives Americans up the wall. But you don't NOTICE the things that WE value, which is genuine concern for the whole human family.

No, we don't spend our days and nights wallowing in the affections of our parents and neighbors, but the up-side of that is that we don't tolerate the idea that it's okay to bomb the crap out of Iraq because they're not our parents and neighbors.

Thats all just theory isn't it?

After all, the US is currently occupying two countries while supplying 50% of the worlds arms. It does not recognise several UN resolutions covering basic human rights or the jurisdiction of the ICC.

The US also uses trade practices that bankrupt third world farmers while subsidising its own and uses military force to avoid accountability for its actions. All this while supporting dictators, using death squads to destabilise elected governments and enabling conflicts in countries that hold resources.

Also, while not all these practices are endemic to all secular countries, the trade practices and supply of arms as well as support for suppressing different cultures is.

How does anything that you said jibe with all of the above?

Plus if your own family and community is cloying and suffocating how do you view the world? Is community feeling something you can tolerate only because it is abstract and distant and requires nothing more than a warm glow? Is the love and charity inversely proportional to the distance?

And btw, you are bombing the crap out of Iraq. And Afghanistan. Five years for one, seven for the other.

As for the Great Satan?
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Thats all just theory isn't it?

After all, the US is currently occupying two countries while supplying 50% of the worlds arms. It does not recognise several UN resolutions covering basic human rights or the jurisdiction of the ICC.

The US also uses trade practices that bankrupt third world farmers while subsidising its own and uses military force to avoid accountability for its actions. All this while supporting dictators, using death squads to destabilise elected governments and enabling conflicts in countries that hold resources.

How does anything that you said jibe with all of the above?

another I HATE the US post? you got anytime for living with all that hate?
another I HATE the US post? you got anytime for living with all that hate?

Its not hate to attempt to understand the dissonance between what people say and what they do.

e.g. this incident was completely ignored by the secular world, which is largely the cause of it.

Many of us remember the crucial failure of the WTO's Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancun, Mexico in 2003. It was on this day that Lee Kyung Hae, leader of the Korean Federation of Advanced Farmers, discovered that his loudest voice was in death.

Wearing a sandwich board that read, "The WTO kills farmers!"- Lee took a knife and stabbed himself in the chest. His death was ignored by the WTO and the mainstream media. Given the lack of attention, many argue that his violent end was in vain. Sadly, his dishonored death is one of thousands being ignored by corporate mainstream media.

In 2003, 17,107 farmers committed suicide. In the last few years, the number of documented suicides in India's rural areas has skyrocketed. These suicides have become so commonplace that they are mystifying a nation and polarizing the debate over biotechnology.

So when I hear things like, "Koreans are our brothers", all I can say is that you must have strange family values.
Oh no, but I wonder how they define secularism and morality. Indeed I do. And I would very much like to have someone explain it to me.

i dont believe you. i do think you hate and despise the west, particularly israel and Israelis. and jews.
i dont believe you. i do think you hate and despise the west, particularly israel and Israelis. and jews.

Why? Is it unwestern to question what you see? Should I just be watching faux snooze instead?
you dont question, you feel hatred, and maybe others dont notice it but i do.

So questioning why 17,000 plus farmers are committing suicide due to trade practices that favor first world farmers is an indication of hatred?:confused:

I hear the words bandied about, but the evidence does not support the assertion.