ToR starts BRILLIANT dream analysis site

Theoryofrelativity said:
It is another stress relieving diversionary tactic. But at the same time, people do enjoy what I do. So it is mutually beneficial and no one is being misled or ripped off.

Is that how you rationalize it? You're first mistake is assuming that those you lead on have all benefitted, while your second mistake is trying to convince anyone you're not misleading people.

As Tab stated, this is fun and interesting and is helpful for people mithering about their dreams.

Then, you shouldn't demand money but instead accept offered donations. If you're as good as you claim, you probably need not worry about getting money to pay for your site.

I analysed a dream recently for a lady who had a reoccurring dream for 6 yrs, this dream was mithering her so despite being skeptical she requested my service. She was pleased with the results and for now at least this is one less thing she now has to worry about.

I saved a mans life, should I also demand payment?

Tab is also correct in that it is not magic. Far from it.

I was wondering when you were going to get around to mentioning that, because there is a huge difference between what you do and what has actually been done in the field of dream analysis under rigorous conditions.

More on that later.

I could explain every aspect of what I am able to interpret and where my answers come from even though apparantly unrelated to the actual dream.

I'm sure you could, but it is the credibility of your explanation that would be suspect.

I am not psychic , but I am highly intuitive and largely this intuition is based on life long study of human behaviour, psychology etc. So what I get a 'feeling' for does in fact have a root in knowledge, so again nothing a paranormal or spooky.

Psychology? What university did you attend? What exactly are your credentials? Will we find that the root of your knowledge is mostly guesswork?

Initially when I look at a dream sequence I do consider what I 'feel' the dream represents, then I go through each dream element individually and look at what those dream elements represent singuarly. I then combine them as a whole with my initial feeling to try to piece a picture together that is valid.

In other words, a whole lotta goobledegook and guesswork.

I take a big risk of failure when I come up with a reply that has no apparant bearing on the dream, but I do so now with confidence based on the fact that I do seem to have a high level of accuracy. More so than others who do the same thing.

They're called hits and misses, the results of guesswork.

Bear in mind I ask for NO personal details re dreamers life before I analyse, ALL other dream interepreters do. Thus I do not manufacture a reply that I KNOW will fit into their life.

Therein lies the problem, you know nothing about the people you "analyze", completely contrary to the detailed knowledge of the subjects required for credible dream analysis.

I have studied psychology for 20yrs and am a qualified stress consutlant and character analyst, (letters MASC AMANF after my name) all this combined with my natural intuitive ability aids me in doing a darn good job at interepretting dreams.

Ah yes, the "credentials."

Stress Consultant = a single 40 hour course costing a few hundred bucks from a new age woo-woo school.
Character analyst = ???
MASC AMANF = Member of the Association of Stress Consultancy - Adept in Mantic Arts of the New Age Foundation. In other words, a bonafide woo-woo.

So, from a course offered on the back of a new age magazine, you consider yourself qualified to perform analytical studies of the mind?

I have also worked with people for over 20yrs and in the health industry so know a lot about people in general.

Ah, the rigor of changing bedpans. Sorry, that still does not put you into the same league as a psychologist, even though you really, really, really want to believe it does.

I could if I met you tell much about you from the way you walk, your posture, your dress sense, your speech pattern, your choice of lunch. It would appear to a untrained individual as magic but is just a life time of observation and study.

But to the trained eye, it's guesswork.

Just because you do not understand the process does not mean you can call it 'magic'.

I too could learn the "process" by simply dropping a few hundred measly dollars at the local new age woo-woo establishment, then, I could have the same "credentials" as you. Picture it, if you will...


Just because you cannot afford £2.99 for a sandwich does not mean you can accuse me of swindling people out of their money as this cost is so minimal it is laughable for you even to suggest such a thing. You Phlo, Q and leo all demonstrate ignorance and a vindictive streak that demonstrates the failure that is your life.

You're peddling snakeoil, that's the bottom line, no matter how many spins you wish to doctor, it's still charlatanism and carpetbagging.
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There was a young man named Q who was friendless and alone.

As a child his parents regretted him, his siblings failed to notice him and he grew up feeling bitter and miserable and angry at the world for his loveless life. Thus it came to pass that every time he detected someone who appeared to possess that which he lacked..a happy disposition he sought eagerly and enthusiastically to break their spirit and make them feel as low and miserable as he did. He attempted to humiliate, ridicule and betray. But in doing so he revealed the depths of dispair and loneliness that are like a virus affecting his life for eternity with no release. Unsuccessful in everything he ever tried to do, he continues with this misery making as his sole ambition and mission. As it is such an unworthy cause he will never win that which in his heart he really seeks, acceptance, friendship and love. The respect is an impossible dream and the others too unless he alters his mean vindictive ways which are so plain that in life he is ignored and and on forums he is merely tolerated. Though there are those like him that share his traits and they band together to make the weakness that unites them a tiny bit stronger.

Such a sad storyyyyyyyyyy

His posts lack humour, common sense, value and any understanding of the human condition. he is empty vacuous a big black void.

:) have a nice day
ToR, when you start such Ad Hom attacks, it shows just how undone you are. Your 'qualifications' are new age bullshit. I really don't know why you mentioned them, because you should have known they weren't going to stand scrutiny.

You are a classic woowoo, not that clever, but have a need for self aggrandisement, so get into new age rubbish which has no pass mark.

But you fail to meet the grade when you try and convince us.
I am not convincing you of anything Phlo, never have :) Just keeping the publicity machine going and as usual your help is appreciated :)

lemon really is not your colour
It's BAD PUBLICITY though isn't it ToR? I hit your site once, and all I am saying here is that you are a woowoo with worthless credentials. It's far from an endorsement.
phlogistician said:
It's BAD PUBLICITY though isn't it ToR? I hit your site once, and all I am saying here is that you are a woowoo with worthless credentials. It's far from an endorsement.

No such thing as bad publicity Phlo, if you knew anything about business you'd know that. At the end of the day I can demonstrate what I can do. What can you do except moan and whine and help me promote my website by doing so :)

meanwhile what are worthy credentials in field of dream analysis Phlo? Are you now accepting that there is a process by which dreams can be analysed after all? A scientific method by which you can can gain a highly recognised qualification. Do tell me more?
Again ToR you try and put words in my mouth and fail miserably. I say you have worthless credentials, which in no way implies that there are worthwhile ones in the field to be had. You really suck at debate, you know that? You must try harder.

I do know about business ToR, and you don't have one. You have a hobby.
phlogistician said:
Again ToR you try and put words in my mouth and fail miserably. I say you have worthless credentials, which in no way implies that there are worthwhile ones in the field to be had. You really suck at debate, you know that? You must try harder.

I do know about business ToR, and you don't have one. You have a hobby.

I'm not debating you Phlo, I'm responding in kind to your brainless little ramblings.

Have you looked under the bed yet?
Oh and I do have a business, I don't work in it and it has zippo to do with dream analysis, and everything to do with what every member of sci forums uses probably daily. INK. Dull eh? Now dreams are so much more fun than talking about ink, don't you thINK?
Theoryofrelativity said:
re Q, blah blah blah blah

Change your underpants you dirty boy!

Such a well thought out, mature response from one who claims to have studied psychology for 20 years.

Did they teach you to lie at the new age woo-woo school or did you learn to do that on your own as "a qualified stress consutlant and character analyst, (letters MASC AMANF after my name) all this combined with my natural intuitive ability."

Do you actually put all those letters after your name?
A sci forum woo woo who has had 264 hits to the website in some 3-4 days without advertising or being in a search engine. You just don't get it do you and this is supposed to be an intelligent forum..........geeze no wonder I got bored ...
Theoryofrelativity said:
A sci forum woo woo who has had 264 hits to the website in some 3-4 days without advertising or being in a search engine. You just don't get it do you and this is supposed to be an intelligent forum..........geeze no wonder I got bored ...

what good is having hits without anyone actually using the website, bit of a no-brainer really
thedevilsreject said:
what good is having hits without anyone actually using the website, bit of a no-brainer really

ah but it is being used...what made you think it wasn't? :rolleyes:

£2.99 isn't much for some resolution to a perpelxing dream. Not everyone has one but if they do, then it's not a lot to pay and if they don't well maybe they'll come back next time.

You know I do dream analysing here in Pm. Its confidential and free. My dreamers are not posting (except Tab) but that is their choice. It's a private thing and bearing in mind the fact they will be called 'loonies' I think Phlo said they were, it's no wonder really is it!

I am unconcerned about the flamers, they are helping promote the site whether they like it or not, and the site is serving it's purpose, it's not a get rich thing.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
Oh and I do have a business, I don't work in it and it has zippo to do with dream analysis, and everything to do with what every member of sci forums uses probably daily. INK. Dull eh? Now dreams are so much more fun than talking about ink, don't you thINK?

One would suspect from your specious claim of using ink that you're an author, but the fact is that you make greeting cards.

Can't get a job? Or hold one?
Theoryofrelativity said:
A sci forum woo woo who has had 264 hits to the website in some 3-4 days without advertising or being in a search engine. You just don't get it do you and this is supposed to be an intelligent forum..........geeze no wonder I got bored ...

Hits aren't cash. And I'll bet you haven't earned a cent yet.

It's no surprise intelligence bores you.
The cards are another hobby Q and there is NO ink involved..........maybe your eye sight is failing you too?

My business is in manufacturing and I will be selling my shares shortly so it is irrelevant. You are so silly Q.

Oh and good job you aren't a betting man.

Meanwhile I am bored now , the threads have served their purpose so I shall become invisible again, back to comments re Pm, shame you won't be privvy to them, I know how much fun you have stalking me. :)