ToR starts BRILLIANT dream analysis site

phlogistician said:
I come here to debunk bullshitters and peddlers of lies.

cos you're bored shitless

what no liars round where u are in real life......oh I see, not brave enough to confront them in real life hence you bring your miserable arse here....I see

:) keep bumping my thread....oh and hows Mav?
Thre was an old man name Phlo
who had now here else to go
So he hung round this room
bringing with him darkness and gloom
until ToR offered him her dream analysis service


oh as Q MODERATOR provided a linbk to another site, I don't really think we can call this spam now, unless Q as well as being liar and pagiarist is also adding 'spamming' to his list of attributes.

Theoryofrelativity said:
oh as Q MODERATOR provided a linbk to another site, I don't really think we can call this spam now, unless Q as well as being liar and pagiarist is also adding 'spamming' to his list of attributes.

It's called providing a source, another thing you have an obsession with me.

But it appears I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Oh fabulous, this is fun :)

Putting my trolls Q and Phlo to work for me...ooh and they aren't even getting paid! :)

Thanks for the bunk T, you genius you! :)

(oh and thanks Q and phlo...)
(Q) said:
But it appears I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

"DAmned" isn't that a religious reference Q? Going all theist on us. I always knew you were a closet theist. I bet late at night you go under the covers with a torch and your BIBLE and read till dawn. Eyes red raw, sweaty palms from turning the pages. Coooooooooooooooor, get you going does it Q, you can come out the closet now.

You know 'Q' in Star Trek are Gods, a little subconscious desire to connect with God Q by using this reference as your user name? I think so.

Tell me about your dreams Q, do you dream. Ah you do...of me. Sorry I'm not into Bible enthusiasts.

Have a nice dayyyy

Theoryofrelativity said:
Tell me about your dreams Q, do you dream. Ah you do...of me.

Theoryofrelativity said:
what no liars round where u are in real life......

It might surprise you, but in my real life, I am not confronted by people trying to tell me that 9/11 was perpetrated by the US govt and the Illuminati, or that the US govt are conspiring with Alien races, or that crop circles are secret messages, or that the earth is populated by the losers of some intergalactic battle.

Happens here though, so this is where I come to debunk that stuff.

oh I see, not brave enough to confront them in real life hence you bring your miserable arse here....I see

Quite the opposite, woowoos aren't brave enough to engage people in conversation face to face, especially if they fear the reaction of the person they are talking to. This is why they form little groups and societies, and churches, so they can seek out like minded people, and exclude those that would mock them. This is also why they feel safe and secure on a fairly anonymous web forum.

:) keep bumping my thread....

You might think that there's no such thing as bad publicity, but you'd be wrong.

oh and hows Mav?

I think you have mis-remembered some detail here, as I don't know a 'Mav'. If I did however, would this be some attempt to show that you have been collecting my personal revelations? And you accuse Q of being a stalker!
Oh by the way Phlo, apparantly some publicity is good publicity as I've had quite a few dreams forwarded to me for interpretation via the website, and the 'dreamers' are very happy with the anlayses I have provided.

I don't know if they are from sci forums as all details are confidential, and I don't ask for any personal information, but either way..I'm busy.

Never seen so many people gang up on one person to try to cut them down for following their ambitions...

Q instead of only attacking others ideas, why dont u come up with some of your own?
BSFilter said:

Never seen so many people gang up on one person to try to cut them down for following their ambitions...

Q instead of only attacking others ideas, why dont u come up with some of your own?

So, you would agree that peddling snakeoil is ok?

And if I were to come up with my own ideas, I wouldn't stoop to the bottom feeder level exhibited by ToR and I wouldn't post them here, that is considered spam.
ToR is not peddling snake oil; she is not using magic and she is not suggesting that what she does would enhance anyones life in any way. What ToR has provenly done for me at least, is to provide certain insights of things that may be going on in my real life, through certain dreams I've had. Her analysis veer towards the fairly to highly accurate and it is a credit to her that she can do this.

Why do it? Because it's fun and it's interesting. Some people are utterly perplexed by their dreams and some are frightened by them and it's great that someone could just give you little pointers about your own life situation that may explain the reasons you are having those dreams and perhaps with that knowledge you could change certain things to your advantage.

I always thought that the imagery and symbolism in dreams were unique to the individual and that any third party that purported to be able to analyse where those elements were coming from, would be a charlatan or a liar, Tor has proved that this is not the case and that there is something much deeper to the technique she uses.

I hope that her modest enterprise is successful and that through it she is able to learn more and then share her knowledge with others; and for money of course, why not?
you do realize tab that some people are highly perceptive

like for example the scenario where she described someone holding onto your ankles could be a sign that someone was holding you back from achieving your career goals. this is a common perception that almost everyone has. when she describes one of your dreams like that you say she is accruate.
get her to tell you something that only you would know. for example where you met your wife, where were you on the first date, your first dogs name, you get the idea. i agree with (Q).

on a personal basis like that you will find she is only 50% right, no better than chance.
leopold99 said:
you do realize tab that some people are highly perceptive

like for example the scenario where she described someone holding onto your ankles could be a sign that someone was holding you back from achieving your career goals. this is a common perception that almost everyone has. when she describes one of your dreams like that you say she is accruate.
get her to tell you something that only you would know. for example where you met your wife, where were you on the first date, your first dogs name, you get the idea. i agree with (Q).

on a personal basis like that you will find she is only 50% right, no better than chance.

Perceptive she may be, I'm not disputing that, but she is using techniques that she learnt in the past to interpret the images and symbolism to events pertaining to my life and which are/were bothering me.

I don't expect her to tell me my fortune or my luck or to tell me anything about my personal life that only I may know about; that would be unrealistic and far fetched.

In previous pm's with ToR, I described certain dreams I'd had and she came back with scenarios that were completely unrelated to the dreams imagery, but that were 90% on the mark.

I think many of the posters here have misinterpreted what she is capable of doing. She has clearly stated that she uses techniques based on symbolism, that it is in no way magic and contains no woo woo factors. And no, she can't walk on water (sic).

Give the lady a chance.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Oh by the way Phlo, apparantly some publicity is good publicity as I've had quite a few dreams forwarded to me for interpretation via the website, and the 'dreamers' are very happy with the anlayses I have provided.

I'm not surprised they are 'happy' ToR, as I doubt people that believe you can help are exactly discerning characters. You will always pick up losers and woowoos for clients, and those people probably deserve you. All I hope is that I can dissuade people on the cusp from making a decision to give you custom.

You probably think you are helping, but if these people have problems, there are qualified people out there who can actually help them, not just tell them what they want to hear.
BSFilter said:

Never seen so many people gang up on one person to try to cut them down for following their ambitions...

A bored housewife offering BS dream interpretation to random loons on the Internet for £2.99 a pop is an ambition?

I wonder is ToR refers to this scam as her 'business' to the ladies she lunches with. I wonder what the other trophy wives do to amuse themselves?
Thank you Tab for helping state my case.

Phlo, I am not a trophy wife (my ex is an ex) and this site is not going to make me rich, it won't keep me housed and my kids fed. It is another stress relieving diversionary tactic. But at the same time, people do enjoy what I do. So it is mutually beneficial and no one is being misled or ripped off.

As Tab stated, this is fun and interesting and is helpful for people mithering about their dreams.

I analysed a dream recently for a lady who had a reoccurring dream for 6 yrs, this dream was mithering her so despite being skeptical she requested my service. She was pleased with the results and for now at least this is one less thing she now has to worry about.

Tab is also correct in that it is not magic. Far from it.
I could explain every aspect of what I am able to interpret and where my answers come from even though apparantly unrelated to the actual dream.

I am not psychic , but I am highly intuitive and largely this intuition is based on life long study of human behaviour, psychology etc. So what I get a 'feeling' for does in fact have a root in knowledge, so again nothing a paranormal or spooky.

Initially when I look at a dream sequence I do consider what I 'feel' the dream represents, then I go through each dream element individually and look at what those dream elements represent singuarly. I then combine them as a whole with my initial feeling to try to piece a picture together that is valid.

I take a big risk of failure when I come up with a reply that has no apparant bearing on the dream, but I do so now with confidence based on the fact that I do seem to have a high level of accuracy. More so than others who do the same thing. Bear in mind I ask for NO personal details re dreamers life before I analyse, ALL other dream interepreters do. Thus I do not manufacture a reply that I KNOW will fit into their life.

I have studied psychology for 20yrs and am a qualified stress consutlant and character analyst, (letters MASC AMANF after my name) all this combined with my natural intuitive ability aids me in doing a darn good job at interepretting dreams.

I have also worked with people for over 20yrs and in the health industry so know a lot about people in general.

I could if I met you tell much about you from the way you walk, your posture, your dress sense, your speech pattern, your choice of lunch. It would appear to a untrained individual as magic but is just a life time of observation and study.

Just because you do not understand the process does not mean you can call it 'magic'.

Just because you cannot afford £2.99 for a sandwich does not mean you can accuse me of swindling people out of their money as this cost is so minimal it is laughable for you even to suggest such a thing. You Phlo, Q and leo all demonstrate ignorance and a vindictive streak that demonstrates the failure that is your life.
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