Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

yes or no, read the threat, and you'll know what's the question

  • yes

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
Oh, come on, you don't know how to use google? Her thesis is so volatile that it was suppressed until AFTER the election! Word.
"Blacks must join in solidarity to combat the white oppressor". Wake up.
Many of the paper's statements described Obama's world as seen through a race-based prism. The thesis ranted with anti-white, anti-government overtones. That's probably why she loves Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan so much. She lamented that white professors and classmates always saw her as “black first and a student second.” Boo freakin hoo.
I don't want to see what people said about the thesis.
I want to look at the thesis itself.

You said read the thesis.
I'd like to read it and see how much she hates whitey.

If the thesis is suppressed, what did you mean when you said "Read the thesis".
Israel is our dearest ally. The Bible commands us to honor her.

well, that explain how your presious bible command you to kill and to fund wars, hmm, interresting

Racism blacks, Hispanics, Muslims etc

hmm, you're racist too! you impressed me, what else do your bible tell you to do?
does it tell you to go to sciforums when it's 2010 and start going mad?

criminal aliens
oh, are they from the planet mars or from the planet Gelisa, oh oh, maybe from the moon!

We know who commits the most crime and fills our jails.

oh really? who then? aliens from the moon, or future-men who came from the future?

We will NEVER have peace


hmm, and doctors will never find the right pills for your problems and your deseise

just like you
well, that explain how your presious bible command you to kill and to fund're racist too! you impressed me, what else do your bible tell you to do?...does it tell you to go to sciforums when it's 2010 and start going mad? oh, are they from the planet mars or from the planet Gelisa, oh oh, maybe from the moon!oh really? who then? aliens from the moon, or future-men who came from the future? Voila! hmm, and doctors will never find the right pills for your problems and your deseise
just like you

We are fighting the war on terror against our enemies--Muslim terrorists.
I'm not mad. Your threats and personal attacks are annoying and exactly what I expected.
I don't want to see what people said about the thesis.
I want to look at the thesis itself.
You said read the thesis.
I'd like to read it and see how much she hates whitey.
If the thesis is suppressed, what did you mean when you said "Read the thesis".

Already posted the links. It was suppressed until AFTER the election. It is that volatile.:(
ok.ok!! why are you angry, and what a hell do i have to do about your life! why are you so angry, and agressive, It's not my problem that you have a miserebal life!!
Not angry, not miserable, very happy in fact.
so, if you are going to say how many kins of islam there's is or kinds, i say 2, sunni, and shia,
Then you would be wrong.
You don't seem to know an awful lot about your own religion, there are literally thousands of sects within sects within sects, in Islam.
In the third century Two of the twelver shia scholars after the hijra stated that there were at least 200, there are a many many more today,
right now the shia are devided into two main groups the Ikhbaris, and the Usoolis, and these are devided into numerous other sub sects such as (hanafi,( barelwi, deobandi)hanbali, maliki, shafi'l). (Alevi, Ismailiyah, Nizari, Bohras, Dawoodi Bohras, Sulamaini Bohras, Alavi Bohras, Zaiddiyah.) Sufis:( Bektashi, Chishti, Naqshbandi, Oveyssi, Qadiri, Suhrawardiyya.
)Kahrijites: ( Ibadi, Sufri.).Salafism Wahhabis, Ismailis, Zaidis, Fatimids, Nizari, Alawis, Druze, Baha'i, Zikri, Ahmadiyya.
To name just a small few.
Islam is just as diverse as Christianity in it's denominations.
You do need to study up on your subject and not go round with blinkers on, you seem to know nothing.
He's 16. He refuses to use SpellCheck. He personal attacks me/us on a daily basis. I wonder what he wants to be when he is older. I have some guesses...

He's 16. He refuses to use SpellCheck. He personal attacks me/us on a daily basis. I wonder what he wants to be when he is older. I have some guesses...

first, i'm not attacking any one,

oh what about this, you don't call it personnal attack?

Not angry, not miserable, very happy in fact.Then you would be wrong.
You don't seem to know an awful lot about your own religion, there are literally thousands of sects within sects within sects, in Islam.
In the third century Two of the twelver shia scholars after the hijra stated that there were at least 200, there are a many ma....blablabla...

ok...are you angry? i'm pretty sure you are, it's obvious from all your posts,
why are you soo angry?
Just spotted this. I neglected Bells again.

You'll have to excuse me saying that it doesn't seem that way.

For you? Only a particular few. Difference between you and I is that they don't apply to provide an excuse for it to happen now.

One lie, one libel. Anything else? I mean: do you contribute anything else to the forum?

I mean look at you Geoff.. you care so much that you can only ask for specifics because you know that I will use your silence to point out your hypocrisy.

Regrettably, that made no sense whatsoever. Is it the Kangaroo court you usually present arguments in?
Already posted the links. It was suppressed until AFTER the election. It is that volatile.:(

It's no use posting links to sites that say they haven't got the thesis.
You said "Read the thesis", but it is impossible to do that isn't it?
Because it's suppressed.

Did you read it before it was suppressed then?
Otherwise how do you know that it was full of whitey hating stuff?
first, i'm not attacking any one,

oh what about this, you don't call it personnal attack?

He's 16. He refuses to use SpellCheck. He personal attacks me/us on a daily basis. I wonder what he wants to be when he is older. I have some guesses...

Shadow, when you've passed your exams, if you don't fail them all because you spend most of your time on here annoying Sandy, why don't you apply for an American work Visa?

Shadow, when you've passed your exams, if you don't fail them all because you spend most of your time on here annoying Sandy, why don't you apply for an American work Visa?

hahahaha, don't worry i'm fine with my exams, i just got 17/20 in physics, and 18.5/20 in english, maths 14/20 :( ...
lol, getting a visa to go to u.s.a. and complete annoying sandy? that seems a very good idea, but i'm happy here, and nothing wrong where i live, maybe i'll invite her, to annoy her more! :D
Actually, there are a lot of different interpretations of "Islam". For example, some Muslims practice a form of Islam that has a new Prophet. So, in those forms of Islam, Mohammad isn't the Last Prophet, just one of the Prophets. Other forms of Islam combine the worship of Allah with the worship of other Gods and even living day Prophets. I was talking to an anthropologist who was visiting some small isolated tribes in Indonesia where Christianity, Islam and modern day animalistic and living Prophets with magical powers to see the future are all blended together.

The fact is there are a lot of forms of "Islam". Shia and Sunni is only the first division - there are and continue to be new divisions every years. Not to mention that there are millions of individual interpretations.

None of this should matter to you in the least. Theologically you shouldn't care what any other person believes. That's their personal business. If they teach their kids that there are Two Allahs' one female and one male, you shouldn't care - because it's their belief has nothing at all to do with you. And yet, you probably do.

Something to think about.

There are a LOT of different Islam(s) :)

If you had to say what "Islam" is: What is it to you? I mean, define the word.
sandy said:
Already posted the links. It was suppressed until AFTER the election. It is that volatile.
As always, sandy's connection with reality is tenuous and full of static.

The full text of Michelle Obama's college thesis in question was handed to the press and the internet, by the Obama's, many months before the election in November.

You can read it as it was delivered to the news media, note the date, here:

Her opinions of Islam are similarly founded, drawn from the same sources and organized on the same principles.
shadow said:
first, i'm not attacking any one,
- - - - - {very next post} - - - -
ok...are you angry? i'm pretty sure you are, it's obvious from all your posts,
why are you soo angry?
Your list of bad opinions of Islam - which you have determined are misapprehensions by excluding from Islam the major parts of the ostensibly Muslim world that they describe accurately - is missing a few items. For one, it is missing the presumption that fundies of all stripes, and the very large majority of Muslims seem to be fundies, tend to regard poor character or personal flaws in someone as indicating theri arguments are wrong and their claims false.

For example, some Muslims practice a form of Islam that has a new Prophet

no...also, only shia beleive in Ali INSTEAD of Mohamed, and Sunni beleive in Mohamed, as a prophet effcorse, not a god.

. So, in those forms of Islam, Mohammad isn't the Last Prophet, just one of the Prophets.
mohamed for sunni, or ali(that they think thta he's the person that he had to be the prophe) of shia, are beleive that mohammad for sunni, or ali for shia, to be the last prophet! and we do, and both of them, beleive in all prophets, including the christ, noah, adam, moses, etc... etc...

Other forms of Islam combine the worship of Allah with the worship of other Gods and even living day Prophets.

Only in your dreams.

I was talking to an anthropologist who was visiting some small isolated tribes in Indonesia where Christianity, Islam and modern day animalistic and living Prophets with magical powers to see the future are all blended together.

those prophets and fake magical powers ( "magic don't exist" ) are just fake people and pertenders..!

The fact is there are a lot of forms of "Islam". Shia and Sunni is only the first division - there are and continue to be new divisions every years. Not to mention that there are millions of individual interpretations.

your source: ...?

None of this should matter to you in the least. Theologically you shouldn't care what any other person believes. That's their personal business. If they teach their kids that there are


Two Allahs' one female and one male, you shouldn't care - because it's their belief has nothing at all to do with you. And yet, you probably do.

hmm, ok, but there's no muslim beleive that there's two "allah" one femal and one male, in islam, all islam; there's only one god(allah), and there's no god but god(allah); Allah wasn't born, and didnt give birth(like christian think that the christ is the son of god)

Something to think about.

There are a LOT of different Islam(s) :)

if you are going to tell me the names of the "islams" tell me what are the differences between each.

If you had to say what "Islam" is: What is it to you? I mean, define the word

islam, islam to me, is what answers my questions that i can't find an explenation, islam to me, or quran to me, is the book that i'm soo imporessed by, it's like, it have many secrets, also since i love science, and some times i find some answers from google search about for example does the univerce have an end? i found about it in the quran, and in the scientific articles, anyway that's not the thing, i'm not saying quran is a science book, but it's sure mysterious and have secrets, also, islam to me, and beleiving in God/Allah, fill the spirutual part... i know that you're hearing me saying "blablaablllablabbblaabla..." lol, now be serious, what do you think of all what we discussed about, i mean, me and you, be honest, do you understand it, or you still think it's the contrary and everything we discussed about is to you bullshit, :D
Originally Posted by shadow
first, i'm not attacking any one,
- - - - - {very next post} - - - -
ok...are you angry? i'm pretty sure you are, it's obvious from all your posts,
why are you soo angry?

LOl, well...

Her opinions of Islam are similarly founded, drawn from the same sources and organized on the same principles.
Your list of bad opinions of Islam - which you have determined are misapprehensions by excluding from Islam the major parts of the ostensibly Muslim world that they describe accurately - is missing a few items. For one, it is missing the presumption that fundies of all stripes, and the very large majority of Muslims seem to be fundies, tend to regard poor character or personal flaws in someone as indicating theri arguments are wrong and their claims false.

to be honest, i don't know much about the other arabic countries, or the muslim ones, i just know about tunisia my country, also, i just want to keep my look to countries, like from the surface, just see the beautifull things, i don't care for the rest actually, :D i'm 16, why should i care about their problems, it's THEIR problems, :D
I worship Jesus, Allah, Krishna and also Science.
Why take a chance on being wrong?


Krishna is the one on the left
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