To the atheists...

An atheist government enforces private religion

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So every Muslim is an obligatory missionary?:p

Since when did a Muslim's actions define his religion's principles? Of course not every Muslim is a missionary; however, it is the responsibility of every Muslim to spread the word of Islam. Whether you uphold that responsibility is solely at your discretion.
Since when did a Muslim's actions define his religion's principles? Of course not every Muslim is a missionary; however, it is the responsibility of every Muslim to spread the word of Islam. Whether you uphold that responsibility is solely at your discretion.

Then its pretty pointless don't you think?

Is it in the Koran ?
Is it in the Koran ?


"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance."

"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance."

Thanks Kadark :)
I suppose this goes for most religions.
In that case it would be against freedom of religion to forbid it.

Kadark has given the verse.

Further refinements are by the Sharia, which places dawah at two levels:

1. the common man: here dawah involves in aiding to preserve what is good and resist what is wrong. ie working for the mutual good

The Qur'an has referred to the true Muslims as 'mutual friends, promoting good and hindering evil, among themselves' (Al-Taubah 9: 71).

2. the one with knowledge: here dawah is a teacher pupil relationship, with the teacher advising on what is right and the pupil following.

And it was not possible for all the believers to go out (to gain expertise in Islam). Then why did not a group from each community come to gain in-depth knowledge in [God's] deen and to warn their people, when they returned to them, so that they may save themselves Al-Taubah 9: 122
Kadark has given the verse.

Further refinements are by the Sharia, which places dawah at two levels:

1. the common man: here dawah involves in aiding to preserve what is good and resist what is wrong. ie working for the mutual good

2. the one with knowledge: here dawah is a teacher pupil relationship, with the teacher advising on what is right and the pupil following.

I agree, especially regarding "the one with knowledge" criteria. If you don't know about the religion, then you shouldn't try and persuade others into following it.

Anyway, I'm off for now. I'm still waiting for that PM. :D
I agree, especially regarding "the one with knowledge" criteria. If you don't know about the religion, then you shouldn't try and persuade others into following it.

Hmm so the first verse revelation was meant only for the ulema? What if what the ulema are doing is not leading to common good? :p

Anyway, I'm off for now. I'm still waiting for that PM. :D

Not this month.:)
What about say, an institute for reason and understanding?

Should they get a special tax status?
No...what for? Its not the governments job to involve themselves in the philosophical life of individual citizens.
Oh sam. Judging by the poll results I'd say you have your answer. Did you really expect atheists to be as bad as you theists? For shame.
I agree. They are taught in India as Moral Science and its very beneficial :p
Everything has to receive the blessing of being called a science, huh?

Next, they will be calling literature a science. :bugeye:
No...what for? Its not the governments job to involve themselves in the philosophical life of individual citizens.

But you can call it foundation for reason and science and then publish articles like Religion is Child Abuse and still get nominated as a charity.
Oh sam. Judging by the poll results I'd say you have your answer. Did you really expect atheists to be as bad as you theists? For shame.

No the cognitive dissonance is as I expected it would be. :p

Happy er Holidays!