To Atheists :Amazing Islam Miracles

The God who revealed the Holy Quran is the same God who revealed the Torah and the Bible. This is a fact.
No. It's a supposition.
I think you have a misunderstanding of what the word "fact" means. You persist in misapplying it.
Then why does he let evil occur? Why does he let millions be killed by a tsunami? Why does he let little children be victims of murderous sexual predators?
Joking is an imperfection? Blasphemous? Seriously? Why should spider give a rat's ass?
and what are those super beings?

Your psychotic god, of course.

you really don't look like someone who knows what is he talking about, you're just talking in a general idea for all relegions while you have no idea about islam, and you don't know anything about it.

Ahh, when all else fails miserably and you attempt to distinguish one psychotic belief from another, you accuse others of ignorance to your own "special-god-given" psychotic beliefs. Hilarious. LOL!