To Atheists :Amazing Islam Miracles

Your book of myths and superstitions doesn't deserve to be used to wipe my ass, pal. Try considering thinking for a change.

Of course you can't imagine living without your beliefs, it's the only thing you know. An entire world of knowledge and understanding sits perched right outside your doorstep, but you wouldn't even recognize it if it bit you in the ass.

Pure garbage that rots the brain.

Why! One Qu'ran lasts as long as twenty bog rolls. it may cost a little more, but if you wish to laugh there's always something to read.

A little bit of respect please, both of you.
I recite that chapter 30 times a day and I have a strong belief in God.

May I ask why you recite that chapter 30 times a day?

How long does it take, all up? i.e. How much of your life do you dedicate to reciting the Qur'an?
Done. It wasn't my god given right to post that in the same way it is the god given right of believers to post their trash talk.

So sorry to have offended you. :rolleyes:

just trying to stay within forum guidlines :shrug:
When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen Roberts

Does not change the fact that there is one true God. About the spaghetti monster: such a fake and ridiculous endeavor does not provide any answer to human existence, it brings no one near the truth. I don't mean that it's ridiculous of you Michael but I mean of the person who first came with this term. I wish I can understand what makes some people here so opposed for the idea of God. I had never believed that there is no God, I just did not take the belief seriously before.

I recite the opening chapter of the Holy Quran for the total of 30 times in the 5 daily prayers. As I pray:

a) thank God for everything
b) glorify Him
c) express my love and gratitude to Him
d) ask Him for guidance and help
e) ask Him for forgiveness
f) ask for paradise, wealth, health, thankful heart...

and much more... they are so good those daily prayers...
I wish I can understand what makes some people here so opposed for the idea of God. I had never believed that there is no God, I just did not take the belief seriously before.

Sounds like you've been indoctrinated into your cult from childhood and obviously can't even entertain the concept of their being no gods. It's called thinking, you should at the very least try it sometime.

I recite the opening chapter of the Holy Quran for the total of 30 times in the 5 daily prayers. As I pray:

... they are so good those daily prayers...

No, they are not good, they only serve to stifle your thinking processes and support your irrational beliefs. An entire world exists well beyond your belief system and you'll never understand or experience that world if you keep reciting those ridiculous passages.
Does not change the fact that there is one true God. About the spaghetti monster: such a fake and ridiculous endeavor does not provide any answer to human existence, it brings no one near the truth. I don't mean that it's ridiculous of you Michael but I mean of the person who first came with this term. I wish I can understand what makes some people here so opposed for the idea of God. I had never believed that there is no God, I just did not take the belief seriously before.
The FSM does bring us closer to the truth when you realize that you cannot disprove it. In the same sense, God cannot be disproved absolutely. Since the proof for God is the same as the proof for FSM, they are equally plausible, and thus equally ridiculous from a logical point of view.

I recite the opening chapter of the Holy Quran for the total of 30 times in the 5 daily prayers. As I pray:

a) thank God for everything
b) glorify Him
c) express my love and gratitude to Him
d) ask Him for guidance and help
e) ask Him for forgiveness
f) ask for paradise, wealth, health, thankful heart...

and much more... they are so good those daily prayers...
That doesn't leave much room for thought and skepticism, does it? Every prayer implies that God does exist, and to deny that is to admit that you have been wasting all your life talking to an imaginary friend.
So only unbelievers can think ?!

You seriously believe that we came out of nothing ?! Try to tell a 3 years old boy that we came out of nothing, that we just evolved... Would he believe that ?! He won't. If evolution did it then it should have made the young boy accept that to be true. I look at palm trees and think: they look so beautiful, even if they "evolved", there needs to be a supreme thing that made them grow up tall and just made them so beautiful.

Amazingly there is me standing against them appreciating their beauty. I see them in millions of colors. You see, they are painted using many colors. Amazingly there are dates that I can pick and eat. And I guess you know, the palm tree does not have any benefit having all those sweet dates on!

Palm tree with dates.

Because "evolution" is nothing, it is just a word, it is a wish...

Beauty, intensity, enthusiasm, compassion, love and hope. Can all of them be seriously a product of un-directed process ?!

Deny, admit ?!! My belief in God Almighty travels in my blood.

Best wishes, peace :)
So only unbelievers can think ?!
No, but it does make it easier.

You seriously believe that we came out of nothing ?!
Yes, the universe looks as if it came from nothing. Did you know that what you perceive as solid, inert matter is actually mostly empty space? ...And that it's full of unimaginable energy? The truth is counter-intuitive. When have you seen God? I bet never.

Try to tell a 3 years old boy that we came out of nothing, that we just evolved... Would he believe that ?! He won't.
I don't care. He shouldn't believe anything on faith, even evolution! But, if he were raised religious, then he would have to go against his whole experience in order to realize the truth, which is that living things evolved from simpler things. Religion can be an obstacle to understanding. Why do you say "just evolved"? As if that is less amazing than "just created"? In fact, to say we evolved places the human animal at the end of a long, long history of successful animals, with all the drama of all those billions of lives. We are survivors, winners, not just God's pets.

If evolution did it then it should have made the young boy accept that to be true. I look at palm trees and think: they look so beautiful, even if they "evolved", there needs to be a supreme thing that made them grow up tall and just made them so beautiful.
There are children of scientists who can comprehend the truth and beauty of evolution. No diety required. Children are blank slates, they believe what we tell them.

As far as beauty, you have it backwards. Trees and things are beautiful not because someone like us made them beautiful. We think they are beautiful because this is the environment in which we evolved.

Amazingly there is me standing against them appreciating their beauty. I see them in millions of colors. You see, they are painted using many colors. Amazingly there are dates that I can pick and eat. And I guess you know, the palm tree does not have any benefit having all those sweet dates on!
You are wrong about palm trees. The fruit has an evolutionary purpose, to appeal to animals that eat it and shit out the seeds in another place. In this way the tree spreads it's kind all around.

Your eyes only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, but anyway, the evolution of the eye is well understood. It's purpose is to enable us to find food and avoid danger.

Because "evolution" is nothing, it is just a word, it is a wish...
No, it's a comprehensive explanation for the origins of complexity without a creator. It's also the most successful theory in the history of science. You cannot say that the Quran contains scientific truths if you also deny what science has revealed.

Beauty, intensity, enthusiasm, compassion, love and hope. Can all of them be seriously a product of un-directed process ?!
Yes. Our capacity to feel these things is the result of evolution. But, the expression of them is directed by our brains, which are fantastically complex. The purpose of love is to ensure reproduction and that couples will stay together long enough to raise a child. Most of these other things are necessary to survive. And they are the product of natural selection, which is not random.

Deny, admit ?!! My belief in God Almighty travels in my blood.
Well it's certainly not a product of your logic or intellect. It's an unfounded assumption that is part of your culture. You can no more reject it than you could reject your own mother and father, which is why ideologies like Islam are dangerous in the modern world.

Best wishes, peace
I reject your God and religion. I mock Mohammad and his teachings. If you were a decent Muslim, you would consider me your enemy.
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So only unbelievers can think ?!

They choose to think rather than just believe.

I look at palm trees and think: they look so beautiful, even if they "evolved", there needs to be a supreme thing that made them grow up tall and just made them so beautiful.

You see, you revert to your irrational beliefs to explain things you don't understand leaving you with a misunderstanding.

Because "evolution" is nothing, it is just a word, it is a wish...

To the religiously indoctrinated like yourself, of course it means nothing.

My belief in God Almighty travels in my blood.

And, that's why you'll go through life completely ignorant of the world around you and miss out on it all. Happy trails. :)
Why is it that some of you are trying to put words in my mouth, thoughts in my mind ?! Are not you simply blinded by some of your false convictions ?!

I believe that we all are unique in our life journey. Maybe you will be having different ideas in 10 years time. As for me, I feel I have landed on the land of truth, beauty and God's mercy.

I finished college and have read about many theories and experiments and I know that researchers can be tempted to see what they want to see (what they believe to be true).

Even if I am not seeing much belief here, my belief in God is getting even stronger. You cannot address the simplest of arguments. Is it possible for a man to come up with a concept of God, speak of Him as first pronoun in challenging language, mention His highest name 2699 times in a Book ?! A book that survived over a period of 1430 years ?! A Book that 9 million people living on earth can recite by heart ?! God says it as I mentioned earlier that no one would ever be able to create a thing as small as a fly ?! Do you seriously think that a man could have just wrote that ?! Why should he ?!

A single man with wisdom could have written some concrete advices for a good and healthy life but he could not have written the Holy Quran. The language, the beauty and mathematics exceed any human ability. I presented the "endless miracle of the opening chapter". I said little so far to advocate it but the fact is that it is mind-blowing. It is impossible for man to get the words, linguistic beauty, existential truths & huge numbers all in place. Not 1430 years ago and not in a thousand years time!

You say that it is all meaningless... What if one of your kids got kidnapped one day, would you still say it was random ?! I bet you won't.
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Is it possible for a man to come up with a concept of God, speak of Him as first pronoun in challenging language, mention His highest name 2699 times in a Book ?! A book that survived over a period of 1430 years ?! A Book that 9 million people living on earth can recite by heart ?!
Yes, it happens over and over:
The Bible
The Book of Mormon
The Urantia Book
The Bhagavad Gita
The Upanishads

People write books that portend to show us the answers and they get followers who try to justify the alleged perfection contained within. Anyone can write a book, it doesn't mean anything unless it reveals something that could not have been known at the time. Being appealing to the human psyche is just a matter of trial and error. The Quran is a variation on the Bible, which was already popular. Therefore a book based on the Bible would be equally popular, especially if it was written in a short time for a specific audience.

No, but it does make it easier.

Yes, the universe looks as if it came from nothing. Did you know that what you perceive as solid, inert matter is actually mostly empty space? ...And that it's full of unimaginable energy? The truth is counter-intuitive. When have you seen God? I bet never.

I reject your God and religion. I mock Mohammad and his teachings. If you were a decent Muslim, you would consider me your enemy.

you stupid hypocrite!
can't you respect other's people beleifs and relegion even if you don't beleive in it or think it's bullshit?
i mean, look at me, when i discussed with lorie, i admit i found a lot of bullshits, but i didnt say anything and keeped asking in a respectfull way, without mocking of her beleif of of her "12 fruits X 12 months X 1000 years = 144000" equation that i think it means nothing. i do respect all relegions and beleifs, that's what my relegion tells me, and the most relegions we should respect is ours effcorse, and christanity, and the jews one. even if my relegion don't tell me so, i wan't mock of any, it's unmoral, do you always have to mock of other's beleifs? i don't care who is i'm defending on, christian, budhaist or whatever, even if you think that it's all a bullshit, at least you should respect he/her 'relegion, and beleifs. and you call your self well educated, those acts only shows how dumb and idiot you are, so stop passing your hall life running behind anyone who says something about relegion and start mocking of him/her, get something usefull, at least you can show some respect.
Well it's certainly not a product of your logic or intellect. It's an unfounded assumption that is part of your culture. You can no more reject it than you could reject your own mother and father, which is why ideologies like Islam are dangerous in the modern world.

anything can be dangerous dear! if islam is like you say a danger, then, why not the half muslim population of the planet start bombing themselves, and doing everything you think islam say to do, in that case, with the number of muslims today, the world can be vanished! and enter world wars, that end life.
i mean, half the planet are muslims, and always growing. oh common!