To Atheists :Amazing Islam Miracles


They are bombing themselves, don't you read the papers?

that may be aussama bin laden islam, but that's not our prophet and god's islam. ok?
and as i said, if islam really says that, then, why there's not a world war that ends life? i mean, half of the earth population are muslims, and still growing.

also, how do you know that those people who bomb them selves or steal banks and wear burka are muslims, can't a man wear it, to hind he's identity while stealing, and blame muslims for that?
also, if you saying islam tell them to do so, then, why not half population of the planet don't bomb them selves on u.s.a or something?

i think you really never heard of those two things:


you stupid hypocrite!

I respect the rights of people to believe bullshit, but I don't respect the bullshit itself. Mohammed doesn't deserve any more respect than Charlie Brown. What makes a priest, rabbi, or cleric any better than anyone else? Nothing, they read a book.

You talk about how if Muslims are so horrible, why aren't they destroying everything? The danger is not so obvious, they don't want to destroy the Earth because they want to live on the Earth, but I guarantee if I lived in a Muslim country and spoke my mind, I would be destroyed without hesitation. If Islam ever spreads to the point it is universal, then we will all be under the control of it's thought police. Terrorism is only a fringe aspect of Islam, but the more common aspects of Islam are just as scary. I would say the same thing about fundamentalist Christianity or Orthodox Judaism. It's fine if you want to live in your community and practice it, but it should not be an aspect of government. There is very little freedom of religion in Muslim countries, and that freedom is restricted to mainstream religions.
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I respect the rights of people to believe bullshit, but I don't respect the bullshit itself. Mohammed doesn't deserve any more respect than Charlie Brown. What makes a priest, rabbi, or cleric any better than anyone else? Nothing, they read a book.

first, the prophet mohamed, is not a priest or anything, we don't have priests in islam, but we have sheik, what is sheik, sheik, is a normal person, get married, have a job, as anyone else, but he knows better than others about the relegion, know the quran, and lead the people in the pray.
and yes, you have to respect their beleifs even if you thoght it's bullshit! ok?
now stop being an ignorant hypocrite, can you?
sometimes when i discuss things about christanity or anyother relegion, i never insult their beleifs, or their relegion, even if i thoght it's bullshit, i think you noticed that i always keep saying "with all my respect" and not induslting their relegion or beleifs, even if i thoght it's bullshit. (knowing that my relegion itself tells us to respect people's beleifs and relegions, and mostly the christanity, islam, and jews one, it may be osamma bin laden islam that tells to kill them, but it's not our prophet mohamed's islam, and our god/allah's islam)

You talk about how if Muslims are so horrible, why aren't they destroying everything? The danger is not so obvious, they don't want to destroy the Earth because they want to live on the Earth, but I guarantee if I lived in a Muslim country and spoke my mind, I would be destroyed without hesitation. If Islam ever spreads to the point it is universal, then we will all be under the control of it's thought police.


. Terrorism is only a fringe aspect of Islam,
as i said, go open a book, educate your self, i know what i studied in school since i was young, and this is not a part of that, it may be ausamma binalden islam, but not our prophet's and our god's islam, ok?

but the more common aspects of Islam are just as scary.


I would say the same thing about fundamentalist Christianity or Orthodox Judaism.

ok.. here i'm with you in this point, fundamentalists are dangerous, like aussama bin laden, and like some groups in sudan.

It's fine if you want to live in your community and practice it, but it should not be an aspect of government. There is very little freedom of religion in Muslim countries,

again, go educate your self, you ignorant!

and that freedom is restricted to mainstream religions. Do you know of any atheist organization in Tunisia?

atheist organizations? no, christian organizations, yes. and i do know some tunisian atheists, and what now? what the f** are you trying to say about my country? my uncle is married to a tunisian christian while he's muslim, my other uncle, married to an english woman, and i think she's christian or whatever HA? common? what now? what bullshit you'll bring it to me?
we know how to respect other relegions in here, but it seems you don't, uif you have facebook, try to on some tunisian pages, or add some people from tunisia, or chat with them, and ask them!
ok? you hypcrite?

you ignorant hypocrite, you are really a hypocrite after all, or, are you all like that?
I'm not a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing but believes or acts another. I understand it is a cultural trait of Muslims to repect religions, but I think that's wrong. Theistic religions are based on false assumptions. We should no more respect them than false scientific assumptions.
as i said, go open a book, educate your self, i know what i studied in school since i was young, and this is not a part of that, it may be ausamma binalden islam, but not our prophet's and our god's islam, ok?
I agree, it's only a fringe aspect of Islam. I'm talking about the much greater threat of regular Islam.

Like restricting thought and the freedom to be atheist. In Islam, it is a crime for me to try to get you to give up your religion. To leave Islam is punishable by death.

ok.. here i'm with you in this point, fundamentalists are dangerous, like aussama bin laden, and like some groups in sudan.
All of Islam is fundamentalist, that's why I compared Islam to fundamentalist Christians. By fundamentalist, I mean they believe that the Quran is the literal word of God as dictated to Mohammed. It is the instruction book for mankind, the last revelation.

atheist organizations? no, christian organizations, yes. and i do know some tunisian atheists, and what now? what the f** are you trying to say about my country? my uncle is married to a tunisian christian while he's muslim, my other uncle, married to an english woman, and i think she's christian or whatever HA? common? what now? what bullshit you'll bring it to me?
we know how to respect other relegions in here, but it seems you don't, uif you have facebook, try to on some tunisian pages, or add some people from tunisia, or chat with them, and ask them!
ok? you hypcrite?

you ignorant hypocrite, you are really a hypocrite after all, or, are you all like that?
I'm saying religion poisons everything. Try being a Baha'i in Tunisia. Tunisia may be different in that there is a history of Christian traditions, so you have to get along with them. I would never live in a country where the official religion was Islam.
Does not change the fact that there is one true God. About the spaghetti monster: such a fake and ridiculous endeavor does not provide any answer to human existence, it brings no one near the truth.
The fact is there is equal good evidence of both the FSM and God. This is a fact. The good evidence is equal for both.

If you were born in Japan you'd probably think there were multiple Gods.

I don't mean that it's ridiculous of you Michael but I mean of the person who first came with this term. I wish I can understand what makes some people here so opposed for the idea of God. I had never believed that there is no God, I just did not take the belief seriously before.
I'm sure that originally the One God idea was a decent idea. I think it was a product of urbanizing and wanting to fairly distribute goods and services amount the people and to look after the poor. Kind of like Communism. It was a good idea. But, over time the same things that made it good, made it evil. One True God means all the Japanese Gods are not true. One True God for Christians means the God of Muslims is Satan.

While there are good ideas in any religion, even Scientology is egalitarian. As much as Islam, maybe more so :shrug: However, IMO we are now at a stage in human development (or some societies are) where we can grow past Gods and superstition. Some anyway. Also, many of the superstitions of 2000 years ago are not well suited for the modern world.

I recite the opening chapter of the Holy Quran for the total of 30 times in the 5 daily prayers. As I pray:

a) thank God for everything
b) glorify Him
c) express my love and gratitude to Him
d) ask Him for guidance and help
e) ask Him for forgiveness
f) ask for paradise, wealth, health, thankful heart...

and much more... they are so good those daily prayers...
You know that God is a sexless being. It is no more a "Him" as it is a "Her".

Why don't you thank God as a Her?

a) thank God for everything
b) glorify Her
c) express my love and gratitude to Her
d) ask Her for guidance and help
e) ask Her for forgiveness
f) ask for paradise, wealth, health, thankful heart...

You can't do that can you? Why ever that is, THAT'S the reason YOU need God. Maybe you need a father figure? Maybe you just feel safer with a male looking out for you. But, whatever the reason is, you do know God is not a HIM why not try thanking HER? See how that works for you?

Of course you can't do that. A "Her"? It too much isn't it? That's interesting. Something you may want to think about.

I'm not a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing but believes or acts another. I understand it is a cultural trait of Muslims to repect religions, but I think that's wrong. Theistic religions are based on false assumptions. We should no more respect them than false scientific assumptions.

ok.. now if you want to talk about scientific assumptions, in islam, and in quran, there's no anything against science, infact, it have many scientific facts, in clear words too. also, sayng again that you don't respect, ok, it's your opinion, keep it inside, but you should as i said, respect all other beleifs, and not insulting them, want to discuss with them, discuss it respectfully, and insult their beleifs or their relegion.
if you didnt, respect, and start attacking any threat or any person you see, and insulting he's or her's relegion or beleifs, also makes you hypocrite, so try to learn respect, besides, it's kinda dictatoric from you to decide what's wrong and what's right for them, your disrespect, means, you want them to think like you, and stop beleiving in what you don't them to beleive in; that's what it means, you treat them like idiots because of their beleifs or relegion, and you wish they all forget about beleifs and relegion, that's called dectatorship, you want them to think like you want, that what does it mean to disrespect them and to mock their beleifs and relegion, no discussion in that, don't you have morals? don't you have some respect to your self atleast; how can you allow your self to such hypocrite, well, not totally hypcrite, you're a small hypocrite, than may one day be a big hypocrite, you just have what you need to be a big hypocrate, and also decytatorship, you must accept the divercity of relegions, beleifs, as you accept the divercity of cultures and races, and as for languages and thoghts, and for arts, you must accept divercity, and you should respect it, and respect everyone beleifs and thoghts, even if you didnt, keep it inside you, don't show it.i think you get my point, i wan't say anymore thing, it's up to you, i don't care about you, it's your life not myne, as an adult, and a realistic person, knows science, and on sciforums, that you passed your childhood and you are now an adult who can understand, i expect you to understand what am saying. and if you didnt, then i'm sorry.

I agree, it's only a fringe aspect of Islam. I'm talking about the much greater threat of regular Islam.

aha, regular islam?? and what is that threat?

Like restricting thought and the freedom to be atheist. In Islam, it is a crime for me to try to get you to give up your religion. To leave Islam is punishable by death.

no, it's between you and your god, as i said, that may be in aussama bin laden islam, but not the real islam, the inbeleiver we call him infidel, or kafer, and it don't tell us to kill them or even to touch them, it's a buisness between him/her and he(r)'s god. also, we don't care what's your relegion in here, we are all one people, and as you know, we must respect all relegions and beleifs an accept that divercity, unlike some people in here(you)
and what do you even know about islam?
common tell me
All of Islam is fundamentalist, that's why I compared Islam to fundamentalist Christians. By fundamentalist, I mean they believe that the Quran is the literal word of God as dictated to Mohammed. It is the instruction book for mankind, the last revelation.
why compare them to fundamentalists, again, what do you even know about islam??
and yes we beleive that quran is the words of god, do you have a problem with that?
and there's no way you can compare us to christians, lorie said in clear words, that anyone who is not christian, is evil, buahahahahaha, i'm scaaared, and many other things that i don't beleive (i think it's bullshit, sshh, don't tel anyone that i said that, hehehehe)
you know what, it's useless to discuss with you.

I'm saying religion poisons everything. Try being a Baha'i in Tunisia. Tunisia may be different in that there is a history of Christian traditions, so you have to get along with them. I would never live in a country where the official religion was Islam.
hahha, do you even know tunisia?
screw you.
and so what, being a bahai, or christian or whatever, are you saying that he's going to get killed??
ok, stop right their, anything you can say, but not about my country, ok? so go fu** ur self(sorry for the word).
why am i even discussing with such a hypocrite like you
i don't care about your link, i know where i'm living, and i know how's my country, and i know how are the people that i'm living between, and you're not here to start telling me about how things are in here...
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So we should respect diversity, but if I'm an atheist I should keep that to myself? Where is your respect for diversity? I'm usually respectful of people, but you make no distinction between a person and their beliefs. Isn't that odd?

I found Sandy's worldview extremely horrifying and I told her so, but we still had nice chats through PM. I'm sure she's a nice person in real life. One of my best friends growing up was politically conservative and religious. We would have long debates about what I felt was a wrong ideology, and we are still friends. This is one problem with Islam, they think there are real consequences for thinking thoughts, for having doubts. They think it can result in eternal torture by the hand of an almighty God. Or the reward of eternal pleasure in paradise. In the face of this irrational fear, there can be no personal freedom. When this ideology is applied to political systems, there can be no freedom for the people. Because religions make people act badly, I think it's my responsibility to influence people to give it up. It's not just for my own ego, it's for the well being of the planet. Religion is the enemy of reason and freedom.

Some things need to be mocked; dictatorship, censorship, fascism, sexism, fundamentalism... Sarah Palin. I do accept the diversity of beliefs and cultures in general, but when does a culture produce something that one cannot ignore? Some things are just immoral, like genital mutilation, punishment for being raped, preventing women from learning, preventing the free expression of ideas, preventing the sexual activities of consenting adults, using religion as a political system, cannibalism. If cannibalism were a religious practice, would you still demand that I respect it?

The Quran also says that it acknowledges the divine origin of the Bible, and yet the Bible contains assumptions that contradict scientific facts. The so-called scientific facts in the Quran are also not supportable. We had a formal debate here on the subject, and my opponent could not show that the Quran contained one scientific fact that could not have been known at the time.

I believe that religion is like a virus, a meme. It evolved on the substrate of human thought, and lives off of us, sucking our full potential away. Gullibility is also an evolved trait. Young children have to believe what their parents say, otherwise they would fall off a cliff, or get eaten by a crocodile. The human brain is an example of neoteny. In order to increase it's size, we need to grow closer to the proportions of a child with their large heads and smaller bodies. I maintain that the same process of neoteny preserved the childlike tendency to believe things on faith, especially if they are given by authority figures. So you see, evolution even explains religion.
I found Sandy's worldview extremely horrifying and I told her so, but we still had nice chats through PM. I'm sure she's a nice person in real life. One of my best friends growing up was politically conservative and religious. We would have long debates about what I felt was a wrong ideology, and we are still friends.

yes effcorse, i'm sure everyone one here is a nice person, but what gives us the idea is the thoghts in certin things, anyway, as to me to be a muslim ,and she hates muslims so much, i'm defferently affraid of her, who knows what such girl do!

This is one problem with Islam, they think there are real consequences for thinking thoughts, for having doubts. They think it can result in eternal torture by the hand of an almighty God.

doubt? yes everyone can have doubt, doubt, is what pushes him to know more and want to know, the doubt that is not allowed in islam, is to doubt with people intill you make wrong things based on your doubts.
and i did have a doubt about a few things in islam, but now , by some search in science, and some search in relegion, and some between. and i got all clear, things that i was doubtign about in past, when i still don't know that much in science. infact, the more a person get knoledge, the more he get impressed by the quran, because, nothing is against science in it(a muslim point of view)

Or the reward of eternal pleasure in paradise. In the face of this irrational fear, there can be no personal freedom. When this ideology is applied to political systems, there can be no freedom for the people. Because religions make people act badly, I think it's my responsibility to influence people to give it up. It's not just for my own ego, it's for the well being of the planet. Religion is the enemy of reason and freedom.
ok, first of all, islam say nothing, about the kind of the rule that should be applied on the country, and say nothing about how politics should be, also, you're right that relegion can't be mixed with politics, but it can be their some groups(anti fanatism effcorse) that teaches children, and all people islam, but the relegion and poltics, is a bad idea, in tunisia, and some other arab countries, relegion is on it's side, and politics is on it's side, here in tunisia, the politics is one thing, and the relegion is another thing.
and again, as i said, you should respect other's beleifs, the part of heaven and hell. at least better than beleiving that when we die it's done, i mean, for poor people, and people who have nothing, they will still have hope for that paradise or the heaven, and they wan't loose hope, and keep living, and work hard and do the good trying to win that trip, anywya, i don't have to explain it, it's a beleif. and i do beleive in it (you don't have a problem with that right?)

Some things need to be mocked; dictatorship, censorship, fascism, sexism, fundamentalism... Sarah Palin. I do accept the diversity of beliefs and cultures in general, but when does a culture produce something that one cannot ignore? Some things are just immoral, like genital mutilation, punishment for being raped, preventing women from learning, preventing the free expression of ideas, preventing the sexual activities of consenting adults, using religion as a political system, cannibalism. If cannibalism were a religious practice, would you still demand that I respect it?

wait wait wait, stopping women from learning? islam don't say anything about that, and islam don't say that women shouldn't work, it says that a women shouldnt stay with a man alone in an empty place, should wear respectfull clothes, and she CAN devorce if her husband is bad with her, and she can't be forced to marry, and she's not ordored to cover her face, do you know that the prophet mohamed met he's wife in he's work, he was a merchant, and he's wife too, or you can call it today a buisness woman. and that's not what islam says, it's a maden laws by people in some places in middle east, and not in islam, show me what prooves that you claim to be in quran.
also in( all muslim ) and all arab countries, women do work, do study, do do do do...and tunisia as an example, half the schools are women
cannibalism??? wtf!!! where did you get that idea??
yes no sex for who's not married, what's the problem with that? in usa there's a new phenoman called adultury kids, kids with no fother, because of street sex, and it's a big number, besides the other deaseases caming from sex, anyway, do you have a problem with no sex for no married? using relegion as a politcial cover? it's not what relegion tells, relegion don't say anything about politics or how the ruling should be..
i see you talking about a relegion, with informations based on media, and not facts, i see you don't even know anything about islam, go read about it, educate your self about it,then discusse it, you can't discuss what you don't know.

The Quran also says that it acknowledges the divine origin of the Bible, and yet the Bible contains assumptions that contradict scientific facts. The so-called scientific facts in the Quran are also not supportable. We had a formal debate here on the subject, and my opponent could not show that the Quran contained one scientific fact that could not have been known at the time.
the bible is divine from god, but changed by humans to work with their needs..
i can hear the truth, but i can't hear you saying wrong things about my relegion, and i have no reason to lie about it.
and yes in the quran there are things that they can't know in that time.
want to debat about it?

I believe that religion is like a virus, a meme. It evolved on the substrate of human thought, and lives off of us, sucking our full potential away. Gullibility is also an evolved trait. Young children have to believe what their parents say, otherwise they would fall off a cliff, or get eaten by a crocodile. The human brain is an example of neoteny. In order to increase it's size, we need to grow closer to the proportions of a child with their large heads and smaller bodies. I maintain that the same process of neoteny preserved the childlike tendency to believe things on faith, especially if they are given by authority figures. So you see, evolution even explains religion.

you beleive, but not it is. ;)
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the bible is divine from god, but changed by humans to work with their needs..
This is exactly what the Bahai' have told me about the Qur'an.

spidergoat had a debate here and we found *shockingly* that there was nothing miraculous in the Qur'an. Nothing contained in the Qur'an not already known by people of the time (like the "Honey" miracle") or could have been known (like the layers on top of layers of ocean).

And actually, a few versus sounded suspiciously like poorer copies of Greek poetry if you ask me.
aha, regular islam?? and what is that threat?

Islam, the insane beliefs of a psychotic super being, of course. It, along with all the other psychotic super being beliefs are a threat to all humanity.
Why is it that some of you are trying to put words in my mouth, thoughts in my mind ?!

Because there are no thoughts in your mind and that is for what the mind is used.

I believe that we all are unique in our life journey. Maybe you will be having different ideas in 10 years time.

Maybe you'll actually start to think, but at this time, it doesn't appear so.

I finished college ...

What? Theological college?

Even if I am not seeing much belief here, my belief in God is getting even stronger.

That is because your mind is rotting.

You cannot address the simplest of arguments.

You don't have arguments, you have psychotic beliefs.

Is it possible for a man to come up with a concept of God, speak of Him as first pronoun in challenging language, mention His highest name 2699 times in a Book ?! A book that survived over a period of 1430 years ?! A Book that 9 million people living on earth can recite by heart ?! God says it as I mentioned earlier that no one would ever be able to create a thing as small as a fly ?! Do you seriously think that a man could have just wrote that ?! Why should he ?!

He was insane. Simple really.

A single man with wisdom could have written some concrete advices for a good and healthy life but he could not have written the Holy Quran.

Bullshit. The Lord of the Rings is much better reading than the Quran, but we know it to be fantasy.

The language, the beauty and mathematics exceed any human ability. I presented the "endless miracle of the opening chapter". I said little so far to advocate it but the fact is that it is mind-blowing. It is impossible for man to get the words, linguistic beauty, existential truths & huge numbers all in place. Not 1430 years ago and not in a thousand years time!

Since you aren't able to think, then it is reasonable to assume you also believe that to be impossible. Of course, you know nothing of the real world, so everything is impossible, unless it's written in the Quran. Your psychosis runs deep.

This is exactly what the Bahai' have told me about the Qur'an.

spidergoat had a debate here and we found *shockingly* that there was nothing miraculous in the Qur'an. Nothing contained in the Qur'an not already known by people of the time (like the "Honey" miracle") or could have been known (like the layers on top of layers of ocean).

And actually, a few versus sounded suspiciously like poorer copies of Greek poetry if you ask me.

was i talking to you?

Islam, the insane beliefs of a psychotic super being, of course. It, along with all the other psychotic super being beliefs are a threat to all humanity.

and what are those super beings?
you really don't look like someone who knows what is he talking about, you're just talking in a general idea for all relegions while you have no idea about islam, and you don't know anything about it.
The God who revealed the Holy Quran is the same God who revealed the Torah and the Bible. This is a fact. At the very beginning of the Quran (first verses of chap. 2) God makes it clear that the true believers are those who believe in that which is revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) and that which was revealed before him (Bible and Torah). There is no single insult on any prophet in the Quran. Not Moses nor Jesus. In fact, while Muhammed is mentioned only 4 times in his personal name, Jesus is mentioned 25 times. Moses even more. The most mentioned people after global labels like Muslims, believers, unbelievers, are the children of Israel (Jacob).

If some people have issues with the fact of not being the last ones with God's revelations, then they should evaluate the strength of their belief. God does whatever He wants.

God revealed to me that he was just kidding about the whole Quran thing. He didn't think anyone would take it seriously!