To Atheists :Amazing Islam Miracles

Looks more like a three dressed up as a nine. :D

I guess you wanted to say "a three dressed up as a 19". Not sure maybe you are saying something else but the fact is that those huge numbers can ALL be divided by 19 perfectly. I have checked most of what is written there.

3 is prime and 19 is a prime number however it is only every 19 numbers that we would find a number that is divisible by 19. Far more unlikely than the three.

Have you considered what that chapter says?, and the question is for everyone who replied...
Until you have made an equivalent analysis of other common literary works, this premise has no credibility.
It's complete garbage.

Q's response regarding the opening chapter of the Holy Quran.

You are not willing to even discuss any aspect of that chapter. This in itself should be a red light. Maybe you should re-consider your convictions?!

I recite that chapter 30 times a day and I have a strong belief in God. I can say it again that my belief in God has enriched all aspects of my life. I really cannot imagine living without the belief in Him any time in the future.

The opening chapter so you don't need to look for the link:

"In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful; Praise be to God; the Cherisher and Sustainer of All Creation; The Compassionate, The Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and thine aid do we seek. Show us the straight way; The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose portion is not wrath, And who go not astray."​

Yosef, which computers do you feel are the most pious? Mac or PC? Dell? Toshiba?
I recite that chapter 30 times a day and I have a strong belief in God. I can say it again that my belief in God has enriched all aspects of my life. I really cannot imagine living without the belief in Him any time in the future.

Good for you.

Maybe your god only imparts the need for belief on people who need it, and those who don't need that belief to live a happy life, he doesn't give reason to believe.

I mean, it's not like you can MAKE yourself believe something. That's just lying to yourself. And it's not like many atheists haven't heard all this stuff before. They just don't believe what you do. And it works for them.

If god wanted to give me a reason for belief, he probably has an idea on how to do it, I would think. Being all-powerful and all that.
I recite that chapter 30 times a day and I have a strong belief in God. I can say it again that my belief in God has enriched all aspects of my life. I really cannot imagine living without the belief in Him any time in the future.

Of course you can't imagine living without your beliefs, it's the only thing you know. An entire world of knowledge and understanding sits perched right outside your doorstep, but you wouldn't even recognize it if it bit you in the ass.

The opening chapter so you don't need to look for the link:

In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful; Praise be to God; the Cherisher and Sustainer of All Creation; The Compassionate, The Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and thine aid do we seek. Show us the straight way; The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose portion is not wrath, And who go not astray."

Pure garbage that rots the brain.
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Amazing Scientology Miracles


Ron Hubbard said Xenu came to earth in DC-12 airplanes. At the time, these were "high technology" and so most people thought: WOW Ron (PBUH) is a true Prophet.

Mohammad said that honey can be used medicinally. At the time most Arabs thought: WOW this is amazing, Mohammad is a true Prophet. (little did they know that honey was a standard ration for dressing stab wounds carried by every army from the Romans to the ancient Chinese).

To this day people think Ron and DC-10 prophecies were miraculous as well Mohammad and his honey "prophecy". When people are at this level of mental functioning, they often see the "sun" as evidence of *insert superstition* and have trouble speaking without also, on occasion, drooling on themselves - sad, but true :shrug:

hahaha.... is that really a number for Christians to call???

If so, wow, what a great way to make money and funnel it back to FSM! I've got to get in on that soon!



When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen Roberts
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