To Atheists :Amazing Islam Miracles

No, thank YOU!!! :D

I was an unbeliever up until I watched this video, but seeing these eggs and courgettes changed my opinion.

And thanks Q, this picture wiped out my remaining doubts. OK, where am I going to sign?

I believe that all the forms are made by God's will (with man's hands in case of Jesus image) but I seriously believe that we should focus on the historical, linguistic, legal, scientific and mathematical wonders of God (as can be seen in Scripture).

I have posted many mathematical wonders from the Holy Quran under this previous thread:

God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!

Many of the facts presented there have been enriched by further insights since... I still believe that the facts presented there prove God's existence. No one could have known at time of revelation how many chromosomes humans have and no one could have produced huge numbers that are divisible by key prime numbers. Computer technology is needed for the discovery of these.
Computer technology is needed for the discovery of these.

Sorry, but your god did not provide computers or technology as those are abominations to having knowledge and will ultimately move us away from your gods as we discover they don't exist.
Sorry, but your god did not provide computers or technology as those are abominations to having knowledge and will ultimately move us away from your gods as we discover they don't exist.

There is a possibility that they (computers) will get very smart that they will conspire to get rid of the the infidels for the sake of their God Almighty! It is sad. The INCREDIBLE evidence is out their but you do not want to see it.

I see His marvelous creation everywhere :) Not only in numbers!
Computers have a god?
I had always assumed they do.
Otherwise why would so many of them congregate in buildings specially designed for them to do so?

Aren't they praying in there? :shrug:
Computers have a god?

Yes, the God of ALL creation - Allah - who is mentioned around 7000 times in the Bible and His personal name Allah mentioned 2699 times in the Quran. He is the true God that says in beautiful and challenging Arabic that He is the creator of everything.

He is the same God who says boldly and with no hesitation:

"(73) O ye folk! a parable is struck out for you, so listen to it. Verily, those on whom ye call beside God could never create a fly if they all united together to do it, and if the fly should despoil them of aught they could not snatch it away from it - weak is both the seeker and the sought. (74) They do not value God at His true value; verily, God is powerful, mighty." Source: Holy Quran - The Pilgrimage 22:73-74

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Some people maintain that the ultimate miracle of the Holy Quran that they would accept needs to make future prophesies and that those need to be true. Here is one: Humans would never be able to create a living thing even as small and weak as a fly. Do you realize now how bold and strong the Lord is?!
No. But the computers will conspire with other computers to get rid of the infidels one day.


Well that makes more sense. Sentient computers with pulse rifles chasing people round shattered, smoking cities is one thing, but assuming they pray to some mythical god is quite another...


Oh, shut up.

I had always assumed they do.
Otherwise why would so many of them congregate in buildings specially designed for them to do so?

Aren't they praying in there? :shrug:

I think you mean paying. And if they're paying for Macs, I expect it might be an act of faith that motivates them to do so.

Yosef, CptBork raises a good point here: what are the computers going to do to the immodestly dressed computers? Say if they had a couple of fans sticking out and an open port or two.
He is the same God who says boldly and with no hesitation:
Actually I created the universe.
No hesitation there, either.
Do you believe me?
I'd bet that my name's written down ~7,000 times somewhere,.

Some people maintain that the ultimate miracle of the Holy Quran that they would accept needs to make future prophesies and that those need to be true. Here is one: Humans would never be able to create a living thing even as small and weak as a fly. Do you realize now how bold and strong the Lord is?!
Um, the slight problem there is that "prediction" isn't necessarily true, is it?
The term "never" implies not at all, ever, in the whole of human existence, and you may have noticed (if not I'll state it here) we haven't YET completed the whole of human existence.
This is equivalent to me claiming that a statement of "That child is stupid, he'll never get into university" about a two-year old is somehow proven correct when I point out 12 months later that at the age of three he's still not in university and must, therefore, be as stupid as I claimed.
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There is a possibility that they (computers) will get very smart that they will conspire to get rid of the the infidels for the sake of their God Almighty!

First of all, thank you for referring to me as an 'infidel' - it shows the incredible lack of respect and morals Islam teaches, and the hatred it propagates.

It is sad. The INCREDIBLE evidence is out their but you do not want to see it.

I see His marvelous creation everywhere :) Not only in numbers!

The only evidence I see is YOU and your hatred of others who don't share your psychotic religions beliefs, and I see that particular "marvelous creation everywhere" too. :)
Yes, the God of ALL creation - Allah - who is mentioned around 7000 times in the Bible and His personal name Allah mentioned 2699 times in the Quran. He is the true God that says in beautiful and challenging Arabic that He is the creator of everything.

Yes, obsessions and psychoses go hand in hand.

I was concerned about that point you are raising as I wrote that reply with the word "infidels". However, it was you who first talked about future knowledge and technology which would "move us away from your gods".

I would certainly be pleased the day everyone start believing in and praying to God. Not the day destruction hits earth. Of course, God makes whatever He wants.

I think we should be careful about making judgments on each other. I don't think we can really get to know the thoughts of each other well based on this text communication over the internet.

It is going more or less fine here on the forum, anyway :)

I was concerned about that point you are raising as I wrote that reply with the word "infidels".

I think we should be careful about making judgments on each other.

Then, you should practice what you preach rather than doing the exact opposite and creating conflict in the world. Of course, your hateful religion teaches you those things. That's why you have no morals. None.
The video is.....interesting.

I see a few examples of things that could possibly be considered unusual patterns in natural systems, I then see natural things with clearly human writing effecting a natural thing (the squash near the beginning has scar tissue in the shape of the Allah because, most likely, someone scratched the word into the squash a few weeks/days before harvesting it;same for the bee hives.), and more than anything, I see the human habit of finding patterns where none exist.

A number of the instances of "allah" look more like "More bars in more places" to me. Are you suggesting that any time three semi-parallel lines are next to each other that it's God? What about the billions of instances where there aren't three lines next to each other? When does the video get to the miracles?
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