To all ppl that believe in a god.

OverTheStars said:
I'm replying to the first post:
In the Bible, it states that God is just "there", he is, "I am."
He says that this is something mankind will never understand. If this is something you want to believe, but are struggling to do so, think of it this way: God is from a totally different dimension, not from this universe and so on. So that's how he created our existence, because he is from a different existence. Of course there isn't anything in the Bible to back this up, but it makes more sense.

We aren't questioning whether there are other dimensions--well i'm not anyhow. Even 'godless' science says there are other dimensions, though many would say 'spiritual'

What i personally am challenging is some deified nonbodaddy claiming to be of another dimension 'we can never understand' as written down by his agents, and then we believe anything they say regarding this dimension-we-can-never-understand. THAt is authoritarianism, cause they can say what the hell they want, and if you protest calim you don't understand, and then threaten you if you ask any more foolish questions.....a while back they'd happliy torture you and eterminate you for questioing the 'faith' in the 'unknowable dimension
duendy said:
THAT is what the rebelling scientists were against. So-called spirituaity had left a bad taste in their mouth, so they gave their energy and hopes to science, and ecided to leave FEELING out ot it. Thus it ALSO becomes mechanical!
These statements do not sit well with reality. How many working scientists have you known or observed? Those of any quality at all are immbued with a tangible enthusiasm for their speciality. The better ones are consumed by passion for it. They may be coldly critical of hypothesis and speculation, starting with their own, but their interest and involvement is anything but lacking in feeling.

Enigma asks "Have you ever taken an astronomy class? How about geometry? I don't mean to offend, I was just wondering."
Duendy replies "no........but this shouldn't disqualify me
or ANYone from exp[loring about these things"
Absolutely true. But it should stop them pontificating about them. We should be seeking knowledge (which we would all suppport) not making absolute declarations in areas where we are novices.

duendy said:
you ask that because i said for you not to assume ONE scientific theory tells us whats what right? Well it is true. whay aren't you aware of this. there are several interpretations of quantum, what it MEANS. there are several theories about the 'Big Bang'...NOT just one. Do you use the Web etc or what?
Is this an example of what you mean by condescending?
Ophiolite said:
These statements do not sit well with reality. How many working scientists have you known or observed? Those of any quality at all are immbued with a tangible enthusiasm for their speciality. The better ones are consumed by passion for it.

D--never said they weren't

They may be coldly critical of hypothesis and speculation, starting with their own, but their interest and involvement is anything but lacking in feeling.

D--you dont know what i meant

Enigma asks "Have you ever taken an astronomy class? How about geometry? I don't mean to offend, I was just wondering."
Duendy replies "no........but this shouldn't disqualify me
or ANYone from exp[loring about these things"
Absolutely true. But it should stop them pontificating about them. We should be seeking knowledge (which we would all suppport) not making absolute declarations in areas where we are novices.

d--like i said. ALL should be able to participate, if this means 'pontificating' as you put it, well it's for you to challenge it as you are doing, and me to explain my position. what i cant stand is people who do science becoming unapporachable because their assumption only they can inquire about deep questions etc

Is this an example of what you mean by condescending?

which was me saying 'why dont you use the web' or words to that effect?
no, i stick by what i say. time and again i come across people who dont seem to have the intitiative to explore the Web.
my system is prehistoric...have about 1000th of memory of most average computeres yet i have learnt lots sicne i've been online since using the bit i've got. sop those with much more memory. use it!...though i dont mean dont also explore here of course

now, about science and 'feeling'

"Galileo saidf: "Whatever cannot be measured and quantified is not scientific"; and in post-Galilean science this came to mean: "What cannot be quantified is not real." This has been the most profound corruption from the Greek view of nature as physis, which is alive, always in transformation, and not divorced from us. Galileo's program offers us a dead world: Out go sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, and along with them have since gone esthetic and ethical sensibility, values, quality, soul, consciousness, spirit. Experience as such is cast out of the realm of scientific discourse. Hardly anything has changed the world more during the past four hundred years than Galileo's audacious program. We had to destroy the world in theory before we could destry it in practice.'
[R.D. Laing as quoted in 'Uncommon wisdom: Conversations with remarkable people' by Fritjof Capra
In the beginning nothing existed for an eternity. Then one day it suddenly exploded into a very big something! Wheter by god or by chance, who knows?

Why did it all happen? is for me more of a puzzle than Who?
Stiaan said:
In the beginning nothing existed for an eternity. Then one day it suddenly exploded into a very big something! Wheter by god or by chance, who knows?

Why did it all happen? is for me more of a puzzle than Who?

HI Stiaan.....
If i was to put on some music, some rhythm you coldn't resist but dance to, and i asked you why you were dancing, what would you imagine you'd say?

Why were I dancing? Cause I had one to many to drink and are trying to impress the ladys with my disco moves.

I don't think there is anybody out there who can answer these questions. Who created the universe? Who created the creator? Why did the universe create itself?
We just don't know. There is lots of people who have very clever answers to these questions. Whether you try to answer it with science or religion it still remains only speculations and your own opinion.

I think the best answer is "I don't know."