Tight Clothing

Yup, the way in a debate, once you say something, stick to it

Too true, too true

Haha, like mafia style, friends, do one shit wrong with your boys, you're dead. Yeah, me too, I got your back , you're more understanding then the others. But if you cross me too, you might not really have a "back" left

So...couldwe e-whack someone then? Please, pretty please:(

The first person that does the personal insult directly indicates they have nothing much to attack in an argument, therefore providing me chances and giving me the edge

I use metaphors, that confuses them and they get put off. It works and I love it
Originally posted by Thor
It shouldn't matter how old you are. Most 'youngsters' have more brains than older people and we are very observant and like to share our opinions. We just need to be able to vote, thats all. Stop being ageist. We all have a right to speak our mind as long as it isn't offensive

No one was saying high school kids don't have opinions, Thor. No one was saying you can't be intelligent.

Your comment that "most" youngsters have more brains than older people is rather silly though, don't you think? MOST? hmm.

The argument was caused by DM's assertion that he has more experience than me with regard to women. two things... firstly, i'm far older, and him saying that is ridiculous. secondly, he's saying it when he has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA of whether he has or not. there is no possible way for him to know one way or the other. therefore, his argument is well... not even an argument. it's an assertion based on nothing. get it?
Originally posted by Dark Master

Of course I could understand your view of typical high school kids, because you are generally older. But I speak from experience.

and Adam is not, by inference? how insightful. you know him, of course. it's obvious you must do, because how else could you possibly make such a statement?

And the women I have been with aren't your typical highschoolers, mostly college women 18+...

oh my god. 18??? really? i'm speechless. NOBODY'S ever had an 18 year old before, how can we ever compare! Adam, we should surrender now, before our manhood is forever taken by such a cassanova.

I am far different from your average and different from any "typical high school kid."

different? and you're making this judgment based on what? your supposed cool style of dress and your far ranging experience with 18 year old girls?

Of course Adam, or many others that are older, I understand that you acquire wisdom when you grow and there will be always more to learn. I am not dismissing that at all and I respect that, you have lots to say Adam.

phht.. crawler. did you write that while on your belly by any chance? it would have been far more effective... perhaps a webcam next time so we can see the debasement in full 640x480 resolution.
and now for the main course...

Originally posted by Dark Master
I've stated why your assumption was a poor one. It is not a "hand me down belief." It was already handed-me-down because your assumption and broad generalization was poor. Here as I quote myself.

...ROOT is bad, not so in many CASES it would be a "root" reason. As I said, your assumption is a poor one, it holds little ground...

i thought you said you were well educated? perhaps if you laid off the sports, and getting yourself voted best dressed or whatever it was, you might be able to get a firmer grasp of english.

and that last bit... i still need an interpreter. DM, if you're going to make earth shaking statements of truth, then please write them so that others can understand them. that way, the whole world can benfit from your experience, which, as you have stated, is obviously far in advance of our own.

Can you read? Nightfall even has even proven your POOR generalization. (meaning Nightfall is saying it's not the root reason, her answering "definately. perhaps even more so" clearly states it) Just clarifying it for people like you. ;)

nightfall didn't refute anything at all. she merely said she didn't agree. look up "proof" in the dictionary sometime.

You need to wait and think more. The point is your "ROOT" reason was debunked by Nightfall, simply said. How many times do I need to say this??? :rolleyes:

no, it wasn't debuked at all. how many times do i need to say THAT? (no rolleyes required).
all that eye-rolling will damage your eyes eventually, you know. try looking at whats in front of you instead, you'll find the world becomes so much clearer.

Here again as I quote myself...*sighs*

ROOT is bad, not so in many CASES it would be a "root" reason. As I said, your assumption is a poor one, it holds little ground.

CAN you read???

yes i can. Can you write? i mean "writing" as in where people put words in lines so that they form coherent, understandable sentences. you know, the bit they taught in english where you were probably up on stage accepting your best dressed trophy.

First of all, who said you were wrong? REFUTE ME on that please. Can't can YOU? :bugeye:

If you have the brains to read, I stated it is a poor assumption. MEANINGGG for some it could be a reason for them, but you went off and said implying about all women or Nightfall in particular that it is a "root" reason, which is proven otherwise.

YOU did. several times. i think you did anyway... i had a hard time translating most of it.

it's still not "proven" otherwise at all. if Nightfall's opinion constitutes proof, then all we have to do to find the answer to the question "does god exist" is ask nightfall. she'll know, right?

Yeah, simply as typed, it is a poor assumption. Stop your jargon.

Jargon? back to the dictionary, young man. add "jargon" to the list of words for you to look up.

Fuck yeah, I can be arrogant sometimes if I want too. Although I am more understanding in most discussions, but that is boring if repeated, like Joeman said anyone can get kick out of arrogance.
Hahaha, were did I say I am not? I said "I am not so." Meaning at points I can be arrogant. And now is a good time you FUCKEN retard :D

riiiiight... so now we're going to argue about your DEGREE of arrogance, instead. sorry, dont have the time.

keep telling yourself how arrogant you are. keep telling yourself how BAD you are. you wont convince us (well, maybe Thor) but at least you'll make yourself feel better.

oh and by the way...
calling someone a "fucken retard" and then following up with a smily grin is not arrogance... it is an immature insult. man, that dictionary of yours is in for some serious page turning. add "arrogance" to your list.

Yes it does, it is a pretty valid assumption. Not narrowed down to only men anymore. Good jobbbbb.

actually, looking back, i never really narrowed it down to men at all. i DID make the mistake of typing "same sex" relationships in, but realised later this wasn't strictly true. save your self congratulations for when you earn them.

Haha, the way you said high school was degrading, so I wanted to redeem myself to you. But like I said the main point was so what I was in high school. Going to bigger dad's is not necessary. :p

no, i did not degrade high school kids. i said your assumption you have more experience than i do was stupid. see my post to Thor.

giving us a resume of your entire 18 years of experience was not necessary either, and thus i mentioned bigger dads... oh never mind, the point was obviously lost on you in the first place.

Well yes, maybe what I have said is rather insulting, sorry for that because I don't know how many women you have been with blah blah, how much experience you attain, but my main point was proving your assumption.

no, you're not sorry, don't lie.

your main point was not proving my assumption. your main point was attempting to DISPROVE it, which you still, sadly for you, have not done.

Yes, of course there is always more to learn.

in your case... FAR more.
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Dark Master ->

And the women I have been with aren't your typical highschoolers, mostly college women 18+...

I am far different from your average and different from any "typical high school kid."

19...you sound very simplistic through your way of thinking. I am 18.
from here

So you are saying that you date women your own age?oh my god, you really arn't average are you!?!??!??!?

From somewhere (I cannot find it) I was under the impression that you were at College/University not high school.

Dark Master -> Do you ever post anthing worth reading? First in my electronic tagging thread and now here, Why must you always argue, by bringing in age, intellegence, and personal insults?
So you are saying that you date women your own age?oh my god, you really arn't average are you!?!??!??!?

Ohhh it's sjmarsha again. :eek:

I was 17 when I was a junior. They are probably 19+ by now. I've just started my Senior year. And notice how I stated 18+.

From somewhere (I cannot find it) I was under the impression that you were at College/University not high school.

Of course, I put forward that impression. But never have I said I was, although I have experiences with college courses. People ,like Squid, who assume since your a high schooler they think they are all big and mighty with their years of experience. In some cases there is a lot more to learn and we know little, but in this case, I don't think so.

Dark Master -> Do you ever post anthing worth reading? First in my electronic tagging thread and now here, Why must you always argue, by bringing in age, intellegence, and personal insults?

Yeah. I don't throw personal insults right away. Besides, it's fun to do so and an argument is fun to me. Not saying I'm looking for an argument, whoever has different view points, people discuss and debate.
and Adam is not, by inference? how insightful. you know him, of course. it's obvious you must do, because how else could you possibly make such a statement?

Didn't say Adam was not. I am speaking of my own experience. Nice try though, trying to instigate something? Since he stated, "school kids, experience, blah blah." I said, "But I speak from experience," which is my personal experiences of women.

oh my god. 18??? really? i'm speechless. NOBODY'S ever had an 18 year old before, how can we ever compare! Adam, we should surrender now, before our manhood is forever taken by such a cassanova.

Uh, high school to college, that's a difference buddy. I guess you didn't notice how i said that. And I said 18+, they are probably 19+ by now since I am 18. That makes me not "typical high schooler dating high schoolers", which I believe not many date college women, or generally older women.

different? and you're making this judgment based on what? your supposed cool style of dress and your far ranging experience with 18 year old girls?

Compared to my whole school and the other high school I have transfered from. Given all that data I've given you, not many could do that can they? Then damn, this world is talented!

phht.. crawler. did you write that while on your belly by any chance?

Nah, I generally respect and listen to older people, unless I have a different opinion on the matter at hand.
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Originally posted by Dark Master
I was 17 when I was a junior. They are probably 19+ by now. I've just started my Senior year. And notice how I stated 18+.

so we can add... oh let me see... a year or two? that makes a HUGE difference. My erstwhile FIANCEE is two years older than me. oh wait... ok, i'll give you a few moments to go look up "erstwhile".

Of course, I put forward that impression. But never have I said I was, although I have experiences with college courses.

in other words, you wanted to give that impression, even though it wasn't true? how very sad.

People ,like Squid, who assume since your a high schooler they think they are all big and mighty with their years of experience. In some cases there is a lot more to learn and we know little, but in this case, I don't think so.

ok.... for the umpteenth millionth time... go read my reply to Thor, or something. i have a lot of respect for SOME high schoolers, and younger people, and there's one or two on this board whose opinions i value very highly..... you, however, don't make the grade. My disrespect is for YOU PERSONALLY, DM, don't try to insinuate otherwise.
i thought you said you were well educated? perhaps if you laid off the sports, and getting yourself voted best dressed or whatever it was, you might be able to get a firmer grasp of english.

Haha, well I was reading to fast to see you didn't you didn't understand what I have put.

Here: It is bad generalization that the women's "root" was to dress for men. Not so, in many cases, it would be a "root" reason. As I said, your assumption is a poor one for generalizing on women, it holds little ground.

Yeah, that was bad sentence structure, due to the 'low' level of high school talk, I was speaking to you in that way.

and that last bit... i still need an interpreter. DM, if you're going to make earth shaking statements of truth, then please write them so that others can understand them. that way, the whole world can benfit from your experience, which, as you have stated, is obviously far in advance of our own.

Ok, I've made the correction in terms for you to understand. My bad.

nightfall didn't refute anything at all. she merely said she didn't agree. look up "proof" in the dictionary sometime.

Yes she didn't agree, therefore the root reason you were saying is false.

no, it wasn't debuked at all. how many times do i need to say THAT? (no rolleyes required).
all that eye-rolling will damage your eyes eventually, you know. try looking at whats in front of you instead, you'll find the world becomes so much clearer.

hahaha. Roll my eyes if I want too. :rolleyes: :D

yes i can. Can you write? i mean "writing" as in where people put words in lines so that they form coherent, understandable sentences. you know, the bit they taught in english where you were probably up on stage accepting your best dressed trophy.

Alright alright, I skimmed too fast to notice. I used my high school degree of speaking, you know how horrible high school english is. But it was a mistake and I've corrected it.

YOU did. several times. i think you did anyway... i had a hard time translating most of it.

Nope, didn't say you were wrong if you think I did.

it's still not "proven" otherwise at all. if Nightfall's opinion constitutes proof, then all we have to do to find the answer to the question "does god exist" is ask nightfall. she'll know, right?

Trying to twist it now? Good, but no, not like that and won't work on me. It was your generalization that was an error and you even apologized to that.

Jargon? back to the dictionary, young man. add "jargon" to the list of words for you to look up.

Meaningless talk is what I thought you were saying, but I was wrong because you didn't understand my high school jargon.

oh and by the way...
calling someone a "fucken retard" and then following up with a smily grin is not arrogance... it is an immature insult. man, that dictionary of yours is in for some serious page turning. add "arrogance" to your list.

Haha, you're the one with the insults that came first, "poor copy of chosen." Yeah mines is immature, I like to swear sometimesm, can't have some amusement at least? :D Arrogant as in general through my reply because I thought my point, about your generalization being disproven, has completely gotten to you. But that one sentence through my poor sentence structure you didn't understand.

actually, looking back, i never really narrowed it down to men at all.

Yes you did, "competitively to get men," something like that.

no, i did not degrade high school kids. i said your assumption you have more experience than i do was stupid. see my post to Thor.

I didn't exactly say I have more experience then you, although you could see it as that way. I said "If you have experience with women..." You wouldn't make that poor assumption about them, if you've known them.

giving us a resume of your entire 18 years of experience was not necessary either, and thus i mentioned bigger dads... oh never mind, the point was obviously lost on you in the first place.

Gives me some credit and so you wouldn't degrade me, like I said the way you implied saying about high schoolers. I'm not like the other "wanna have fun only, what am I going to do later on in life" high school kids.

no, you're not sorry, don't lie.

I apologize for that so don't be a baby about it, not lying either.

in your case... FAR more.

Ha, I try to learn as much as possible, and I'm trying to get sophomore standing for college. You have far more to learn also, everyone does. Far more about what? How old are you? Since you know my age, and wisdom is gained through the years.
The argument was caused by DM's assertion that he has more experience than me with regard to women. two things... firstly, i'm far older, and him saying that is ridiculous. secondly, he's saying it when he has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA of whether he has or not. there is no possible way for him to know one way or the other. therefore, his argument is well... not even an argument. it's an assertion based on nothing. get it?

I didn't really say I was more experienced, you looked at it as mainly that way. All I basically said, "If you understand them and been through many experiences with women, you wouldn't make that generalization."

Maybe you didn't understand them? Doesn't necessairly mean I said I have had more experience. In this case you didn't understand, or you made a generalization error.

And I believe you made an error.
and don't call me "buddy". i'm not your mate, and the odds are i never will be.

It's more like, sureee there budddddyyyy, you would notice if I talked to you in person. It's more of a tease. That's how I used 'buddy' for you.
oh my... :eek:

1. of course "god" doesn't exist. however... i can acount for a few godesses... ;)

2. um... before you started throwing my words back in forth... did you ever stop and think about my reason behind what i said? didn't think so.
Originally posted by Dark Master

Haha, well I was reading to fast to see you didn't you didn't understand what I have put.

if you were reading too fast, how the hell would you KNOW what i said?

(Dm-speak translation : reading-speed fukked you up? then read-em closer and see-um what Squid-um was putting, and
debate-thought come.)

Here: It is bad generalization that the women's "root" was to dress for men. Not so, in many cases, it would be a "root" reason. As I said, your assumption is a poor one for generalizing on women, it holds little ground.

it wasn't a generalisation. i was saying this IS the reason for women dressing up, regardless of why they THINK they are doing so. this goes for men, lesbians, gays, whatever you want to throw in......

if you want to prove me wrong, you'll have to do better than "nightfall says this isn't so".

Yeah, that was bad sentence structure, due to the 'low' level of high school talk, I was speaking to you in that way.

i wasn't speaking to YOU that way.... what high school talk? are you saying high schoolers don't know english? what are they TEACHING you these days?

Ok, I've made the correction in terms for you to understand. My bad.

your bad indeed.

Yes she didn't agree, therefore the root reason you were saying is false.

all hail the omniscient Nightfall. remind me to check with her if i have anything to say in future, just to see if i'm right or not.

(no insult to Nightfall intended here....i think she's being misrepresented. badly.)

hahaha. Roll my eyes if I want too. :rolleyes: :D

go ahead. you are aware by now how much impact it has on me. who are YOU writing for?

Alright alright, I skimmed too fast to notice. I used my high school degree of speaking, you know how horrible high school english is. But it was a mistake and I've corrected it.

i know how horrible high school english is NOW.... far worse, if you are any indication, than what it was in MY day.

Trying to twist it now? Good, but no, not like that and won't work on me. It was your generalization that was an error and you even apologized to that.

twist it? no, that's what you said. unless of course you want to blame it on your poor high school english again...

Meaningless talk is what I thought you were saying, but I was wrong because you didn't understand my high school jargon.

if your "high school jargon" is becoming a standard, then god help the english language.

Haha, you're the one with the insults that came first, "poor copy of chosen." Yeah mines is immature, I like to swear sometimesm, can't have some amusement at least? :D Arrogant as in general through my reply because I thought my point, about your generalization being disproven, has completely gotten to you. But that one sentence through my poor sentence structure you didn't understand.

am i? have another look. i believe "lack of experience with women (or something like that, as you say) came first. you have a very subjective viewpoint haven't you?

"your point" about my generalisation being disproven, still hasn't been.

I didn't exactly say I have more experience then you, although you could see it as that way. I said "If you have experience with women..." You wouldn't make that poor assumption about them, if you've known them.

you did. or perhaps we can put it down to your "high school jargon" or something, if it gets you off the hook.

oh and by the way... you're STILL saying it.

Gives me some credit

credit is where credit's due.

and so you wouldn't degrade me, like I said the way you implied saying about high schoolers.

i didn't, but i've been there several times and not going back to it again.

I'm not like the other "wanna have fun only, what am I going to do later on in life" high school kids.

so? what's that got to do with anything here? show me what you have, if it's anything useful. don't say it... PROVE it.

I apologize for that so don't be a baby about it, not lying either.

ok. i'll take your word for it. forgive me for not believing it though. you and i, i think, know better than that. playing for the audience?

Ha, I try to learn as much as possible, and I'm trying to get sophomore standing for college. You have far more to learn also, everyone does. Far more about what? How old are you? Since you know my age, and wisdom is gained through the years.

you're not "trying" to learn much at all. you're assuming you've have more experience than others far older than you with no immediate justification, you're insulting them when they tell you you're wrong, and you're not even coherent most of the time in doing so. i, myself, will learn from those who have something to teach me.

show me some deep, original thought, and i'll accord you more respect. until then, to me, you're a gnat, and will be treated accordingly.
and so you wouldn't degrade me, like I said the way you implied saying about high schoolers.

Oh don't degrade him, Squid, degrade me. I'm cuter than he is, anyway.

Gives me some credit and so you wouldn't degrade me, like I said the way you implied saying about high schoolers. I'm not like the other "wanna have fun only, what am I going to do later on in life" high school kids.

*The English language surrenders*
How the fuck did discussion about tight clothing come to this? *picks up an M16 and glares stermly at discussion group gone mad*

*sounds of agony and pain*


Ok, replying to the original post. Tyler, you seem to be stuck in the white, all USA point of view. In some cultures it is considered attractive to be fat, and in the past being fat was the "in" thing. Also, look at caveman carvings. You will not see many pictures of slender, sexy-in-the-modern-USA-sense women with bodies like Britney's or Jenny Lopez's. The carvings glorify flabby flabs of fat.
We only like slender women nowadays because people in the US are ina land of plenty, where you don't need stores of fat to survive. So, biologically we sense that it does not make sense to be fat, and that might go along some tortuous psychological path to lead to "fat = not cool".

It's all relative.

Don't get me wrong, though. I do know that you should consider all culutral viewpoints, but I partly agree with Tyler in that I like it when I see hot girls in tight clothing. It appeals to me. (I also grew up in the US, if you want to know) But it is nto overly agonizing or mentally torturing when I see fat people wear the same thing. I get where you're coming from, but it's wrong.

And Xev, one thing I never understood. How in the world do you girls bear those tighty tightitty tight jeans?? if I were a girl wearing that I would probably suffocate and die within two minutes.
Your handle fits you well, Squid Vicious. Dark Master, I don't understand yours, sorry. To the former, I suggest you look at what you have written in as objective a point of view as you can manage and consider another, less vicious approach to refuting Dark Master's opinions and points. You were once his age. To the latter, I recommend that you do not suggest that you have a larger amount of experience - how can you know?
Originally posted by Dark Master

Ohhh it's sjmarsha again. :eek:

I was 17 when I was a junior. They are probably 19+ by now. I've just started my Senior year. And notice how I stated 18+.

Yes that plus did confuse me a little. (?)

Of course, I put forward that impression. But never have I said I was, although I have experiences with college courses. People ,like Squid, who assume since your a high schooler they think they are all big and mighty with their years of experience. In some cases there is a lot more to learn and we know little, but in this case, I don't think so.
I wish I could find it....
And I agree. As soon as you move up a year in school, you suddenly become better, and more intellegent than everyone else. Well you think that you are anyway.... Its just the way it works.

Yeah. I don't throw personal insults right away. Besides, it's fun to do so and an argument is fun to me. Not saying I'm looking for an argument, whoever has different view points, people discuss and debate. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, people discuss and debate, you try to get me to bugger off, or completely confuse me that I know longer know where I stand... :(