Tight Clothing

Okay, okay. That was uncalled for and I apologize.

You call that begging?! "Oh gracious and wonderful Xev, please answer the question of a humble mortal. Here, I'll sacrifice a virgin in your honor." is a start. :D
Fat people in tight, tight clothing is not attractive in North America. Tight, tight clothing is not comfortable. As you said, human nature is rarely logical. This falls under that category and it is something that largely annoys the fuck out of me. I have to spend 5 hours a day looking at people with their fat pooring out from under their shirt. It annoys the hell out of me and other males. I wish to god it would cease. As you so eloquently pointed out things don't stop because I want them to. Thing is, if I didn't know that I would expect you to point out that I should breathe every so often. I wish people with no insight into movies would stop considering themselves critics, but it ain't gonna happen. As I said - this is why I put the thread in "Free Thoughts" and not "General Philosophy".
are we talking about those REALLY large women in spandex? in that case. yes.. i get nightmares too.. however.. i think that even though all the supermodels are 6 foot callista flockhearts, we dont all follow the herd and decide to become anorexic. some men, prefer thin woman.. some men prefer thicker women. i am not a thin woman. im not a massive blob of cellulite.. but you sure as hell arn't going to find me dancing back-up for britney spears on mtv. . and ive come to deal with this. i am happy with who i am, and if i want to wear something tight, and cute, im going to. do you really beleive that woman spend their whole life looking good for men? no. we look for ourselves. we dress up to make ourselves feel good. to feel special. and most of us dont give a damn if you dont like our shape becuase there are many people who do.
Fat women can wear tight clothing as they see fit, but I will never, ever consider one attractive, or respect her for her own respect of herself. I see that as a flaw in her own idea of physical healthiness and well-being.

Same thing for fat men, although I am not attracted to any men :p

If you are fat, solve the problem, or take the shit that comes to you from it. Obesity is a problem. If you take offense to this, first ask yourself why. Does it make you feel bad? Why?

PS - Fat women wearing tight clothing is like a smoker showing off his/her resulting halitosis by breathing on people.
Nightfall, you are going to look fine in whatever you wear.

And well said. I'm not a blob of cellulite and I'm not Kate Moss. I'm me.

And if I want to walk down the street in a leather corset and carrying a bullwhip, I will.
And if I want to wear a shirt two sizes too large with coffee and bleach stains on it, I will.
And if I want to wear nothing but a string bikini, I fucking will.

I'm not a slave to a God that doesn't exist.
And I'm not a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit.

In conclusion, fuck you all. :p
I'm a 19 year old male. I think that I am qualified to make a post in this thread (even if I havent read it all! sorry! ).

Now then... My personal view is that a persons size SHOULDN'T matter. and thats its the personality that counts.

however... as Xev put it earlier ...
other parts of our anatomy?
. They think differently. Personally I hate big fat women, But you can live with them when they cover themselves up, when they wear tight clothes I feel like running for the bath room and throwing up.

All of my friends who are women are shorter than I am, relativley fit. i.e "ideal weight" if there is such a thing. Which prooves which part of my body makes the decisions.

I cannot remember where I am going with this post...One of my fit friends came by...

in summarry...(after the = sign is what I am thinkin)

big fat women + Tight clothes = Bath room.
Big fat women + baggy clothes = OK. I might get to know them.
"thin" women + tight clothes = sexy. "Will you come home with me?"
"thin" women + baggy clother = sexy. "Can I get to know you better?"
Sinicure71 wrote:
what it really boils down to is that fat people want to be beautiful and wear nice fashionable clothes just as much as thin people do

But do they have to wear the same sizes thinner people wear?

I may be only 16, but I have lived in a lot of different places in Europe so I have experienced many cultures

Has anyone ever seen Emmerdale, its a soap in the UK. Well, there was this herruge woman on there called Mandy, but she thought she was the most beautiful woman alive, and thats not her character:eek:
>>>I have to spend 5 hours a day looking at people with their fat pooring out from under their shirt. It annoys the hell out of me and other males. I wish to god it would cease.

Well, I'm annoyed by little boys with little minds who spout nonsense which showcases their lack of knowledge of the world and lack of compassion for the people in it. And in case you are curious, I'm a tall thin female who looks totally hot in a string bikini & wouldn't spend my time with the likes of such small minded annoying little boys. :p
>>>Do they have to be tall?

If referring to my post, I suppose I mention I'm tall because it is one of the first things I think of when describing my appearance.
cheers :)
Originally posted by nightfall
do you really beleive that woman spend their whole life looking good for men? no. we look for ourselves. we dress up to make ourselves feel good. to feel special.

Nightfall... have you ever wondered WHY you feel "special" or "good" when dressed up? This does fine as an answer in itself, if nobody looks any deeper.

The question does remain... do you think, in an all-female world, that you would still bother to dress up? would fashion still exist at all? no, wait, lets change that to "same sex environment" to avoid any sexist bent.

Perhaps it is true that you are mostly comparing yourself to other females, and knowing you look good by ANY standard makes you feel great. but the ROOT of that feeling is that when you compare yourself to them and come out at least ok, then you are COMPETITIVELY able to get men, regardless of whether you are currently trying or not.

Perhaps its similar to saying to yourself, "ok, i'm not going to actually spend any money, but i feel comfortable because i know i have it if i need it".
or perhaps not - not a fantastic analogy i know.
First of all, Nightfall has nothing to worry about with tight clothes: http://darknesssetsin.homestead.com/files/SenPicbw.jpg

Now, I really don't care too much who wears what, in general. I love seeing a fit, healthy girl's body, and tight clothing facilitates this. But both loose sloppy clothing and tight clothing on a girlfriend are great for snuggling.
The question does remain... do you think, in an all-female world, that you would still bother to dress up? would fashion still exist at all? no, wait, lets change that to "same sex environment" to avoid any sexist bent.

You are just looking at it the "typical male" view of women. If you understand them and been through many experiences of women :p, then you would understand that women, even men, dress to look good/cool/tight/individuality, to elicit meaning, to themselves or to others, whichever is important. As in society, education is valued. So as to whoever a group of people, if that type of fashion is valued, it will be the trend to dress nice or that certain way. Of course there are the individuals with creativity and "I don't care what the fuck you think of me."

I certainly don't dress entirely for women. I dress for myself, to feel good, look good, and to also look better then others. I won the superlative Best Style for my school :D and I have been single my entire high school year. Implying, I believe is close-minded, that people only dress for the opposite sex is entirely a poor assumption. Competition, values, appearances, price, attraction, individuality etc. all matter in the fashion world. Mainly, what's important to you, as in is society's standards important to you?

Perhaps it is true that you are mostly comparing yourself to other females, and knowing you look good by ANY standard makes you feel great. but the ROOT of that feeling is that when you compare yourself to them and come out at least ok, then you are COMPETITIVELY able to get men, regardless of whether you are currently trying or not.

What do you have to comment about lesbians? :bugeye:
I have to go so just a quicky post here.

If you look at nightfall's picture - I am more than fine with someone like her wearing whatever the hell they want. Go about 10+ pounds (at her height/body frame I mean) more and I would start to be a little offput. Go 25+ pounds and I feel like saying something to the person.
Dark Master...

Learn to read more closely (geez, how i tire of saying that). i said, if you even bothered to read, that the SURFACE was to feel good, look good etc. you obviously never get past that - the surface, i mean.

You're a poor copy of chosen anyway - you sound just like him. get some originality instead of talking about how "original" you are.

Lesbians? most of them actually prove my point, not refute it.

*edit*.. no, i guess thats a generalisation. lets say at least "some" lesbians would "appear" to prove it. I dont have a lot of experience with them myself... although im sure Dark Master has. he seems to be very emphatic about how "experienced" he is... and i gather hes still in high school too. wow. im impressed.
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I'm a 19 year old male.
?!?!?!!?!? with tiassa.. i kinda wondered.. but with you.. i never would've guessed... no offense tiassa.. that "a" at the end just threw me for a loop at first. and sjmarsha... im sure you can see what i was thinking.. not to mention the av. of sarah.
The question does remain... do you think, in an all-female world, that you would still bother to dress up? would fashion still exist at all? no, wait, lets change that to "same sex environment" to avoid any sexist bent.
definately. perhaps even more so.
First of all, Nightfall has nothing to worry about
to end anythin said about that pic, it was taken at the end of competition season in 11th grade... since then ive quit poms, and become a coach, went to nail tech school, and got a head start on my freshman fifteen. dammit.
And if I want to walk down the street in a leather corset and carrying a bullwhip, I will.
:eek: LMAO