Three Experiments Challenging SRT

However, the geometry of empty space doesn't require space to be filled with a substance.
The geometry for our universe could not exist without a support structure for light/electromagnetic fields. That's why time dilation and length contraction are tied to the speed of light. That's why matter and anti-matter annihilate in a flash of light (gamma rays).
Mazulu, I have said many times and I repeat again: the necessity of time dilation does not follow from the invariance of the speed of light. Slowing down time is a consequence of absolute cross-scale (y '= y and z' = z).
If you to do relativity for all the coordinates (not just longitudinal), then the necessity of time dilation can disappear.

See Master Theory (edition 3).
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Mazulu, I have said many times and I repeat again: the necessity of time dilation does not follow from the invariance of the speed of light. Slowing down time is a consequence of absolute cross-scale (y '= y and z' = z).
If you to do relativity for all the coordinates (not just longitudinal), then the necessity of time dilation can disappear.

See Master Theory (edition 3).
How can the necessity of time dilation disappear? Time dilation is a measurable. All velocities are gauged against the speed of light, c. The only possible reason why this could be is that the speed of light is built into the very fabric of space-time, itself. Given that wave-function mathematics is so prominent in quantum mechanics, then the two puzzle pieces fit together: the fabric of space-time is made of aether waves (mathematically described as wave-functions); these waves obey $$c=\lambda f$$. If everything is made of aether waves (which has the speed of light built into them) then all velocities are gauged with respect to the aether, and are therefore gauged with respect to the speed of light. Einstein was right; he just didn't go far enough.
How can the necessity of time dilation disappear? Time dilation is a measurable.
You are a victim of fraud.
No exist experiments that reliable proved the existence of a time dilation.

The time dilation in experiment of measurements of relativistic effects occurs in the assumption that the matter can not travel faster than light. But this assumption is no proven.

I asked alls to show us a data of the measurements of relativistic effects, which were obtained by GPS satellites.
brucep promised long ago.
Where are a data of the measurements of relativistic effects?
No show.

Вы стали жертвой мошенничества.
Не существует надежных экспериментов, которые доказали существование замедления времени.

Замедление времени в эксперименте при измерений релятивистских эффектов возникает в предположении, что материя не может двигаться быстрее, чем свет. Но это предположение не доказано.

Я спросил знатоков, чтобы показали данные измерений релятивистских эффектов, которые были получены с помощью спутников GPS.
brucep обещал давно.
Где данные измерений релятивистских эффектов?
Их нет.
All velocities are gauged against the speed of light, c. The only possible reason why this could be is that the speed of light is built into the very fabric of space-time, itself. Given that wave-function mathematics is so prominent in quantum mechanics, then the two puzzle pieces fit together: the fabric of space-time is made of aether waves (mathematically described as wave-functions); these waves obey . If everything is made of aether waves (which has the speed of light built into them) then all velocities are gauged with respect to the aether, and are therefore gauged with respect to the speed of light. Einstein was right; he just didn't go far enough.
Listen to the tales of efir I will not, because no one is never explained why us need this "Fifth wheel in the cart".
Oh cool, I never knew there was an European space agency. Why haven't they gone to the moon or mars? And why do they pay a physicist to do work for them?
Yep, it's about 40 years old. They've put probes onto Mars and are planning more, though even the one planned for 5~10 years from now will be tiny compared to what NASA just put on Mars. They're doing a new set of rockets now, much like NASA, to try to do more frequent and commercially viable launches of bigger stuff. As for employing a physicist, they have some of the biggest, more complicated problems in all of engineering and physics to consider, they employ armies of physicists, engineers and mathematicians for various things. I don't work for them, I've been doing work for them (if you see the distinction). Name a major area of structural engineering, aerospace or practical physics and they have someone working on something pertaining to it. Still, NASA's budget, man power, technological prowess and accomplishments put us on this side of The Pond to shame, though we're not trying to be direct 'competitors', more a complement and collaborator for the really big stuff.
Masterov said:
You are a victim of fraud.
No exist experiments that reliable proved the existence of a time dilation.
Here, Masterov again demonstrates that he hasn't done very much research.

Muon time-of-flight experiments verify that time dilation is real, and importantly is explained (or rather correctly described) by special relativity.
If time dilation has no experimental evidence then all those high-energy accelerators have been constructed on what, wishful thinking? A fraud? They shouldn't have found the top quark (or any of the others)
But wait, you say they have found the top quark?

Without special relativity there are quite a few inventions that wouldn't exist; that they do exist is direct evidence that special relativity is the correct theory to use.
It comes equipped with time dilation and length contraction, the 'right' way to compose velocities, and some other stuff.

Masterov is either in denial or taking the piss.
Here, Masterov again demonstrates that he hasn't done very much research.

Muon time-of-flight experiments verify that time dilation is real, and importantly is explained (or rather correctly described) by special relativity.
If time dilation has no experimental evidence then all those high-energy accelerators have been constructed on what, wishful thinking? A fraud? They shouldn't have found the top quark (or any of the others)
But wait, you say they have found the top quark?

Without special relativity there are quite a few inventions that wouldn't exist; that they do exist is direct evidence that special relativity is the correct theory to use.
It comes equipped with time dilation and length contraction, the 'right' way to compose velocities, and some other stuff.

Masterov is either in denial or taking the piss.

With respect, arfa brane, your opening remark to Masterov assumes too much without cause. Perhaps it is because he has done his research that these questions arise in his mind? Your assuming that he has not is disrespectful and is not conducive to dispassionate scientific discourse of the issues as put; and you come across as dogmatic rather than scientific in the rest of your post, simply repeating what you have read, without even considering the other possible interpretations of the observed phenomena you mention.

For example, all that a true scientist CAN say when observing Muons at different velocities is that Muons at different KINETIC ENERGY (and hence different total internal energy) levels behave differently as to their 'duration' or 'life' time before decaying to other particles of lesser total energy levels. And that's it. Anything further is just INTERPRETATION based on assumptions made.

For example, I can make the perfectly reasonable ASSUMPTION that because a particle's total internal energy levels dictate how long they can last in an unstable configuration of that energy in its 'matter' feature as it moves through space. I can make the further reasonable assumption that, depending on the velocity, and in combination with the internal/kinetic energy levels/configurations involved, the 'life' time (and hence the space distance covered) varies in a certain non-linear way correlating with the internal states of the particle at each and every moment/step of the path in space which is being traversed.

So you see, I can assume those things and reasonably INTERPRET the muon life/decay phenomena as mere internal energy interacting with space being traversed which in a non-linear way delays decay the more speed (kinetic/total energy) it starts out with. That non-linear relationship may reasonably be interpreted to lead to the observed/measured phenomena (life time and decay modes/position etc) along the trajectory depending on the overall parameters/values involved.

So I can further interpret that NO time 'dilation' per se has occurred. Nor has space 'distance contraction' occurred. But that the non-linear correspondence between velocity through space and internal/kinetic energy available in the moving feature's 'mobile event centre' processes are DELAYED the more energy/speed it has. Naturally, if such a decay delay processes are non-linear, and if the particle moves further along a space trajectory while decaying more slowly in a non-linear rate the faster it is moving, then there is NO need to interpret that non-liner decay-delay as involving some 'interpreted' 'time dilation' and/or 'space distance contraction'.

All that has been 'observed' is that internal energy/processes increase the stability/space-transit 'window' before decay 'event' which occurs further along in a non-linear way. That is, the internal 'clocks' are affected, not some 'time' or 'space' dimensions as currently 'interpreted'.

Less dogmatic/assumptive and more respectful replies to others will assist in good dispassionate scientific discourse; and not just in this thread. Thanks.
RealityCheck said:
So I can further interpret that NO time 'dilation' per se has occurred. Nor has space 'distance contraction' occurred. But that the non-linear correspondence between velocity through space and internal/kinetic energy available in the moving feature's 'mobile event centre' processes are DELAYED the more energy/speed it has.
Can you explain the difference between time dilation and time delay? How is the latter related to proper time?
Can you expand a little on how internal particle energy interacts with space? Why does muon lifetime correlate in a non-linear way with muon velocity?

Yes, you can make assumptions, they might well be "perfectly" reaonable, but can you explain how your assumptions/axioms are different to SR's?
Can you explain the difference between time dilation and time delay? How is the latter related to proper time?
Can you expand a little on how internal particle energy interacts with space? Why does muon lifetime correlate in a non-linear way with muon velocity?

Yes, you can make assumptions, they might well be "perfectly" reaonable, but can you explain how your assumptions/axioms are different to SR's?

The differences are self-evident in the assumptions as put, so no further comment on that is needed.

The concepts/observables/measurements of quantum states and internal/kinetic energy associated with a quantum system/particle is also self-evident and needs no further comment.

Note then that my reasonable assumptions are not 'radical', but just that, reasonable, given all that.

SR however makes ad hoc assumptions when 'interpreting' those very same concepts/observables I mentioned.

Why choose one 'interpretation' to include assumptions like 'time dilation' and 'space distance contraction' when the reasonable assumptions I made as an example will do the job without any such further complications.

Non-linear processes exist observably in the physical reality. So no further 'justification' is necessary for my example assuming non-linear possibilities exist also in Muon decay processes which may be non-linearly affected by increased velocities during decay process 'events'.

The subtle difference between time delay and time dilation is that:

- whereas energy/matter processes/motions proceed at a certain inherent rate depending on internal and external physical parameters involved in the feature/process under study, any 'delays' are just that, 'delays' in process 'events' from their previous rate of 'completion',

- while 'time dilation' is a specific concept in mathematical definition of 'dimension' used in that mathematical construct, so it is ASSUMED that a 'thing' like 'time' exists 'apart' from process.

When in actual fact, all that a true scientist can say is that we observe process and we measure rates of a process which, according to internal/external energy/parameters involved, may vary (either linearly or non-linearly as per what is observed/measured).

So, 'time' is different from 'process'. The latter can be OBSERVED to be 'delayed' or 'sped up'; while the former is only ASSUMED as part of a mathematical analytical construct which treats it as a 'dimension' rather than the 'physical process' which that assumption is 'modeling' mathematically. Time is not the observable process itself, but merely the modeling of that observable process within the contextual definitions/assumptions of an abstract mathematical construct.

I trust that helps you consider/discuss different 'takes' on things without resorting to disrespectful and dogmatic responses to those who may have a different take on things; perhaps because they did do their research and want to question and compare based on whatever 'take' they took from said research.

Solid residue
Your claim of "Bullshit" does not clearly define the point you wish to make.
[A] Scientist defends Truth.
[A] Fanatic - religious dogma.
(Indefinite articles added to make the Russian-to-English grammatically correct. Abuse of color and font removed to make the post civil.) Your sloganeering is reminiscent of Mao's Little Red Book. However it does not accurately portray the role and work of scientists. Truth is under the jurisdiction of philosophers who claim to be able to define it and logicians and mathematicians who claim to be able to manipulate it with precision. Scientists work with observations of phenomena and models of classes of phenomena -- keeping only the models that best match the observations. So if you want a more accurate slogan, perhaps:
"Science is a precise, communicable description of phenomena. -- Наука точного описания явлений, которые можно научить других." We know it's precise because scientific theories get tested over and over. We know that it is communicable because scientific papers are cited when their ideas or observations are reused.

Your parable about blind people creating a hypothetical generalized Galilean transform where $$K^{\tiny -\frac{1}{2}}$$ is the speed of sound is inapposite to the reasoning that lead to the development of special relativity. For example, within the precision of experiments to distinguish the difference, the speed of sound is not constant relative to the observers, but relative to the air. Thus post #602 supports my claim that you do not understand special relativity.

coordinates are not real -- they are man-made inventions to describe geometry in the language of number and algebra.
There is no such thing as a real coordinate system. In Newtonian theory or Special Relativity, all inertial coordinate systems are special in that inertial motion in an inertial coordinate system is always linear motion. Further, Galilean and Lorentz transformations give us two separate alternatives for converting between inertial coordinate systems. Further, all experiments precise enough to favor one alternative over the other favors Special Relativity over Galileo and Newton.

Master theory is not up to the task because what is Master-transformed cannot be Master-transformed back such that Alice to Bob to Alice is not the same as Alice to Alice (i.e. no transformation).

Space time has, under every test we have ever run, the same local structure as the hyperbolic geometry of Minkowski space. So if we do form different inertial coordinate systems we can be assured that $$c^2 ( \Delta t)^2 - \vec{\Delta x}^2 = c^2 ( \Delta t')^2 - \vec{\Delta x'}^2$$ and calling the different man-made coordinate systems names like "real" or "visual" doesn't change the fact they are both equally man-made inventions bases on human choices of origins and standards of rest.

Why would Masterov want to criticize special relativity when he has never understood it, or coordinates, or linear algebra or analytic geometry? For years he raise the same feeble strawmen and kicks them over without doing the slightest damage to the world of facts and engineering that demonstrate special relativity works.
Why would Masterov want to criticize special relativity when he has never understood it, or coordinates, or linear algebra or analytic geometry? For years he raise the same feeble strawmen and kicks them over without doing the slightest damage to the world of facts and engineering that demonstrate special relativity works.

You're the first one who told me about this.
Surely not. Everyone who understands special relativity and bothers to respond to your posts tells you that you do not understand special relativity.
James R started a thread just to teach you what an inertial coordinate system was. You failed to recognize linear algebra as a valid way to describe linear motion in post #611 and many others. And my post #765 discussed analytic geometry in the context of a Euclidean plane in a way analogous to the Lorentz transform.
You have no any arguments in physics, and you look them up somewhere else.
My arguments are my own. What I look up are facts. I looked up the facts of what the Bertozzi paper said. I looked up the facts of what the Fan paper measured (and specifically what it did not measure). I looked up what speed and energies the OPERA experiment measured. And I looked up the facts about the GPS system directly confirming the predictions of Relativity with respect to clock timings.

Why would Masterov want to criticize special relativity when he has never understood it, or coordinates, or linear algebra or analytic geometry? For years he raise the same feeble strawmen and kicks them over without doing the slightest damage to the world of facts and engineering that demonstrate special relativity works.
What's not to understand? Masterov have both experimental results and theoretical justification.
I entirely disagree. Theoretically, Masterov's theory is ill-defined and self-contradictory. Experimentally, it is contraindicated by everyday experience.
Why this question?
Because while I think trying to fix a persecution complex and delusional thinking is a fundamentally doomed effort, I am curious what motivated you to fixate on special relativity when you lack the math background to discuss linear motion or the physics background to discuss the inadequacies of the experimental design of the Fan paper. You must have some motive. I suspect it is envy of the respect that Einstein received plus an overreliance on the popular saying that Einstein was "only a Swiss patent clerk" in 1905 when in fact he was a newly minted Ph.D. Rather than being a physics outsider, he was there in turn-of-century Europe when Newtonian preconceptions were crumbling left and right.

Very typical question in a situation in Confessors SRT code is not provided arguments.
This question is significant.
I have no idea what this could mean. Neither "кода" nor "исповедников" makes sense to me in this context.
In Russia, the accusation of anti-Semitism after of this question (as a rule).
(But what to do if there are no more arguments?)
A major source of anti-Einstein rants on the Internet is in fact anti-Semitic websites. Perhaps this is true in Russian web pages as well.

An accusations of anti-Semitism are another (often used in Russia) vile method of protecting SRT.
No, anti-Semitism is vile and some empty-headed attacks on Special Relativity do originate from anti-Semitic sources. The defense of Special Relativity, like all scientific theories, is based entirely on how well it agrees with facts. (Like the observations made by Fan.)

rpenner, your exercises with Lorentz transformations have no big physical meaning, because you are operating unreal coordinates.
While all coordinates are unreal, I am careful to use inertial coordinates which have the property that all inertial motions are described as linear relations. So Lorentz transforms do have physical meaning if they map linear motion to linear motion (they do), if physics ignoring gravity respects inertial motion (so Newton and all since have told us), and if experiment agrees better with Lorentz transforms ($$K = c^{\tiny -2}$$) than Galilean transforms ($$K=0$$), which every precision measurement since 1859 agrees they do.
Lorentz transformations do convert visual coordinates and visual time. Visual coordinates do not have much physical meaning, as well as the acoustic coordinates.
By "visual coordinates", I suspect you mean the geometric effect of the finite speed of the propagation of light. The concept is not unknown to physics, being a major part of the theory of electrodynamics and taught as an advanced subject to all physics majors who would better known them as "retarded coordinates." However application of retarded coordinates do not map slower-than-light movement to slower-than-light movement or linear movement to linear movement.
If a body in inertial coordinates is described as $$\vec{R}(t) = \vec{R}_0 + \vec{u} t$$ then its position in retarded coordinates is
$$\vec{r}(t) = \vec{R}_0 + \vec{u} \; \left( t + \frac{ ( \vec{R}_0 + \vec{u} t ) \cdot \vec{u} }{c^2 - \vec{u}^2} - \frac{\sqrt{\left[ ( \vec{R}_0 + \vec{u} t ) \cdot \vec{u} \right]^2 + ( \vec{R}_0 + \vec{u} t )^2 (c^2 -\vec{u}^2)}}{c^2 -\vec{u}^2} \right)$$

Only for special applications it makes sense to consider the visual coordinates.
But it makes sense to learn what visual coordinates mean and what Lorentz transformations mean before equating them.
One twin sleeps in a bed, and the other twin is sleeping in a spaceship.

You state that time of spaceship are slower.

What (what is name of it? what and in what physical quantities measure it? what does it depend?) physical parameter responsible for the rate of flow of time in a space ship?
The question is improper. Both the bed-sleeper and the spaceship-sleeper are in inertial states of motion. Thus both are motionless in a coordinate system where their inertial state of motion is defined to be at rest.

So if we are using the spaceship-centric coordinates then the bed is moving at velocity $$-\vec{v}$$. And if we are using the bed-centric coordinates then the spaceship is moving at velocity $$+\vec{v}$$.
So each second of bed time is $$\gamma$$ seconds of spaceship time AND $$- \gamma \vec{v} \times 1 \; \textrm{second}$$ meters of spatial position change.
And each second of spaceship time is $$\gamma$$ seconds of bed time AND $$\gamma \vec{v} \times 1 \; \textrm{second}$$ meters of spatial position change.

Bed-time and spaceship-time are apples and oranges but bed-space-time and spaceship-space-time are apples and apples and can be equated without contradiction.

Hi rpenner.
Yes, we all know by now your own personal/scientific ethics/standards. Nuff said about that.
If you love me so much, why don't you learn physics?

As for answering Masterov's question, I refer you to my above post to przyk. Neither his allusion to electromagnetism or anything else has answered the question as put by Masterov.
Masterov must shed his preconceptions before can ask meaningful questions. Here his questions appear to be misunderstandings of what AlphaNumeric said. Misunderstandings that date back to at least post #730, and not any position taken by Przyk.
And neither does your mathematical calculations in hyperbolic geometry answer it.
Sure they do. $$K=c^{\tiny -2}$$ means the generalized Galilean transform preserves $$\tau = \frac{1}{c} \sqrt{ (c \Delta t)^2 - (\Delta \vec{x})^2 }$$ for any two events along any inertial worldline. This generalizes to accelerated motion without requiring any physical changes to matter which is why an electron's mass is defined in its rest frame.
It would make a nice change if someone who professes to be the 'expert' would actually answer the question as put rather than beating all around it and pretending they have done so.
It would be a nice change if people taking issue with relativity would exhibit skill at physics. I invite comments from the moderators about what would be nice changes of all and any poster's behaviors.
Thanks in anticipation of an expert opinion to the point without all the personal sideplay/evasion tactics.
For someone who professes a distaste for personal sideplay, you sure seem to make many veiled personal comments.

Hi przyk.

Masterov has asked you this more than once now...
przyk, уou argue that the physical properties of matter are change by acceleration, and it leads to slower time?

1. What are these physical properties of matter. Name it.

2. Assume that the acceleration can result to time dilation.
One would assume that the braking do time acceleration.
But braking is no different from the acceleration.
The difference has in the direction and in the terminology.

If the acceleration do time dilation, then what do time-acceleration, to return time to its original state?
Can you answer it directly without invoking explanations which do not address the point of his question as put? Just saying electromagnetism etc etc does not answer what causes the original acceleration to dilate time and the subsequent DE-celeration to UN-dilate it back to the starting rate. What is that parameter unique to each whatever frame they are in?[/b]

I am most curious to see the answer to THAT point/question rather than going all around the houses to avoid doing so as you and others seem happy to do again and again.
I haven't bothered with that question because it is the wrong question to ask in the first place: relativistic effects are directly associated with relative velocity, not acceleration. In fact, if we do the exercise of working out e.g. what happens to the orbital period of an electron orbiting a nucleus as we accelerate the whole system, normally to get the time dilation factor predicted by relativity we have to assume that the whole system is being accelerated gently enough so that any additional effects due to acceleration are negligible.

If I quickly accelerate you at a rate of 10000 g up to a speed near the speed of light, I don't expect the result just to be you continuing to age as you would otherwise have done, except more slowly. I would instead expect the rapid acceleration to kill you outright, and for whatever was left moving near the speed of light not to resemble you much as you are now at all.
Acceleration is a change of velocity. Not matter how rapid or gradual it is the total change of velocity that matters because this defines the Lorentz transform required to convert the initial inertial coordinate system where the object is at rest to a new inertial coordinate system where the object is at rest. Special Relativity, of itself, does not put a bound on the acceleration of generic objects. It is self-consistent to model Compton scattering as a instantaneous change of velocity of point-like electrons, for example.

Now we are getting to the nub of why that question needed to be asked. For if as in SR all motion of a body is merely 'relative' to some other body, then there is no basis for saying that acceleration/deceleration affecting clocks per se so that they read differently when accelerated to some constant velocity 'relative' to the other body and then DE-accelerated to a velocity to coincide with that other body at the end of the 'round trip'.
Acceleration implies change of velocity; change of velocity implies change of direction of the proper time vector of the object, which is a geometrical effect in space-time independent of coordinate systems.
See? There must be another factor at play 'with respect to space' and not just 'with respect to other body'.
Your point here is unclear. Are you claiming there is a universal state of motionlessness which is respected by the laws of physics? That is not necessary for the success of special relativity, general relativity, electromagnetism or quantum field theory.
And anyway, when one invokes just such acceleration frames etc to 'explain' the 'paradox' of SR, then it is not I or Masterov who has introduced those other factors; it is the 'SR explainers' who introduced it.
This is not needed to explain anything -- it was intended as a teaching tool and then serially misunderstood until it reached Masterov's garbled questions.
You can't have it both ways: one way you claim no other factors are relevant in SR; the other way you depend on such other factors to 'explain' SR illusions of both clocks being affected solely due to SR...BUT now you tacitly admit that acceleration/deceleration/velocities/motion per se 'with respect to "something else"' really IS THE factor which makes the reality effects/explanation trump the purely SR abstract relative treatment/explanation (although you still haven't answered Masterov's question/point about the unique parameters affecting either body's time (acceleration caused 'dilation/slowing'; deceleration caused 'recovery/re-quickening' of time rate in the traveling frame as you have just confirmed happens when acceleration/deceleration leads to new/recovered constant velocity in 'round trip').
The treatment of the instantaneous at-rest inertial frame of an accelerated object is pure SR. You just need calculus to figure out the answer just like your need calculus in Euclidean geometry to find properties of generic curves.
Thanks. You have been most helpful.
Fake civility. Thank you would be appropriate if you learned something.

Though a mere nonscientific but nonetheless very interested observer, I'm following this thread with great interest and am really enjoying it.
I think Reality Check's two most recent posts are very civil, cogent, and really, get to the heart of the problem as expressed by Masterov.
I disagree. RealityCheck, Fan and Masterov all have separate pet theories. They are in no sense allies of the truth for they are not true allies of each other. They cherry pick pieces of disagreement with post-1859 physics so as to present the illusion of an allied front against the oppressive brunt of reality.
Hopefully the respondants can answer it in an equally cogent and civil manner.
I aspire to better in cogent and not at all with respect to civil. How am I doing?
The geometry for our universe could not exist without a support structure for light/electromagnetic fields. That's why time dilation and length contraction are tied to the speed of light. That's why matter and anti-matter annihilate in a flash of light (gamma rays).
Actually, only electrically charged fundamental particles annihilate in gamma rays. Einstein died in 1955 before the chromodynamic force was discovered or the electro-weak forces was well understood, so his attempts at a Unified Field Theory would be wrong-headed no matter how smart he was. And if (as I suspect) you are advocating a single luminiferous aether, Fizeau's 1859 measurements of the refractive index of moving water combined with the frequency-dependent nature of the refractive index of water implies a vast number of different luminiferous aethers. With evidence from other lines of investigation, this nineteenth century idea is fundamentally unworkable.

For if as in SR all motion of a body is merely 'relative' to some other body, then there is no basis for saying that acceleration/deceleration affecting clocks per se so that they read differently when accelerated to some constant velocity 'relative' to the other body and then DE-accelerated to a velocity to coincide with that other body at the end of the 'round trip'.
I don't see your point. In SR, all relativistic effects depend on relative velocity, but the effects, such as time dilation and length contraction, are also themselves relative.
For example: The difference between space and time is coordinate-frame-dependent. The geometry of space-time is coordinate-independent.

And anyway, when one invokes just such acceleration frames etc to 'explain' the 'paradox' of SR, then it is not I or Masterov who has introduced those other factors; it is the 'SR explainers' who introduced it.
We introduce it because the normal, simple descriptions of relativistic effects are all given relative to inertial (non-accelerating) coordinate systems. So when someone tries to use e.g. the time dilation formula in the travelling twin's frame in the twin paradox, and "deduces" that the earth bound twin should be younger when the travelling twin returns, the simple resolution to that is to point out that the conclusion simply doesn't follow because they used equations specific to inertial frames in an accelerating frame.

Of course, it's still possible to look in more detail at what happens from the perspective of an accelerating observer, though we usually avoid that because it's not all that interesting or illuminating. If you insist on doing it anyway, then you find that the "resolution" to the paradox is that the accelerating observer's concept of simultaneity changes as their relative velocity changes. This is important because when the travelling twin asks "how old is my twin on Earth right now", they're invoking a notion of simultaneity or synchronicity to compare their own age with the age of their twin on Earth who is a long distance away. As they accelerate, their idea of "now" when comparing the age of their twin on Earth with their own age changes. If you account for that literally, then you find that the Earth twin ages very rapidly from the travelling twin's perspective as the travelling twin accelerates back toward Earth.

The reason I say this isn't very interesting or illuminating is because it doesn't describe literally what the travelling twin would see if they looked at their twin on Earth through a telescope (they both see each other Doppler shifted), and they wouldn't be able to measure it directly in any practical way. Think of how you'd do that if you were the travelling twin: you would need a whole series of clocks suspended throughout space but moving along with you (so you could always measure your twin's age compared with one of your own clocks that was passing very near him at the time), and always carefully kept in their correct positions relative to each other and with the correct synchronisation enforced, at least during the periods of your trip when you weren't accelerating. That's obviously not a very practical arrangement, and the fact you'd measure your Earth twin to be ageing very rapidly just because you carefully kept your clocks synchronised a certain way isn't all that illuminating.

1. Thank you for your post. I'm tired demand the answer to this question. Maybe we (two) will be able to get them to respond or admit defeat.
A third alternative: Learn special relativity so that you may talk about it instead of straw-men.
2. At the moment my opponents put pressure on the brain moderator, requiring ban for me. SRT-lobbyists do not stop at nothing to protect the religious doctrine of Einstein.
Is the "brain-moderator" some sort of super ego? Are you talking about your "opponents" (I would say educators) here, or are you talking about a shadowy cabal of ex-Soviet mind police? When you say "ban" are you suggesting your behavior in this thread is worthy of being banned (or suspended) from this forum, or are you proposing a self-imposed rest from non-contributions to science?

Speeds ​​of the brothers are identical.
If the deceleration time depends on the speed, then why this slowdown has only one brother?
the reason "why" the twin paradox always has one and only one answer of which twin is younger and by how much is one of space-time (hyperbolic) geometry.

Imagine a triangle of slower-than-light paths through space time. You can get from A to B via an inertial path, or you can get from A to C and then from C to B.
So the twin paradox is equivalent to saying that the inertial path has the largest proper time of any slower-than-light path from A to B.
Or "the straight line is the longest path between to points in space-time."

$$ \tau_{AB} \ge \tau_{AC} + \tau_{CB} $$.

And so the statement "An inertial path between two causality related events is the path with the longest elapsed proper time" does not depend on any of the three legs of the triangle being at rest in the chosen coordinate system. It is a matter of simple (hyperbolic) geometry and doesn't have anything to do with coordinates at all. Coordinates only help in specifying precisely which events we are talking about so we can calculate exactly how different the twin's ages are when they reunites at the same event in space-time (B).
So this has been asked and answered, Masterov, on the same page! Inertial motion is special to Newton. Inertial motion is also special in special relativity.

Mazulu, I have said many times and I repeat again: the necessity of time dilation does not follow from the invariance of the speed of light. Slowing down time is a consequence of absolute cross-scale (y '= y and z' = z).
If you to do relativity for all the coordinates (not just longitudinal), then the necessity of time dilation can disappear.

See Master Theory (edition 3).
Self-advertising aside, you never established the physical difference between "real" and "visual" coordinates in "Master theory". In Galilean Relativity and Special Relativity and Newtonian physics all states of inertial motion are physically equivalent to each other. Both Galilean and Lorentz transforms are defined as transforming coordinates where one state of motion is motionless to a different set of coordinates for the same space-time where another state of motion is motionless. The only difference between them is K.
The Galilean and Lorentz transforms do not change the laws of physics because they don't change space time if the choice of K is correct. The Galilean transform preserves length in space. The Lorentz transform preserves proper time or equivalently an analogue of length in hyperbolic geometry. The "Master theory" transform preserves neither and so implies a vastly privileged frame of reference and physical laws never observed to be in evidence. But as long as you continue to misunderstand what special relativity says, you can't correctly compare the predictions of special relativity with experiment.

How can the necessity of time dilation disappear? Time dilation is a measurable. All velocities are gauged against the speed of light, c. The only possible reason why this could be is that the speed of light is built into the very fabric of space-time, itself.
Correct, except "fabric" is a metaphor -- an analogy with strengths and weaknesses ; and except that velocities are not so much gauged against c but rather c is a privileged velocity.
Given that wave-function mathematics is so prominent in quantum mechanics, then the two puzzle pieces fit together:
I think you mean quantum field theory. c does not appear in quantum mechanics which is classical in the sense that there is no upper limit on the speed information or particles propagate.
the fabric of space-time is made of aether waves (mathematically described as wave-functions); these waves obey $$c=\lambda f$$. If everything is made of aether waves (which has the speed of light built into them) then all velocities are gauged with respect to the aether, and are therefore gauged with respect to the speed of light. Einstein was right; he just didn't go far enough.
As I pointed out earlier, Einstein couldn't go far enough because he didn't have access to information about what causes radioactive decay or holds the nucleus together. You, on the other hand, are not following in Einstein's footsteps and are walking a separate path into error.

You are a victim of fraud.
Who told the lies? For the profit of whom? Where is the evidence?
No exist experiments that reliable proved the existence of a time dilation.
Except Hafele–Keating and repetitions, some of which were televised, Pound-Rebka, Ives–Stilwell, Hay-Schiffer-Cranshaw-Egelstaff, the GPS system and various repeats, and indirect evidence from other sources. See and

The time dilation in experiment of measurements of relativistic effects occurs in the assumption that the matter can not travel faster than light. But this assumption is no proven.
Please demonstrate this assumption in the experimental procedure or analysis of any of these experiments.

I asked alls to show us a data of the measurements of relativistic effects, which were obtained by GPS satellites.
brucep promised long ago.
Where are a data of the measurements of relativistic effects?
No show.
Hello? I told you this back in Post #765. I even quoted the most relevant paragraph with the data so you wouldn't have to read the whole article.

Listen to the tales of efir I will not, because no one is never explained why us need this "Fifth wheel in the cart".
efir = luminiferous aether. Masterov is not prepared to support Mazulu's idea.

Here, Masterov again demonstrates that he hasn't done very much research.
Masterov is either in denial or taking the piss.
All very good points, but I wanted to translate "taking the piss" into Basic English. Fortunately there is a Wikipedia page on it. In this context it means being unreasonable, and in contrast to being in denial, it probably means being deliberately unreasonable.
I think it is fair to translate arfa brane as saying Masterov is ignoring evidence based on personal emotion or making the intellectual choice to ignore evidence. So bad science either way.
You are a victim of fraud.
No exist experiments that reliable proved the existence of a time dilation.
Muon time-of-flight experiments verify that time dilation is real
You no did measuring time.
You had a measuring a distance.
And you did division this distance by the speed of light.
So you get the time.

Your time dilation is a consequence of the assumption that the matter can not travel faster than light, so your time dilation is an assumption.
You have the time dilation only on paper.
Time dilation does not exist in reality.
Only on paper.

Вы не измеряли время.
Вы измеряли расстояние.
И вы делили это расстояние на скорость света.
Так вы получали время.

Ваше замедление времени является следствием предположения, что материя не может двигаться быстрее света, а потому ваше замедление времени является предположением.
Вы имеете замедление времени только на бумаге.
В действительности никакого замедления времени не существует.
I trust that helps you consider/discuss different 'takes' on things without resorting to disrespectful and dogmatic responses to those who may have a different take on things; perhaps because they did do their research and want to question and compare based on whatever 'take' they took from said research.
It's a very good words.

I'll add to the above:

I'm doing a good-job, even if I am wrong.

Our concepts of reality are covered with mold and scab misconceptions, if not shaken.

Это очень хорошие слова.

Я добавлю к вышесказанному:

Я делаю хорошее дело, даже если я ошибаюсь.

Наши представления о реальности покрыты плесенью и коростой заблуждения, если не встряхивать.
Scientists are working to understand.
Dogmate - to victory of dispute.

Ó÷¸íûé ñòðåìèòñÿ ïîíÿòü.
Äîãìàò ñòðåìèòñÿ îñïîðèòü.​
Oh cool, I never knew there was an European space agency. Why haven't they gone to the moon or mars? And why do they pay a physicist to do work for them?
They're doing a new set of rockets now...
Rockets need for them no more than a blind man needs a telescope.
They blindly look at the pictures made yourself, spending a lot of money.
Ракеты нужны им не более, чем телескоп нужен слепцу.
Потратив огромные деньги, они слепо смотрят на свои снимки.


It's a continent of Mars covered in permafrost and the frozen ocean about-round it.
I called it - "Australia."
Так выглядит марсианский континент, покрытый вечной мерзлотой, среди замёрзшего океана.
Я назвал этот континент "Австралия".

Many an martian steam-geysers of other continent:

Martian ocean was frozen to the bottom.
A crack of crust of Mars cause to thaw ice and to vaporized water.
This to do Martian canyon.
Марсианский океан промёрз до дна.
Трещина в коре Марса растопила лёд и испарила воду.
Так образовался Марсианский каньон.

Cracks in Martian-crust made ​​companion of Mars - Deimos.
This event took place at a time when Mars captured this asteroid, and made him his companion.
Трещину в марсианской коре создал спутник Марса – Деймос.
Это событие произошло в тот момент, когда Марс захватил этот астероид и сделал его своим спутником.

Phobos was captured about a billion years earlier.
Traces of ancient canyon are visible in this photo too.
Phobos gathered dust and stones Martian rings.
Фобос был захвачен на миллиард лет раньше.
Следы древнего каньона видны на этой фотографии тоже.
Фобос собрал пыли и камни марсианских колец.

Phobos & Deimos:

Tidal waves to move Martian ice.
Приливные волны перемещают марсианский лёд.

(to be continued)
Last edited:
The concepts/observables/measurements of quantum states and internal/kinetic energy associated with a quantum system/particle is also self-evident and needs no further comment.

Note then that my reasonable assumptions are not 'radical', but just that, reasonable, given all that.

SR however makes ad hoc assumptions when 'interpreting' those very same concepts/observables I mentioned.
Ad hoc? Special relativity has 2 postulates, inertial frame invariance and constancy of light speed, and that's it. Everything, everything, special relativity has to say about anything flows from those two postulates. There is no additional ad hoc tagging on of anything.

Why choose one 'interpretation' to include assumptions like 'time dilation' and 'space distance contraction' when the reasonable assumptions I made as an example will do the job without any such further complications.
You haven't provided anything which quantitatively models anything. You haven't shown you can explain hundreds of different phenomena using just 2 postulates. You haven't shown you can construct something which works with quantum mechanics to then go on to explain and model to an incredible accuracy thousands of other phenomena.

Non-linear processes exist observably in the physical reality. So no further 'justification' is necessary for my example assuming non-linear possibilities exist also in Muon decay processes which may be non-linearly affected by increased velocities during decay process 'events'.
It's easy to throw out a few sentences of waffle and then say "There, I've given a reasonable explanation of something, without the need for the mainstream model". The problem is you haven't given anyone any convincing reason to think you can explain such phenomena, because you haven't given a working model, testable predictions, quantitative formalism. You have not presented an alternative to special relativity any more than a creationist gives an alternative to evolution by saying "My book says otherwise". Well whoppy ****in' do, can you do anything more than arm wave? No.

The subtle difference between time delay and time dilation is that:

- whereas energy/matter processes/motions proceed at a certain inherent rate depending on internal and external physical parameters involved in the feature/process under study, any 'delays' are just that, 'delays' in process 'events' from their previous rate of 'completion',

- while 'time dilation' is a specific concept in mathematical definition of 'dimension' used in that mathematical construct, so it is ASSUMED that a 'thing' like 'time' exists 'apart' from process.
I do like it when you attempt to look like you know any science. It's always humorous.

When in actual fact, all that a true scientist can say is that we observe process and we measure rates of a process which, according to internal/external energy/parameters involved, may vary (either linearly or non-linearly as per what is observed/measured).
A 'true scientist' eh? Well you're so versed in science you obviously know all about that. A true scientist wouldn't think that throwing out some arm waving counts as presenting an alternative to a formalised mathematical model of physical phenomena which has been tested thousands of ways by thousands of groups for 100 years and has been verified as highly accurate by all. If you want to present an alternative to anything in science you need to show your arm waving can lead to actual predictive capabilities of a similar calibre as the current models.

With respect, arfa brane, your opening remark to Masterov assumes too much without cause. Perhaps it is because he has done his research that these questions arise in his mind? Your assuming that he has not is disrespectful and is not conducive to dispassionate scientific discourse of the issues as put; and you come across as dogmatic rather than scientific in the rest of your post, simply repeating what you have read, without even considering the other possible interpretations of the observed phenomena you mention.

For example, all that a true scientist CAN say when observing Muons at different velocities is that Muons at different KINETIC ENERGY (and hence different total internal energy) levels behave differently as to their 'duration' or 'life' time before decaying to other particles of lesser total energy levels. And that's it. Anything further is just INTERPRETATION based on assumptions made.
You're showing you mistake someone presenting the current models as someone asserting the current models are undeniably true. No amount of experiment confirms a model, only verifies its accuracy in particular domains. Yes, there may well be another way of interpreting the experimental data pertaining to special relativity which doesn't involve time dilation but anyone who wants to be taken seriously needs to show there's more to their idea than just a few words. Speaking of which....

For example, I can make the perfectly reasonable ASSUMPTION that because a particle's total internal energy levels dictate how long they can last in an unstable configuration of that energy in its 'matter' feature as it moves through space. I can make the further reasonable assumption that, depending on the velocity, and in combination with the internal/kinetic energy levels/configurations involved, the 'life' time (and hence the space distance covered) varies in a certain non-linear way correlating with the internal states of the particle at each and every moment/step of the path in space which is being traversed.

So you see, I can assume those things and reasonably INTERPRET the muon life/decay phenomena as mere internal energy interacting with space being traversed which in a non-linear way delays decay the more speed (kinetic/total energy) it starts out with. That non-linear relationship may reasonably be interpreted to lead to the observed/measured phenomena (life time and decay modes/position etc) along the trajectory depending on the overall parameters/values involved.

So I can further interpret that NO time 'dilation' per se has occurred. Nor has space 'distance contraction' occurred. But that the non-linear correspondence between velocity through space and internal/kinetic energy available in the moving feature's 'mobile event centre' processes are DELAYED the more energy/speed it has. Naturally, if such a decay delay processes are non-linear, and if the particle moves further along a space trajectory while decaying more slowly in a non-linear rate the faster it is moving, then there is NO need to interpret that non-liner decay-delay as involving some 'interpreted' 'time dilation' and/or 'space distance contraction'.

All that has been 'observed' is that internal energy/processes increase the stability/space-transit 'window' before decay 'event' which occurs further along in a non-linear way. That is, the internal 'clocks' are affected, not some 'time' or 'space' dimensions as currently 'interpreted'.
You haven't provided a reasonable alternative to special relativity, since you've just thrown out some words. It's easy to say things which superficially sound reasonable but if you cannot formalise it (in order to remove the tendency of humans to combine logically inconsistent things together) and use it to make quantitative predictions about the phenomena SR applies to then you haven't presented a "reasonable" alternative.

If I said "Gravity is invisible fairies pushing people down" would that be a reasonable alternative to general relativity? No. What if I threw in some buzzwords and added more words? "Gravity is an effect due to the interaction between matter and fairies, which do not couple to the electroweak force and the strength of the effect is proportional to the world volume swept out by the wing membranes moving through an extra dimension.". Reasonable yet? No and no matter how much I add in technical words and lengthy the description it'll still be nonsense underneath.

I know you read a technical description of some physics model and it might as well be written in Ancient Egyptian given how little you grasp it but that doesn't mean other people don't understand it. It also doesn't mean that if you can make a few sentences which look to someone like yourself as 'of the same form' as the technical descriptions found in the literature then you've got a 'reasonable' alternative to the literature. But that isn't how science works. The technical wordy descriptions of physical models have formalisations to back them up, to allow precise modelling and predictions, to be more than just arm waving. I'm sure I could give a few example 'technical sentences' and ask you to identify which are from working physical models and which I just made up and you'd not be able to tell. But physicists could because the technical words mean something to us, we can parse them into other concepts and understand the structures they are describing. You commented how SR makes ad hoc statements, which shows that you think it is just lots of things taped together, just like the waffle you and other pseudo posters do with your claims. The fact you do not (and likely could not) understand the intricate web of connections, implications, justifications and derivations in areas of physics like relativity or quantum mechanics doesn't mean they aren't there. It doesn't mean you can just pull somethign from your backside and call it a 'reasonable alternative'. You keep saying "A true scientist would..." or trying to tell people how relativity works or what it applies to but you obviously haven't got the foggiest idea how it all works and gets put together. Unfortunately it seems the Dunning-Kruger effect is playing a significant part in much of what you say.
Special relativity has 2 postulates, inertial frame invariance and constancy of light speed, and that's it.
You haven't shown you can explain hundreds of different phenomena using just 2 postulates.
Third postulate of SRT: transverse scales are absolute.

Fourth Postulate SRT: Matter can not travel faster than light.

Fifth Postulate SRT: Indisputable Prestige of Great Genius of Einstein justifies everything.

Третий Постулат SRT: Поперечные масштабы являются абсолютными.

Четвёртый Постулат SRT: Материя не может двигаться быстрее света.

Пятый Постулат SRT: Авторитет Великого Гения Эйнштейна оправдывает всё.
You haven't shown you can construct something which works with quantum mechanics to then go on to explain and model to an incredible accuracy thousands of other phenomena.
Master Theory to do it.

MT transfer absoluteness of cross-scale to time only.

Everything else are an interpretations.
A 'true scientist' eh? Well you're so versed in science you obviously know all about that. A true scientist wouldn't think that throwing out some arm waving counts as presenting an alternative to a formalised mathematical model of physical phenomena which has been tested thousands of ways by thousands of groups for 100 years and has been verified as highly accurate by all. If you want to present an alternative to anything in science you need to show your arm waving can lead to actual predictive capabilities of a similar calibre as the current models.
Much longer and more people were convinced that the Earth - is flat.

Много дольше и ещё большее число людей были уверены в том, что Земля – плоская.
Scientific community has very big exaggeration of their understanding of device Nature.

I will attempt to demonstrate this with a simple example:

Modern physics is not the answer to a simple question from a school textbook: "Why the wind blows?"
For this reason, physicists can not explain the nature of a tornado, and the weather forecast is poor.

Let's check it now.

Try to answer this question and see for yourself: the correct answer to this question you do not know.

Looking ahead to say: every schoolboy knows that the wind is blowing from where the atmospheric pressure is greater, the wind blows to where the atmospheric pressure is less. But even scientists can not explain why the pressure have changed, so that: before the weather got worse: the pressure drops.

Why atmospheric pressure changes, and before the weather turned bad - atmospheric pressure decreases dramatically?

Answer to this question.

Представители научного сообщества весьма преувеличивают своё понимание устройства Природы.

Я попытаюсь продемонстрировать это на простом примере:

Современная физика не даёт ответа на простой вопрос из школьного учебника: Почему дует ветер? По этой причине физики не могут объяснить природу торнадо, и прогноз погоды оставляет желать лучшего.

Давайте мы это проверим прямо сейчас.

Попытайтесь ответить на этот вопрос и убедитесь сами: правильного ответа на этот вопрос вы не знаете.

Забегая вперед скажу: каждый школьник знает, что ветер дует от-туда, где атмосферное давление больше, ветер дует туда, где атмосферное давление меньше. Но даже учёные не могут объяснить, почему давление меняется, причём: перед тем, как погоде испортиться: давление быстро падает.

Почему атмосферное давление меняется, а перед тем, как погоде испортиться – атмосферное давление резко уменьшается?

Ответьте на этот вопрос.
Yep, it's about 40 years old. They've put probes onto Mars and are planning more, though even the one planned for 5~10 years from now will be tiny compared to what NASA just put on Mars. They're doing a new set of rockets now, much like NASA, to try to do more frequent and commercially viable launches of bigger stuff. As for employing a physicist, they have some of the biggest, more complicated problems in all of engineering and physics to consider, they employ armies of physicists, engineers and mathematicians for various things. I don't work for them, I've been doing work for them (if you see the distinction). Name a major area of structural engineering, aerospace or practical physics and they have someone working on something pertaining to it. Still, NASA's budget, man power, technological prowess and accomplishments put us on this side of The Pond to shame, though we're not trying to be direct 'competitors', more a complement and collaborator for the really big stuff.

Now that you've mentioned it, I can see their name on Hubble pictures. Hmm, I'm starting to think maybe that wouldn't be a bad career move to go into this instead of returning to do a PhD. What are you working on, the rockets or the small mars rover?

This is about saving the future of humanity
This is about saving the future of humanity
Humanity is threatened?
New Flood?

I know exactly what Earth have floods regularly.
I know the reason, and I am sure that the flood will be happen again.
But I do not know when it will happen.

You know date?

Человечеству что-то угрожает?
Новый Потоп?

Я знаю точно, что на Земле случаются потопы.
Мне известна причина, и уверен, что потоп случится снова.
Но мне неизвестно когда это произойдёт.

Вам известна дата?