Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
am i arrogant? certainly not - perhaps you are
am i vain? certainly not - perhaps you are
am i ignorant? certainly absolutely not - perhaps you all are

This is amusing. A self-proclaimed champion of 'righteousness' arguing like a preschooler. Oh my! You're gonna tell the teacher!

The Creator Loves You.

jayleew said:
Becareful AB, that you do not become puffed up. You are perceived by the words you say. You cannot say that you are what Daniel was speaking of, nor should it even matter who you are if you love Jesus. Do not claim anything (not even to be a Christian), no prophet ever took any credit or title of themselves because they recognized their worth and the miracle of salvation. Let your actions and words define you.

i am no afraid to say what i am because i am who i say i am - of what purpose would lying be?????

i am a good person - full stop!!!

i am a good Christian - full stop!!!

i see things diiferently because i am spiritually more mature then all of you - full stop!!!
Facial said:
This is amusing. A self-proclaimed champion of 'righteousness' arguing like a preschooler. Oh my! You're gonna tell the teacher!

The Creator Loves You.


you think i am a preschooler because of my abrupt honesty and frankness - for people like you who may never understand - it is because i am a good person - i am innocence and i am spiritually strong.

spidergoat said:
The abandonment of science and reason that a certain brand of apocalyptic Christians represent will lead to the very catastrophe they are predicting.

there you go again dunce!!

when are you going to get it into your thick skull, that i have nothing against Science - it is people llike you - who contributed nothing to science - that go about branding your nothingness claiming that there is no rationale in someone if that person believes in The Creator.

read my previous posts again!

and reason???? bullocks!!!!
Angelic Being said:
i am a good person - i am innocence and i am spiritually strong.


I am a good person too!
I am innocent!
I am spiritually strong!
I am tolerant, and do not exclude people of various faiths from my threads!

The Creator Loves You.

Angelic Being said:
i have nothing against Science

Do you accept Darwin's theory of evolution as fact, regardless of the issue of biogenesis?

The Creator Loves You

Angelic Being said:
there you go again dunce!!

when are you going to get it into your thick skull, that i have nothing against Science - it is people llike you - who contributed nothing to science - that go about branding your nothingness claiming that there is no rationale in someone if that person believes in The Creator.

read my previous posts again!

and reason???? bullocks!!!!
I wasn't necessarily referring to you. It's a more general statement. I don't think Christianity and Science are mutually exclusive, but it is a fact that a some Christians feel threatened by science.
AngelicBeing said:
i see things diiferently because i am spiritually more mature then all of you - full stop!!!

Theres no way anyone here is going to achieve your level of spiritual maturity. Its all way beyond our reach obviously. Everyone has missed your point. Please dont rub your unique salvation in our faces for we must perish and be no more.

We are not worthy of your time. Why do you waste it on us miserable wretches? Is it to gloat about our impending doom? Please have mercy on us oh spiritually wise one. Surely you are just throwing your pearls to swine here. Look how we trample them underfoot.

I just hope that some non-Christians don't read Angelic Being's comments and assume that all Christians are like that. :(
To you, everyone is the devil, my friend. No one can measure up to your dazzling righteousness.
Facial said:
I am a good person too!
I am innocent!
I am spiritually strong!
I am tolerant, and do not exclude people of various faiths from my threads!

The Creator Loves You.


now that is childish!! if you are bitter about something i said , keep it to yourself - nothing personal .
c20H25N3o said:
Theres no way anyone here is going to achieve your level of spiritual maturity. Its all way beyond our reach obviously. Everyone has missed your point. Please dont rub your unique salvation in our faces for we must perish and be no more.

We are not worthy of your time. Why do you waste it on us miserable wretches? Is it to gloat about our impending doom? Please have mercy on us oh spiritually wise one. Surely you are just throwing your pearls to swine here. Look how we trample them underfoot.


there is still hope for those that havent sinned against The Holy Spirit - question is - have you?
Angelic Being said:
i am no afraid to say what i am because i am who i say i am - of what purpose would lying be?????

i am a good person - full stop!!!

i am a good Christian - full stop!!!
You're sounding like a conceited fool - "full stop!!!"

i see things diiferently because i am spiritually more mature then all of you - full stop!!!
It is always the most immature who proclaim themselves more mature than everyone else.
Bells said:
You're sounding like a conceited fool - "full stop!!!"

It is always the most immature who proclaim themselves more mature than everyone else.

such words may apply to you and people like you - but it means nothing to me.

if i am a good person , then i am. it is funny to see that you guys cannot grasp the fact that there could be people like me out there.

i guess it could be because you guiys have never actually met or heard of someone like me.

well reality check!!! - there are alot of people out there like me

if you dont like it then you have got a problem - i dont!!
