Thousands of Religious Sects - Which one is right?

VitalOne, you believe that in Hinduism we (our souls) have a limited amount of chances to reach heaven:

LG, a Hindu, believes that we have unlimited chances:

One of you is right, or both of you are wrong.

VitalOne, you also stated this:
Well LG is right in a way, and I am also right in a way, at the end of the universe (which is just another universe in a scope of innumerable universes), things will be absorbed back into God, God will only exist (just as before), then at sometime the universe will come into being again, different beings in a different new universe will be manifest, there will be different planets, different worlds, different forms of life, and the process will continue on for eternity

But in Hinduism, nothing in the material world is eternal, so if you repeatedly gain a lower and lower existence you'll continue to suffer...

nds1 said:
Adstar, a Christian, stated this:

What's the deal here? Either the Holy Spirit IS or IS NOT above God.

Let's stop making things up to support your belief that all religions teach the same beliefs.
Some Christians hold that Jesus IS God, others hold that all in the trinity are equal, and others hold that the Father or Holy Spirit is higher in the trinity...
Well LG is right in a way, and I am also right in a way, at the end of the universe (which is just another universe in a scope of innumerable universes), things will be absorbed back into God, God will only exist (just as before), then at sometime the universe will come into being again, different beings in a different new universe will be manifest, there will be different planets, different worlds, different forms of life, and the process will continue on for eternity

Yeah, exactly. New physical beings will exist in a new material universe, but the same exact souls will also exist which existed in the old universe and will then continue their reincanration process through the new physical beings. Therefore, according to LG, we (our souls) have UNILIMTED chances to reach heaven.

VitalOne said:
In Hinduism the chances aren't unlimited

I asked LG this:

nds1 said:
So we (our souls) do have unlimted or infinity chances to live life as a human and gain access into heaven?

LG's response:

lightgigantic said:
that's correct - an infinite series of opportunity to suffer under the constraints of birth, death, old age and disease

So VitalOne, you believe we DO NOT have unlimited chances.
Lightgigantic believes we DO have unlimted chances.

So you both can't be "right in a way." One of you is right, or both of you are wrong.

But in Hinduism, nothing in the material world is eternal, so if you repeatedly gain a lower and lower existence you'll continue to suffer...

Yeah great, but you still have an UNLIMITED amount of chances to live as a human and eventually reach heaven.

VitalOne said:
Some Christians hold that Jesus IS God, others hold that all in the trinity are equal, and others hold that the Father or Holy Spirit is higher in the trinity...

Great. Thank you. You have finally agreed that different sects of religions believe different truths of reality.
That Roman Catholicism says pray to dead people, and that they say there is a purgatory which dead loved ones can squirm through by enough money and work from the remaining loved ones, makes obvious to all that the RC system is a bastardized version of New Testament Christianity.

M*W: Well, since the RCC was the first and foremost, they don't pray to "dead people," the pray "for dead people."
"Purgatory" is a catholic place where dead people go, but hey, Roman Catholicism was the forerunner of christianity, not one that came along later, bastardized or not. Even though I despise christianity, I have to admit that it was the first and foremost christian religion... and for all of you who thing catholicism is NOT christian... think again! Catholicism is the ONLY christian religion. Protestantism is a joke. It doesn't even compare to christianity! None of it is good! Martin Luther was more insane than all of the popes combined!
Uh, Med Woman, Mary is a dead person, so are the saints.

"Purgatory is a Catholic place," I like that.

The rest of it makes little sense Med Woman, you should rephrase it to make it sensible.
Uh, Med Woman, Mary is a dead person, so are the saints.

"Purgatory is a Catholic place," I like that.

The rest of it makes little sense Med Woman, you should rephrase it to make it sensible.

M*W: IAC, Mary didn't exist, but don't tell the pope that! Roman Catholicism is a sun worshipping religion, but again, don't tell the pope that. All those "saints" that are dead were always dead. They didn't exist either. They were right up there with Jesus and his mommy, orbiting the sun... orbiting him. And you think protestantism gets better than that? Ha ha ha! It's ALL sunworship! But protestantism lacks the oomph and zeal of sunworship. It's still sun(son) worship anyway you cut it. Protestantism is so filtered down that its adherents believe it is better and more real than catholicism, but it's worse. It's more of a farce than catholicism... and you already know what I think about catholicism!

I'm grateful I was a catholic. It led me to the truth. Protestantism doesn't do that. It sits by itself pretending to speak the truth, but it's a fence. People who believe protestantism are just sitting on the fence. At least catholicism is more radical in its dogma. I'd rather be radical than just sitting on some friggin fence. Fence-sitters are afraid. They are douche bags. I came to hate catholicism so much that I learned the truth from it. Protestants just fence-sit. You can even see it on sciforums. Protestants don't go this way or that way. They just sit there where they're comfortable. Give me something radical or something extreme, and I'll love it or I'll hate it, but you'll never catch me on somebody's fence! Never!
Catholicism does seem to be a gateway to Sun worship, too bad the Sun is a created thing, bad thing to worship, but carry on.

M*W: ALL RELIGIONS are based on sunworship. ALL OF THEM! Technically speaking, it's not a "bad thing," it's a "human thing," but that doesn't make it a "real thing." There is absolutely, positively, undoubtedly NO SAVIOR to be found in any religion! I say, believe in yourself. That's where your salvation will come from!
M*W: ALL RELIGIONS are based on sunworship. ALL OF THEM! Technically speaking, it's not a "bad thing," it's a "human thing," but that doesn't make it a "real thing." There is absolutely, positively, undoubtedly NO SAVIOR to be found in any religion! I say, believe in yourself. That's where your salvation will come from!

Have you ever seen this little verse, M*W?

Malachi 4:2
But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves. (New King James Version)

I just thought you might enjoy reading it!

Here is another one!

Revelation 22:16
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” (New King James Version)

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Have you ever seen this little verse, M*W?

Malachi 4:2
But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves. (New King James Version)

I just thought you might enjoy reading it!


M*W: Are you calling me fat?

Okay, then.

Thanks for the verse. I hadn't seen it, but if one would replace the word "sun" everywhere it says "lord," "jesus" or whatever, it would make a lot more sense.
Here is my question:

What is the best, or most true, religon and how does one figure this out?
That’s easy, dude.

You read what lightgigantic and IceAgeCivilizations believe in and follow along.
You do know that they follow the ONE true God and the One true epistemology., don’t you?
In order to see its “truth” you must be trained in its epistemology and consider its authorities holy, even if they might have been simpletons and depraved child molesters.

People say that they were holy and so we must believe …people - especially when these people are mommy and daddy.
Ok, so I, much like most late comers here, I would think, did not read the rest of the thread before posting, but sucks for me.

I don't see anyone presenting this in...what about the possibility of a non "being", non "sentient" higher power? Higher power doesn't even cover it properly. Anyway, I call it Tao. It is not a "thing", it simply is. It is the potential for action, it is the action, it is the effect. It is the source of all things, the preserver, and the destroyer. It is all encompassing, we exist in it just as much as it exists in us. It is the way of nature. We all came from nature, everyone we consume, being the virus we are, comes from nature, without nature we'd have nothing.

(M*W I have no idea whether or not you're the same M*W from Talk, but you might also know me as Watcherinthewater)

I agree, there's no "saviour", why? Because there's nothing to be saved from. There is no God, why? Because God, or God's, are both numerical, they are measured, therefore they are finite, and therefore not God, at least not as we seem to know it.

What haven't I addressed?
That’s easy, dude.

You read what lightgigantic and IceAgeCivilizations believe in and follow along.
You do know that they follow the ONE true God and the One true epistemology., don’t you?

Does LG have an electron fetish?:D
M*W: Are you calling me fat?

Okay, then.

No! I am not calling you fat. That never even occurred to me! You do have a sense of humor. It just seemed right up your astrological alley. I was hoping that you would actually enjoy finding it. Did you see the additional verse I found a bit later? Have you ever seen either of these two titles before in another religion or culture?

Sun of Righteousness
Bright and Morning Star

Here is one more for you to take a look at.

"In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom (representing the Christ) coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof."—Psalm 19:4-6.

Thanks for the verse. I hadn't seen it, but if one would replace the word "sun" everywhere it says "lord," "jesus" or whatever, it would make a lot more sense.

By the way, thank you for the care you provide for your patients at the hospital! You must be a very special lady!

Best Wishes!
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No! I am not calling you fat. That never even occurred to me! You do have a sense of humor.

M*W: Yes, I'm quite the jokester they tell me. I know you didn't call me "fat." I threw that in as sort of a Freudian slip on myself.

It just seemed right up your astrological alley. I was hoping that you would actually enjoy finding it. Did you see the additional verse I found a bit later? Have you ever seen either of these two titles before in another religion or culture?

M*W: I've seen more bible verses that allude to sun worship than I've ever seen anywhere else. As far as my knowledge of astrology goes, I'm not into it myself. I don't even read my daily horoscope. I know as little about astrology as I know about astrophysics. Astro-theology is another thing. I'm really trying to learn as much as I can on the subject, since I've always studied christianity, and it's just another mode of sun worship.

Sun of Righteousness
Bright and Morning Star

M*W: Yep, this is Jesus, the heart of christian sun worship! Both Jesus and Lucifer were called the Bright and Morning Star. Lucifer was a star, sometimes referred to as Venus. Lucifer's rebellion was falling stars the ancients saw, and I would imagine it was quite scary to them. They may have appeared as if they were falling to Earth to kill them or something. And so the myth was created....

Here is one more for you to take a look at.

"In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom (representing the Christ) coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof."—Psalm 19:4-6.

M*W: Thanks for quoting this. It's pretty obvious if you ask me.

By the way, thank you for the care you provide for your patients at the hospital! You must be a very special lady!

M*W: Thank you for the kind comment! That's a far cry from being called an "evil bitch" earlier on the forum! I am special to my family. Atheists can be loving, caring persons, too! My patients love me, too, especially after I've delivered their babies!
Does LG have an electron fetish?:D
No, he has an “epistemological” fetish.
It’s called delusion.

Any adult that can defend a world view on the grounds that it is written in a Book and that his authority figures, who he has never met but only heard about and been taught about, are knowers of absolute truth and ideals of human ‘goodness’ has either got to be an imbecile or he has suffered some traumatic life experience and has surrendered to fear and blind hope.
M*W: As far as my knowledge of astrology goes, I'm not into it myself. I don't even read my daily horoscope. I know as little about astrology as I know about astrophysics.

My mistake! I couldn't remember what the correct term was.

It might be helpful to some of us, or at least me, if you could post a list of Bible verses that are evidence for your Astro-theology theory. Kind of along the lines of the three I have already provided. How many other references like this are there in the Bible?

You might even consider creating a new thread on the subject if you think it is warranted. I, for one, would definitely read it!

Thank You!
My mistake! I couldn't remember what the correct term was.

It might be helpful to some of us, or at least me, if you could post a list of Bible verses that are evidence for your Astro-theology theory. Kind of along the lines of the three I have already provided. How many other references like this are there in the Bible?

You might even consider creating a new thread on the subject if you think it is warranted. I, for one, would definitely read it!

Thank You!

M*W: I accept your challenge of quoting more bible quotes with astro-theological themes.

I have started one or more threads on astro-theology which you might find of interest. Astro-theology is so special in its interpretation, and many atheists and other non-religionists don't know much about it. I find it fascinating! To me, every other interpretation is wrong. Maybe it's just me, but I believe this to be the true interpretation of the bible.

I'll get back with some of those verses.
M*W: I accept your challenge of quoting more bible quotes with astro-theological themes.

I have started one or more threads on astro-theology which you might find of interest. Astro-theology is so special in its interpretation, and many atheists and other non-religionists don't know much about it. I find it fascinating! To me, every other interpretation is wrong. Maybe it's just me, but I believe this to be the true interpretation of the bible.

I'll get back with some of those verses.

Thank You!