Thousands of Religious Sects - Which one is right?


Or, how about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, and mercy. But then you probably already have all of these!
Sorry! One More!


Perhaps part 0f the answer rests in that which is obscure?

“The sum of our religion is peace and unanimity, but these can scarcely stand unless we define as little as possible, and in many things leave one free to follow his own judgment, because there is great obscurity in many matters, and man suffers from this almost congenital disease that he will not give in when once a controversy is started, and after he is heated he regards as absolutely true that which he began to sponsor quite casually...” (Erasmus)
i have an answer to this thread and it is 100 % proved and true .

Religions came in a sequence over years carrying the same messege from God to all human beings : ( Worship to ALLAH , you have no God but him )

im talking here about true religions when they were true [ because they were all either edited or changed except ISLAM ] , because there are so many wrong things people calling it a religion ... [ such as .... those people who worship to a statue or a cow and they say its a religion ].

evil people edited all the true religions came before islam , and thus God sent the last messenger [ Muhammad peace be upon him ] with the last message [ Quraan ] and God promised that this message quraan will never be edited till the day of judgement .

Quraan corrected those wrong things were made to other religions that came before it .

all true religions came from only 1 God , but because they were edited [ except ISLAM ] you feel its very confusing and seems not the words of God .

a muslim must believe in all God's messages came before islam as they were before they were edited , thus we muslims believe in Moses and Jesus (Isa) peace be upon them as they are messengers and humans sent by God to deliver his message to people , and there were so many messengers before them we muslims believe in them all and love them all .

i hope i helped to make smoeone understand although my bad English.
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I have a theory;
Maybe is so many religions because there is multitude of different species up there. If the universe is to survive they have to learn how to live together. To be able to see things from a different perspectives is Wisdom.

Imagine us living together for a year and debate. And there is one gun in the room!
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i have an answer to this thread and it is 100 % proved and true .

Religions came in a sequence over years carrying the same messege from God to all human beings : ( Worship to ALLAH , you have no God but him )

im talking here about true religions when they were true [ because they were all either edited or changed except ISLAM ] , because there are so many wrong things people calling it a religion ... [ such as .... those people who worship to a statue or a cow and they say its a religion ].

evil people edited all the true religions came before islam , and thus God sent the last messenger [ Muhammad peace be upon him ] with the last message [ Quraan ] and God promised that this message quraan will never be edited till the day of judgement .

Quraan corrected those wrong things were made to other religions that came before it .

all true religions came from only 1 God , but because they were edited [ except ISLAM ] you feel its very confusing and seems not the words of God .

a muslim must believe in all God's messages came before islam as they were before they were edited , thus we muslims believe in Moses and Jesus (Isa) peace be upon them as they are messengers and humans sent by God to deliver his message to people , and there were so many messengers before them we muslims believe in them all and love them all .

i hope i helped to make smoeone understand although my bad English.

Yes. I understand that you're a zealot. How exactly is the Quran "proved true"? It has no support save that which is already in it. And define by what measure worshipping anything else, even a cow (and which religion is that again?) is wrong. Surely you also realize that islam and the Quran have undergone extensive changes during the Third Caliphate?


Quraan was never edited over history ever never

it is the same as sent to prophet ( muhammad peace be up on him )

there are thousands of proofs for that and it was not written from people imagination , it was kept while the prophet was alive and noone edited it , its a truth and i don't care if you Atheist kafir refuse it or fight it

Quraan was never edited over history ever never

it is the same as sent to prophet ( muhammad peace be up on him )

there are thousands of proofs for that and it was not written from people imagination , it was kept while the prophet was alive and noone edited it , its a truth and i don't care if you Atheist kafir refuse it or fight it

Again, how many cow gods does muhammedism have??

Quraan was never edited over history ever never

it is the same as sent to prophet ( muhammad peace be up on him )

there are thousands of proofs for that and it was not written from people imagination , it was kept while the prophet was alive and noone edited it , its a truth and i don't care if you Atheist kafir refuse it or fight it

Well, I've never seen these "thousands of proofs". If you believe something without evidence, it's opinion, not necessarily truth. The Quran was indeed edited by Umar. I don't know what else to say about it.

Quraan was never edited over history ever never

it is the same as sent to prophet

If there was a single correct map among many maps that purportedly revealed the correct route to a place you didn't want discovered, which map would you seek to confuse--the correct map or the bogus ones?