Thousands of Religious Sects - Which one is right?

VitalOne said:
Christianity isn't based upon what Jesus says, its based upon the Bible (compiled by the Catholic Church)

Okay. So then the Bible is corrupt and false, and all Christians who use the Bible as their ultimate guide are using an incomplete, suboptimal, and partly untruthful book.

Your opinion then woukld be that Catholicism and other forms of Christianity are NOT the optimum religions.

Now we're getting somewhere.

I'm talking about a religion based upon only what Jesus says....

So what exactly did he say VitalOne? You seem to know exactly what Jesus said so can you help the rest of us out since we can no longer go by the Bible according to you?

Jesus never really says anything about the afterlife, no one really questioned him on that topic....

I'm not sure about that.

Again you probably haven't even read the Bhagavad Gita or anything, if you did you could easily see that Jesus and Krishna are revealing the same eternal truths.

It is true that they both follow the same basic principles:

1) Going against the will of self
3) Acknowlegding God
I'm amazed at the extent of Christian brainwashing. In canonizing the books of the bible several very important ones were left out, such as the Gospel of Thomas. If the largely unknown bishops thought they didn't fit, it was not their place to say, perhaps their own understanding was lacking.

Christianity believes that we (our souls) have a maximum of two chances to make it to heaven. If we fail here, but live a decent life, we go to purgatory. In purgatory, other people's prayers can save us still. Now if you live a horrible life on earth, you go directly to hell where you will burn until the Second Coming at which point you will be transfered to the Lake of Fire to burn for eternity.

Two chances. That's it.

Now in Hinduism, you have an unlimited amount of chances.

This is an extreme contradiction.

One of these religions is wrong. One is correct. Both claim to be inspired by God. Which one is correct?
Okay, if purgatory is a FALSE belief, or not correct in other words, then it makes my point even stronger.

Assuming purgatory is false, Christians believe we have only ONE CHANCE, not two, to get it together. If not, we go to hell, and then the Lake of Fire for eternity.

In Hinduism, we get UNLIMITED, OR INFINITY, CHANCES to get it togther.

One vs. Infinity. A four year old could see that difference of beliefs of reality.
VitalOne does. VitalOne thinks the rest of the Bible is just BS.
Nah, in my opinion the most important parts of the Bible are where Jesus himself speaks, in my opinion when Jesus speaks he reveals the truth...

If the Gospel of Thomas was in the Bible, ideas like reincarnation, anti-circumcision, and new viewpoints would be there.

Something similar to reincarnation:
Jesus said, "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human." (Thomas, 7)

Jesus is not pro-circumcision:
His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision useful or not?"

He said to them, "If it were useful, their father would produce children already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become profitable in every respect." (Thomas, 53)

New type of cosmological viewpoint:
Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.' (Thomas, 50)


Christianity believes that we (our souls) have a maximum of two chances to make it to heaven. If we fail here, but live a decent life, we go to purgatory. In purgatory, other people's prayers can save us still. Now if you live a horrible life on earth, you go directly to hell where you will burn until the Second Coming at which point you will be transfered to the Lake of Fire to burn for eternity.

Two chances. That's it.

Now in Hinduism, you have an unlimited amount of chances.

This is an extreme contradiction.

One of these religions is wrong. One is correct. Both claim to be inspired by God. Which one is correct?
Thats not really based on Jesus, but based on the Catholic Church, Christianity is supposed to be the "way of Christ" but Christianity isn't really based upon Jesus's way...its more based on the Church's way

Also in Hinduism the chances aren't unlimited, it goes on until the end of the universe (supposedly more than 300 trillion years), and also if you keep gaining a lower existence birth after birth then you'll never achieve Brahm
Thats not really based on Jesus, but based on the Catholic Church, Christianity is supposed to be the "way of Christ" but Christianity isn't really based upon Jesus's way...its more based on the Church's way

Thank you. Again you prove the main point of this thread: Some religions or views of life are better than others. I'm glad you have faced this fact of reality, finally.

You have just admitted that the Doctrine of the Catholic Church is not only suboptimal in its teachings, but is also worse, or less true, than the pure uncorrupted teachings of Jesus.

So your belief is that Catholicism is less optimal than other religions. Now we are getting somewhere. Finally.

Also in Hinduism the chances aren't unlimited, it goes on until the end of the universe (supposedly more than 300 trillion years), and also if you keep gaining a lower existence birth after birth then you'll never achieve Brahm

Great, but under that belief we still get hundreds of thousands of chances and more than 300 trillion years to get it together.

In Christianity you get one chance, and about 80 years to get it right.

See the difference in beliefs of reality?

Only one of these statements can be true. Do you go with the solid Catholic faith since you were brought that way (many people in U.S. were), or do you step outside the box and go with Hinduism or Buddhism?
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So, which one is right???

Before we argue which one is right, we first have to make it clear that these religions actually do teach different realities and suggest different ways to live life. Until then, no decision can be made. But I think we're gaining ground on that issue.

We know that Muslims believe Mohammad was divinly inspired.

We know that Chrsitians believe the authors of the Gospel were divinely inspired and the author of the quran was not divinely inspired.

We know that Catholics believe the people who created Purgatory were divinely inspired and anyone who says they weren't is wrong.

We know that Hindus believe that every scripture was divinely inspired.

We know that the Jews believe the authors of the Talmud and Torah were divinely inspired and the authors of the Gospel were not inspired.

We know that Buddhists believe the authors of the Tipitaka were divinely inspired and that the authors of every other book were not.

We know that some religions believe that getting to heaven relies on us mentally believing in certain, specific concepts.

All of these religions and/or their accompanying scriptures contradict each other in what they say the truth of reality is, and on what the optimum way to live life is. All claim to be divinely inspired.

Once we acknowledge that all religions are different, then we can move on and analyze them.
If the Gospel of Thomas was in the Bible, ideas like reincarnation, anti-circumcision, and new viewpoints would be there.

Wasn't meant to be considering the old church fathers knew it was much easier to control the masses and keep them in fear with the concept of an external(separate from his creation) angry male god.
Obviously, the hidden divinity concept to them was a big threat.
It was created so that the loved ones of the dead person will do just about whatever is necessary to boost their loved one to Heaven, according to what the Roman Catholic church leaders deem necessary (money and/or work) for that to happen.
VitalOne, you believe that in Hinduism we (our souls) have a limited amount of chances to reach heaven:

VitalOne said:
In Hinduism the chances aren't unlimited, it goes on until the end of the universe (supposedly more than 300 trillion years)

LG, a Hindu, believes that we have unlimited chances:

Lightgigantic said:
The material creation is eternal but it goes through periods of creation and manifestation just as the environment thrives in spring but goes dormant in winter - so if one misses out in attaining salvation in one universal manifestation, one ends up in another universe with another 300 trillion years - this can continue on for an eternity, but practically all living entities attain the spiritual abode, since eternal time has a great deal of patience.

One of you is right, or both of you are wrong.

VitalOne, you also stated this:

VitalOne said:
In Christianity the Father and the Son (Jesus) are equal, the holy spirit is above them both.

Adstar, a Christian, stated this:

Adstar said:
The Holy Spirit is not above God.

What's the deal here? Either the Holy Spirit IS or IS NOT above God.

Let's stop making things up to support your belief that all religions teach the same beliefs.

Christianity believes that we (our souls) have a maximum of two chances to make it to heaven. If we fail here, but live a decent life, we go to purgatory. In purgatory, other people's prayers can save us still. Now if you live a horrible life on earth, you go directly to hell where you will burn until the Second Coming at which point you will be transfered to the Lake of Fire to burn for eternity.

Purgatory is very much a catholic add on. A creation of the traditions of men. No prayers will help the dead and no dead person can intercede for the living.

That’s another add on of the catholic church, the cult of mary.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That Roman Catholicism says pray to dead people, and that they say there is a purgatory which dead loved ones can squirm through by enough money and work from the remaining loved ones, makes obvious to all that the RC system is a bastardized version of New Testament Christianity.