Thoughts on Modesty in Islam

PM sez:


Muslim hypocrisy at its finest!
you do know of course PM that judgement day doesn't happen at the end of your happens every single breath you take....every word you write and every action you desire.....with your heart full of so much hatred how can you ever find happiness?

btw PM please accept that the "you" in my posting is more towards Islam and not just you personally.
PM, I cano argue that the West is free of acting criminally ...for surely it has....I can't argue that the West has not Inadvertantly killed innocent persons.....for surely it has.....

But I can argue that for every mistake the West makes it is saddened....for every piece of collateral damage it is mortified......for every person killed a prayer is said......

War is a sad sad thing....the west is trying to learn a path to peace.....maybe it tries to hard.....

The USA hasn't devoted in excess of 240 billion dollars to just getting access to oil in Iraq. That 240 Billion dollars (plus) it has spent could buy an awfull lot of oil......probably more than all the oil researves in Iraq.

So if you are going to use the almighty dollar as an arguement do it properly.

Do you think the threat Saddam Hussein posed should have been ignored?

Do you think that holding the West as Hostage is a way to get a peace from the West?

Do you think the West has reacted badly to being held at tehh point of a gun?

Do you think that maybe you are getting only what you deserve?
Bachus said:
What truth? About the abused women? I'm guessing alot of those abused women were abused by their muslim husband.

oh dont be stupid, there are 6 million Muslims livin in America take away the kids, the elderly and the single and you aint got anywhere near enough to be able to all of those abuses. also i doubt those rapes were commited by Musilms, and also alot of the beatings were due to drinking, drugs, divorces, broken homes, unwanted pregancies, adultery etc. and stuff which Muslims dont get usaulyy involved in. blaming Muslims is just stupid. :m:
munim_786 said:
oh dont be stupid, there are 6 million Muslims livin in America take away the kids, the elderly and the single and you aint got anywhere near enough
The population of America is around 280 million, and you say there are nearly 6 million muslims in america

Huh, so much for your Islam take over bid......!

So you feel you are not being listened to....You feel that God's not get angry because you feel the injustice so blame everything but the one that deserves it......Your God...Ask your self .....if God is so wise and powerful why has he allowed all this shitty stuff to happen......what is he trying to teach you?

Maybe next time you pray to God ask him.....What is he trying to teach you?

Maybe he will say that he can not give you what you pray for......
Vienna said:
The population of America is around 280 million, and you say there are nearly 6 million muslims in america

Huh, so much for your Islam take over bid......!


at the rate Islam is converting in the USA in 100 years 51% of America will be Muslim. enough for an Islamic state.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
1) fastest conversion rates
2) highest birth rates
3) and highest fertility rates for women

look all of these up in the US census.
Quantum Quack said:
PM, I cano argue that the West is free of acting criminally ...for surely it has....I can't argue that the West has not Inadvertantly killed innocent persons.....for surely it has.....

But I can argue that for every mistake the West makes it is saddened....for every piece of collateral damage it is mortified......for every person killed a prayer is said......

War is a sad sad thing....the west is trying to learn a path to peace.....maybe it tries to hard.....

The USA hasn't devoted in excess of 240 billion dollars to just getting access to oil in Iraq. That 240 Billion dollars (plus) it has spent could buy an awfull lot of oil......probably more than all the oil researves in Iraq.

So if you are going to use the almighty dollar as an arguement do it properly.

Do you think the threat Saddam Hussein posed should have been ignored?

Do you think that holding the West as Hostage is a way to get a peace from the West?

Do you think the West has reacted badly to being held at tehh point of a gun?

Do you think that maybe you are getting only what you deserve?

About SADAM - are you forgeting who financially supported Sadam, morally supported Sadam, casued his power, casued his maintance of power, gave him arms, gave him plans for weapons of mass destruction. no doubt Sadam was a terrible guy but who out him there - why America of course!

America spent $350 Billion dollars plus on the Iraq war now $350 Billion dollars is more than loads of countries even have! with $350 billion dollars the possibiltes are endless, America could of easily thought of some non vilent way to topple Sadam without wars, which inturn kills 8,500 Iraqi suvilians,500 american troops and 13,000 Iraqi soldiers, suicide bombings in Iraq against America and the Madrid bombings and wouldn't of required involemnt from all of these oter countires like Britain and Spain which are now terrorst targets becasue of this.

this "US axis od evil" was started off by america
munim_786 said:
at the rate Islam is converting in the USA in 100 years 51% of America will be Muslim. enough for an Islamic state.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
1) fastest conversion rates
2) highest birth rates
3) and highest fertility rates for women

look all of these up in the US census.
Give us a break and change the record.

You spew the same crap as your other little muslim buddies do.

Next you'll be telling us all that allah is real. :rolleyes:
munim....786....a simple question.....
Why so you think The USA has and is Investing in Iraq what is it now 350+Billion Dollars?

Why are they spending the money?

I agree it could have been better spent and that the USA has made a grave mistake but what do you think is the reason or motive behind spending that kind of money?

BTW we both know that the USA could pull out now from Iraq and cut it's losses....what motivates them in continuing their presence there do you think?

To save face is not good enough as an answer.......350 Billion dollars just to save face would be even more answer than the one you would like to give
Quack, the US are putting something in, to get more out. Don't be decieved that they are doing this for the good of Iraqui people.
Quantum Quack said:
PM, I cano argue that the West is free of acting criminally ...for surely it has....I can't argue that the West has not Inadvertantly killed innocent persons.....for surely it has.....

But I can argue that for every mistake the West makes it is saddened....for every piece of collateral damage it is mortified......for every person killed a prayer is said......

That is not true, I did see memorials for the victims of 9/11 and Madrid bombings but I did NOT see memorials for the palestinean victims of Israel barbaric terror, I did not see memorials for the IRAQI MUSLIMS who were killed by your terrorism !!!

War is a sad sad thing....the west is trying to learn a path to peace.....maybe it tries to hard.....

This is NOT war, it is western aggression and terrorism which need to be crushed.

The USA hasn't devoted in excess of 240 billion dollars to just getting access to oil in Iraq. That 240 Billion dollars (plus) it has spent could buy an awfull lot of oil......probably more than all the oil researves in Iraq.

I think you are not getting it right, the money you spent in Iraq is long term investment, the oil in iraq will last 30 years ( far more what you spent now ).

So if you are going to use the almighty dollar as an arguement do it properly.

Or maybe you should ask Halliburton for some advice !! :rolleyes:

Do you think the threat Saddam Hussein posed should have been ignored?

What threat ?? do you believe the BULLSHIT Bush and his neo cons are telling you ??? nearly 1 years has passed and there is NO WMD ??? where the hell are they ???? I know where they are, in Israel, go and disarm this terrorist state, it is the REAL THREAT TO WORLD PEACE as 60% of Europeans said in the latest poll.

Do you think that holding the West as Hostage is a way to get a peace from the West?

I dont understand how broken country such as Iraq after 13 years of sanctions can hold any country a hostage ???

But hey, dont worry, the west will pay in BLOOD for the Muslim blood let on the muslim land of Iraq ,Afghanistan and PALESTINE.

Do you think the West has reacted badly to being held at tehh point of a gun?

Oh please, get serious ! dont parrot the far right christian fanatics bullshit.

Do you think that maybe you are getting only what you deserve?

Or maybe you are getting what you deserve: :rolleyes:

2.jpg really don't get it do you?
If you look at your last post and the threats you have made you have to admit that you are in no position to lead any one or inform anyone or inspire any come across as a raving lunatic that needs to be sedated and locked away.....

Your jsut another example of islamic insanity and how can you possibly expect any credibility now.....I thought you had integrity I am obviously mistaken.......

Crazy Mikey.....I woudl like to know what yo think teh USA is going to get for it's 350 billion+ investment.....tell me why it's a good investment?
PM, do you actually have anything to discuss, or are you just going to insult people and tell them they should be dead?

And actually Wicca is currently the fastest growing religion, and at it's current pass will be the largest in america. The math and assumptions behind that is bogus though, as is the prediction of 51% being muslim.
Persol What do you really think about PM's behaviour? Do you think he is a good example of the average Muslem person?

The Muslem persons I know personally here woudl never dream of posting the content of the last post....

They know that sept 11 has actually sounded the end for Islam.
I know of no muslims as fanatical as PM. His posts are disgustingly one sided and he doesn't seem to be able to hide his desire to kill all westerners.
I just found it interesting that he started this thread about Modesty and espouses integrity.....yet he obviously doesn't believe in his own writings.

Does his threads always deteriorate this way?
I'm sure he would spare us if we were willing to convert to "the one true religion". But I'd choose death over being forced to pretend to believe in ancient superstitious fairy tails
Quantum Quack said:
Persol What do you really think about PM's behaviour?

Do you think he is a good example of the average Muslem person?

Quantum, I know you have specifically asked this question to Persol, but can I give you my answer.

I am a white British person who lives in a neighbourhood of mainly asian muslim, and their behaviour is no different to Proud Muslims. They are arrogant, ignorant, they hate the white English and dislike this country and America. God knows why they live here, yet they do.

Oh, and I remember watching these people laughing and cheering on 9/11, my hate for Islam was confirmed on that day.
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