Thoughts on Modesty in Islam

Proud_Muslim said:
But I believe that it is safe to say that more than 90% of the Christian women world-wide are Satanic.

Well you probably won't have a problem with me saying that 90% of the muslims are terrorists then :rolleyes:

I knew he was an idiot, but now that, that was just pathetic!
If you are going to generalize like that, PM(Pathetic Muslim) then look here:

The image of a perfect Muslim man:


The image of a perfect Western Man:


Look at you pathetic little beareded men with their AK-47(Muslim fashion accesory?) that look like they stepped out of the middle ages.

Bachus said:
Well you probably won't have a problem with me saying that 90% of the muslims are terrorists then

Well, if it is coming from someone with your logic, then I have no problem at all ! :D
Quantum Quack said:
Proud Muslem, can I ask you teh same question I want to ask Osama Bin Ladin?

What is your solution to terrorism?

Thank you for asking Quantum, at least, you care to listen to the OTHER SIDE of the story:

throughout history, terrorism used to achieve political goals, no nation ever was able to defeat terrorism ( Look at Britian experience with the IRA ), terrorism stems from terror, if you need to tackle terrorism you have to tackle not the symptoms but rather the causes, in the case of the so called muslim terrorists, the deep roots causes is the sheer injustice inflicted on Muslims by western power, let me quote you what bin laden said regarding this matter:

''Why should fear, killing, destruction, displacement, orphaning and widowing continue to be our lot, while security, stability and happiness be your lot? ''

You need to stop aggression against Muslims, ALL Muslims agree with the above statement, some of them go further and use violence to stop this injustice, this violence is called terrorism in the west.

What would you have the world do if you had the power to govern the world?

I would stop western terrorism first:
spuriousmonkey said:
So according the muslims the perfect picture of a woman is a child? Perverts.

Actually you are the pervert, because you think that way, I am posting a picture of perfect Muslim lady, here is some more pictures:


European Union temporary agent for research Candice Vancraenenbroek pauses before speaking during an International Women's Day Conference at the EU Charlemagne building in Brussels, Friday, March 8, 2002. Vancraenenbroek, born into a Belgian Catholic family, converted to Islam at an early age and has co-founded a group to help those women who also wish to convert

The above is our perfect picture of muslim woman as well, you see, the point is modesty and PURITY...something ''most'' western women can never have due to the advance liberal cultrue of whoring under the disguise of 'boyfriend-girlfriend relationship' nowadays, western girls lose their virginity at the age of 12-14 !! very very civilized indeed ! :rolleyes:
uh....hummmm....hey guys....whooo.......It's amazing how the fear of terrorism effects all so many different his way I am sure that Proud Muslem is just as fearful as any one else but in a different way.....

I know the thread was originally about modesty of Islam and as PM has admitted he is only trying to defend his lifes choices....

I would like to repeat my question to PM and that being how he would tackle terrorism if he was able to?

I don't ask with any disrespect as I am curious how a Muslem of such integrity would deal with this global fear and problems associated....with terrorism.
Proud_Muslim said:
Actually you are the pervert, because you think that way, I am posting a picture of perfect Muslim lady, here is some more pictures:

No you are the pervert because you think children are women and you are afraid to look at a naked women without seeing them as a sex object.

and you have posted those pics and shit already before. parrot.
I am sorry the posts are happening too fast to keep up......

now that the world is in this vice of ethnic and religious do you suggest this can be resolved.....?
Quantum Quack said:
I would like to repeat my question to PM and that being how he would tackle terrorism if he was able to?

I don't ask with any disrespect as I am curious how a Muslem of such integrity would deal with this global fear and problems associated....with terrorism.

I just answered you, please scroll up in this same page to see my answer, thank you.
spuriousmonkey said:
No you are the pervert because you think children are women

Where did I say that ?? please dont lie, lying wont advanced your cause.

and you are afraid to look at a naked women without seeing them as a sex object.

Are you saying people like you do have sex with their full cloth on !! :D
Proud_Muslim said:
Wrong dude, you know that bin laden is NOT the average Muslim, so try again ! :D

In that case: WRONG dude, a woman covered in a veil, is not the average Muslim woman, at least, not in an advanced country.
Proud_Muslim said:
Actually you are the pervert, because you think that way, I am posting a picture of perfect Muslim lady, here is some more pictures:


European Union temporary agent for research Candice Vancraenenbroek pauses before speaking during an International Women's Day Conference at the EU Charlemagne building in Brussels, Friday, March 8, 2002. Vancraenenbroek, born into a Belgian Catholic family, converted to Islam at an early age and has co-founded a group to help those women who also wish to convert

The above is our perfect picture of muslim woman as well, you see, the point is modesty and PURITY...something ''most'' western women can never have due to the advance liberal cultrue of whoring under the disguise of 'boyfriend-girlfriend relationship' nowadays, western girls lose their virginity at the age of 12-14 !! very very civilized indeed ! :rolleyes:

First off, I'd cover her face with a pillow, actually scrap that - i'd cover her face with her own veil.
Secondly, who are you to say, how a woman should conduct herself? It her body, it's her mind, if she wants to flaunt it, that is her choice. If she wants to cover it, that is her choice too.
Quantum Quack said:
I am sorry the posts are happening too fast to keep up......
now that the world is in this vice of ethnic and religious do you suggest this can be resolved.....?

very good question, I am really grateful for your integrity and honesty, you are someone who I can talk with, you did not display sickning islamophobic statements, so we can talk:

Hate and vice existed since the beginning of this life when habil killed his brother qabil ( The 2 sons of Adam ) and will continue to exist until Allah Almighty claim back this earth and whoever on we can reduce hate and vice is the most logical question, I believe from my own Islamic perspective that believing in Allah ( the one and the only God, His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things, He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of every thing ) believing in Allah the merciful, the ever lasting judge over his creation will help reduce such hate and vile.

Allah Almighty knows that there can be NO absolute justice on this earth because there will be always sinners and haters on this earth ( he gave us free will to be haters or to be good doers ) so he established the hereafter or what we call in Islam, AL AKHERA in which he with his ABSOLUTE JUSTICE will judge between people and what they have done on this earth.

Fearing Allah Almighty is a great factor in reducing hate and as the prophet muhammad ( Peace be Upon him ) said: this life is like a farm and you harvest in the hereafter, so if you spread hate and lies and mischief on this earth, you will harvest that in the hereafter.

We are seeing so much hate today because people forgot their god, they forgot their morales. Paganism and morale void athiems is again resurfacing after we thought they have gone forever with the advance of christianity and after that, Islam.

The soultion is ISLAM, Islam is the only solution left to save the world.
crazymikey said:
Secondly, who are you to say, how a woman should conduct herself? It her body, it's her mind, if she wants to flaunt it, that is her choice. If she wants to cover it, that is her choice too.

And who are you to say what they should not wear ?? I dont tell any woman what she should wear, it is her OWN FREE CHOICE.

But since you hypocrites always attack the Muslim headscarf, it is amazing to see WHITE, WESTERN, EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN BLUE EYED WOMEN AND BLACK CONVERTING TO ISLAM AND WEARING THE HEADSCARF !!! Those western women are a great confirmation of the bankruptcy of your moraly void socieites.

Accept Islam to be saved.
The soultion is ISLAM, Islam is the only solution left to save the world.

:D, and who do we worship Muhammed, the savage, or Allah, the moon and War God? I'm sure they can solve the problems of the world :rolleyes:
crazymikey said:
In that case: WRONG dude, a woman covered in a veil, is not the average Muslim woman, at least, not in an advanced country.

Advanced country ?? like the USA for example where 4 american women are ** murdered** every day as a result of domestic violence ????? :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
And who are you to say what they should not wear ?? I dont tell any woman what she should wear, it is her OWN FREE CHOICE.

And when and where did I say they should or should not wear certain types of clothes, mush for brains?

You just said it, they have their free choice. So if they want to wear a swim suit, that is their choice. So what's the problem, friend ;)