Thoughts on Modesty in Islam

crazymikey said:
and who do we worship Muhammed, the savage, or Allah, the moon and War God? I'm sure they can solve the problems of the world

Vienna, dear vienna, why you need to use different nicks??? :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
Advanced country ?? like the USA for example where 4 american women are ** murdered** every day as a result of domestic violence ????? :rolleyes:

At least they have rights to fight against it. In most Islamic countries, they won't even have that. In fact instead of being recognized victim, they would be persecuted.

Have you forgotten about muslim women being stoned alive for being raped, or having pre marital sex?
Vienna, dear vienna, why you need to use different nicks???

Dear moron, dear moron, why do you not use your brain? I am not Vienna. Loads of people know the truth about Islam, about Muhammed savagery, and Allah's origin as a Moon and War God - That does not make them all Vienna, clueless.
Btw - you say women have free choice, and yet at the same time, you are calling women who make the "western" choice of living, satanic? And you have the nerve, to call others hypocrites? Look in the mirror.
In that case, mush for brains, choke on this:

Btw - you say women have free choice, and yet at the same time, you are calling 90% of women who make the "western" choice of living, satanic? And you have the nerve, to call others hypocrites? Look in the mirror.
Muslim men say that muslim women have the same rights and respect as a man, and that Islam respects them and allows them the same freedom as men have. Of course, what needs to be tacticly understood is that they are saying this while they are in the United Kingdom, USA, Canada or some other Western nation.

Of course muslim womens rights are respected and they are not oppressed! They are living in a society where the sort of behaviour which many Muslim men display towards women in Muslim countries is not tolerated.

In the West, both law and popular opinion greatly discourage activities such as wife-beating and marriage to underage girls. Society would frown upon a man who made his wife wear a veil and stay inside the house unless he was with her. It would be neither understood nor accepted that women should have an inferior legal and moral status than men, as is held by a plain reading of the Quran and the Hadith.

Clearly, the apologism which is made by Muslim men on the basis of some supposedly "enlightened" view of women's rights is nothing more than a cloak woven to try and cover the ugly truth about Islam's attitudes toward women.
Proud Muslem and other Muslem readers:

You say you are following the word of God, you act on that premise, you believe that God demands your behaviour to be such....You believe you have the right to act as agents.......

If I were God I would suggest that you are falsley representing me, that your view is distorted by your own insecurities and quest for power. That you are not listening to me for I would never never ask you to kill someone or enslave someone. I would never ask you to strap a bomb around your waist and blow up innocent children....and I would never condone your quest for revenge.

You claim that the West is all so bad but at least the West does not hide behind God's supposed words as an excuse for their behavour and I might add God is not discovered in some book but in your heart....

If you can look in the mirror and smile at yourself about your association to the bombings in Spain then you are truelly deluded in your belief that you are God's servant.

Because God does not blow up people.......only people do....

Your actions are a slander and a defamation of God's will and If I were him I would be greatly saddened.......
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This might be the funniest thread ever.
PM replies to his first critics modestly, trying to prove he is modest because he is a muslim, even though we all know he is the exact opposite of modest. So it was already transparent and comedic.
And then as the thread goes on he struggles more and more and slowly starts transforming back into PM.
He's still trying to be modest when compared to the PM we all know, despise and want to die but he's visibly struggling with the endeavor he has taken on.
I find it very amusing.
I don't get the impression of modesty off islam at all.
the way I see it they invented a character 'allah' to say is better than them, and they feel this gives them a right to say they are better than everyone else and everything else, but oh "not as great as allah" :rolleyes:
That doesn't equate to modesty, the only time you show a humility is when discussing allah directly. You don't even respect his other creations that aren't muslims.
I find it all incredibly arrogant in fact.
I find the way you freely mock and belittle apes to be arrogant. You have no idea what modesty is.
Quantum Quack said:
Proud Muslem and other Muslem readers:

You say you are following the word of God, you act on that premise, you believe that God demands your behaviour to be such....You believe you have the right to act as agents.......

I tend to disagree, we dont act as agents, we act in this way to benefit ourselves, God is our creator, he knows what is best for us.

If I were God I would suggest that you are falsley representing me, that your view is distorted by your own insecurities and quest for power.

I dont understand how some poor Muslims like me who follow God commands can be aiming to get power !!!!

That you are not listening to me for I would never never ask you to kill someone or enslave someone. I would never ask you to strap a bomb around your waist and blow up innocent children....and I would never condone your quest for revenge.

Well God does not tell us to kill anyone UNJUSTLY, on the other hand, God is JUST, killers will be killed, why God should allow someone who STOLE life from someone else to live ?? it is not fair.

You claim that the West is all so bad but at least the West does not hide behind God's supposed words as an excuse for their behavour and I might add God is not discovered in some book but in your heart....

No you got me wrong here, I dont say the west is all so bad, you have great things which we muslims dont have and we should learn from you ( as you learned from us in the middle ages ) we dont hide behind God, you do hide behind shining empty symbols like human rights and democrasy, I mean look at this:


Tony Blair, the British PM shakes hands with well known tyrannt and dictator where thousands of people are tortured and killed, read here:

Blair visit to Libya brings little hope to dissidents on Death Row

What do you call that my friend ?? where is your concern about HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOM AND DEMOCRASY ?? or is it the moment you smell oil you forget all about your principles ???????? :mad:

If you can look in the mirror and smile at yourself about your association to the bombings in Spain then you are truelly deluded in your belief that you are God's servant.

it is amazing how you are trying to make the bombings in Madrid an isolated matter without connecting it to what is happening in Iraq ( Muslim land ) and other Muslim lands, let me show you what JOSE MARIA AZNAR DID IN IRAQ WITH BLAIR AND BUSH:

Scroll down to see more, why you dont talk about the thousands of INNOCENT IRAQI MUSLIMS MURDERED by you and your countries ???????????????

Islam and Muslims are against terrorism, but and here is big BUT, when Muslims are killed daily by you, you cant expect to live safe, do you ??

Because God does not blow up people.......only people do....

Exactly, and that is why you guys are doing to us, blowing up INNOCENT MUSLIMS from the safety of the sky.

Your actions are a slander and a defamation of God's will and If I were him I would be greatly saddened...

And what about your own actions and your own terrorism ?????
No you got me wrong here, I dont say the west is all so bad, you have great things which we muslims dont have and we should learn from you ( as you learned from us in the middle ages ) we dont hide behind God, you do hide behind shining empty symbols like human rights and democrasy, I mean look at this

Just when I thought he was going to say a good thing about the west, to look modest, he weaves in this "(as you learned from us in the middle ages)

PM, it's called politics, you dunce.
The key difference is that The West does not kill in the name of God. They don't assume devine rights as you do.

I think God is quite capable of handing out justice by himself with out your help.

When that time comes Proud Muslem will you be able to be as confident as you are now.

When a 14 year old ends up in front of his creator after bombing a bus.....what do you think God will think behind his tears?

God didn't write your book...a man did... and I might add it was an awful long time ago.......maybe it needs a rewrite........
God forgives his children but he never forgets his sadness
Bush and libya is all about ending the killing......forgiving the past and moving forward....the world has never had an opportunity it has solve it's problems...
violence is like a rollercoaster have to wait until you throw up before you decide to get off.
Quantum Quack said:
The key difference is that The West does not kill in the name of God. They don't assume devine rights as you do.

The west does not kill by the name of God !!! how about burning catholics on the stick ?? or burning protestants alive ??? how about the religious wars started in the west ??? how about the crusaders ??????????

and if you tell me this was in the past, I will tell you now you kill in the name of the all mighty $$$$ so what the difference, KILLING IS KILLING.

I think God is quite capable of handing out justice by himself with out your help.

INDEED and that is why we muslims believe in the hereafter.

When that time comes Proud Muslem will you be able to be as confident as you are now.

Insha allah ( Allah willing ) this time will come for everyone, when we will be displayed in front of Allah almighty to be judged, so if you lived your life denying him and hateing and sinning, you will pay dearly at that day...lucky those who will pass the big judgement into eternal heaven.

When a 14 year old ends up in front of his creator after bombing a bus.....what do you think God will think behind his tears?

I cant think on God's behalf, but ask yourself what will you answer God when he will ask you how your own tax money went to fund terrorist nazi state such as Israel ??? God will ask you how your people supported those jewish killers....dont worry, you will have a very hard time indeed.

God didn't write your book...a man did... and I might add it was an awful long time ago.......maybe it needs a rewrite........

You see, here again, you are displaying amazing ignorance of Islam, the Noble Quran was NOT written by prophet Muhammad (pbuh ), prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) could not read or write, the Noble Quran was revealed to him from God by the angel Gabriel.

God forgives his children but he never forgets his sadness

Are you God's secretary to know what God will do ??????
Quantum Quack said:
Bush and libya is all about ending the killing......forgiving the past and moving forward....the world has never had an opportunity it has solve it's problems...

The ironic thing is, if PM's beliefs were correct, he would go straight to hell.
That almost makes me wish they were more than fantasy.
Dr Lou Natic said:
The ironic thing is, if PM's beliefs were correct, he would go straight to hell.
That almost makes me wish they were more than fantasy.

Islam is a fantasy.... and a very dangerous one.

I've heard it said that the "Qu'ran is the book of the Devil", so PM is really worshipping the Devil who is disguised as the "Moon God"