Thought Transference

I have been involve in psychic experiments, and run a paranormal website. I have seen/participated in telepathy experiments achieve well above average hit rates. I have also seen/participated in precognition experiments with above average hit rates.

Both of those experiments had consistently higher hit rates than chance. There are psychic experiments out there that now defy billion to one odds, yet the skeptic community is allowed to write them off as chance.

Defying Billion to one odds on long term psychic project should not be written off, and anybody who does so without at least looking at the possibility is wrong.

I think almost any psychic experiment would yield results above chance, unless it was run by hard core skeptics who are not even trying.

Go ahead and "make" someone call you on the telephone who might not normally, or do something to just prove it to yourself.

I do not believe that thoughts travel by magic, but are transmitted and received by a process yet unknown. The "yet unknown" would be interesting to talk about, but sciforums has to many "anti-possibility" trolls who think we have maxed out our scientific potential as humans. I feel sorry for them. I have seen positive results beyond some peoples imaginings, but it must be harder to accept as someone just looking at results on paper.

View one such experiment in Wired.
I don't expect the trolls to actually read these links however, as it would interfere with time they can be calling people cranks and demanding more proof, when statistical proof is too great for sane people to ignore.

Okay.. Trolls turn.

From the wired link you provided:

"The lab has many detractors who have found fault with Pear's methodologies and dismiss the work as entertainment, comparing the results to motorists who wish for a red light to turn green and think that because the light changes they caused it.

Stanley Jeffers, a professor of physics at York University in Toronto, attempted to conduct experiments that were similar to Pear's, but couldn't replicate the results. Researchers at two German labs, working in cooperation with Pear, also were unable to replicate results using the same equipment that Pear used."
Do you remember the TV series called "Early Edition"? At times a similar thing happens to me where a situation in a dream seems to be a premonition of an event that could be in the news the next day. Now that could be a type of thought transference, between the minds of those writing and preparing the paper and myself. Now the incidence is rather random but I would love to know if it is real or just a chance coincidence.
Do you remember the TV series called "Early Edition"? At times a similar thing happens to me where a situation in a dream seems to be a premonition of an event that could be in the news the next day. Now that could be a type of thought transference, between the minds of those writing and preparing the paper and myself. Now the incidence is rather random but I would love to know if it is real or just a chance coincidence.

So you have a dream premonition that you'll be seeing sheep the next day, and lo and behold, you see sheep.
I did not bring up the subject for discussion. This forum reaks of bias, and the experiment has statistical success beyond reproach.

If it is of interest to you then you can find this and many other topical experiments with similar statistical successes.

@ Alex G,
I did not include you in my original troll list however you run the monitor, "arguing with a crank - useless" beneath your name as if that is your favourite activity and generates pride within you.
That seems sad.

Look at how you just ridicule the previous post. Is that supposed to be funny? Every avenue of science has always been met by skepticism, and it has its place. However to simply mock is completely for your own petty self gratification.
Alex G - So you have a dream premonition that you'll be seeing sheep the next day, and lo and behold, you see sheep.

Now let's pretend that someone wanted to talk about strange occurrences such as Robittybob1 mentioned.
In fact; that is quite a common subject, as many people talk about a particular subject and go home and find there is a movie and 2 specials dealing with the same topic whether the topic is "shark attacks" or "Hiroshima".
Some groups don't even call them coincidences and just call them syncs, and some other groups believe that our past is not anchored and our past can be altered to affect our present.
I am not endorsing either belief, but at least I would be posing a posibility that fits in with a parapsychology forum.

This forum on this website is just a joke, and I have said this to James Randi. Certain members should be banned from this thread. I am not saying members should be banned from the website, but I do think trolls should be banned from certain threads.

Anyways, I am not going to expand much more than that, as I have said it before and I will say it again.
I did not bring up the subject for discussion. This forum reaks of bias, and the experiment has statistical success beyond reproach.

If it is of interest to you then you can find this and many other topical experiments with similar statistical successes.

@ Alex G,
I did not include you in my original troll list however you run the monitor, "arguing with a crank - useless" beneath your name as if that is your favourite activity and generates pride within you.
That seems sad.

Look at how you just ridicule the previous post. Is that supposed to be funny? Every avenue of science has always been met by skepticism, and it has its place. However to simply mock is completely for your own petty self gratification.

Now let's pretend that someone wanted to talk about strange occurrences such as Robittybob1 mentioned.
In fact; that is quite a common subject, as many people talk about a particular subject and go home and find there is a movie and 2 specials dealing with the same topic whether the topic is "shark attacks" or "Hiroshima".
Some groups don't even call them coincidences and just call them syncs, and some other groups believe that our past is not anchored and our past can be altered to affect our present.
I am not endorsing either belief, but at least I would be posing a posibility that fits in with a parapsychology forum.

This forum on this website is just a joke, and I have said this to James Randi. Certain members should be banned from this thread. I am not saying members should be banned from the website, but I do think trolls should be banned from certain threads.

Anyways, I am not going to expand much more than that, as I have said it before and I will say it again.

As I've said, I only argue with cranks and wackos as entertainment.

You're quite entertaining.
So you have a dream premonition that you'll be seeing sheep the next day, and lo and behold, you see sheep.
How often would sheep be the headlines in the paper the next day? Could be sheep, or people or events, many types of things.
Do you get this? Does everyone get this? It might not be that peculiar, but I haven't heard of it.:)
How often would sheep be the headlines in the paper the next day?

When you wake up, do you remember your dream and say 'this is what's going to be in the headlines today'? Do you ever write it down? Is there anything as evidence besides your often faulty memory?

Or do you read the headline and say, 'hey, I dreamed of that'.
When you wake up, do you remember your dream and say 'this is what's going to be in the headlines today'? Do you ever write it down? Is there anything as evidence besides your often faulty memory?

Or do you read the headline and say, 'hey, I dreamed of that'.
I used to note it, and cut out the article, but lately it is a rarity, but it still might occur once a month or so.
You wake up thinking "what the hell was that about?"
By the end of the day it makes sense.
I used to note it, and cut out the article, but lately it is a rarity, but it still might occur once a month or so.
You wake up thinking "what the hell was that about?"
By the end of the day it makes sense.

So you are retrofitting your daily experiences to what you remember of your dream. Or perhaps I should say you are matching what you think you remember of your dream to what you have experienced.

Have you ever heard of a pheomena with dreams called secondary elaboration?
Here is a list of cranks. They all met hard core resistance to these ideas.

Arrhenius (ion chemistry)
Alfven, Hans (galaxy-scale plasma dynamics)
Baird, John L. (television camera)
Bakker, Robert (fast, warm-blooded dinosaurs)
Bardeen & Brattain (transistor)
Bretz J Harlen (ice age geology)
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (black holes in 1930)
Chladni, Ernst (meteorites in 1800)
Crick & Watson (DNA)
Doppler (optical Doppler effect)
Folk, Robert L. (existence and importance of nanobacteria)
Galvani (bioelectricity)
Harvey, William (circulation of blood, 1628)
Krebs (ATP energy, Krebs cycle)
Galileo (supported the Copernican viewpoint)
Gauss, Karl F. (nonEuclidean geometery)
Binning/Roher/Gimzewski (scanning-tunneling microscope)
Goddard, Robert (rocket-powered space ships)
Goethe (Land color theory)
Gold, Thomas (deep non-biological petroleum deposits)
Gold, Thomas (deep mine bacteria)
Lister, J (sterilizing)
T Maiman (Laser)
Margulis, Lynn (endosymbiotic organelles)
Mayer, Julius R. (The Law of Conservation of Energy)
Marshall, B (ulcers caused by bacteria, helicobacter pylori)
McClintlock, Barbara (mobile genetic elements, "jumping genes", transposons)
Newlands, J. (pre-Mendeleev periodic table)
Nott, J. C. (mosquitos xmit Yellow Fever)
Nottebohm, F. (neurogenesis: brains can grow neurons)
Ohm, George S. (Ohm's Law)
Ovshinsky, Stanford R. (amorphous semiconductor devices)
Pasteur, Louis (germ theory of disease)
Prusiner, Stanley (existence of prions, 1982)
Rous, Peyton (viruses cause cancer)
Semmelweis, I. (surgeons wash hands, puerperal fever )
Steen-McIntyre, Virginia (southwest US Indians village , 300,000BC)
Tesla, Nikola (Earth electrical resonance, "Schumann" resonance)
Tesla, Nikola (brushless AC motor)
J H van't Hoff (molecules are 3D)
Warren, Warren S (flaw in MRI theory)
Wegener, Alfred (continental drift)
Wright, Wilbur & Orville (flying machines)
Zwicky, Fritz (existence of dark matter, 1933)
Zweig, George (quark theory)

"Concepts which have proved useful for ordering things easily assume so
great an authority over us, that we forget their terrestrial origin and
accept them as unalterable facts. They then become labeled as 'conceptual
necessities,' etc. The road of scientific progress is frequently blocked
for long periods by such errors." - Einstein

To view theories as quackery just because you assume our current science is as advanced as it is going to be is just plain idiotic.

I don't poke around in these sections often, but there are many people who have trolled for thousands of posts. When I say troll I mean all of their posts are non conversational or even confrontational based on stuff we'd expect from a grade 4 science teacher.

In fact; the higher ones education the higher the probabilities that they would believe in the paranormal.
This would make it seem like a lot of the "Trolls" here just like to think they are smart and actually lack formal education. I think I agree. Smart people are more open minded than what is prevalent here.

There is a place for Scientific reasoning on paranormal topics, however Sciforums is obviously not "reasoning" friendly.
In fact; the higher ones education the higher the probabilities that they would believe in the paranormal.

You're a funny man. :D
So you are retrofitting your daily experiences to what you remember of your dream. Or perhaps I should say you are matching what you think you remember of your dream to what you have experienced.

Have you ever heard of a pheomena with dreams called secondary elaboration?
No I haven't, but you could always say it was that, but in effect the experience seems too odd. But I will look it up.
No I haven't, but you could always say it was that, but in effect the experience seems too odd. But I will look it up.

Write down your dream AS SOON AS YOU OPEN YOUR EYES.

Then you match it to the headlines. Not the other way around.
Write down your dream AS SOON AS YOU OPEN YOUR EYES.

Then you match it to the headlines. Not the other way around.

I agree.


Don't complain about trolls, just report them. If you try to make big claims, you need big evidence. I think the quote is a GREAT suggestion. Write down your dreams, and then match them with headlines. Post your results here. Get credibility.
Write down your dream AS SOON AS YOU OPEN YOUR EYES.

Then you match it to the headlines. Not the other way around.
Well funny enough I did dream about sheep last night. There was a yarding issue and the lady the owner was complaining that her sheep were just dropping dead. There was another man there tall and aggressive and he was throwing the lambs around. No one was saying anything, till I stood up to him. I picked up a short iron bar which I put in my gumboot, and went up to him.
"I am the veterinarian, I am the Animal Welfare Officer, you have to stop this abuse."
And he came over to me towering over me and placed his torch on my head and said "There is a time and place for everything"
Was he going to scone me one? I reached for the iron rod ..... and woke up.

So is this a premonition of trouble ahead? It wasn't a work situation, more like out on a farm.
So let's see if there is an animal welfare case in the news today?:)
It could even be the repeat of that phrase "There is a time and place for everything".
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Well funny enough I did dream about sheep last night. There was a yarding issue and the lady the owner was complaining that her sheep were just dropping dead. There was another man there tall and aggressive and he was throwing the lambs around. No one was saying anything, till I stood up to him. I picked up a short iron bar which I put in my gumboot, and went up to him.
"I am the veterinarian, I am the Animal Welfare Officer, you have to stop this abuse."
And he came over to me towering over me and placed his torch on my head and said "There is a time and place for everything"
Was he going to scone me one? I reached for the iron rod ..... and woke up.

So is this a premonition of trouble ahead? It wasn't a work situation, more like out on a farm.
So let's see if there is an animal welfare case in the news today?:)
It could even be the repeat of that phrase "There is a time and place for everything".

The part that you are missing is that you are forcing a connection where none exists. Chances are you can find an animal welfare case. You will also be able to find one tomorrow and the next day and the next.... There is no causality.

I just thought about the 3 stooges. I bet if I looked hard enough I could find out that it is Curly's birthday or Moe was married on this day or Shemp caught the clap on this day. The only relationship between my thought and finding a 3 stooges event is in my mind. There is no real causal realtionship.
The part that you are missing is that you are forcing a connection where none exists. Chances are you can find an animal welfare case. You will also be able to find one tomorrow and the next day and the next.... There is no causality.

I just thought about the 3 stooges. I bet if I looked hard enough I could find out that it is Curly's birthday or Moe was married on this day or Shemp caught the clap on this day. The only relationship between my thought and finding a 3 stooges event is in my mind. There is no real causal realtionship.

As a headline in the media? We've just had an election, earthquake and mine disaster. Animal Welfare is right down the list. That wasn't the type of dream that would be in the paper as it was too personal. To get to the point where your life is on the line and or you are about to disarm someone if they don't stop is a frightening experience. It would be one dream I hope doesn't come true. Who would want that situation to arrive? I'm too old to fight.
But I am a veterinarian and an Animal Welfare Officer so it is still a possibility.:)
Well funny enough I did dream about sheep last night

I knew it. I posted about you and sheep. See, I must be psychic. :eek:
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