Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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    Votes: 11 15.5%
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Hope is rubbish

I really hope its rubbish, if not we are screwed. People will ALWAYS doubt. I dont care how much proof one provides. Like at that Al Gore documentary - he seemed to have a nice arguement with many scientist backing him up, although there are armies of other scientist and the general public thats calling BS to whole thing.

Excluding an act GOD - nothing is going to change, people with NEVER change. Bottom Line.
Some people gain from disaster. Where would be the ambulance business without emergency? Others do not care if the situation impacts their grand children - as long as they enjoy the present time. Still there are others whose mental model of the world would not allow to see trends. And lastly stupid people are those who may be good in what they do but do not care about anything else.

I have seen so called scientists in chemistry commenting on computer technology, economists talking about planetary science. And so you hear all sorts of stuff.

What an ordinary person should do?
Some other people will make you believe the uniformist theory of gradual change (as opposed to the rivalling catastrophist theory) in Earth geology (which is still not rigorously justified); literally having you to accept that the continental drift theory as if it "explains everything below the earth"... and of course continents can't disappear just like that, so it's impossible that continents like MU could have ever existed.

As one of my friends says: "Humanity pretends to know too much without the humility of looking back and learning from history. Past written records are ridiculed as totally primitive, because it is thought that humanity has only relatively recently descended from the apes."

hmmm... some people just make money by having you clicking their ads. Don't be evil! Click on Google ads :D
many things in this book can be proved like aura's and other such things, the thing is not one thing can be disproven.
By all means, cite your evidence to "auras" and "other such things." Either that or STFU.

Books of fiction need not be proved, even when their authors are deceptive and make unfounded claims of the story being true. That's because the burden of proof then becomes that of the author (a.k.a. bald-faced liar).
Prophecy as such is an extrapolation of events yet to take place based on the past history. Since, one is not exposed to new information yet to take place, it is unlikely some one can accurately predict what is yet to happen.

For example, if someone find methods for anti-gravity or food replicator using just electricity...the whole dynamics of life on the planet will change. But one can not prophecize if such can happen and when....
I thought I would throw this in to your debate, hope you can enjoy...
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By all means, cite your evidence to "auras" and "other such things." Either that or STFU.

Books of fiction need not be proved, even when their authors are deceptive and make unfounded claims of the story being true. That's because the burden of proof then becomes that of the author (a.k.a. bald-faced liar).

The information available about auras and even the state of the art scientific findings in the field won't prove the book is true as a whole. hmph, your attempt to drag the coversation away from the pseudological fallacies you mentioned before, and your futile attempt to disprove the book, is as hilarious as all the comments you made about the book and the information in it.
The burden of proof is on anyone that claims this poor work of fiction is actually non-fiction. But I sure hope you aren't implying that there are "state of the art scientific findings" with regard to "auras." That, my friend, is pure poppycock.
Prophecy as such is an extrapolation of events yet to take place based on the past history. Since, one is not exposed to new information yet to take place, it is unlikely some one can accurately predict what is yet to happen.

For example, if someone find methods for anti-gravity or food replicator using just electricity...the whole dynamics of life on the planet will change. But one can not prophecize if such can happen and when....

That's totally true, but to be fair the book emphasizes what should happen and why, more than it says what will happen 100%, so whatever the name of the book, prophecy... abduction... etc. we can use our intellect to think if the related advices mentioned in the book, about how we can improve our way of living, are really the way to go or not. Things like reducing pollution, not exposing ourselves to extra loud music and excessive noise, avoiding consumption of hallucinogenic drugs, have our idle politicians to start coming out of their cocoons and get working, stop waging all out wars just because an idiot felt that by the next 150 years will make a little percent less profit than he could; appeal to me personally, and I appreciate the way this book gets it's message through... the stories... hmmm.... the Dragons in Desmarquet's Cellar, the parts that are called unverifiable data like the MU story of the book, seems more like examples that further emphasize our freedom of choice, depict and illustrate that there is a cause and effect relationship in our life. As an example, Some of these illustrations really show that "What goes around comes around".

In short if we make some new antigravity technology for ourselves, it can be good for us, and we may eventually make it, it's not something like impossible to do, it's like as if i'll tell you that you'll have tea when you wake up in the morning, it's highly probable but you may rather choose to have coffe.
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The burden of proof is on anyone that claims this poor work of fiction is actually non-fiction. But I sure hope you aren't implying that there are "state of the art scientific findings" with regard to "auras." That, my friend, is pure poppycock.

hmmm... swift response mate, okay... look this is an old story and I know why you want me and the likes of me to bring proof for you. In one word, you will never recieve any proof from me, never, not even if I give you any, so let's leave it at that.

I did try to imply that there are "state of the art scientific findings" with regard to "auras"... and please note, I don't mind you and your uhmm... cohorts, calling it poppycock or anything else. You'd do yourself a favour if you go find and read up on it yourself, if not it's your loss not mine.
There are some elements of proof in the book; the information on Herai in Japan is interesting.
The information on electro photonics is also interesting.
The information on the age of the great pyramid is interesting considering it was predicted back in 1987.

One needs to investigate all of this and more, what people tend to do is they decide what is truth by what they like the sound of, when they don’t like the sound of something, they cease on the fact that what has been present before them has no proof, then when proof is offered, they disregarded that and so ho, it’s rubbish, but not before indulging in some mild level of semantics, so then if becomes about winning the argument as a pose to figuring out the truth, then carry on the merry way, it’s really quite childish.

It boils down to whether your mind is open enough to understand…and if you don’t, won’t or can’t, then that’s cool remember, life is about understanding, your challenge is not to miss any gems, If I was really serious about learning in life, and truly understanding, I would consider all things, and this has nothing to do with personal view, because in the really of “universal truth” personal view changes nothing, I guess what I’m saying, is that regardless of what we think, there are something things that just are, whether we want to believe them or not, the fact that we believe them to be untrue does not make them any less real…

So back to proof, as a pose to saying, were is the proof?, maybe one should be asking, what is my proof?

I will now step off my soap box...
Except that there isn't any evidence at either of those passages.

The Herai reference one that claims that because there are some similarities between an ancient Japanese chant and ancient Hebrew, that this is "proof" that Jesus moved to Japan and died there. This is utter poppycock and, indeed, the phonetics of the Japanese kana syllabary were spuriously connected to Hebrew by Bruria Bergman, a Hebrew expert whose linguistic ability was limited. Linguist Mark Newbrook of Monash University examined the same set of Kana and in just 20 minutes the chant had a Latin version that had better context and closer phonetics than the Hebrew version. The result of this is to show that one can take a foreign script and assign it to a different language to create a new reading. There is a difference between scripts and languages that people simply don't get unless they study linguistics. I have. The correlation that Desmarquet tries to make is spurious and utter nonsense. But it assumes that the hero figure of Jesus was a genuine, historical figure not a mythical one. There simply is no evidence for this implied premise to even support Desmarquet's conclusion that he's buried in Japan. Nor is there evidence to support that the chant's kana is a script for a Hebrew syllabary rather than a Japanese one.

To suggest that his "information on electro photonics" offers some "element of proof" is likewise complete and utter nonsense. His discussion is centered around the "astral body" and explaining the sense of deja vu as evidence that someone has lived before. Neurologists have long since explained deja vu and similar sensations, and Desmarquet reveals himself to be simply ignorant and undereducated. Its unfortunate that there are those that buy into his silliness without the slightest hesitation or willingness to question or inquire and then imply those who do are not being "open-minded." That mystery-mongers and significance-junkies see inquiry and query as being close-minded (or at least not "open minded") reveals their own ignorance. Sad.

But with regard to the Great Pyramid, let's look a Desmarquet's fiction on the topic. I use his own spellings and punctuations:

Dumbass Fiction that Claims to Be Fact said:
‘Toth was a great man of Atlantis, extremely knowledgeable materially as well as spiritually. He founded villages, built temples and, just before his death, he had constructed what you now call the Great Pyramid. Each time these great colonisers judged that the new colony had the potential to become great, materially and spiritually, they would construct a special pyramid - a tool - as you were able to see for yourself on Mu. In Egypt, they constructed the Great Pyramid on the same model as the Pyramid of Savanasa, but on a scale three times reduced. These pyramids are unique and, in order to fulfil [sic] their role as a ‘tool’, their dimensions and specifications must be precisely adhered to, as well as their orientation.’

‘Do you know how much time it took?’

‘It was quite fast - just nine years, for Toth and his master architects knew the secrets of anti-gravitation from Mu, and the secrets for cutting the rock and using - let’s call them ‘electro-ultra-sounds’.’

‘But on Earth, the experts believe it to have been constructed by the Pharaoh

‘It’s not so, Michel. Of course, this is not the only mistake that the experts on
Earth have made. On the other hand, I can confirm that the Pharaoh Cheops
used this pyramid as it was meant to be used.

There is ample evidence as to the creation of the Egyptian pyramids and absolutely no evidence supporting a single dollop of what Desmarquet claims. Not a single dollop.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that the claim by Desmarquet and Chalko that The Abduction to the Ninth Planet is complete and utter fiction. Moreover, it is bad fiction. Those that continue to post in this thread supporting Desmarquet are clearly here only to obfuscate the critics and hope to cloud raise enough intellectually dishonest claims of close-mindedness among those with enough education to recognize the silliness and, to some extent, utter stupidity that is written in the book. Its as if they don't expect those who dare criticize it to actually have a copy to reference. Clearly, this is the case, since the poster above didn't have the courage to provide contexts for the three examples he/she provided.
Ya, this is funny, :)
” since the poster above didn't have the courage to provide contexts for the three examples he/she provided.”

I love the overtly stated assumption between not providing links and courage…did not provide links, there for, must have been or is lacking in courage…ya…beautiful...

Did not provide links because, I’ve researched it…and those that really want to get to the bottom of it will do the same, which it looks like you already have, and you reached an outcome which you have indicated that you’re positively unequivocally certain about… and I respect that…

My friend if you have discovered the truth of this matter, so much so that you stand tall and tell us all “how it is” with total certainty and it is as you say it is, then you are a better Man/Women than I…
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how long can people bicker about a book?
haha.. funny.

I believe it.
I only read some of the bulletins earlier, up to the second page I believe..
and yes, I did join sf solely to reply to this thread.

if I were working for desmarquet or chalko, what would they have to gain from you believing it? absolutely nothing. they're not concerned with critics haha.

I'm not, and the fact is unimportant.

I read the books last week, decided to follow up accordingly and what not.. but in the prophecy book Thao specifically says humans require proof and most will not believe it, and your 3 year argument solidifies this point.
it is also described how, in turn, to cope with your reactions, which most people who believe it probably have done by not even bothering to comment on your accusations. I was about to close the application, but figured there's some hope for change left in the world..

there isn't really a need for the proof. skeptics and critics will say most things involving the psyche are bullshit, but I don't.
I've developed a weak auric sight, and am learning other things. (btw, auras don't appear as chalko says in the website. however, he does say, and it is, that it is the principle in which you learn to see them. they're more fluid than just an after-image and actually flow like energy..)

the purpose behind the book was not to reach those that are skeptical and closed-minded, but to give some formation to the minds of those who know there is more and wish to find it.

I do not care whether you believe it, because I'm not concerned with you haha. I think your claims and thoughts and beliefs are further evidence of the book's validity, but that's my opinion.
make your own.


quick, before it's too late, judge me and feel accomplished :rolleyes:
they're not concerned with critics haha. I'm not, and the fact is unimportant.
I do not care whether you believe it, because I'm not concerned with you haha.

So unconcerned with critics and whether we believe it or not that:

aounow said:
I did join sf solely to reply to this thread.

That's pretty unconcerned dude. :rolleyes:
most people who believe it probably have done by not even bothering to comment on your accusations. I was about to close the application, but figured there's some hope for change left in the world..

I do not care whether you believe it, because I'm not concerned with you haha..

quick, before it's too late, judge me and feel accomplished :rolleyes:

I'm unconcerned with you, but I like to argue, so that added to my hope ;)

anything else?
Exactly. So unconcerned you can't resist coming back. Hopeless.
Yes, you have to love how the "unconcerned" keep going through the registration process just so they can say "I believe" and defend such a bad work of fiction that makes the completely unsubstantiated claim of being truth.

To quote our new friend: "ha ha ha."