Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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Skin Walker will enter soon and have a shot, parade around,

Just so I don't disappoint you... here I am :)

Skin Walker, seems to have a sizable investments in it not being true, so guess what? spends his life proving it is not true, I bet his whole academic life/ego depends on it not being true, I bet when he gets a good argument he sits at his computer with his heart racing , trying to get another angle, and then when he finally gets it off his chest, he sits back and marvels, then goes to bed, then gets up the next day and eagerly checks to see if there has been a response, and Even if you win the battle here, you manage to tie the other in a not, it changes nothing, zero.

It`s all about you!

Yes.. I'm sure you're right. I exist only to debunk nonsense like the T-boob profits. I have no other life and do nothing between your four contributions to the woo-woo claims made in this thread.

Your fallacious attempts to poison the well are typical tactics of the woo-woo crowd with just about everything from religious cult claims to UFOs to ESP. Even the alternative medicine nutters use the same tactic when they can't engage in reasoned debate with critics. Their response is nearly always the same when they find that they've finally lost the ability to argue their points with reason (after all, reason isn't on their side): they say things like, "the skeptics are obsessed with [insert BS claim], therefore there must be something to [insert BS claim]."

Instead of dealing with the argument at hand, they create this straw man, making the skeptics' arguments into something they're not and use fallacious tactics like poisoning the well with comments like, "he'll probably respond right away with...."

The fascinating thing is that on this forum, there exist one or two topics attract nutters that will only discuss this topic and no other. These one-thread wonders pop in, make generalist claims of wild speculation, cry foul when skeptics bring up reasoned arguments, and use fallacious arguments to support their woo-woo cause. All the while, they NEVER post in any other forum on any other topic. If they do, it is rare and probably just a token post to give the impression that they are participating -but their real agenda is clear: their woo-woo cause.

So, Mr. Four Post Wonder, while you are free to come here and express your opinion, anyone that is actually a member of SciForums knows that you're talking out of your ass with regard to ad hominem claims made in your post above about my "investments" in the T-boob profits.

You succeeded in one thing with that post: creating a single post that contained at least 3, maybe 4, distinct logical fallacies. Congratulations.

Now, since none of the T-boobs seem able to logically support their claims with reason and evidence, isn't it safe to conclude that Desmarquet is a fiction writer. And since his fiction has barely a following among a few cult fantatics and is poorly written, can't we conclude that he is also a bad fiction writer?
I read the entire book a few times. I am not going to be bought into this as truth because it says anything really moral or spiritual. I am not also going to be convinced just because it is available for free. There are many many lose ends to this book. It is way to hyped up. I dont believe that every answere to all the questions listed in the book can be summarized in about 180 pages. It basically tells us that the angels in the bible were thiaooubians. There is a part where thiao floats around glowing a gold color and says something about the humans saw her as that when she came to earth. she gives no explaination of why she took that form. If the thiaooubians where so knowledgable and have been studying the human race for thousands of years, why would they ask "Why is he so sad?" when they saw him not smiling. Why is their planet gold? besides the fact that the typical color of awe to mankind is gold, just like how there are "gold roads in heaven." Why couldnt such an old superior race of aliens foresee how planting the character of jesus on the earth would fuck the human race up? If they believe that this is the second best way compared to jesus to set man straight then I find them lacking of the human psyche that they have been studying for so long. I find the idea that they interviened with the human race in its early stages like this foolish and experimental. Spiritauality is only a PART of life. There is more to life than spirituality. It also boldly states, in less than a page, opinionated views against abortion and homosexuality due to its "unnaturalness." ...was not impressed with the book. Though i did not fully disagree with its meaning. It is clearly a mans hypothesis about how the world works.
Nature aborts fetuses if there is a chance of malformed babies. It is humans who force such babies to be born through drugs and what not. As to homosexuality, it is as old as the human race....and is a worldwide phenomena!
I am Judge Floro

I have not read the 10 pages of this read, but I browsed over these links

And I quote the part on Jesus Chirst ... from here this is my statement on the author of this thread's question:

This prophecy is a literary piece ... I do not investigate it based on selling money, but on its contents.

I do not judge it based on the hundreds of claims it makes which baffles scientists and idiots alike.

It might be interesting, of course.

But it is 100% made by the 666 per its instruments. It is demonic, that is, Revelation allowed Satan to be loosened to sow evil.

This prophecy is the anti-Christ's fight against God and his angels. They are fallen angels and they were permitted to sow fear and death of the flesh not of the soul.

Second, aura is just a toll or mirror to see a person's inner self or inner awareness or spirit.

In this world the highest aura is VIOLET ... I do not detect auras ... but someone detected my aura as unique

spreckled white, tinge of orange and VIOLET...

Third, there is no mention in the book about VIOLET AND white lights of the king of kings of angels.

LUIS is the king of kings of angels ... beside St. Michael the archangel ...

So, on this score alone, this book and the contents are purely demonic ...

If you have more questions you can ask me more

please read that long link


About Jesus
Thao ([2] page 115):

"Jesus, Michel, was sent to Earth from Thiaoouba almost 2000 years ago..."

([2] page 143):

"I know that, on Earth, there are people who believe that, from the age of twelve, until his return to Judea, Jesus studied in the monasteries of India and Tibet. This is how they try to explain the gap which exists in the Bible, when Jesus, from Bethlehem, simply disappeared.

He left his parents's home at the age of fourteen, accompanied by his 12 year old brother Ouriki, he travelled to Burma, India, China and Japan. His brother accompanied Jesus everywhere, until Ouriki was accidentally killed in China. Jesus took a lock of Ouriki's hair with him, for he loved him very much.

Jesus was fifty years of age when he arrived in Japan, where he married and had three daughters. Finally, he died in the Japanese village of Shingo, where he had lived for forty-five years. He was buried in Shingo, which is on the main island of Japan - Honshū, and beside his tomb is another, containing the little box holding Ouriki's lock of hair.

Those of your fellows who like evidence can go to Shingo, formerly known as Herai, in the district of Ayomoru.

But let's go back to our precise mission in this regard ... The only messenger we could send to Earth had to be one of us. The 'Christ' who died on the cross in Jerusalem, was called Aarioc."

One of the few people to actually investigate this claim was Dr Tom Chalko, who physically traveled to Japan, Dr Chalko claims in 1935 Kiyomaro Takeuchi discovered 1900 year old document stored in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, containing evidence, that Jesus (Joshua) born in Bethlehem to Virgin Mary is buried in Herai Village in Aomori district of Japan, The document contained also Jesus's will, requesting that his brother's tomb to be located next to his. The document was so authentic and news so explosive at the time, that the Japanese government banned the document from public view and kept it locked in a museum in Tokyo. During World War II Tokyo was severely bombed and the museum with all documents was allegedly destroyed.apparently the Takeuchi family made copies of the document before surrendering it to officials. Copies preserved by the Takeuchi family survived to this day.

According to "Thiaoouba Prophecy", Jesus (Joshua) born to virgin Mary in Bethlehem, after an "angel" from Thiaoouba (tyehova) implanted the embryo, escaped the slaughter of 2606 babies and arrived in Egypt. After surprising all scholars at the age of 12, he left his parents at 14 to travel with his 12 years old brother Ouriki to Burma, India and China. Eventually he arrived in Japan at the age of 50. He got married there, and had 3 daughters. Finally he died in Herai where he had lived for 45 years.
pure deception

I read the entire book a few times. I am not going to be bought into this as truth because it says anything really moral or spiritual. I am not also going to be convinced just because it is available for free. There are many many lose ends to this book. It is way to hyped up. I dont believe that every answere to all the questions listed in the book can be summarized in about 180 pages. It basically tells us that the angels in the bible were thiaooubians. There is a part where thiao floats around glowing a gold color and says something about the humans saw her as that when she came to earth. she gives no explaination of why she took that form. If the thiaooubians where so knowledgable and have been studying the human race for thousands of years, why would they ask "Why is he so sad?" when they saw him not smiling. Why is their planet gold? besides the fact that the typical color of awe to mankind is gold, just like how there are "gold roads in heaven." Why couldnt such an old superior race of aliens foresee how planting the character of jesus on the earth would fuck the human race up? If they believe that this is the second best way compared to jesus to set man straight then I find them lacking of the human psyche that they have been studying for so long. I find the idea that they interviened with the human race in its early stages like this foolish and experimental. Spiritauality is only a PART of life. There is more to life than spirituality. It also boldly states, in less than a page, opinionated views against abortion and homosexuality due to its "unnaturalness." ...was not impressed with the book. Though i did not fully disagree with its meaning. It is clearly a mans hypothesis about how the world works.

the prophecy is a deception by SATAN to destroy Christ's teachings and resurrection...

it is philosophically built to sow terror and fear, or death in this world ...
Those who made that prophecy raked money, there is no question about that; those who paid received also entertainment; nonetheless, that prophecy and the whole this is a HOAX NOVEL...
no need to consult scientists on this ...

it is the work of the devil

morandum of Dire Prophecies of LUIS, Angelus Dei, Per Judge Florentino V. Floro (April 7, 2006 to November 9, 2007)

LUIS, Armand, Angel & Judge Florentino V. Floro
Quote from "judge floro":
In this world the highest aura is VIOLET ... I do not detect auras ... but someone detected my aura as unique

spreckled white, tinge of orange and VIOLET...

Third, there is no mention in the book about VIOLET AND white lights of the king of kings of angels.

LUIS is the king of kings of angels ... beside St. Michael the archangel ..."

That was possibly the most unintelligent reading on auras I've ever seen in my life. But here's a hint - you should let your ego *stop* talking.

1) The person who 'saw' your aura could very well be a fake.
2) ALL auras are unique. Violet is NOT the 'highest' color - in fact, no 'highest' color exists - all the colors represent equal things therefore, cannot be compared.
3) I *dare* you to contradict any thing in this book (yes, that would require you read it, as you haven't yet), with logical, intelligent, supporting evidence.

You are living in "hell" this very second - this book is trying to help you, and our friends from a distant planet are trying to help us. It is truly unnerving that you would spew such 'shit' out like this.

You have a choice to hear the truth or live in denial. I, personally, do not care less what you choose; but *I* have chosen, and I know which way will bring me freedom and 'Heaven on Earth'. All I ask is that you *please* use your *own* thinking process before you formulate opinions - it wouldn't hurt to actually *know* and *read* the book you speak of, either.

The person who 'saw' your aura could very well be a fake.

You think?

ALL auras are unique. Violet is NOT the 'highest' color - in fact, no 'highest' color exists - all the colors represent equal things therefore, cannot be compared.

What are your empirical data that support that "all 'auras' are unique" and that there is "no 'highest' color?"

I *dare* you to contradict any thing in this book (yes, that would require you read it, as you haven't yet), with logical, intelligent, supporting evidence.

I realize you were initially quoting someone else, but *I've* logically and reasonably contradicted and refuted many things of this piece of poorly written fiction. And I *have* read it. Indeed, that's a couple hours of my life I'll never get back.
I realize you were initially quoting someone else, but *I've* logically and reasonably contradicted and refuted many things of this piece of poorly written fiction. And I *have* read it. Indeed, that's a couple hours of my life I'll never get back.

Indeed, you will *not* get them back, because you are too ignorant to see the truth in it, or to accept that *maybe* our 'humanity' is not all right. Did you read the FAQ on the site? It explains everything quite clearly (and truthfully).

What are your empirical data that support that "all 'auras' are unique" and that there is "no 'highest' color?"

Well, first, haven't you ever heard of the quote "Nobody has the right to destroy another's beliefs by demanding empirical evidence of them." Uses the exact word you just used. But no, *I* do not have 'empirical' evidence, but that site that holds the book does. I don't know if you have read just the book, or part of the site as well. But also, I *see* auras, and I know that you may not believe me when I say that, but I know from first-hand experience that they are *all* unique, and that they are merely a reflection of who the person's true self is - there are not 'right' and 'wrong' personalities. It's all opinion. Therefore, there is no 'highest' color.

Not everything in life can be explained by 'empirical' evidence; take love, for just one simple example.

You think?

Yes, I do - sounding by the way they 'explained' auras to Judge Floro, they don't have all that much knowledge or experience on them. And there are tons of people, pretending to be able to do all sorts of 'new age' stuff to people who aren't wise enough to catch them. They figure that the average person will have no way of telling what their aura *actually* is, so why would one need to tell them the exact truth?
Ah. You think you are witty. :)

However, I can *guarantee* you, that NOBODY has *ever* explained true love giving 'empirical' evidence. Nobody.
Ah. You think you are witty. :)
Oh no.
No, no, no.
I'm convinced I am, and I have independent corroboration.

However, I can *guarantee* you, that NOBODY has *ever* explained true love giving 'empirical' evidence. Nobody.
Then unfortunately you are either grossly mistaken or a liar.
It's that simple.
Or maybe I speak the ultimatum of truth that your own un-intelligence completely ignores in an attempt to remain ignorant in bliss. Either way, it's your choice for what you will 'follow', and my choice in what I will follow. We are both entitled to our own free will, and I *know* that you wouldn't be suggesting that my choice that I made out of my own undeniable free will is completely wrong, as we are discussing opinions on this particular matter. ;)
Or maybe I speak the ultimatum of truth that your own un-intelligence completely ignores in an attempt to remain ignorant in bliss.
How can it be a truth when I know that your statement is factually incorrect?

and I *know* that you wouldn't be suggesting that my choice that I made out of my own undeniable free will is completely wrong, as we are discussing opinions on this particular matter. ;)
Depends what you mean by *wrong*.
Yes you made a choice.
Since this "prophecy" has no basis in fact how can I consider you to have done anything other than make a wrong choice?
Fact is not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of what is.
So you're doubly incorrect.
Please, 'enlighten' me on what you consider to be the 'factual truth'. Blatant facts are for those who have no thoughts of their own and follow the flocks anyway, but I would still be delighted to hear.:p
Blatant facts are for those who have no thoughts of their own
So you don't regard a fact as an indicator of how things actually are?
You'd rather "think for yourself" and live in delusion with no connection to actuality?
It is by no means delusion. Everything in that book relates with one another - plenty of scientists have seen the 'fact' and 'proof' in it. So yes, I do have reasoning behind my choices, and who ARE you to say that it is a delusion? It is others beliefs, and if you don't believe in freedom of choice and expression, you need to get OUT of the universe, because it is a universal law, that CANNOT be denied in the end.

I look at the big picture of things instead of looking at the simple, biased fact, such as most humans do. I do not think in the one-way linear mind-set that you are using now, and I will never go back to trying it, as it has never given me true happiness and knowledge. It *my* choice, and I will exercise my free will to make it. To each their own, but when your 'own' tries to blatantly intrude upon my 'own', I will not allow it. So try your linear 'facts' that you are doing right now on someone with a weaker will and a weaker mind of their own, and maybe you will get some results. Sometimes, we must look at what is around us instead of what is shoved right under our nose by manipulating, power-hungry humans.

Maybe you should make yourself less ignorant of what you are talking about before you rudely insult something.
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