Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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Any way I'm getting bored of the discussion because it doesn't lead any where. It's obvious that the advocates of the Thiaoouba faith are completely commited to it, and argueing against it with them it is just as fruitfull as trying to tell a rabid fundamentalist Christian/Islamist that God doesn't exist (an oppinion which I do not hold).

Telling people what they should and should not believe is for me highly uninteresting. I say let people believe whatever they want.

The problem I have is when people try to legislate morality and tell other people (me) what I ought to believe or do. Effectively that is what the message of the Thaori seems to be, you ought not take drugs, you ought not kill, you ought not worship money, you ought not go to dance at night clubs etc...

Aditionaly 'they' ask us to accept these conditions without evidence as to why (or with the book as the only evidence). And when we do not the advocates of the faith will tell us that we don't need evidence to KNOW it the book and message is enough (hmm, familiar. The Bible come to mind?).

Ok so please tell us why we ought to accept it on faith alone? You claim to question, you claim to THINK. Well is it ok if I exercise my freedom of choice and CHOOSE to question YOU, and subsequently not being content with the answere choose to not think about this 'message' any more and think about more important things such as developing spiritualy*.

*I use the term very specificaly to mean gaining insight about the nature of our own being.

"Know your self and you shall know the All" - Saying of Jesus according to the Gospel of Thomas, from The Nag Hammadi Library.
Further more.

The intelligent design arguement:

I still can't comprehend why the universe would build itself, it is already a universe. And why would anyone want to build a universe, isn't one enough?

There is no indication that the universe ever began, and when I say the universe I mean my fenomenological field. The scope of that which I percieve. I do not percieve stars or their age. I percieve calculations and postulations. There is no reason for me to believe that there was a time when I didn't exist, because I can't concieve of non-existence. So as far as I am concerned I am immortal and have been arround for ever or that the universe began when I began, and it shall end when I end. So to even consider that I am by someone elses design is inconcievable, so I won't think about it and I won't accept anyting that being a creation entails.

Being a creation entails subordinance, acceptance of laws and limitations. But because I don't accept that I am a creation I won't accept laws or limitations. And when someone tells me what I ought do they are setting just that, laws and limitaions of what I can and can't do (granted within their specific conceptual context).

So I do not accept conceptual contexts within which I am a creation or subordinate, I do not accept laws or limitations.
Wow! You're an extreme solipsist, exsto_human.

You do not accept laws or limitations - so your an outlaw and (by society's standards) a criminal? Or you don't accept physical laws and limitations? Presumably then you merely allow yourself to be subject to the law of gravity for convenience rather than necessity?

exsto_human said:
The problem I have is when people try to legislate morality and tell other people (me) what I ought to believe or do. Effectively that is what the message of the Thaori seems to be, you ought not take drugs, you ought not kill, you ought not worship money, you ought not go to dance at night clubs etc...
The Thaori seem to hold somewhat conservative views, don't you think?
this prophecy is about the new golden age. And the earth changes and rebuilding of mother earth.

by ther thinking, they got these teachings from higher form alien beings, who live life peacfully. They may be passing on those teachings, but the main point is the prophecy of the new world.

wich is the same as all other prophecies, nostradamus, earth changes etc
Silas said:
That stuff about the Stepford Wives was a sidebar about sci-fi written by people who know insufficient science, amongst whose cohorts I include Desmarquet. I did assume that everybody who read my post would understand the reference. If you don't get the reference yourself, then kindly don't comment.

The Author of the Thiaoouba book knows nothing of science indeed this is not something new. I guess you'll have to find out by yourself if Desmarquet really tried to write a sci-fi at all. If you have already found out for yourself it's all your business. I can only welcome those opinions of yours which I notice that have been done with the right level of scrutiny, try to impress me next time. :)

Silas said:
On the other hand, I really don't get this:You stated that Elucidate was a beautiful word, and I agreed with you. The beauty of the phrase "cellar door" if divorced from its meaning is quite well known in certain intellectual circles. I've no doubt you'll criticise this link because J.R.R. Tolkien "only wrote fantasy", but in fact he was a professional philologist of very high standing.

Thank you, this was intresting indeed. I apologize, you should know that the link you provided was a good reading for me.

Silas said:
This next bit defeats me, too.
Hmmmm.... the moon must be in some kind of balance between the earth's and the sun's gravity fields, it's the properties of this balance that determines the orbit of the moon around the earth relative to the sun.

I think that would be a good warning if the corona is not there during an eclipse it would mean that the moon has already got too close. So there is not much to worry about except that we don't really understand the properties of balance in the world around us just because we don't know much about the nature of gravity and other such forces. :D

It's also written in the book that earth had two other moons before this one at about six million years ago which were revolving around earth and eventually collided with it and terrible cataclysms followed.
Maybe Tom tried to answer somebody's question out of his own perspective/point of view?

I still wonder if evidence of such things can be found if looked for. Evidence of an ice-age between 6000000 B.C. and 1000000 B.C. would suffice for me.
exsto_human said:
Further more.

The intelligent design arguement:

I still can't comprehend why the universe would build itself, it is already a universe. And why would anyone want to build a universe, isn't one enough?

There is no indication that the universe ever began, and when I say the universe I mean my fenomenological field. The scope of that which I percieve. I do not percieve stars or their age. I percieve calculations and postulations. There is no reason for me to believe that there was a time when I didn't exist, because I can't concieve of non-existence. So as far as I am concerned I am immortal and have been arround for ever or that the universe began when I began, and it shall end when I end. So to even consider that I am by someone elses design is inconcievable, so I won't think about it and I won't accept anyting that being a creation entails.

Being a creation entails subordinance, acceptance of laws and limitations. But because I don't accept that I am a creation I won't accept laws or limitations. And when someone tells me what I ought do they are setting just that, laws and limitaions of what I can and can't do (granted within their specific conceptual context).

So I do not accept conceptual contexts within which I am a creation or subordinate, I do not accept laws or limitations.

I'm sorry exsto_human we don't really seem to have anything to talk about at all. Please ignore my posts.
Robanan said:
The Author of the Thiaoouba book knows nothing of science indeed this is not something new. I guess you'll have to find out by yourself if Desmarquet really tried to write a sci-fi at all. If you have already found out for yourself it's all your business. I can only welcome those opinions of yours which I notice that have been done with the right level of scrutiny, try to impress me next time. :)
If that was what I cared about I suppose I would try. I'm not trying to impress, I'm trying to inculcate a culture of skeptical thinking, preferably with some common sense.
Robanan said:
Hmmmm.... the moon must be in some kind of balance between the earth's and the sun's gravity fields, it's the properties of this balance that determines the orbit of the moon around the earth relative to the sun.
Well, no, not really. The orbit of the moon around the earth is determined by the relative masses and distance of those two bodies. The reason that the Sun does not effect the Moon's orbit, except through minor tidal effects, is that the Moon and the Earth are together in free fall around the Sun. They are, therefore, both responding to the Sun's gravity as much as they can, perpetually falling towards it with enough lateral velocity to ensure that they miss it. If the Sun vanished, the moon would pretty much continue to orbit the Earth in precisely the same way.

Robanan said:
I think that would be a good warning if the corona is not there during an eclipse it would mean that the moon has already got too close.
If it was not there when it was supposed to be there, sure. That would be a warning of something going wrong. Rarely, I believe, the moon is close enough to the Earth to get a total covering, less rarely it's far enough to not get one, which is an annular eclipse. Look up future eclipses, you'll see that we already know in advance which ones are going to be annular and which ones total.

My query is not that there won't be a catastrophic collision of the moon with the Earth - who am I to judge that? My query is that when faced with the scientific evidence, derived from the known gravitational mathematics and backed up by measurement, Chalkin cast doubt on the unimpeachable evidence instead of, as I just did, saying "who knows what might happen to change that?"
Robanan said:
So there is not much to worry about except that we don't really understand the properties of balance in the world around us just because we don't know much about the nature of gravity and other such forces. :D
Does the smiley indicate that you don't want to be taken seriously? On the other hand, what you wrote is factually incorrect and misrepresentative of what science does and doesn't understand. I don't know what you think we don't understand about the "properties of balance", other than that you're imputing a mystical meaning to "balance" which is not the same as the scientific meaning you were referring to in the previous sentence. Please understand that although we don't necessarily fully understand the nature of gravity, its effects are quite well understood, to the nth decimal place. Newtonian gravity is perfectly sufficient to successfully predict the motion of every object in the solar system, except for the extreme case of Mercury and other objects so close to the Sun (like Icarus), where the gravitational field is so great that General Relativity takes a hand. Using General Relativity you can calculate absolutely where every known body is going to be, and the likely motions of unknown bodies, to a level of accuracy that won't be significantly inaccurate for billions of years.

Robanan said:
It's also written in the book that earth had two other moons before this one at about six million years ago which were revolving around earth and eventually collided with it and terrible cataclysms followed.
Maybe Tom tried to answer somebody's question out of his own perspective/point of view?

I still wonder if evidence of such things can be found if looked for. Evidence of an ice-age between 6,000,000 B.C. and 1,000,000 B.C. would suffice for me.
You have a strangely low threshold for evidence acceptance. An ice age between those dates (and I imagine that there were probably several) might be due to any number of factors. But it's the kind of nonsensical backwards prediction that doesn't hold up water. Immanuel Velikovsky predicted, due to his lunatic theories of "Worlds in Collision", that Venus would transpire to be a lot hotter than scientists expected. Amazingly enough, it was true! Unfortunately the fact that it is quite impossible for Venus to have been ejected from Jupiter as a "comet" or for its motion to have caused the Earth to cease rotating (for Joshua to stop the sun in the sky), or for its atmosphere to brush against the Earth's and precipitate as edible foodstuffs for the wandering Israelites. So a prediction that is not backed up by anything more than "aliens told me" is not worth anything, if he's the only one the aliens told.
Silas said:
Well, no, not really. The orbit of the moon around the earth is determined by the relative masses and distance of those two bodies. The reason that the Sun does not effect the Moon's orbit, except through minor tidal effects, is that the Moon and the Earth are together in free fall around the Sun. They are, therefore, both responding to the Sun's gravity as much as they can, perpetually falling towards it with enough lateral velocity to ensure that they miss it. If the Sun vanished, the moon would pretty much continue to orbit the Earth in precisely the same way.

There are forces that determine the final result of i.e. a moon orbiting another planet if to consider that the force which is involved here is the gravitational force your speculations will differ if you assume that gravity is electromagnetic in it's nature or not; alas there is much more to it. Anyway, the point you are missing now is that the sun is the center of our solar system.

Silas said:
My query is not that there won't be a catastrophic collision of the moon with the Earth - who am I to judge that? My query is that when faced with the scientific evidence, derived from the known gravitational mathematics and backed up by measurement, Chalkin cast doubt on the unimpeachable evidence instead of, as I just did, saying "who knows what might happen to change that?"

Chalko is a scientist. Why shouldn't he be skeptic toward the scientific evidence that you are referring to? Is it against the principles of the culture of skeptical thinking that I doubt such conclusions too? If such evidence was indeed unimpeachable Tom couldn't have been able to cast doubts on it.

Silas said:
Does the smiley indicate that you don't want to be taken seriously? On the other hand, what you wrote is factually incorrect and misrepresentative of what science does and doesn't understand. I don't know what you think we don't understand about the "properties of balance", other than that you're imputing a mystical meaning to "balance" which is not the same as the scientific meaning you were referring to in the previous sentence.

Reduce the world around yourself to virtual objects with their properties and functions in your mind. I hope you will notice that I don't mean anything mystical when I say "balance". In my understanding there are things that would never have been able to sustain their existence, if they were to be in a different form or in a different order as they are. Like solar systems for example.

Silas said:
Please understand that although we don't necessarily fully understand the nature of gravity, its effects are quite well understood, to the nth decimal place. Newtonian gravity is perfectly sufficient to successfully predict the motion of every object in the solar system, except for the extreme case of Mercury and other objects so close to the Sun (like Icarus), where the gravitational field is so great that General Relativity takes a hand. Using General Relativity you can calculate absolutely where every known body is going to be, and the likely motions of unknown bodies, to a level of accuracy that won't be significantly inaccurate for billions of years.

Are you saying that it is not necessary or important to know and understand the nature of gravity? On which basis should I trust those "accurate" calculations then?

Silas said:
You have a strangely low threshold for evidence acceptance. An ice age between those dates (and I imagine that there were probably several) might be due to any number of factors. But it's the kind of nonsensical backwards prediction that doesn't hold up water. Immanuel Velikovsky predicted, due to his lunatic theories of "Worlds in Collision", that Venus would transpire to be a lot hotter than scientists expected. Amazingly enough, it was true! Unfortunately the fact that it is quite impossible for Venus to have been ejected from Jupiter as a "comet" or for its motion to have caused the Earth to cease rotating (for Joshua to stop the sun in the sky), or for its atmosphere to brush against the Earth's and precipitate as edible foodstuffs for the wandering Israelites. So a prediction that is not backed up by anything more than "aliens told me" is not worth anything, if he's the only one the aliens told.

Regarding moons that might have been falling on earth 6 million years ago yes, I don't trouble my mind with such things much. My attitude wouldn't have changed even if I was an archeologist. You critisized a whole book without reading it, because?
Mavrix said:
this prophecy is about the new golden age. And the earth changes and rebuilding of mother earth.

by ther thinking, they got these teachings from higher form alien beings, who live life peacfully. They may be passing on those teachings, but the main point is the prophecy of the new world.

wich is the same as all other prophecies, nostradamus, earth changes etc

:confused: where are these things written in that book? :eek:
Silas said:
The Thaori seem to hold somewhat conservative views, don't you think?

Even though, their logic and reasoning is not common between our contemporary conservatives who have their ideas based on religions and a fading shade of what is left of morality these days.
I Have no idea whether the thiaoouba prophecy is a true event or not...It doesn't really matter though because nobody can prove one way or another..unless we hypnotically regress michael to that point in his life.
All I want to say is that this website did open something up for me...auras. Did anyone actually attempt to see it? I did, and I saw it....and with a bit of practice I can now see it whenever I want, around any object...including myself.
So all of a sudden..after having lived 19 years of my life..*BANG*..suddenly i can see something i've never seen before...its truly amazing to see such vibrant beautiful color.
No, it would be typical of drive-by posters that aren't interested in actually being a member of a forum, but rather advertising their favorite nonsense or poppycock.

The book is nonsense and doesn't rate as even good fiction. I forced myself to read it once, admittedly losing much interest and skimming here and there due to the poor literary stlye of the author. The expected response would be, "then you haven't actually read the book properly, so you won't get the full effect." If that would be the case I challenge anyone who believes in the poppycock that Desmarquet claims is truth to discuss the parts that are relevant and I'll happily turn to the correct page, read it and proceed to rip it to shit here on this forum.

Desmarquet is a con-artist. His book is an attempt to create a cult of personality so that he can make a living with some sort of new age philosophy that he undoubtedly charges money to give a "class" or "seminar" on in much the same fashion as a hundred other new age idiots who con others out of their hard-earned cash looking for a new "way" to live. That and he probably has an undying need to seek positive affirmation from anyone that will tell him that his work is "genius" or has "changed their life" or some other such nonsense. People like Desmarquet seek money and status. Sometimes both, sometimes one without the other.

I was criticizing it and the woo-woo/believers of that nonsense were counter-criticizing me for having not read it.
SkinWalker, I'm really sorry if you have felt yourself forced to read the book. I guess I was more lucky in this regard since I found the book by myself and reading it was a great pleasure for me. I guess that's becuase of my attitude since even if I think that I need to criticize something I at least do my best to understand what exactly I'm going to criticize.
I don't even understand why you make statements like "Desmarquet is a con-artist. His book is an attempt to create a cult of personality so that he can make a living with some sort of new age philosophy that he undoubtedly charges money to give a "class" or "seminar"" out of air. Desmarquet has never charged anyone for his book and has never got any material profit from seminars or interviews. If my memory isn't failing me Desmarquet resides now in a village in Vietnam. He used to be a farmer and didn't even finish school (con-Artist?).
As far as my understanding can grasp in the postscript of his book, Desmarquet gives an advice to lead self-sufficient lives to try not to be dependent on monetary systems which limit our lives to money making and money spending.
I would be more than happy to see how you would read the postscript of the book (just a few pages not much) and try to rip it into shit on this forum.
Desmarquet did have listed on his website several seminars or workshops that were priced at several hundred dollars perhead when I wrote that. Currently, his mate Chalko is running the scam:

The link above was linked from along the left-hand column where it says "workshops & retreats."

Business must have been good enough for Desmarquet to retire. But I suspect that it isn't money that is the real pay-off for Desmarquet. Its probably the ego boost he gets everytime someone "buys" into his drivel.

He used to have a link that offered a $1000 reward for anyone that could disprove any part of his book. Hell, I've done that right here. Good thing for him the link is gone.
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Chalko was always running those workshops and retreats, this is not news. The site is Chalko's property. If you have had proven anything on this forum I would have already thanked and congratulated you.
I demonstrated that Desmarquets inclusion of the Churchward hoax as factual in his novel constituted fiction. Churchward made up the nonsense about Lemuria/Mu. Geology and oceanograpy disprove his story about this "continent."