Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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Which scientists would they be? I've refuted many points -most of the main points of Desmarquet's "book." I put "book" within inverted commas because it isn't a scholarly work; as a memoir it's rife with fantasy; and as a novel, the plot is weak and boring.

Those that stick to it as a work of fact are truly deluded.

Indeed, if you claim that you can "see auras," you are either deluded or lying. Or both.
Relating with other things in the same book is indicator of its validity?: what is needed is external verification, which does not exist.
Scientists (names?) have seen the fact and proof in it?
The only prooof of the book's veracity IS the book?
How convenient.
Freedom of choice and expression yes.
Following a path that has no factual or verifiable basis, carry on if you're happy in your delusion, but be aware that it is delusion.
Universal law?
What, freedom of choice?
I most certainly do deny that: it's a consequence, not a given.

Maybe you should learn to distinguish reality from hoax...
Funny story -I was just about to tell *you* that you were deluded to thinking a certain way that society wants you to think :eek:

So, who's right? I know that is what you are concerned with, is proving a point - but let me tell you, that the fact you are denying any of what is real is NOT going to change what I know. You will continue to live in the hell which are living in, and that is okay - that is your own choice. However, I have chosen to live in 'paradise', and what you say will *not* change that choice. I know that you are affected and deluded by everything from society, and none of it comes from within yourself. Whatever you say, it has absolutely no effect on me.

I am trying to give further *explanation*, to help our earth be 'saved', but I cannot help those who live in constant denial and do not want to be helped. I know in my heart that I have done my best, and I *know* who the truly deluded ones are.

Go ahead, call me names, rudely insult my belief system that comes from my free will, but I know that what goes around comes around. I am happy with what I have, and whatever you say, I am strong enough to not believe it and let it affect me.

What is in this world is not ever how it primarily seems. Understand that, and maybe, one day, you will be out of hell as well.
Delusion is the act of holding a belief in spite of evidence to the contrary. I assure you that I'm not under the delusions of society, particularly since the society that I'm a member of is about 75% or more involved with some form of Judeo-Christian indoctrination. I do not subscribe to their superstitions and delusions in the least.

Instead, I rely on believing in that which can be said to be true based on available evidence. Moreover, I'm always willing to revise or change my beliefs when new evidence is presented.

The Thiaoouba prophecy is not based on any evidence or rational thought. Instead, it's an account of a single, perhaps deluded individual who has gained a certain, specific kind of status among those like you that go out of their way to tout his nonsense as "fact."

As far as "calling you names" goes, I'm not saying anything that isn't painfully obvious to the rational and objective. Your "belief system," such that it is, may come from your free will, but if you choose to be public about it, then you deserve whatever criticism and ridicule that is tossed your way.

Finally, your last sentence was completely nonsensical and incoherent, which leads me to believe that you are, after all, not a liar.
Funny story -I was just about to tell *you* that you were deluded to thinking a certain way that society wants you to think :eek:
My reality is verifiable.

So, who's right? I know that is what you are concerned with, is proving a point - but let me tell you, that the fact you are denying any of what is real is NOT going to change what I know.
Small correction: what you believe.
Only something that actually is can be known. If it's unverifiable then it's a belief.

You will continue to live in the hell which are living in
Ah, you see, you're projecting your own experiences on to me.
I'm not in hell.

However, I have chosen to live in 'paradise'
Yup, many people are happy in their delusions, you got lucky because an equal number suffer badly.

I know that you are affected and deluded by everything from society, and none of it comes from within yourself
Oh dear, more foolish assumptions.
Can any tell me why every woo woo assumes that everyone who doesn't believe their particular idiocy automatically thinks it's because the non-believer had been "programmed" or "brainwashed" or whatever?
You never assume I've arrived at this position through thought and study... :rolleyes:

I am trying to give further *explanation*, to help our earth be 'saved'
You have explained nothing.
All you've done is say how "wonderful" things are. with no proof, no indication of verification... no back up at all.
That isn't "explaining" that's preaching.
Not allowed.

I know in my heart that I have done my best
If that genuinely was your best then I truly pity you.
Really I do.

What is in this world is not ever how it primarily seems
Any proof of that?
Anything at all that would even indicate you might possibly be correct?

Understand that, and maybe, one day, you will be out of hell as well.
Again the assumption.
Again, you're wrong.
Really, I'm not really into the whole argument thing, because all I'm going to do is end up repeating myself, as I have been this entire time. Human processes sometimes get too caught up to realize that they are overlooking the simple facts, which their logic actually cannot deny. It is not my job to point these fact outs, but rather the individual's themselves.

I am making no assumptions - this is the only way to have *true* happiness. I know it from first-hand experience. I have *been* in hell. It's an interesting place, and people such as yourself don't recognize that they are in it. Maybe you like what I call 'hell', so it may seem like a paradise to you, but it wears on your soul after a while, whether you realize it as so or not.

I have told you my reasons, and I have given you all that I can give you myself; the rest needs to come from within yourself, and you need to not think in a strict linear pattern. It never hurts to go with the flow and listen to your intuition, and your source of consciousness at times.

This book is *definitely* not the only clue on this topic - there are much more, if one keeps an open eye. It is not the only 'source' which exists, and I refuse to believe that it is either of your true selfs talking at this moment. A lot has been forgotton in our 'humanity', and when we are reminded of it, we are not ready to except it at first. But that does not change its credibility, nor does it make it untruthful. It only goes to show that religions are NOT the only 'evil' in this society. Truly.

PS - Really, I'm done trying to explain to those who refuse to listen. Honestly. So unless you make a different decision than the one you are acting upon above, I really do not feel like repeating myself to those who do not care, and who will simply live in denial before they learn something new or accept something that maybe is out of the 'ordinary'.
All this is doing is wasting my energy slightly at the current point - so if you want to open your eyes to what is around you, feel free to post back, and I will help you. But if my only response to what you said is something which I have already said, possibly using different words, I will not do it.
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Really, I'm not really into the whole argument thing
And evidently you're not into the "whole explanation thing" either.

Human processes sometimes get too caught up to realize that they are overlooking the simple facts, which their logic actually cannot deny. It is not my job to point these fact outs, but rather the individual themselves.
Ah right.
"There are facts but I'm not going to pass them on".
In other words, cop out.

I am making no assumptions - this is the only way to have *true* happiness. I know it from first-hand experience. I have *been* in hell.
And your assumption is that I'm there as well.
It is an assumption on your part, with no evidence.
I am not you.

It's an interesting place, and people such as yourself don't recognize that they are in it.
Meaning you can't say why or how it's hell so you don't need any evidence.

Maybe you like what I call 'hell'
Ah, your own personal definition of "hell".
Adjustable to fit whatever defintion YOU desire.,

but it wears on your soul after a while, whether you realize it as so or not.
Assumption: soul?

I have told you my reasons
No. You haven't, you've waffled around them but "reason" you've shown precious little of.

and I have given you all that I can give you myself
In other words you have no evidence.
Shame that you'd come here preaching with such paucity of ability to actually pass on anything.

the rest needs to come from within yourself
More cop out.

and you need to not think in a strict linear pattern
Another invalid assumption.

It never hearts to go with the flow and listen to your intuition
Another: you assume that I'm not doing that already.

and your source of consciousness at times.
And that would be...?

This book is *definitely* not the only clue on this topic - there are much more, if one keeps an open eye. It is not the only 'source' which exists
But you can't actually point us to them...

and I refuse to believe that it is either of your true selfs talking at this moment
So your delusion deepens.
Believe it.

A lot has been forgotton in our 'humanity', and when we are reminded of it
Forgotten from when?
And reminded by whom?

we are not ready to except it at first
I never "except" unverifiable delusion.

But that does not change its credibility
Now that I agree with.
It had zero credibility to start with, and it still has zero credibility.

nor does it make it untruthful
Actually, it does.

It only goes to show that religions are NOT the only 'evil' in this society. Truly.
Correct again.
Gullibilty is something I regard as an evil.
psh. don't worry, i didnt take any of that personal. :p

But really - you should let go of your ego. it is quite intoxicating, and not at all healthy for you. All it is right now is causing you to be rude. :)


I would say more right now, but i would be repeating myself, as you both still fail to look at the simple, undeniable facts which outrule *everything* else. I cannot help you there. I can't make choices for you. *that* is my explanation, and *that* is my knowledge. Take it, analyze it, and beat it to death in your own eyes. But I will still see it for what it is, and I will still be contented with my life and I will grateful to be so lucky to have such help and guidance unlike many others. ^^

Despite what you think and your ego aims for, you are not 'proving your point' to me. So i suggest you give it a rest as I have XP
All this is doing is wasting my energy slightly at the current point - so if you want to open your eyes to what is around you, feel free to post back, and I will help you.
Perhaps we should begin by identifying whom is in most need of help. You or me. Would that be agreeable?
Oh. And, speaking of "ego," wouldn't it sooner follow that a single, drive-by troll that isn't actually a productive member of the SciForums who is going out of his way to post here just to argue with those that are already here and productive members is more likely to be influenced by "ego."

After all, neither Oli or I googled your favorite Woo-Woo hang out and decided to post there all day. We're just responding to your inane nonsensical dribble in between other discussions already underway. :)
Good for you :)

You do what you do, I do what I do. That is what I have been trying to say. ^^

Way to go!

My purpose is not arguing, as i have stated. I aim to enlighten. I'm sorry that couldnt work out for you.

oh.. and im a girl. not that it matters. just pointing out XD
But really - you should let go of your ego. it is quite intoxicating, and not at all healthy for you. All it is right now is causing you to be rude. :)
You see you're so wrapped up that you assume anyone who doesn't suffer your delusion is flawed.
Your perception, but surely rudeness IS personal?

I would say more right now, but i would be repeating myself, as you both still fail to look at the simple, undeniable facts
"Facts" which have not been presented.

which outrule *everything* else
How can something that hasn't been shown to exist outrule anything?

I cannot help you there. I can't make choices for you. *that* is my explanation, and *that* is my knowledge. Take it, analyze it, and beat it to death in your own eyes.
Zero explanation offered, zero knowledge, nothing to be analysed.

Despite what you think and your ego aims for
You see, you resort to insults and supposition again.

My purpose is not arguing, as i have stated. I aim to enlighten. I'm sorry that couldnt work out for you.
Certainly if I were you I'd be sorry.
You've done nothing, presented nothing, said nothing except for some preaching and avoidance of showing anything concrete.

oh.. and im a girl. not that it matters. just pointing out XD
Last minute sympathy vote attempt?
Won't cut any ice, an idiot is still an idiot, regardless of gender.
Sympathy? are you kidding me? being a woman requires your sympathy? That is NOT where I was going with that, and im pretty sure that you just earned yourself a one-way ticket to jerk-ville. Hello? it's called woman's rights - get with it.

say what you want, think what you want, insult me all you want but it STILL does not change anything. at all. ever. i will stay with what is true and real, and i dont give an EFF what you think about it. really, i dont. honestly. if you still think that you are affecting me right now, you are darn mistaken.
Sympathy? are you kidding me? being a woman requires your sympathy? That is NOT where I was going with that, and im pretty sure that you just earned yourself a one-way ticket to jerk-ville. Hello? it's called woman's rights - get with it.
So why bring it up AT ALL?
Or even why not mention it at the start?
What possible bearing could it have had on anything what your gender is?
Women's rights?
If that's your idea of rights then you're an air head.
say what you want, think what you want, insult me all you want but it STILL does not change anything. at all. ever. i will stay with what is true and real, and i dont give an EFF what you think about it. really, i dont. honestly. if you still think that you are affecting me right now, you are darn mistaken.
That would be why you logged out and then came back later: to positively reinforce the fact that you're not bothered.
With added pseudo swear words to reinforce that you're absolutely NOT affected.
I see.
Ive already told you my thoughts on this. It's not my fault you have missed them. And er - i dont think you can read my mind that well ;)

but go ahead. ill be watching.
Since you haven't made any statement worth commenting on I won't comment.
How's that.

Read your mind?
Of course I can: largely empty. :)