There was a man in my room

FCM - deerstalker? Very elegant, very versatile and waterproof.

Mr A - you truly have too much time on your hands. Must admit though I once had a bit of a soft spot for Troy (not his real name) which did rather worry my mother for a while. I'm over it now and try not to get into any relationships with strings attached. :D

Dragon. Want to get rid of the mangina forever? Just sprinkle a little salt on it then watch it turn inside out and die - horribly.
FCM - deerstalker? Very elegant, very versatile and waterproof.

Mr A - you truly have too much time on your hands. Must admit though I once had a bit of a soft spot for Troy (not his real name) which did rather worry my mother for a while. I'm over it now and try not to get into any relationships with strings attached. :D

Dragon. Want to get rid of the mangina forever? Just sprinkle a little salt on it then watch it turn inside out and die - horribly.

I do own a deerstalker which I wear from time to time and its the most close to a baseball cap that Im ever going to get.
People have got a bad habit of calling me "sherlock" when I wear it forgetting a lot of older chaps in the UK wear them.
Plus there's no way I could smoke a large meershom like he does. I have smaller versions thou. There is a flatcap that has flaps like a deerstalker and looks like a cross-breed with a button on the top instaed of a bow I have tried one on and it felt good thou a tad heavy. Windle on Last of the Summer wine wears one or rather he wore one since he left the show years ago.

Well, I'd say, it could have quite possibly been a ghost. How tall would you have said he was?

The cocking of his head seems to indicate he may have been just as surprised as you, don't doubt that you might not have seen this bald stranger, and he saw you.

The chalk smell may have been this person's scent, and he might have transported himself accidently.

I'm not entirelly sure, as I wasn't there, and I'm not you, but if he wasn't hostile, I wouldn't be afraid. :3

Don't immediately start blaming poor sleep for sights such as this, the eye is a very powerful thing, and it's quite diffucult to 'imagine' things such as that, especially with the smell.

I'm interested to find out what else happened. :0
Well, I'd say, it could have quite possibly been a ghost. How tall would you have said he was?

The cocking of his head seems to indicate he may have been just as surprised as you, don't doubt that you might not have seen this bald stranger, and he saw you.

The chalk smell may have been this person's scent, and he might have transported himself accidently.

I'm not entirelly sure, as I wasn't there, and I'm not you, but if he wasn't hostile, I wouldn't be afraid. :3

Don't immediately start blaming poor sleep for sights such as this, the eye is a very powerful thing, and it's quite diffucult to 'imagine' things such as that, especially with the smell.

I'm interested to find out what else happened. :0

He was rather tall and the way he looked at me was if he was studying me or suveying me. I felt no fear seeing him till afterwards it was the face or lack of one that scared me as it was just darkness.
The floor was strange before it happened it kinda simmered like a pool of black oil I was staring at it when he rose out of it.
Plus the floor where he stood was like ice in one spot only. Possible cold spot???:confused:

I am disappointed by the quality of replies here.

Allow me to explain:

In the same way as there is darkmatter (opposite of gravity), and forms of dark energy, there is also darklight. Dualistically connected to light and whatnot, othersides of living beings can exist in different modes of physical laws, more liberal, and some fragments of physical life recover from physical death.

He was probably made of darklight, etc. And his more liquid-like form was that of a set of physical laws which were less "Solid", and thus more liberal, but at the same time, appearing less "real", from a material being's perspective.

Your imagination cannot effect the physical temporature of objects.

It was not all "in your head".

The only insane thing here, is the common and false sense of reality which humans have, and also, their overly fearful and paranoid nature.

The reason why he reduced temporature of the room, was because his manifestation naturally required allot of energy, and that energy was drawn from the local area. Ghosts are often in a state of lacking, and at the same time, can exist. Even a void form, or a form and structure made of vacuum, can live in both a positive or negative state, if its fibers and structure are beyond/behind vacuum and fullness.

If you had, for example, fed the ghost special sorts of energies and materials, he or she would nolonger cause coldness in the atmosphere, because his body substance would nolonger be vacuum motion, or antimotion, etc.

He may be interested in you particularily if you have psychic potential, are of a later part of his own family tree. So he may have been a dead forefather.

Alternatively, he may have just been a curious being of another kind.

There are many many different forms of immaterial life, and it would not be easy to guess of what sort this one was.

If I were you, I would not have found the experience frightening, but instead, I would have felt it to be refreshing. You are privilidged with the instance of a new species, and what do you do, other then become affraid and go crazy?

Oh well, humans...

If you wanted us to, we could probably actually find this being again...
But I doubt he will be interested in our requests.
Still, it would be interesting.
Send me a PM or something, if you wish, flatcap.
You guys are very sad.
flatcap obviously farted and woke himself up in the middle of a wet dream
and what's he doing living with him mother at the age of 34
grow up man
I'm trying not to comment on the mangina 'phenomenon' but ye gads you all need to get some SLEEP!!!!!
Why don't YOU grow up.

That post was VERY suppressive, arrogant and asinine.
And yet the opinion that FCM was visited by a liquefied being composed entirely of "Dark light", some how qualifies as being in some way adult, mature and considered.... How, with precision?

You'll be finding, should you develop the habit of reading and comprehending at the same time, Sniffy isn't being in the slightest bit serious and her comment, as such was taken as such in both good faith and humour by the pair of us she was addressing.

You, on the other paw, seem to be perfectly serious. This, I have not the slightest doubt, will be accounting for what follows over the course of the next 16 pages I should imagine...

In short, try reading first - blithering somewhere else.
Why don't YOU grow up.

That post was VERY suppressive, arrogant and asinine.

I'll handle this from here Mr A. Creator shut the fuck up!

FCM I have the perfect hat for you. It's made from beaver (this is not a signal to Mr A to start with the mangina again) and was worn in the 19th centruy by gentlemen of note. Why the top hat of course! Everyone will defer to you and you will stand out in a crowd. There is another version of it with a shorter crown that is great for riding in (forget the name).
I'll handle this from here Mr A. Creator shut the fuck up!

FCM I have the perfect hat for you. It's made from beaver (this is not a signal to Mr A to start with the mangina again) and was worn in the 19th centruy by gentlemen of note. Why the top hat of course! Everyone will defer to you and you will stand out in a crowd. There is another version of it with a shorter crown that is great for riding in (forget the name).

Hello Sniffy

Wouldn't a Bowler or Derby hat get the same response? I don't have the tails and white tie to go with a top hat plus a bowler goes nicely with a 3 piece suit.

I'll handle this from here Mr A. Creator shut the fuck up!

Good for you, jolly good show - You tell the bounder!
He was rather tall and the way he looked at me was if he was studying me or suveying me. I felt no fear seeing him till afterwards it was the face or lack of one that scared me as it was just darkness.
The floor was strange before it happened it kinda simmered like a pool of black oil I was staring at it when he rose out of it.
Plus the floor where he stood was like ice in one spot only. Possible cold spot???:confused:


Hmm, that's really interesting, and I think quite possibly Creator_'s dark matter theory, could quite possibly be true in this case...

I think maybe he just chose not to show you his face. It is rather quite frightening to see somebody with no face. :/

Quite possibly this was a one off encounter, or an observation trip. Why he hasn't come back is a bit weird, maybe he saw you with no face as well. 8D

Hmmm. =O
They're holograms...I think

I had three of them in my room. And I think the warehouse explanation is a good one. My guys had costumes on that were supposed to make them seem Middle Eastern. Two or three of them were Caucasian and didn't speak to me. And one did have on a mask, somewhat like a ninja. But I have alot of ninja stories so I won't go there. All I know is that the white guys' costumes needed some work. There was one gentleman who seemed authentic, and he walked slower like he was tired. I woke up and there was this guy in a mask staring at me, and then the tired guy reached over me and his face was really scary and electric-like. He choked me and then I got scared and passed out. Then I woke up again and saw the other white guy who was quiet in the corner stooping while the tired guy climbed out the window.

When I woke up the next morning, I knew they were holograms. Not just because I lived on a high floor, but it made sense. In addition, I researched sleep apnea, which can cause similar illusions. I will call them illusions, because I don't think anyone affected by the hologram guys is crazy nor bad, and by repeating this story someone might think I'm delusional, which sounds soooo negative.

Anyways, I never saw them again, but it did cause some concern. I thought that a friend had played a joke. In my amateur, non-scientist opinion, they filmed the scene in a warehouse and then had a mirror placed on my floor to show the holograms.

Alternatively, I like the paradox explanation, where two physical dimensions could meet. In my case, however, I think they were holograms, because the text of the holograms fit a popular mythological text and I was in a really good school in a metropolitan area, where jokers might find me and play a little joke.

I was very impressed, and I only mention the costumes, because that is how I knew it was probably holograms, because the white guy looked military and was trying too hard with his get-up. He was, however, very handsome, and I liked him.

Well, I guess we'll never know...:bawl:

Please...I wish they would tell me how they did it and why so I could help them with costumes maybe or just be nice to them. Please...
no face guy

freddy krueger is cooler.

Well, I think both would be scary.

But these people look real, and He doesn't have a face. Or in my case, he didn't seem to have a face, and then bam! It was like electricity. So I think whoever pranked me, messed up the hologram presentation or the hologram fizzled when I looked through it. He leaned over me. But still it was scary.

It would be easy to film in a warehouse and then play in someone's room. You would need a mirror or something to place on the floor to project the 3-D holograms. I knew it was probably military-related though, just because no one had this technology in 2001.

And no one asked me out after the fact. Or said, "Hey we got crap in space too, come out with us and drink beer in space..."

It's all good. I forgive them. I just wanted to play too.

You could film someone with no face. (My guy had problems walking because he couldn't see most likely to walk straight when they filmed the hologram presentation with his mask on during filming.) You could even use a blue/green screen to delete the face, so the scared individual would think the person had no face.

Why would someone do this?

To scare somebody. That's all. Mine only showed up once, and I liked them anyways. But I was really, really, really scared.

They usually do the presentations during superstitious times as well, between 3 and 4 a.m. It is supposed to make people believe in aliens, the chupacabra and religious superstitions.
basically: no. You need a LOT of equipment to set a "3D" hologram, a mirror just won't cut it.
So you're either delusional or it was part of a dream.
Hard luck.
Yeah..well...this sounds so f*cking credible that I started believing in Santa Claus again! Oh damn..why did I say again again? I never believed in him anyway.

My guess: You watched the wrong film that night.