There was a man in my room

Right. Now, you confess to being a pipe smoker. You acknowledge you're room usually smells of pipe tobacco. You can't possibly know if you're mother was awake or as sleep during the time you were sleeping yourself. You say yourself in a previous post "my smell has dulled a bit"...

Quite despite what it says about "aromatic fragrance" on the packet, pipe tobacco is very strong and even in a closed room, the smell of it leaks out into the hallway and others around you can smell it.

Can you say, categorically, hand absolutely on heart, that at no point conceivably could you're mother have popped her head around the door whilst you were asleep, and given the room a quick squirt with either an air "freshener" or else some form of anti-tobacco spray?

No conceivable possibility whatsoever?
rjr6. I am just saying that cause my body needs a woman. But in mind I know I will not have sex with any girl, only with the girl that I love and that loves me. And picking russian brides online means I do not love them and they dont love me. and sex is nothing without love.
"Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best."

(Woody Allen)
:) ... That's actually rather good, I'll have to remember that one.
I agee with you Dragon, but you don't have to beat up on the russian brides. Who knows where you will find love.
Right. Now, you confess to being a pipe smoker. You acknowledge you're room usually smells of pipe tobacco. You can't possibly know if you're mother was awake or as sleep during the time you were sleeping yourself. You say yourself in a previous post "my smell has dulled a bit"...

Quite despite what it says about "aromatic fragrance" on the packet, pipe tobacco is very strong and even in a closed room, the smell of it leaks out into the hallway and others around you can smell it.

Can you say, categorically, hand absolutely on heart, that at no point conceivably could you're mother have popped her head around the door whilst you were asleep, and given the room a quick squirt with either an air "freshener" or else some form of anti-tobacco spray?

No conceivable possibility whatsoever?

I must admit I do smoke my pipe in my room a lot but would pipe smoke make my bedclothes smell like chalk? Also I never smoke in bed even with a pipe as the bowl would tumble on my bedclothes and start a fire and I dont want to look like a burned skeleton with a fixed scream and horror on my face.
It could be possible my Mum did use a spray as she does have anti-tobbacco sprays plus room refreshers in the house as she hates the smell of stale smoke because when Mum, myself and Arnie a close friend went to a friends baby shower about 320kms south of Darwin I lit up my pipe in the car without opening the windows. The smoke filled the car very quickly. Arnie coughed in his sleep and Mum coughed and then roared out "OPEN YOUR CAR WINDOW OR PUT THAT STINKING THING OUT BEFORE YOU GET ALL 3 OF US KILLED IN A CAR ACCIDENT".
I rolled down the window VERY quickly. It was my bad as I only started smoking a pipe 1 month beforehand and did not relise it did that(OK cue the South Park mormon song "DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM). I remeber the smoke made the car smell stale and it did not help me win friends or influence people esp since mum told them what happened.

Yeah, well. Somethings actually are usiversal, y'know. Mothers are just one of them.... :)

The point is FC, you've got options regarding how you choose to view this. Y'can simply decide to look at it as an impenetrable mystery if you want. It's you're call. M'self, I like answers to things. Solutions.

Air-fresheners, especially the spray anti-tobacco ones, often times can catch your throat and are "powdery" in composition. You say you smelled this "chalky" smell over and above the odour of whatever you can usually smell most strongly in your room - I don't know what these anti-tobacco sprays are supposed to smell like, but first thing after you wake up, especially if not too long before sprayed but left to settle - you can certainly smell something, but whatever it says on the canister it ain't, y'know?

I can't say what happened to you, you you're self were either fast asleep or at best half awake by you're own recollection - so all I can do is point out the possibilities to you and at the end of the day, if you want to put it all down to something extraordinary as being the cause of you're experience, that's you're choice.

Obviously, I wouldn't but then that's a matter of an entirely different order all together.

If you're "shadow" fellow comes back - then you'll know. If he doesn't, don't be too surprised. In the meanwhile, smoke carefully old man.

Yeah, well. Somethings actually are usiversal, y'know. Mothers are just one of them.... :)

The point is FC, you've got options regarding how you choose to view this. Y'can simply decide to look at it as an impenetrable mystery if you want. It's you're call. M'self, I like answers to things. Solutions.

Air-fresheners, especially the spray anti-tobacco ones, often times can catch your throat and are "powdery" in composition. You say you smelled this "chalky" smell over and above the odour of whatever you can usually smell most strongly in your room - I don't know what these anti-tobacco sprays are supposed to smell like, but first thing after you wake up, especially if not too long before sprayed but left to settle - you can certainly smell something, but whatever it says on the canister it ain't, y'know?

I can't say what happened to you, you you're self were either fast asleep or at best half awake by you're own recollection - so all I can do is point out the possibilities to you and at the end of the day, if you want to put it all down to something extraordinary as being the cause of you're experience, that's you're choice.

Obviously, I wouldn't but then that's a matter of an entirely different order all together.

If you're "shadow" fellow comes back - then you'll know. If he doesn't, don't be too surprised. In the meanwhile, smoke carefully old man.


Old man!!!!!!!!!!!
Im only 34 and look like im 24 with a baby face like mine. I totaly agree with all you have said and my perception would not have been 100% clear at the time but I must admit it was scary.
I have not seen this shadow person since I started this thread but then again I have taken precautions in case he ever shows up with a night light and a torch within easy reach I also have reframed looking over to the right as well which I agree does help a lot.

:) ... Well, there y'go then. You certainly sound a good deal more sage about the whole incident and that has been the entire point - it doesn't really matter what actually happened. As long as you can smile about it afterwards, then you're on top of things. All one can really ask for at the end of the day.

... And as to the "old man" thing. I've just had this conversation with Kunax - in "British" it doesn't mean "old" as in age - it's just an term indicating friendly comparability. Sort of a term of endearment, but in a very butch, masculine way, obviously....

Sleep well, don't whack you're mother with the torch by mistake.

A ;)
In the event this is serious pay attention to any pets you may have. They pick up on things.
:) ... Well, there y'go then. You certainly sound a good deal more sage about the whole incident and that has been the entire point - it doesn't really matter what actually happened. As long as you can smile about it afterwards, then you're on top of things. All one can really ask for at the end of the day.

... And as to the "old man" thing. I've just had this conversation with Kunax - in "British" it doesn't mean "old" as in age - it's just an term indicating friendly comparability. Sort of a term of endearment, but in a very butch, masculine way, obviously....

Sleep well, don't whack you're mother with the torch by mistake.

A ;)

I was going to turn the torch on and shine it into the face of anyone coming into my room like that. My Mum has not entered my room while Im asleep to the best of my knowledge but like you said she could have sprayed an air refresher into the room. I have seen her buy them in bulk because of the fly-by points on them and she really has gotten into this fly-by points business.
And its ok I was only joking about the "old man" business thou I have the smoking habits and fashion sense of a man 30 years my senior.


Well, y'know. These things do smell perfectly foul nine times out of ten and the cheap ones are usually powder based aerosols so, like I say, keep an open mind, don't loose any sleep over it and don't lump any family members with your torch in the interim.

Though I must say I'm fully expecting the denumont to end in some form of head-attire related punchline - assuming for a second here you're being serious. You had just woken up, had you not?

Patently, you hadn't woken up quite enough.

When you're bladder wakes you, and you've previously been in REM Sleep, you don't always completely cycle through immediately to full waking consciousness - basically, despite being awake and aware you aren't necessarily all there with it as soon as you open you're eyes. Basically, again assuming any of this actually happened at all, all that did happen is you're eyes perceived something in the of the shadows on the floor as being that of a human figure and you're minds own anticipation of what that situation means to you did the rest.

As you say, you reached out your hand and there really was nothing there. It doesn't matter in these circumstances quite what the hell you're eyes are telling you - your hand came into contact with nothing because there was nothing to begin with.

You woke, gave you're self a nasty start - if you're still uneasy, don't be. Sleep with the light on if it helps.

All over the universe, every night, children wake from their slumbers screaming at the sight of "Whatever" lurking clear as moonlight at the foot of their beds - the lights come on, the monster is revealed as nothing more than a combination of shadows, shapes and lighting - still the experience remains palpable and real - still there are no monsters (Republican Party aside).

We assume, being adults, that this is a capacity we loose in adult life. We do not. You're experience tonight being but one point in case...

I didn't think i'd learn anything from reading this thread. But i had never heard of this before. It get's me to thinking about some that i've had, but i never really paid much attention to them.
I wouldn't ever go as far as to say it was like his.

But I have fell asleep before and woke up 5 times in 20 minutes with 5 different nightmares, with equally as weird sequence of events.
Oh, yes. Know what you mean there. I find I can do that too, most usually when I'm either napping or else sleeping properly but know that I've got to get up at a certain time and can't afford to lie in. I keep waking from dream, checking the clock and dropping back straight into what seems like another completely unrelated one.

Well, as long as you're not being visited by creatures of the night or anything...
