There was a man in my room

try to make a mangina...and the balls with the main attribute will fall off right behind the ass, and rivers of blood will flow.

i'm allergic to mangina unfortunitly.

Pish! There's nothing wrong with a magina a good shave and a blindfold won't cure.
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You guys are very sad.
flatcap obviously farted and woke himself up in the middle of a wet dream
and what's he doing living with him mother at the age of 34
grow up man
I'm trying not to comment on the mangina 'phenomenon' but ye gads you all need to get some SLEEP!!!!!
You guys are very sad.
flatcap obviously farted and woke himself up in the middle of a wet dream
and what's he doing living with him mother at the age of 34
grow up man
I'm trying not to comment on the mangina 'phenomenon' but ye gads you all need to get some SLEEP!!!!!

That was not fair telling me to grow up as the only reason I am living with her is untill I can find myself someone which has not happened as yet. Dont you think your being a bit harsh?
If it was not for her I would have been MURDERED a long time ago because I lived in a dangerous slum for 7 years by myself and aloth I CAN live by myself its not healthy to face lonlyness and Im waiting for a long term lover to move in with.
Also I have Autism which does not help when it comes to being by myself.
As for me farting in the middle of a wet dream trust me I did not dream very long for that to happen.
And it was not my hero from the foreigner either he would have said something even if it was in German or he would have tried to give me a fatherly pat to reassure me it was him.

Good for you FC, you tell him!

And as for:

I'm trying not to comment on the mangina 'phenomenon' but ye gads you all need to get some SLEEP!!!!!

You jolly well leave my mangina alone you.... y'boundrel! What's my poor, sweet, melt-in-the-mouth innocent mangina ever done to harm you, eh? Why not pick not pick on someone's mangina your own size, y'big woolly-mangina-hating-bully you!

I'm wagging my finger at you reproachfully Mr Sniffy, don't think for an instant I'm not. Because I am. And there - goddammit - I've just told you so!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :mad:
Mr A Who you callin Mister?

I also lived in a dangerous 'place' for a number of years. I found it invigorating dodging the bullets. Bout time you got a job and got you and your Mama the heck out of there. It might also help with finding that 'long term lover'...
And Mr A you know where you can stick your wagging finger? Yeah right in yer mangina...:D
Mr A Who you callin Mister?

I also lived in a dangerous 'place' for a number of years. I found it invigorating dodging the bullets. Bout time you got a job and got you and your Mama the heck out of there. It might also help with finding that 'long term lover'...
And Mr A you know where you can stick your wagging finger? Yeah right in yer mangina...:D

Sniffy I lived there by myself and had to move 1500kms south to get away from there and as for a job I do work at a shertered workshop and as for a long term I have been looking for years and only found one person but he only wanted a frinedship plus he lives in the UK and im in Austrilia.
Its a problem guys just dont wear flat caps anymore well not guys my age that is.

FCM:( :(

Sorry, my bad.

Now, now. Ladies before gents..... ;)

I know you with your dark uniform and 5 o'clock shadow! You're Captain (?) Black trying to pass as Captain Scarlet. Watch it or I'll send in the mysterons. Better still I'll have you locked in a room with Joe 90 and might even throw in a bit of random pistol whipping for good measure. That should sort the men from the mangina :cool:
Maybe u were sleep walking

I got to admit it was possible. I have been told by family or friends that I sleep walk. When I was 13 years old I went to bed and woke up sleeping with no covers on my bed I went out to get breakfast after dressing for school and found all my bedcovers neatly folded in one cornor of the room. Mum swore she didnt take them off the bed as they were washed only the day before and she would have woken me up stripping the bed with me in it so I had to have woken up slept walked into the room and folded them myself at 13.
I have slept walked since I was 5. The 1st time I got up and got myself a glass of water in my sleep. My grandma told me she saw me do it.


I totaly agree. I own 85 flat caps and NEVER leave home without one on my head. Even in 40 degree heat I wear a tweed . When I see an elderly chap in a flatcap I cant help but see my future with this guy meaning that will be me at his age. I am very loyal to the style.

Time to wear a different hat mate.
And just when you stopped looking.....

What kind of hat do you think would work better?

A bowler? A fedora? A boater hat?

Def NOT a baseball cap I hate those things I only have 3 uses for them
1) put a plant in them
2) put kitty litter in them and have the cats do their business in it.
or I soak them in gasoline and set them on fire and they burn beautifully.
I had a friend give me a baseball cap it was never worn and I did set it on fire in a metal barrel it was a pretty fire I must admit.:D

FCM;) ;)
... That should sort the men from the mangina :cool:

:) ... Oh, now that. That's a keeper. I'm definitely stealing that.

And as for me being an agent of the Mysterons thing. Well, yes. True, but. Think about it. I'm 3 foot high, made of plastic - what the hell else was I going to end up doing with my days, eh? Y'need strings to get to work on Thunderbirds and that kid, y'just want to smack him. So yes, sure I'm evil and I'm currently engaged in betraying my species to an alien race - but on the plus side, I'm also very artistic and have a beautiful singing voice.

All in all, I'm a bit of a catch, y'know. The whole being a mass murder thing aside...