There was a man in my room

2) Now this may sound like total movie stupidity but it could be possible I could have created him with my mind. With the lack of sleep my mind could have tried to create an alternative figure based off my id.

:) ... Or, alternative three, you simply had a touch of Monster-At-The-Foot-Of-My-Bed. No id, no particularly deep analysis necessary, nothing actually you haven't experienced on and off before, as a child, just as each and every one of us has at some point or other in our lives - just plain, simple straight forward giving your self a nasty shock whist half awake. And that will be the all of it.

Go back through your description - you saw the shadow on the floor first - a shadow you're eyes interpreted as being that of a human figure. You look and, surprise, there a human shadow man is - exactly, and impeccably literally what you're half awake mind expected to be there from first seeing what it takes to be have been a human shadow on the floor.

Half wakefulness - mis-recognition of form - conscious expectation formed upon that wrongly interpreted visual stimuli - fulfilment.

Congratulations - you're a text book human being. ;)

Stop freaking yourself out and worrying about, literally, nothing. Happens to everyone on occasion. Y'don't want to let a simple visually stimulated glitch put you off going to sleep ever again or worrying about whatever. That really will give you nightmares.
There is one suggestion I could make however it would seem pretty Scifi.

It involves a group or agency creating Paradoxes in regards to the universe, from your perspective you'd see the world in a multiworld state, where as the group or agency would create a "shift" within a layer of that multiworld state so that a room could exist as a "hologram" in a hangar or warehouse (large building) somewhere.

To you that person watching was nothing more than a hologram and to them you are nothing more than a hologram either.
Hello all

About 15 to 20 mins ago I had a very frightening experience. I woke up in my bed after a brief sleep and wanting to go to the toliet I turned over to my left and looked at the wall it was fairly dark in my room and I saw a pool of darkness next to my bed I saw the darkness move like a man kneeling and then stand up it was a human shape like a shadow man but without form I looked into the face and saw darkness. I got scared and did a weak karate chop at the face but my hand hit nothing but air and quite cold air for a warm room I have also noticed my room has a strange smell like a chalky smell before during and after it happened. I made a gasp of horror when it happened as it looked like a stocky man wrapped in darkness stading over the side of my bed head slightly titled looking at me.
There was no shadows in my room I dont use drugs or have been drinking so Im clean in that regard. Yet I have no logical explanation of what happened.

Can someone please give me a logical explanation? Was it a ghost? a telepathic image? I did not hallucinate this and Im strong minded so my sanity is not the question.

FCM :eek: :eek:

After reading flatcapman's description of the incident, I can say totally 100% without a doubt that it was not the result of hallucination, or ghost, or anything else along those lines. It was a ninja - plain an simple.

The logical explanation is that your slow reflexes were no match for him. That's why your weak karate chop hit thin air. It is scientifically proven that all ninjas blend perfectly with shadows, and can move so fast that it's impossible to hit them.
...and the smell? That was more than likely from the ninja's smoke bomb which he used to 'vanish' after you spotted him.
Great Scott, 'Omes! Why didn't we think of it?! Of course! :)
I am more inclined to believe that he actually saw something that was there. I mean most peoples minds play tricks on them from time to time, and I think we all have had that happen to us. This was vivid and real enough that he posted about it, so I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.
I think you saw a multi-dimensional being of some sort. Being afraid will not help you. Interpretations of why you are being visited vary tremendously, and I would pursue your investigation of this without fear and with an open mind to possibilities. What you believe you saw is probably defined in some way by your faith. If you have no faith you are lost. But it dosen't mean no one might be looking for you.
The smell of chalk, which is peculiar, would be where I would start. Investigate "dark figures" and you will have your work cut out for you. Dismissing this as a brain malfunction is, to me, like saying "we are a bag of water that lives for around 100 years, made of stardust, and then we cease to exist".
This was vivid and real enough that he posted about it, so I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.

Em.... who's dismissing anything the FCM has posted about? He woke up, believed he saw a figure, reached out and nothing there. Where's the dismissal?
I only suggest that FCM may have experienced more than his imagination or some type of conscious expectation formed upon that wrongly interpreted visual stimuli. peace.
I only suggest that FCM may have experienced more than his imagination or some type of conscious expectation formed upon that wrongly interpreted visual stimuli. peace.

:) As to you too, and sorry by the way if that came over as if wanting to peel you're face off or anything - just passing interest is all.

My regards,

A ninja!!!!
I noticed the person had no face it looked like a veil of blackness.
There is one small flaw in that logic and that is how could he make the floor feel like ice. I placed one hand on the floor and it was cold and the spot where I saw this phantom was 10 degrees cooler.
I know this sounds like sci/fi but it does make sense in a bizare kind of way and that is could it be possible that thou lack of sleep I accidently was caught between rem and dream sleep while awake(I do sleep with my eyes open if im tired enough Dennis Hopper spoke the truth it can be done) like a cork in a bottle and somehow something from my dream go thou to this world using my tired mind as a conduit to link the worlds together and when I karate chopped this phantom I made a horrfied "AHHHHH" sound when I did it and my mind cleared up of sleep. When I was looking at him I felt no fear and my mind was like it was sedated. I could not move for some time till I looked at his face and saw nothing there.
He looked like he was dressed up as a prophet in a black robe with hood I know this sound like the grim reaper but the grim reaper has a skeletal face I would have seen and no syche on him with only emity hands
Or dressed like like a judge with robes quite the same as a judge.

... I placed one hand on the floor and it was cold...

Incredible as it may sound, floors usually are. Cold or else cooler, what with warm air rising and all that.

However, if you want to think you're self haunted/visited/peered upon by otherworldly forces - that's you're choice in life. But it is that. A choice.

If you want to wade you're way through the possibilities in life, try wading through the actually possible. It may be dull, but at least you've got a shot of finding an actual answer.

Sleep well,

:confused: Well there is a guy in your room and then there was this guy. He seemed so creepy and just stood there. I do agree that it may not have been supernatural as if it was a ghost he I would have turned ice cold as he would have drawn body heat out of me but I have heard they can create cold spots in the room much colder then the rest of the floor. Our house is reflective to heat as it was bulit for 40+ weather to keep the house 10 degrees cooler then the outside. Its possible I could have misjudged the floor but the smell has no logial explanation as I have no chalk or dusters in my room much less a blackboard(no room my room is quite small) and I can smell it even thou I smoke a pipe(tobacco of course def not weed or ice) and my smell has dulled a bit but the I could smell it anyway and it was not stale baccy smoke

Okay... Let's take a swing at this the other way.

Why chalk dust, specifically? Let's pretend for a moment, even though you reached out and and touched nothing, that you were indeed visited by some form of "entity" - why the smell of chalk dust, specifically do y'think?
I belive that the smell had something to do with its departure I only smelled it after it was there the area where it was and my bedclothes had the smell.
I ided the smell of chalk dust because I had to bang a lot of dusters as a kid in school and its a smell that you never really forget. Kinda musty smelling and an unmistakeable smell.
You got to remember that this sort of thing is never expected. If I expected a visit like that every night I would end up in a padded room with soft white walls jabbering to myself and thats the last thing in the world I want. Most people dont have a camaracorder in their bed so I have no proof it happened and it happened so suddenly

If the man in my room wanted to kill me he have smothered me or cut my throat while I laid there helpless and defenseless. The way he looked at me hinted at "I know who you are now and what you look like"
There is a wild theory in my head but its only dream mythogy so please dont come at me with logic and open your mind to this bizzare possibly
The dreams I have always have a common factor A wall to get dreamers in and to stop anything coming out. I have had dreams I have made bad mistakes and I have found myself in a countroom filled with men EXCACTLY like the man I saw on charges of exposure to what I am(Cyborg).
When I resured Man With Porsche I ticked off a lot of people and had dreams of changeing dream routes to avoid contact since I used my gifts in a selfish way to get me who I wanted.
Isnt it possible that one of those judges had linked onto me during my breif dream and had come there to check me out.
And trust me I know how it sounds but its just a theory.
I still go for the non-locality experiment by a group theory, especially when you throw chalkdust into the mix. There are really only two types of people that would be handling chalk, those that are in an academic position that deal with highly sophisticated mathematics to bend the universe and those that feel they can keep away evil with a chalk circle (who are just plain wacked).

So you've either have the supersecret physics group redefining the universe or a dodgy devil worshipping cult attempting to turn your love of flatcaps into the manifestation of Satan himself.
I belive that the smell had something to do with its departure I only smelled it after it was there the area where it was and my bedclothes had the smell.
I ided the smell of chalk dust because I had to bang a lot of dusters as a kid in school and its a smell that you never really forget. Kinda musty smelling and an unmistakeable smell.
You got to remember that this sort of thing is never expected. If I expected a visit like that every night I would end up in a padded room with soft white walls jabbering to myself and thats the last thing in the world I want. Most people dont have a camaracorder in their bed so I have no proof it happened and it happened so suddenly


Mmmmmm, yes. Thank you for the editorialising there. Marvelous stuff. One further question - do you live alone, or do you share a house with others?
I live with my mother but she was fast asleep when it happened and since my throat dried out I could not yell out and could only manage a frog like croak.
