Theory of Life, the Universe, and Everything

No, you haven't. A record like that could conceivably land you a professorship at any university in the world, but here you are, peddling worthless verbiage in the backwaters of an obscure science forum. Your backstory really couldn't be less convincing if you put yourself forth as the second coming of Christ.

Of course I haven't funkstar. And of course I am not a professor at a midwestern American university. Of course I don't have an R01. Of course I haven't been funded by the American Federation for Aging Research.

And, of course, I am not God. Of course this isn't Parousia. How silly. Far be it from Me to actually try to let Myself know that I actually have theoretical proof that I exist.

And, as for peddling worthless verbiage: Of course I am peddling it in an obscure science forum. That is exactly what I am doing. Of course I would not want to get feedback about the model regarding its more esoteric scientific aspects.

I am so glad I have Myself to set Me straight.


As there is Only One I, I is the responsible One.
When all else fails, and I cannot refute the Truth, I use mockery.

Bad,bad,bad boy
By mass the majority of the matter which we can see is comprised of non-leptonic particles, since nuclei are responsible for the majority of the mass of an atom and they are made up of baryons, which themselves are made up of quarks and gluons, which are not leptons. You're just throwing in buzzwords you don't understand in the hopes no one else does.

By the looks of it you're hoping to spin such a huge web of BS that no one is willing to call you on it.

Except not all particles have chirality. And a single particle on its own has no well defined notion of energy state, such a concept is in reference to a potential within which the particle resides, as anyone whose ever even seen the Schrodinger equation and who can do high school calculus can see.

Ever heard the phrase 'Jack of all trades, master of none'? As pointed out already, it takes years for even the best people to get up to speed on just one of those topics and an entire lifetime (or 50) can be spent working towards the bleed edge research in an area.

By making such a huge claim about your knowledge/ability/understanding you've demonstrated you don't actually know just how much work getting a firm grasp of some of those things entails. It's a common crank mistake, to seriously underestimate just how much material a single tiny corner of science can contain and just how far short of anything research level the stuff found in high school or pop science books falls.

Your inability to present a coherent stream of logic just bangs in the final nail, reputable journals expect authors to be able to string an explanation together and you don't seem to be capable of that.

Ok, I'll bite.

Please explain to me what a lepton is composed of. No one knows.

Present empirical evidence that up and down quarks exist. Oh, how 'bout that? There's that convenient thing name color confinement. Guess I never have to show that data.

Provide me a model that proves how something has both wave and particle qualities.

Explain nonlocality.

Explain why an electron does not collapse into a nucleus. And please, no Bohrian edicts, "The electron shall not collapse." and no "virtual photons" popping into existence.

Explain the origin of mass.

I like throwing around ideas. But, more than that, I like solving problems that are unsolved.

If the members of this forum like to entertain and coddle old, antiquated, falsified theories, models, and worldviews, that's not what the goal of a theoretician is.

The goal of the theoretician is to solve the unsolved problems, regardless of the ridicule, vitriol, and condemnation.

In this regard, the claim of "the final nail" is wholly incompatible based upon what I have written here.


Cordially, I would point out that a gyre is a very common thing in nature.

And yet you can't explain what it is. Hmm....

Yes, of course, pseudoscience; not science at all. Just like the claim of one of the earlier posts that I wish I were a scientist. My oh my.

No. Not like that. I don't care who you are, how many PhDs you have, which university you work for, or whatever. It doesn't even worry me if you're lying about all that.

What I'm (vaguely) interested in is whether your theory of everything actually has any science in it. And right now, it sounds to me like it's little more than a self-congratulatory ego trip that is worth nothing to anybody else.

Ok, I'll bite.

Please explain to me what a lepton is composed of. No one knows.

Yourself included.

Present empirical evidence that up and down quarks exist.

The quark model conveniently explains many features of particle physics. There are many millions of experiments that support the model. But you're not a physicist, so I'll excuse you for being unfamiliar with the field.

Provide me a model that proves how something has both wave and particle qualities.

Quantum mechanics.

Explain nonlocality.

It's a built-in feature of quantum mechanics.

Explain why an electron does not collapse into a nucleus. And please, no Bohrian edicts, "The electron shall not collapse." and no "virtual photons" popping into existence.

The confinement of an electron in an atom due to the electromagnetic force leads to quantisation of the allowed energies of the atom. Electrons in atoms are therefore not free to radiate arbitary amounts of energy and so collapse into the nucleus.

Explain the origin of mass.

Not my area of expertise. Mayeb you should try a wikipedia search for "Higgs mechanism", or something similar, to get you started.

If the members of this forum like to entertain and coddle old, antiquated, falsified theories, models, and worldviews, that's not what the goal of a theoretician is.

The goal of the theoretician is to solve the unsolved problems, regardless of the ridicule, vitriol, and condemnation.

Great. Show me the money. What's a gyre?
Of course I haven't funkstar. And of course I am not a professor at a midwestern American university. Of course I don't have an R01. Of course I haven't been funded by the American Federation for Aging Research.
Some honesty, at last! So you admit that this rather incredible blurb:
X has authored seventeen peer-reviewed manuscripts and worked on a wide variety of topics in the life sciences: human herpes and papilloma virus infection, cancer, aging, stress, mitochondrial function, chromatin structure, chromosome organization, DNA replication, transcriptional silencing, transcriptional elongation, transcriptomics, RNA turnover and processing, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions, cell cycle checkpoints, nuclear architecture, nucleocytoplasmic transport, membrane traffic, microtubule dynamics, mitosis, biometabolism, and biological theory. He has published in the high-impact journals Science, Nature, Genes & Development, and Molecular Cell.
wasn't actually true. (Not that anybody was fooled, mind you.)

So, now that we your ridiculous front out of the way, you can tell us: Liberal arts major? Sophomore, perhaps?
i saw in your first quote in your first post, about, the meaning of god, here's the meaning of god to me.
first, 5% is the material matter, the atoms, the things that we can see and work with, and the rest, dark energy, wich thought to be not from matter, and the dark matter, like the anti matter.
we don't even understand, what is time. the more we know, the more we know that we don't know anything.
in my beleive, god is beyond our senses and beyond our mind and logic, if our logic can't even understand our univerce, and we don't even know everything that is on our own planet, everyday we find a new creature, and a new form of life, that's if life exist as we think is and as we call it. god is beyond our mind and our logic, and god is who started the univerce, and created the univerce, all in steps, you can even see, that eahc specie of animal, is, kinda programmed, expet us, because we are created having a free-will
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A rather macabre quote is:

Give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves in the end.

This is the main reason why I don't moderate this subforum with the strictest of disciplines, because if you have something of value to contribute, you aren't going to "hang yourself". (... and before any of you nuts thing that is some subliminal message to get you to commit suicide, DON'T, go seek help instead)
A rather macabre quote is:

This is the main reason why I don't moderate this subforum with the strictest of disciplines, because if you have something of value to contribute, you aren't going to "hang yourself". (... and before any of you nuts thing that is some subliminal message to get you to commit suicide, DON'T, go seek help instead)

And here I thought you were pulling an Ozzie, with his Suicide Solution..

J/K....I think.
Tenure-track faculty at a Midwestern medical skool.

Undergrad teaching assistant perhaps. Please tell us what school so we know what to avoid.

One thing I can't understand, if people want to be physicists, why don't they study physics instead of making up nonsense like this?
And with God I assume you all have applied the up to date version:

The collected consciousness/energy of all that exists, living and dead, as an accessable pool of knowledge available for all, regardless of system of belief and forum status.