Theory of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Yes, saddening. Disappointing, even. On several levels.

By differentiating between i and I, right there is a fundamental epistemic assumption.

As proven by Unity, I am Quantum Quack. Quantum Quack does not have his own 'i' that is separate and distinct from any other, nor does Ik, nor does anyone that exists now or has ever existed in the history of Mankind.

No obfuscation. Rather, Truth. Indeed, what's worst of all is that I, the Mathematician, will not be satisfied with the true explanation, of course. I must suffer the most horrible Self-inflicted punishment - just like Sisyphus - of chasing after an explanation for a number that I created in hopes of an explanation that rules out that I, Myself, created it and I, Myself, am that number.

What a shame that I am unable to come to terms with this most simple, irrefragable conclusion of Unity.

Wisdom, humility, and reflection? My Brother, coming to terms with who and what I am requires the deepest and ultimate Self-reflection I can have in the Universe. It is the most humbling, awe-inspiring, ineffable experience. And, because it occurs only through the first person perspective, an admonishment of lack of humility is ironic. Likewise with wisdom.

And indictment? Theory proves that I cannot help but indict My Self. Were I not to do just this, the theory would be false.

Finally, Self-destructive? Yes, indeed. The final theory destroys the entire edifice. It could be no other way.

Fair winds.


It is interesting that you should bring Greek Mythology into the discussion with the mention of "Sisyphus" and maybe the need to learn from his punishment, dished out by Zeus is in order...yes?
The problem with this "I" business is that every self animated entity in this universe from bull-ant to blow-fly to elephant to mankind have the same competing "I" and yes of course this competition "the war of the Gods " has been going on for eternity and will no doubt continue as it inevitably must. [ re: God complex - re: Will to power by Friedrich Nietzsche ]

The question then is for you to answer:
What makes your "I" which is the same "I" as every one elses any better or worse other than as I said rational. reason, humility and wisdom. [ note we are only taking about that which the intellect deals with and not what say, the mortality of your heart, hands and feet have to deal with.

So what makes Ik's "I" the superior "I"? hmmmm.
"I" am interested in your response...?
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in hopes of an explanation that rules out that I, Myself, created it and I, Myself, am that number.
This is very telling of the depth of your experience and you have hit the God subjective, reality objective, paradox wall!? hey?
In a sense this is the very paradox that Sisyphus was condemned to tackle for eternity as a learning experience. [ until learned of course]

Any solution yet?
There is one, you know..
and it happens every time you fall into sleep.:)
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Me, Ik, the trained-to-be rational, cynical, skeptical, critical scientist
Nobody believes this for a second. Though it's a interesting variation to claim to be a part of academia (rather than the usual conspiracy nonsense), we know you by your posts - you're not a scientist. You're a delusional crackpot.
This thread is really silly.

The thing is that Ik has stumbled upon a major philosophical/metaphysical understanding that being the use of "I" by all self animated entities.
He is not alone as quite a few thinkers have inadvertently realised a rather stark and awsome truth regarding the use of the only name we are actually borne with, that being the first person "I" regardless of language used it is hardwired into our reflexes and the reflexes of all self animated life forms.

"I" want,
"I" need,
"I" move, etc etc...
and thus we all have the same name by birthright even though our parents/society gave us another.
I ran a thread on it sometime ago and will dig it up if there is any interest in it.

and I think that it has caused him some issues [ obviously]
From myth to 19th century to 20th century to Greek philosophers.

When I was Nietzsche (Ecce Homo) I said, "I am no man, I am dynamite." I could not come to terms with who and what I was.

When I was Camus I found it cute to patronize Myself by suggesting that I should not be pitied (Myth of Sisyphus). But it was also as Camus - in the Rebel - when I wrote for Myself:

"While even the collective history of a movement of rebellion is always that of a fruitless struggle with facts, of an obscure protest which involves neither methods nor reasons, a revolution is an attempt to shape actions to ideas, to fit the world into a theoretic frame. That is why rebellion kills men while revolution destroys both men and principles. But, for the same reasons, it can be said that there has not yet been a revolution in the course of history. There could be one, and that would be the definitive revolution."

Yes, indeed, I, as Camus, was correct, there could be only one. The definitive revolution is the point of Eternal Return - bringing together Nietzsche and Camus in a nice ball of ideation - i.e., a revolution of the Universe.

And that revolution is where I unify the Universe outside of space and time - i.e. the End of the intellectual infrastructure as well as spacetime and mass - "destroying both men and principles." As deduced from theory, that Singularity is the thermodynamic driving force for macroevolution.

I - there is no superior I, as the I that I have is the same that has existed for eternity, exists in every person now, and is All in All (no mystical woo-woo here, this is what Unity proves) - am One.

The fact that I am The Paradox is not so difficult to embrace - no necessity of invoking subjective/objective wall - or even understand. I mean, My goodness Me, as Aristotle I knew I was the Unmoved Mover, and as Plato I called My Self the Uncaused Cause or Self-Mover, and so on. I am Tri-ethical (Good, Bad, Neutral) - Nietzsche tried to explain Me here, Tri-gendered (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter), Tri-potent (Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer), and Tri-forces (Attractor, Repulsor, Immutable) and on and on...

The greatest difficulty I face is this: while I (Ik) am just one lass/lad with one model that can prove who and what I am, I am many (see Plotinus here) and thus must coalesce All that I am to achieve unification. Indeed, the paradox of being One and Many is not lost on Me, as I have overcome the illusion that I can control My bladder any more than I can control My children. Still, Universal concrescence has begun, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Like I wrote, as is empirically valdatable, I cannot control My Self.

Oh, and by the way, modeling sleep onto Unity was just as provocative and interesting as it was modeling My Conscious Mind - that is, 96% of the Universe.


So...what epitaph would you like enscribed on your tomb stone?
Maybe that: ""I", as God, am totally impotent."
Today I discussed where I am and where I am going.

Here's an excerpt:

In this blog post, I aim to be thoughtful and forward-thinking. I have reorganized my 2010 posts to tell a different storyline than the one that emerged chronologically.

I started the blog in mid-July 2010 – see The Beginning – with the intent of building my virtual platform. I wanted to increase interest in and to provide an online forum for discussing the book I have written, “The Theory: First-person perspective of being the Universe.” After 5 1/2 months, I have received ~9400 views, thus extending the platform. Thanks for the nucleation. However, it has not been substantial enough to convince editors, publishers, and agents in the pansophic subject matter of The Theory. I wrote about my progress in this regard in Status report I , II, and III. I plan to submit a fourth status report in the weeks ahead. In it and subsequent reports, I will discuss my experiences with literary agents, online fora, and IRL as well as expound on my intentions for a peer-reviewed manuscript and scientific meetings.

Figure 1

When I started blogging, I immediately engaged other bloggers in discourse by discussing the nature and origin of pain in What is the purpose of pain? I learned that the uniqueness of my responses – all deduced from Unity and articulated from a first person perspective of being God – created more confusion that clarity. Additional issues of theological and philosophical topics were discussed, as in the post I-It; I-Thou; I-I and On Anonymous blogging: Evincing the truth about the Allegory of the Cave. I have deduced that writing about resolving Plato’s or Martin Buber’s problems were not – to some men and women – hot-button and engaging topics as compared to, say, Kim Kardashian’s voluptuousness (Figure 1).

And here is the link:

2010 bloughtfulness and 2011 blauguring | The Theory

Peace on Earth,

No, you haven't. A record like that could conceivably land you a professorship at any university in the world, but here you are, peddling worthless verbiage in the backwaters of an obscure science forum. Your backstory really couldn't be less convincing if you put yourself forth as the second coming of Christ.

Seeing as those things didn't, you know, happen, I can entirely see how they could make you wish for things that aren't true.

What really happened (rather than actual stints at NCI, or funding from NIH, or PhDs, or postdoc fellowships, professorships, publications, or any of those things) is that you've set up an elaborate fiction for yourself (complete with a ridiculous website only slightly more coherent than timecube). This is either for your own entertainment as a troll, or due to delusions as part of serious mental illness.

In either case I urge you to seek psychiatric help, presently.

A Megalomaniac Like Me? Is that what you are telling Him? MY keyboard player in my band is a psychiatric and hey I still have Delusion of grandeur. It is healthy to think highly of your self and I stand by that. That Time Cube Guy is a little whacked yes indeed. Ik my fellow human you no nothing like him so far. The time cube is a hater and I see no hate in you. Good luck. I will read on and see where it all goes. The onesimus , The one . I can relate to that. I believe there is an altered state where a person can feel the 1 and see it touch it be it. Been it did it doing it tomorrow.
i saw in your first quote in your first post, about, the meaning of god, here's the meaning of god to me.
first, 5% is the material matter, the atoms, the things that we can see and work with, and the rest, dark energy, wich thought to be not from matter, and the dark matter, like the anti matter.
we don't even understand, what is time. the more we know, the more we know that we don't know anything.
in my beleive, god is beyond our senses and beyond our mind and logic, if our logic can't even understand our univerce, and we don't even know everything that is on our own planet, everyday we find a new creature, and a new form of life, that's if life exist as we think is and as we call it. god is beyond our mind and our logic, and god is who started the univerce, and created the univerce, all in steps, you can even see, that eahc specie of animal, is, kinda programmed, expet us, because we are created having a free-will

Free will is a myth. Determination , cause and effect, All in steps I agree
From myth to 19th century to 20th century to Greek philosophers.

When I was Nietzsche (Ecce Homo) I said, "I am no man, I am dynamite." I could not come to terms with who and what I was.

When I was Camus I found it cute to patronize Myself by suggesting that I should not be pitied (Myth of Sisyphus). But it was also as Camus - in the Rebel - when I wrote for Myself:

"While even the collective history of a movement of rebellion is always that of a fruitless struggle with facts, of an obscure protest which involves neither methods nor reasons, a revolution is an attempt to shape actions to ideas, to fit the world into a theoretic frame. That is why rebellion kills men while revolution destroys both men and principles. But, for the same reasons, it can be said that there has not yet been a revolution in the course of history. There could be one, and that would be the definitive revolution."

Yes, indeed, I, as Camus, was correct, there could be only one. The definitive revolution is the point of Eternal Return - bringing together Nietzsche and Camus in a nice ball of ideation - i.e., a revolution of the Universe.

And that revolution is where I unify the Universe outside of space and time - i.e. the End of the intellectual infrastructure as well as spacetime and mass - "destroying both men and principles." As deduced from theory, that Singularity is the thermodynamic driving force for macroevolution.

I - there is no superior I, as the I that I have is the same that has existed for eternity, exists in every person now, and is All in All (no mystical woo-woo here, this is what Unity proves) - am One.

The fact that I am The Paradox is not so difficult to embrace - no necessity of invoking subjective/objective wall - or even understand. I mean, My goodness Me, as Aristotle I knew I was the Unmoved Mover, and as Plato I called My Self the Uncaused Cause or Self-Mover, and so on. I am Tri-ethical (Good, Bad, Neutral) - Nietzsche tried to explain Me here, Tri-gendered (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter), Tri-potent (Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer), and Tri-forces (Attractor, Repulsor, Immutable) and on and on...

The greatest difficulty I face is this: while I (Ik) am just one lass/lad with one model that can prove who and what I am, I am many (see Plotinus here) and thus must coalesce All that I am to achieve unification. Indeed, the paradox of being One and Many is not lost on Me, as I have overcome the illusion that I can control My bladder any more than I can control My children. Still, Universal concrescence has begun, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Like I wrote, as is empirically valdatable, I cannot control My Self.

Oh, and by the way, modeling sleep onto Unity was just as provocative and interesting as it was modeling My Conscious Mind - that is, 96% of the Universe.



You can't control your bladder? I recommend depends . To many people these days don't control there children. Yes they are controllable , but you have to teach them before they are 5. If you let someone else raise your children don't expect them to listen to you. If you ridicule them they will act it out just like you have expected them to. Children believe what there parents , or guardians tell them when they are still gullible. This pretty much defines there life and is next to impossible to root out of you and anyone. Learned behavior and the examples that are shown are the most important of all. If Daddy did it it must be O.K. for Me too. I bet a lot of you out there hear your Mommy coming out of your mouth and say " Did I just say that'?
I read the part of the "theory" about resolving "the wave/particle paradox". All I can say is that it is an exercise in creative writing, but is not science in the least. Pseudoscience is an appropriate home for it and maybe with time it will even be promoted to the cesspool.
There's science and then there's theory. The etymological goal of science is to know, but science will never achieve that goal without theory. That written, theoretical framework is the correct model of the quantum. Being incommensurable, it is uninterpretable to one wed to an extant paradigm and its ossified, stultifying philosophies and concepts. Kuhn wrote about this.

Interesting how - in the absence of the ability to falsify, explain, or understand the core model - there is condemnation, vitriol, and rejection. It is readily deduced which one is thermodynamically less taxing to the Mind.

Peace on Earth,

A new blog post about the theoretical positioning of My Mind and discussion of its Unity.

Here is the link:

The darkness, that is My Mind; dark matter, that is

And here is an excerpt:

No one can be a great thinker who does not recognize, that as a thinker it is his first duty to follow his intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead. Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think.
~John Stuart Mill​

As many of my readers know, I started my theoretical work in the field of RNA molecular biology. After demonstrating to myself the power of the gyromodel to explain fundamental unanswered questions (origin of genetic code and translation apparatus, for example), I moved into other realms. Although I had sojourned in these intellectual domains many times throughout my career, I had not tarried long enough to be called a specialist. One of those domains was quantum theory. When I understood the quantum through theory (discussed here, here, and here), then I set out to model visible energy, dark energy and dark matter. And here is where I return to my storyline that I left at the end of last year.

Figure 1

What I kept stumbling upon was the core problem on how consciousness and physical reality related to one another. That is: What is the exact relationship of the conscious mind to matter? Now, many, many philosophers, psychologists, and cognitive scientists (I could spend at least twenty posts discussing each of them and their ideas) have tried to tackle this problem through thought and experimentation, but no agreed-upon solution has been forthcoming. Indeed, what is this thing called My Mind (Figure 1)? Can theory resolve this long-standing problem? The answer is yes. In this post I share with you how Unity models the relationship of My Mind to visible energy.

Peace on Earth,

A new blog post about the theoretical positioning of My Mind and discussion of its Unity.

Here is the link:

The darkness, that is My Mind; dark matter, that is

And here is an excerpt:

Peace on Earth,


Dude can't you see you don't think for your self. It is a myth. No one is an Island. You are a manifestation of the past trudging along in a time loop. Caught up in existing language it self. New words new definitions coupled with new sound and you might brake free otherwise you are like the mocking bird. Pick up information and pass it on. Like the pentagram . 2 points up = gather information . 1 point up = pass on information
Dude can't you see you don't think for your self. It is a myth. No one is an Island. You are a manifestation of the past trudging along in a time loop. Caught up in existing language it self. New words new definitions coupled with new sound and you might brake free otherwise you are like the mocking bird. Pick up information and pass it on. Like the pentagram . 2 points up = gather information . 1 point up = pass on information

What a trenchant commentary. Yet, how conjectural.

Unity proves that I am the thought as well as the thinker, the perception as well as the perceiver, the imagination as well as the imaginer. Unity proves that time is Me entering the Universe everywhere everywhen; since I am everywhere, time is relative to Me, the Observer. Who is this Me? Well, Me is Me-Ki-Ga or any other person who says "Me" or when referring to Self.

Theory proves that I am language itself, all languages that exist now or have ever existed, the old words and the new ones - thus resolving the Wittgensteinian problem.

Cue Donne (and speaking of islands):

All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...

That One Author is Me, now proven by Unity.

Finally, I am the sound that the mockingbird sings as well as the mockingbird itself.

I find theory works well in resolving matters of debate within My One Mind.

Peace on Earth,

You're a loony.

Also, this forum is not your personal blog - we couldn't care less about your latest ramblings.
What a trenchant commentary. Yet, how conjectural.

Unity proves that I am the thought as well as the thinker, the perception as well as the perceiver, the imagination as well as the imaginer. Unity proves that time is Me entering the Universe everywhere everywhen; since I am everywhere, time is relative to Me, the Observer. Who is this Me? Well, Me is Me-Ki-Ga or any other person who says "Me" or when referring to Self.

Theory proves that I am language itself, all languages that exist now or have ever existed, the old words and the new ones - thus resolving the Wittgensteinian problem.

Cue Donne (and speaking of islands):

That One Author is Me, now proven by Unity.

Finally, I am the sound that the mockingbird sings as well as the mockingbird itself.

I find theory works well in resolving matters of debate within My One Mind.

Peace on Earth,

I suppose you feel you have reason to be proud of your delusion?
Me, I am grateful for your lesson in "gratitude" and how liberating freedom is, from the self-delusion that pride creates.....

peace on Earth,