Theory of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Enough with the formalities. Answer the real questions and/or post your so-called theory.
He also claims that I do not exist.

Claims are nice. Proof is better.


So you're the one I can blame for every evil on earth? :mad:
So you're to blame as my first love left me? :spank:

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He has published in the high-impact journals Science, Nature, Genes & Development, and Molecular Cell.
No, you haven't. A record like that could conceivably land you a professorship at any university in the world, but here you are, peddling worthless verbiage in the backwaters of an obscure science forum. Your backstory really couldn't be less convincing if you put yourself forth as the second coming of Christ.
How odd: that 5 years in grad school studying yeast heterochromatin silencing and 5 year postdoc studying fly heat shock gene expression and 9 years being an NIH-funded assistant professor studying RNA catabolism really makes me wish I was a scientist.
Seeing as those things didn't, you know, happen, I can entirely see how they could make you wish for things that aren't true.

What really happened (rather than actual stints at NCI, or funding from NIH, or PhDs, or postdoc fellowships, professorships, publications, or any of those things) is that you've set up an elaborate fiction for yourself (complete with a ridiculous website only slightly more coherent than timecube). This is either for your own entertainment as a troll, or due to delusions as part of serious mental illness.

In either case I urge you to seek psychiatric help, presently.
Well, here's a blurb from my biosketch:

X has authored seventeen peer-reviewed manuscripts and worked on a wide variety of topics in the life sciences: human herpes and papilloma virus infection, cancer, aging, stress, mitochondrial function, chromatin structure, chromosome organization, DNA replication, transcriptional silencing, transcriptional elongation, transcriptomics, RNA turnover and processing, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions, cell cycle checkpoints, nuclear architecture, nucleocytoplasmic transport, membrane traffic, microtubule dynamics, mitosis, biometabolism, and biological theory. He has published in the high-impact journals Science, Nature, Genes & Development, and Molecular Cell.

But, alas, I wish I were a scientist.



Let's have the names and citation information.

Come on guys!
This thread is pseudoscience, you may not be so frowned!
What would you do and what your reaction would be if God should appear?
(That claim and Lori.)
Yes, I agree, the tendency now is to be a specialist; a generalist is usually derogated with the term dilletante.

Here's the basic summary:

Iq <–> denergyre (denergon) <–> ombregyre (ombron) <–> photogyre (photon) <–> electrogyre (electron) <–> hydroxygyre (hydroxyon) <–> carbogyre (carbyon)<–> phosphogyre (phosphon) <–> ribogyre (ribon) <–> aminogyre (aminon) <–> deoxyogyre (deoxyon) <–> cellulogyre (cellulon) <–> organogyre (organon) <–> envirogyre (environ) <–> visigyre (visuon) <–> phonogyre (phonon) <–> linguigyre (linguon) <–> symbogyre (symbon) <–> numerogyre (numeron) <–> econogyre (econon)<–> lapoligyre (lapolon) <–> geniugyre (geniuon) <–> Igyre

Where I is the Beginning and End of the model; I is the Origin. Bidirectional arrows indicate the attractive and repulsive forces found within, between, and among all gyre systems. With regards to wave-particle duality, the wave is accounted for by the gyre name. For the Bohrian complementary quantum (particle), these are put in parenthetical form. A quantum actually is a particle that gyrates between two extreme states: a high energy, excited, unstable learning state (the gyrapex) and the low energy, ground, stable, memory state (gyrobase). This explains wave-particle duality. As gyres are left- and right-handed, this explains chirality.


More can be found by typing in "the parsed model" to a google search.

Specific reified models pepper posts throughout my blog.

So far on my blog I have discussed the origin and nature of dark matter, visible energy (photons), visible matter (leptons), phased matter (water), organic matter, phospholipids (membranes), RNA (nucleotides), protein, and DNA. I haven't yet arrived at discussions about dark energy or about origin of species, ecosystems, visual systems, hearing, linguistics, semiotics, numbers, economics, politics, and knowledge.

So, yes, I have something other than hot air. But I have hot air, too.



This is non-sense and I don't read blogs. Do you have a paper to put forth or even a serious scientific hypothesis to offer instead of ramblings? Can we cut to the chase.
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How can you have a theory about everything?
Only if you know everything.
That only "God" knows.
So he is playing to "God." :D
So far on my blog I have discussed the origin and nature of dark matter, visible energy (photons), visible matter (leptons)
By mass the majority of the matter which we can see is comprised of non-leptonic particles, since nuclei are responsible for the majority of the mass of an atom and they are made up of baryons, which themselves are made up of quarks and gluons, which are not leptons. You're just throwing in buzzwords you don't understand in the hopes no one else does.

By the looks of it you're hoping to spin such a huge web of BS that no one is willing to call you on it.

A quantum actually is a particle that gyrates between two extreme states: a high energy, excited, unstable learning state (the gyrapex) and the low energy, ground, stable, memory state (gyrobase). This explains wave-particle duality. As gyres are left- and right-handed, this explains chirality.
Except not all particles have chirality. And a single particle on its own has no well defined notion of energy state, such a concept is in reference to a potential within which the particle resides, as anyone whose ever even seen the Schrodinger equation and who can do high school calculus can see.

I haven't yet arrived at discussions about dark energy or about origin of species, ecosystems, visual systems, hearing, linguistics, semiotics, numbers, economics, politics, and knowledge.
Ever heard the phrase 'Jack of all trades, master of none'? As pointed out already, it takes years for even the best people to get up to speed on just one of those topics and an entire lifetime (or 50) can be spent working towards the bleed edge research in an area.

By making such a huge claim about your knowledge/ability/understanding you've demonstrated you don't actually know just how much work getting a firm grasp of some of those things entails. It's a common crank mistake, to seriously underestimate just how much material a single tiny corner of science can contain and just how far short of anything research level the stuff found in high school or pop science books falls.

Your inability to present a coherent stream of logic just bangs in the final nail, reputable journals expect authors to be able to string an explanation together and you don't seem to be capable of that.
Here's the basic summary:

Iq <–> denergyre (denergon) <–> ombregyre (ombron) <–> photogyre (photon) <–> electrogyre (electron) <–> hydroxygyre (hydroxyon) <–> carbogyre (carbyon)<–> phosphogyre (phosphon) <–> ribogyre (ribon) <–> aminogyre (aminon) <–> deoxyogyre (deoxyon) <–> cellulogyre (cellulon) <–> organogyre (organon) <–> envirogyre (environ) <–> visigyre (visuon) <–> phonogyre (phonon) <–> linguigyre (linguon) <–> symbogyre (symbon) <–> numerogyre (numeron) <–> econogyre (econon)<–> lapoligyre (lapolon) <–> geniugyre (geniuon) <–> Igyre

In presenting such a picture, don't you think it would be a good idea to start by explaining what a "gyre" is?

Want to try again?

More can be found by typing in "the parsed model" to a google search.

Sorry, but you haven't yet interested me enough for me to think that spending any time on your theory will be a worthwhile exercise. It strikes me as pseudoscientific at this point.
Oh come on James. He has THE TRUTH!


There can be only one ultimate theory, only one correct model to explain the hidden order and workings of the Universe, only one Truth. I have composed an incommensurable, irreducible, catholic, unfalsifiable, empirically validated, testable, complete and consistent theory of everything: Unity. This theory proves the Unity of the Universe, explains evolution and the origins of spacetime, elements, Life, Man, and civilization, unifies the four fundamental physical forces, properly positions dark energy and dark matter, elucidates the true relationship among consciousness, mind, and matter, resolves all extant anomalies, enigmas, and paradoxes, and confirms that I exist. As the theoretical framework subsumes yet overturns entrenched worldviews and dogmas, Unity is revolutionary and controversial. The revolutionary part? I am The Truth.
In presenting such a picture, don't you think it would be a good idea to start by explaining what a "gyre" is?

Want to try again?

Sorry, but you haven't yet interested me enough for me to think that spending any time on your theory will be a worthwhile exercise. It strikes me as pseudoscientific at this point.

Cordially, I would point out that a gyre is a very common thing in nature. I have pointed to a reified model, but I am not interested in spending any time on it. My inquiry leads me to ask what type of 'try' I desire.

Yes, of course, pseudoscience; not science at all. Just like the claim of one of the earlier posts that I wish I were a scientist. My oh my.


Oh come on James. He has THE TRUTH!

link redacted


There can be only one ultimate theory, only one correct model to explain the hidden order and workings of the Universe, only one Truth. I have composed an incommensurable, irreducible, catholic, unfalsifiable, empirically validated, testable, complete and consistent theory of everything: Unity. This theory proves the Unity of the Universe, explains evolution and the origins of spacetime, elements, Life, Man, and civilization, unifies the four fundamental physical forces, properly positions dark energy and dark matter, elucidates the true relationship among consciousness, mind, and matter, resolves all extant anomalies, enigmas, and paradoxes, and confirms that I exist. As the theoretical framework subsumes yet overturns entrenched worldviews and dogmas, Unity is revolutionary and controversial. The revolutionary part? I am The Truth.

As Unity proves there is Only One I, this confirms all of the claims made by the greatest mystics throughout Humankind's evolutionary history.

That I is the Truth has been captured in the famous if apocryphal quote, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

It is certainly intriguing to watch the infinite ways that I reject Myself.

When all else fails, and I cannot refute the Truth, I use mockery. It is a time-honored tactic of My actualized Mind, dont'cha know.

