Theists: Answer me this

The lord sure does work in mysterious ways.
To me it's a bit like being given a monopoly set with the rules of play missing. You just have to make it all up as you go along or go to straight to jail.
lol Never thought of it that way, but it sort of works. The only difference is that previous sets of rules have been set down for us to consider living our lives by.
Q-childhood indoctrination may have indeed led me to where I am now, but I think that I have indeed chosen to believe what I believe.

Of course, you could have just as easily been born in Iran and would now be a Muslim telling me you chose Islam.

You don't find it interesting that religion is geographical in nature? Does that actually demonstrate choices?
Q-true-it is interesting, I don't understand how that makes my ability to choose less functional. Choice is choice. I'm sure my choice was affected by my education, but it was still a choice.
Q-true-it is interesting, I don't understand how that makes my ability to choose less functional. Choice is choice.

There aren't any choices to make under those circumstances. You would be a Muslim if born into a Muslim family just as you are a Christian born into a Christian family. These are not choices. Newborns, infants or children do not have the capacity to make such choices.
My 2-year old is toilet training. When asked if he has to go potty he says yes. He gets on the toilet, waits, says, "I done!". Then gets off having done nothing. He will then go play, stop, look around for a second, then go back to playing. I know he needs a new diaper now. I don't punish him for this, in my eyes, I simply go get him and change his diaper. In his eyes, I am preventing his play and thus punishing him. He made a series of choices, just not mature ones.
To me it's a bit like being given a monopoly set with the rules of play missing. You just have to make it all up as you go along or go to straight to jail.

Actually, it's more like: We play first, and then later on, the rules will be set.
gb-I don't understand, how is this a contradiction? I question, then I make a choice. rinse, repeat

But you don't question anymore, nor have any intention in the foreseeable future to question whether those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior will go to hell for all eternity or not?
Sure I do. Nonstop. I have to make a choice at some point to believe that God is or is not. Which God? Which sect of beliefs in that God? Do I agree with all beliefs from that sect? and so on. When you start to verbalize the questions it looks from here that the questions continue until you die. At which point you get evidence.
The easiest way to find out if someone is indoctrinated is to ask them if they believe in God, and then ask them "why?"
He made a series of choices, just not mature ones.

You could learn from your son about choices. Let's hope you don't just teach him to accept Christianity without question. Teach him about all the religions equally.
Q-I do exactly that as a matter of fact. I don't force any ideology on them. If they ask about Christianity, I answer. If they ask about Shintoism, we go google it together. I do not say,"and mine is right!" However, when asked what I believe, I have told them, and thus most questions have been about christianity. Perhaps I was unfair in answering their question?
Q-I do exactly that as a matter of fact. I don't force any ideology on them. If they ask about Christianity, I answer. If they ask about Shintoism, we go google it together. I do not say,"and mine is right!" However, when asked what I believe, I have told them, and thus most questions have been about christianity. Perhaps I was unfair in answering their question?

Considering that Christianity is the most talked about subject, it would seem reasonable those are the questions posed.

But, if your answers are anything like I've seen here, that's another story. Please be careful when teaching your children that genocide is an option. :D
Considering that Christianity is the most talked about subject, it would seem reasonable those are the questions posed.

But, if your answers are anything like I've seen here, that's another story. Please be careful when teaching your children that genocide is an option. :D

It is what it is... Future generations:you have been warned:p