The Worship of Deliberate Ignorance: The Santa Myth

Really, the Easter Bunny is a more praiseworthy myth. Who wouldn't want to shield the very young from a crucifixion? Replacing that image with lambs and chicks in the meadow, not the barbeque pit, is wholly understandable.
Replacing a newborn babe with a fat old man makes no sense. It was an accident that the people who accepted Bishop Nicholas as a saint celebrate the anniversary of his death, as well as his feast day, so close to the winter solstice; it was an accident that put the birthday of Jesus in the same bit of calendar. In Europe, Christmas is (or maybe was) made more magical, with angels and candles. St. Nick's day was a separate occasion (Dec 6) when children would find candy and fruit (or a lump of coal and a stick) in their shoes or stockings. You see where the stories merge.

Nobody is deceiving the little children for ulterior sinister motives: it's just old stories making their inevitable way through/across cultures.
In the modern economic environment, everything becomes grist for the commercial mill; everything thereby is made vulgar.
I mention this because that letter was celebrated in the news recently as a feel good story. And I have no issues with the commercialization of Christmas, but kids know superheroes aren't real and love them anyway. The Adventists have a point, if you want the sacred to remain sacred, don't just pretend it's real. I don't care if the realization of the lie helps secularism, I just wonder why everyone else thinks it doesn't.
I saw the same feel good story on the news and wondered pretty much the same thing.

Even when I was a Christian as a teenager, I questioned the wisdom of attaching a lie to the BIG holy day.

It wasn't until I was a young adult that I realized the holy day was also a lie, but by that point disillusionment was already par for the course.
The modern Santa Claus grew out of traditions surrounding the historical Saint Nicholas

Which is interesting when you think at least Santa had some link to reality...but god on the other hand.....

Re Easter ...the Sun appears in the cross hence the link for human gods of dieing on the cross...its all in the stars.

I played Santa for a couple of years.
It was fun to see the kids so happy.
The little devils worked out it was me and in those days I only ever wore the aboriginal bus would arrive at Makkas and they would pour out, see me and dance around screaming "black santa black santa" confusing all there☺
Which is interesting when you think at least Santa had some link to reality...but god on the other hand.....
Something I wrote for a different chat but suitable here

Us atheist pagans were havin great slap up pagan festivities and celebrations before christians stole the party for their invisible boss, whose birthday they had no idea when it had happened

So it (atheism) says - christians first go figure out out a better guesstermate boss date for his birthday. Next create your own ceremonies. After that your on your own. No switching back

If you find more people are enjoying with us pagans you just will have to lift your game

Your move


PS edit

What if us Pagans took back our festival and kicked out Christians?

To unpolitically correct?

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What if us Pagans took back our festival and kicked out Christians?
You cant take Christmas away from them...its the only time they get to have a bit of fun and experience generosity.

Let them think its their idea and enjoy the satisfaction that they on their big day are embracing astrology and pagan thinking.

We have Orion in the sky now that contains the three kings, the stars that were personified as the three wise men who attended JCs birth and we also have Sirius, the brightest star up there which is our star of Bethlehem...the Three kings line up with Sirius to point to where the Sun will be born on 25 th December ...and here they get things mixed up...the Sun appears to be reborn after "dieing" or been dead for three days as it seems to do at the turn of winter and at this time it is found in the Southern cross...Easter and Xmas should be on the same day really...but heck why bother with facts we are talking about a religion that centers on a human God who was like many other human gods nothing more than a personification of the Sun....

I just find it so funny and extremely sad all at once that so many folk have no idea.

And being realistic xmas means jobs ...and that is the only thing that matters.

And Xmas means crossmass when you don't get what you want


That reminds me I must get some hot cross buns for crossmass.

How gruesome putting crosses on buns...who stops and thinks mmm cross a terrible way to die..

Apparently you go from agoney in the legs which causes you to hang causing breathing problems so it is a see saw between leg pain and chest pain due to breathing problems...I know cause a mate who knew a mate who was crusified☺ nailing was not done because back then nails were far too expensive and would pull thru flesh...

Looking at my planaterium , only casually at the moment, it seems the astrology must have come from a region of the great pyramid as it seems appropriate for the cross and Sun line up...from a latitude point of view.

Anyways the Santa myth...

Kids love Santa almost as much as the parents and grandparents what I wonder about is the dress ups and roll plays using Santa suits after the kids have gone to sleep.

A new study:

Several things stand out:
30 percent said their trust in adults was affected by the discovery...
Fifteen percent of those who took part in the survey described feeling betrayed by their parents on learning of the lie, and 10 percent said they became angry...

But I've thought of another purpose, as a rite of passage into adulthood, when we stop believing everything people tell us and start to figure things out on our own, as some people have hinted at. I suppose this is a valuable lesson.
I suppose this is a valuable lesson.
It's a damned expensive one.
The whole rigamarole could be replaced by having the same child call you in sick when you're playing golf.
Or avoided by neither lying to them unnecessarily nor punishing them for small lies.
It's a damned expensive one.
The whole rigamarole could be replaced by having the same child call you in sick when you're playing golf.
Or avoided by neither lying to them unnecessarily nor punishing them for small lies.
But what about the self-esteem and autonomy realized when a child figures it out for themselves?
A new study:

Several things stand out:
30 percent said their trust in adults was affected by the discovery...
Fifteen percent of those who took part in the survey described feeling betrayed by their parents on learning of the lie, and 10 percent said they became angry...

But I've thought of another purpose, as a rite of passage into adulthood, when we stop believing everything people tell us and start to figure things out on our own, as some people have hinted at. I suppose this is a valuable lesson.
OK, I presume I was born a total selfish narcissist...

Yet, I can't remember if I really did or didn't believe in Santa -like my parents knew there were enough bloody clues anyway...
But what about the self-esteem and autonomy realized when a child figures it out for themselves?
I don't recall feeling any of those regarding the Christmas myth: it was just disappointing to lose the magic and then came the counter-subterfuge of keeping my knowledge from well-meaning adults and younger children who still believed.
However, when you catch your parents in the same kind of self-serving lie that they reprimand you for, that confers a sense of vindication and power. That discovery is worth making.
I don't recall feeling any of those regarding the Christmas myth: it was just disappointing to lose the magic and then came the counter-subterfuge of keeping my knowledge from well-meaning adults and younger children who still believed.
However, when you catch your parents in the same kind of self-serving lie that they reprimand you for, that confers a sense of vindication and power. That discovery is worth making.
It does seem like a cynical lesson for a religious holiday.
Pagan festival annexed by those no good downright thieving christians, Coke a Cola and toy makers


Do these believers have one original idea?
When you look at everything its all lifted from Pagans...
Pagan correctly worshipped the Sun and then this mob comes along and with contrived astrology has the gaul to personify the Sun to make a feeble claim that a human is now a God.

And man did these characters line up...what a scam...the greatest scam of all time and has made more money than every other scam put together times one hundred.

The ultimate con job...there is none better.

Christmas...its not the birth of a god pretending human it is the birth of the Sun and three days earlier we had the death of the Sun...Oh guess where these human gods got the idea of death and resurrection after three days...theiving dogs.

But their Easter should be at xmas given it is when the Sun is found in the cross.

But having two opportunities for heads thru the door and money in the plate cant be wasted by having two things only three days apart...idea lets steal the fertility festival from the pagans and build up that nice little egg business as well.

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I believe Santa is real, because i do not have enough evidence to prove otherwise. even if it's just a packet of batteries? ah! thank God for the batteries(out of thin air)... the mystery goes on.