The World is Polytheistic

I've never understood this my way or the highway business. If you like vanilla and I like butterscotch, does it matter?
The world is "you" decide what religion you follow. One god, Many gods, No gods...all is yours to comprehend.
Monotheists have obviously separated at some point. One god, just different versions?

I gather you believe lesser gods exist. Unfortunately, unless they have creation power, they are not qualified for one true god status. Am I right so far? The lesser gods are not really gods, which conveniently supports the monotheist cause by the way, but entities mistaken for gods. I have no idea why this should happen other than one day some guy saw an angel and said 'hey, there's a god' as if he knew what a god was beforehand.

So obviously people discussed the possibility of gods before they thought one was actually found. So up until your god appeared people were content with thinking there were many gods to go around. The only thing I can see different is that because your god said he created everything, it made him the one true god. None of the lesser gods ever made this claim, is that right?

Now if I check this out, then can you guarantee me that I will not find a single reference of a lesser god saying he created everything?
Monotheists have obviously separated at some point. One god, just different versions?
they only separate when they lose the vision that they are all worshiping the same god ... which is no doubt what inspired you to write this and many more threads like it
I gather you believe lesser gods exist. Unfortunately, unless they have creation power, they are not qualified for one true god status. Am I right so far?
well yes and no
like for instance even we can create certain things
the substance that we are creating with (including things like the time factor) are exclusively within the jurisdiction of god (singular)
The lesser gods are not really gods, which conveniently supports the monotheist cause by the way, but entities mistaken for gods. I have no idea why this should happen other than one day some guy saw an angel and said 'hey, there's a god' as if he knew what a god was beforehand.
well there are qualitative descriptions in scripture
the default position of everyone (atheist/theist/agnostic) is to glorify whatever they consider the greatest thing they have encountered (eg money, sex, their own mind, etc etc)
So obviously people discussed the possibility of gods before they thought one was actually found.
or alternatively, that knowledge has always been there but is periodically revived and forgotten
So up until your god appeared people were content with thinking there were many gods to go around. The only thing I can see different is that because your god said he created everything, it made him the one true god. None of the lesser gods ever made this claim, is that right?
its not clear why the timeline must be obedient to your speculations

Now if I check this out, then can you guarantee me that I will not find a single reference of a lesser god saying he created everything?

as before mentioned, creation can be a broad term - however its a standard of monotheism that god must be fully independent and fully cognizant (so a living entity that owes its cause to something else or under the sway of the time factor can't fit the bill)
however its a standard of monotheism that god must be fully independent and fully cognizant (so a living entity that owes its cause to something else or under the sway of the time factor can't fit the bill)

Sounds like god needed a resume before He got the job.

In this standard of monotheism, why does it matter if god is independent or cognizant. If He didn't give a shit about anything then He would still be god regardless. There wouldn't be a thing you could do about it. How do you know your're not being manipulated by a god rival that satisfies your criteria?
Sounds like god needed a resume before He got the job.

In this standard of monotheism, why does it matter if god is independent or cognizant. If He didn't give a shit about anything then He would still be god regardless. There wouldn't be a thing you could do about it. How do you know your're not being manipulated by a god rival that satisfies your criteria?

Its just a philosophical standard
if you have a god that is not fully independent then establishing god as the cause of all causes becomes difficult
if you have a god that is not fully cognizant then establishing god as omnimax becomes difficult

because god fulfills these requirements, the worship of anyone who sincerely tries to approach him is accepted
Its just a philosophical standard
if you have a god that is not fully independent then establishing god as the cause of all causes becomes difficult
if you have a god that is not fully cognizant then establishing god as omnimax becomes difficult

Jesus is not the one true god because He does not satisfy the standard?
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No mistaken identity there?

What it really comes down to is what we believe is a god. For you, unless an entity is the cause of all things it doesn't qualify. In other words, one god only, with all other entities mistaken for god.

If there is no other god then why does your true god not want you to put any god before Him. Can you explain that? If Jesus is not a god & the polytheist gods are not gods then who is your god referring to.
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No mistaken identity there?

What it really comes down to is what we believe is a god.
not really because god has a functional definition
for instance determining what water is by belief is not the way to go
For you, unless an entity is the cause of all things it doesn't qualify. In other words, one god only, with all other entities mistaken for god.
if god is contingent on some other element, how could it truly be god?
(IOW where did this other element, whatever it may be, come from?)

If there is no other god then why does your true god not want you to put any god before Him. Can you explain that? If Jesus is not a god & the polytheist gods are not gods then who is your god referring to.
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to ask here
jesus is not just some aspect of polytheism - he is the pure representative of god
IOW the distinction between jesus and god is quantitative and not qualitative
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If as you contend, God is the one true god, then it is pointless for Him to refer to any other entity as a god. However, 'No other gods before me' implies there are other gods out there. That commandment has dual meaning. One, other gods exist and two, other gods aren't gods at all but I'll call them gods because you do.

The commandment should actually say 'no false or phoney gods before me' to make some kind of sense and at least provide some direction. God according to the bible tells us not to make craven images of heavenly (amongst other places) entities. I see where your mistaken identity theory comes from but there doesn't seem to be an indication that these images are of gods false or real.
If as you contend, God is the one true god, then it is pointless for Him to refer to any other entity as a god.

However, 'No other gods before me' implies there are other gods out there. That commandment has dual meaning. One, other gods exist and two, other gods aren't gods at all but I'll call them gods because you do.

then I guess you would have to get into the essence of the language used
.... for instance in the vedas, there are many words for generic "god" , eg "distinctly elevated personality", "possessor of opulence", "enjoyer" etc etc

....and there are many words for the supreme god, eg "possessor of all opulences in full", "cause of all causes", "him to whom no one is greater or equal" etc etc

The commandment should actually say 'no false or phoney gods before me' to make some kind of sense and at least provide some direction. God according to the bible tells us not to make craven images of heavenly (amongst other places) entities. I see where your mistaken identity theory comes from but there doesn't seem to be an indication that these images are of gods false or real.
I'm not sure if I understand you
if the statement doesn't indicate that the gods are either false or real, what do you suppose it does indicate?
Well God says He is a jealous god. Odd behavior if there are no other gods to actually worship.

Why craven images? What's craven got to do with it? Cowardly, fearful images or images made by cowards? That word seems out of context with idol worship. Unless God is jealous of the images because they represent cowardly gods that He is aware of.