The Universe has boundary?

The Universe is infinite beyond the boundary of the visible universe.. but let's clear up this infinity. It breaks down like water clashing against rocks. So it is infinite in scale, and breaking down to a higher number in quantity. 1 rock makes lots of sand. 1 infinite universe is a conversion from scale to quantity.
What number is highest than the highest real number?

Right. But what's north of the north pole? What's on the other side of a Mobius strip? What's outside the universe? They're all similar questions.

The term "outside the universe" refers to a place you cannot get to, cannot be measured and cannot affect the rest of the universe. It has the reality of the place north of the north pole.

Hey stop talking about Me ! I thought you knew better . North of the north pole ? Now that is funny .

The other side of the Mobius strip is Mabus the Geek snatching freak that got arrested for being a famous Troll . Now all the prisoners are Mabus Stripping so they can make him there new girlfriend .

More universes is my guess . We can't see past our own to see that it is more of the same old same old . I believe it is there and I think it makes up something bigger . Thats what I think . Out side of our space time is more space times . Bumping into each other too but not penetrating each others boundaries . This gives rise to motion and that motion creates matter by differential. The mixing . Me son he thinks it is like foam , 3d space connected to time is like a foam . An endlessly tall foam I don't know what he means ? I am glad he thinks about it
I made that all up from listening to people at S.F.
The Universe is infinite beyond the boundary of the visible universe.. but let's clear up this infinity. It breaks down like water clashing against rocks. So it is infinite in scale, and breaking down to a higher number in quantity. 1 rock makes lots of sand. 1 infinite universe is a conversion from scale to quantity.

uuww I like that Like water clashing into rocks . Crashing is not as clumsy
Like water crashing into rocks . No Chasen . Like water crashen into rock
Why don't we just take the furthest thing we can see from us. Call it a radius. Guestimate the amount of time it would take for that object to get to us if it were moving the opposite direction. Call that all the time in the known universe. Then take our radius and extend it by how far light has traveled in that time from our furthest point?
The visible universe has a boundary, it's due to the finite age of the universe, the speed of light and space-time expansion. Whether beyond that visible horizon the universe has an 'edge' is unknown and perhaps unknowable.

You probably write about the sphere/boundary which separates the volume filled with the Einstein spacetime and the dark energy from the pure Einstein spacetime or truly empty volume.
We cannot discuss the boundaries without a definition of the space.
What is the difference between the truly empty volume and space?
Can there be in existence different states of space(s)?
Can there be in existence continuous space, space with holes, holes in continuous space filled with gas composed of pieces of space, and so on? Can the pieces of space be superluminal? What initial conditions lead to the Einstein spacetime?
If truly empty volume and inertial mass of space are infinite then there is probability not equal to zero that the all states of space(s) are somewhere in existence.
If the universe is finite then it can be unknown not unknowable.

If the universe is finite, expanding at an accellerating rate and information is limited to a transfer rate of c, then there may be portions of the universe receding from one another faster than c, that would remain unknown to each other under all circumstances, and therefore unknowable.
I should have said if the universe is finite then it isn't necessarily unknowable unlike if it is infinite. It could be we might discover a way to know all of the universe perhaps by accessing it through higher dimensions, through hyperspace or it could not be.
This thread has been slipping into a discussion of philosophy and/or religion and away from any alternative theory of science.

While I have no issue with discussing the philosophy of science in an alternative science theory thread, as the discussion turns toward general philosophy and even the existence and origins of God, it should perhaps be a conversation for another folder in say philosophy or religion.