The Truth of the Personified God

You can take your comment entirely out of context if you want but you`re not fooling anybody except yourself(that`s a generic pearl of wisdom, not mine)
You can take your comment entirely out of context if you want but you`re not fooling anybody except yourself(that`s a generic pearl of wisdom, not mine)
I'm not sure I follow.

If universities are largely places where one reads stuff and figures it out, what do you suppose scriptures (along with scriptural commentaries) are doing in universities?
ok i understand , u just can't handle life itself and creating imaginary super father figures(gods) to protect you and love you infinitly.
Its like normal stuff like imaginary friends of lil kids,but even they (the majority at least)grow up after some point...some dont i guess...
ok i understand , u just can't handle life itself and creating imaginary super father figures(gods) to protect you and love you infinitly.
Its like normal stuff like imaginary friends of lil kids,but even they (the majority at least)grow up after some point...some dont i guess...


let the tentative arguments roll ....

ok i understand , u just can't handle life itself and creating imaginary limited world outlooks to protect you and love you selfishly.
Its like normal stuff like "let's pretend" of lil kids,but even they (the majority at least)grow up after some point...some dont i guess...

hint - until you come up with some sort of solid working definition of what is reality as distinguished from illusion, you're simply providing arguments that can be used to undermine your position.
If universities are largely places where one reads stuff and figures it out, what do you suppose scriptures (along with scriptural commentaries) are doing in universities?

University is a business, you give the customer what he wants. If you like trying to make sense out of drivel then they will provide it for you. Trying to equate religious study with everything else universities offer is like comparing Mr. Ed to Secretariat.
Why do Abrahamic religions try to personify the concept of God? Why not an abstract, unfamiliar, unhumanlike God?

That’s a funny observation when it is athiests who are the most ardent in trying to personify God. athiests often do their best to make God a person so they can judge His actions and declare Him a criminal.

Yes theists do personify God and they often make the mistake of over personifying Him.

Isaiah 55
8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
9 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
University is a business, you give the customer what he wants. If you like trying to make sense out of drivel then they will provide it for you. Trying to equate religious study with everything else universities offer is like comparing Mr. Ed to Secretariat.
If a customer wants to get a degree by not reading anything or figuring anything out for them self, they probably won't be able to take advantage of the services at a university

For some reason though you advocate this is the only means of approaching theistic topics. Its almost like you have never heard of the word "philosophy" .....
For some reason though you advocate this is the only means of approaching theistic topics. Its almost like you have never heard of the word "philosophy" .....

I thought we went through this aeons ago. You know my stance, philosophy is cool as long as it doesn't refer to religion.
On the contrary even the weakest philosopher can take on philosophy in whatever form it comes.

Yep, but not religious philosophy. I could have a room full of theists debating religious philosophy and the net product of their effort would total zero. Therefore, weak or strong, it's a stalemate whenever you or another religious philosopher lock horns.
Yep, but not religious philosophy. I could have a room full of theists debating religious philosophy and the net product of their effort would total zero.
and lemme guess

a room full of philosophical atheists really cuts to the car chase ...

Therefore, weak or strong, it's a stalemate whenever you or another religious philosopher lock horns.
obviously philosophy (aside from any particular foray into religious aspects of it) is not your forte ...
and lemme guess

a room full of philosophical atheists really cuts to the car chase ...

I don't expect atheists to be philosophising about a god. Do you guys really do that all day long?

obviously philosophy (aside from any particular foray into religious aspects of it) is not your forte ...

I told you, I may have marked one of your papers. Give me an honest estimate.... out of 100 proclaimed religious philosophers, how many actually do more spouting off about what they think they know than actually bring something new to the table?