The Truth of the Personified God

You fail to see the point:
It was an example of how easy is to make up a god which science can't explain it.
As we all know god(s) in the old days was the sun,then it was an old man in the sky,then it was something out of science evolution the big cheeses of faith changed the identity of "god" many times so that people couldn't find out the truth.
Its one of these that shows how stupid theism is and those who still believe in it despite the knowledge we attained so far that.
You fail to see the point:
It was an example of how easy is to make up a god which science can't explain it.
As we all know god(s) in the old days was the sun,then it was an old man in the sky,then it was something out of science evolution the big cheeses of faith changed the identity of "god" many times so that people couldn't find out the truth.
Its one of these that shows how stupid theism is and those who still believe in it despite the knowledge we attained so far that.

I don't think you fooled anyone with your version. I liked the names though.

I guess by saying that a god exists was a scientific conclusion for the ancient scribes. But somehow the scientific findings in gospel scripture are entrenched as irrefutable conclusions. All other science is subject to change at any time.
I like that logic. I guess what theists really want is for God to give a shit about them somewhere, because it ain't happening here.
Actually its closer that what theists really want is to be somewhere where people give a shit about god, because it ain't happening here

LG says:

See what I mean? Isn't everyone tired of hearing that old standard?
On the contrary its the nature of material desire that it is a tired old standard

I assume that means God's wants are not pathetic desires.
Given that they don't require a fake identity as a prerequisite, I guess not.

A whole universe has been dedicated to the expunging of our desires. Quite dramatic. Where did the pathetic desires come from?
The desire to imitate god of course. Basically it comes down to the marginal living entity thinking a better course for their happiness lies in being the lord of the universe. The problem with this of course is that the position is already taken ....
To say God put us here for the express purpose of ridding ourselves of pathetic desires then that must mean we brought them with us from somewhere.
Its more the point that we put ourselves here .... despite the less than flattering advertising brochures

If we are reincarnated then we obviously didn't get flushed in a previous life. Is that it LG?
Part of the problem of spending one's previous life time surrounded by idiots is that the exact same scenario threatens to repeat itself.
The true god is Gredaplamtak,he can "speak" you whenever he wants,
he's everywhere,he loves you,when you die u'll go to a place called Driktopkeraervex with Gredaplamtak for eternity(if u do right in ur life)
You can't see him,you can't touch him,you can't this ,that etc etc etc...
How do you know that my god is true and not yours?
To hazard a guess, we could press forward with a few questions of application .....
You missed the point. First it is LG's contention that we are here to rid ourselves of our pathetic desires.

I'm saying there is no need for interpretation if you believe in a god and His respective bible. It should never be open to discussion. There should be no doubts whatsoever if God is sending the message.
That's precisely it.

Its the nature of pathetic desire to under-ride it.

For instance - "I know that everything in this world is temporary and is incapable of granting ultimate happiness .... yet I want a prestigious family , big house and fancy car"

That's precisely it.

Its the nature of pathetic desire to under-ride it.

For instance - "I know that everything in this world is temporary and is incapable of granting ultimate happiness .... yet I want a prestigious family , big house and fancy car"

So? It's much more temporary for atheists than theists

The old 'good to be poor' routine, a standard for the theistic impoverished meaning God will favor them in the end. I should begin ridding myself of some pathetic desires by donating them to the poor. Then again that would trigger the poor's pathetic desires. IOW the poor should be happy with their lot, God prefers them to be without. I guess I'll keep what I have.
So? It's much more temporary for atheists than theists
Its the nature of pathetic desire that it sinks all boats
The old 'good to be poor' routine, a standard for the theistic impoverished meaning God will favor them in the end.
pathetic desire is lodged in the mind, not one's possessions (or more specifically, to what one could, should or would like to be detached/attached to in this world).

IOW an impoverished person could just as easily be besieged by pathetic desire.

I should begin ridding myself of some pathetic desires by donating them to the poor. Then again that would trigger the poor's pathetic desires. IOW the poor should be happy with their lot, God prefers them to be without. I guess I'll keep what I have.
Pathetic desire bears a relationship towards temporary articles ... so dwelling too much on how one is attached/detached from them is simple another chapter of pathetic existence.

The idea is that by developing attachment to god, the whole notion of strutting the boardwalk with our decorations of material attachment/detachment become obsolete.
The idea is that by developing attachment to god, the whole notion of strutting the boardwalk with our decorations of material attachment/detachment become obsolete.

That should eliminate praying for individual gain. Praying being a sounding board used to let God know what we need from Him, pathetic or otherwise. I didn't know you were against prayer until now, I'm kind of in shock.
That should eliminate praying for individual gain.
sure - for attachment/detachment to the temporary realm

Praying being a sounding board used to let God know what we need from Him, pathetic or otherwise. I didn't know you were against prayer until now, I'm kind of in shock.
Just because one has no business asking for pathetic things doesn't mean one has no use for prayer = IOW there is the whole issue of praying for attachment to god and things directly related to him
Just because one has no business asking for pathetic things doesn't mean one has no use for prayer = IOW there is the whole issue of praying for attachment to god and things directly related to him

I was under the impression all desires were pathetic but obviously some aren't in your opinion. Your desire to have us pray for such things would not be considered pathetic by you I imagine but how would your God perceive that? Selfish prayer is pathetic I would think.
I was under the impression all desires were pathetic but obviously some aren't in your opinion.
Its the desire to ascribe eternal values to temporary things, to imitate god and/or to be independent from god that is pathetic

Your desire to have us pray for such things would not be considered pathetic by you I imagine but how would your God perceive that? Selfish prayer is pathetic I would think.
the idea is that there are somethings that convey actual benefit and somethings which don't (or merely offer the illusion of doing so). Just because god is in the position to grant all of them (ie things that are actually beneficial and those things that aren't) doesn't mean that he is incapable of recognizing the difference. Pray to god for the right things is the beginning of proper self interest since it recognizes not only what one actually is, but also what god and what this world is.
U never studied history christianity?to see how ridiculous if everthing bout god and religions.Even if u dont use history with only logic a normal person can see the stupidity of the whole thing....its good that there is history & logic (in most people)
U never studied history christianity?to see how ridiculous if everthing bout god and religions.Even if u dont use history with only logic a normal person can see the stupidity of the whole thing....its good that there is history & logic (in most people)

U never studied religious history ?to see how ridiculous if everthing bout atheism. Even if u dont use history with only logic a normal person can see the stupidity of the whole thing....its good that there is history & logic (in most people)

(I just lurv tentative arguments)
Its the desire to ascribe eternal values to temporary things, to imitate god and/or to be independent from god that is pathetic

the idea is that there are somethings that convey actual benefit and somethings which don't (or merely offer the illusion of doing so).

Totally not unexpected. Yes it is only an idea and in that I couldn`t agree more. IOW you don`t really know for sure. Therefore I have no reason to believe it. Is not the espousing of your viewpoint imitating God?
Totally not unexpected. Yes it is only an idea and in that I couldn`t agree more. IOW you don`t really know for sure. Therefore I have no reason to believe it.
On the contrary, nothing could be more real to us than those experiences we feel convey benefit. For instance its not like we have to run off and seek professional advice to find out whether we have eaten enough food.

Is not the espousing of your viewpoint imitating God?
the devils in the details.

It all depends on what I start to indicate as conveying actual benefit.

In short, cultivating a service attitude towards god is a step in the right direction and cultivating a service attitude towards myself is a step back (and simultaneously cultivating a service attitude towards both god and myself is like one step forward and two steps back)
On the contrary, nothing could be more real to us than those experiences we feel convey benefit. For instance its not like we have to run off and seek professional advice to find out whether we have eaten enough food.

the devils in the details.

It all depends on what I start to indicate as conveying actual benefit.

In short, cultivating a service attitude towards god is a step in the right direction and cultivating a service attitude towards myself is a step back (and simultaneously cultivating a service attitude towards both god and myself is like one step forward and two steps back)

Typical religious rhetoric. Sounds good but what else could you say? God doesn`t tell us anything and it`s up to us to figure it out? Sure.

LG, your words do not inspire me to change. They remind me of someone I once knew.
Typical religious rhetoric. Sounds good but what else could you say? God doesn`t tell us anything and it`s up to us to figure it out? Sure.
If you think that god isn't telling us anything you must be trying your damnedest to avoid reading scripture.

LG, your words do not inspire me to change.
Your attitude doesn't inspire the universe to change. The cards are stacked against you I'm afraid.

They remind me of someone I once knew.
Actually change is catalyzed from within.

Not even god plays with your free will.
If you think that god isn't telling us anything you must be trying your damnedest to avoid reading scripture.

Holy Hare Krishna LG....that`s what I just said. You read and then have to figure it out. You and a few billion others with no clue telling the rest of us what God is saying.
Holy Hare Krishna LG....that`s what I just said. You read and then have to figure it out. You and a few billion others with no clue telling the rest of us what God is saying.
Doesn't all knowledge work along similar lines?

I mean is university a farce because its largely about reading stuff and figuring it out?