The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Y I say you are narrow minded because you are incapable of even remotely accepting ANYTHING that doesnt fit in with your personal experience.

Oh, the Irony!

UFOs are reported when the observer sees something that does not fit alongside their expected world view! UFOs are a product of the observer's experience, therefore!

UFO observers reject mundane explanations because they can't accept any number of possibilities. (parallax effect making Venus appear to follow them, for instance, lights on aircraft, shooting stars) and leap to conclusions.

Even if an object displays controlled flight, that in no way implies there is a pilot! If we remove the pilot from the equation, we see that we are not limited to certain G manoeuvres, and a pilotless, remotely controlled aircraft could perform stunts that defy current understanding. Are the military researching UAV and UCAV technology? Yes! Do we think these are being tested? Surely!

So, with what we know, natural phenomena getting misreported, mundane man made events being misreported, and secret military testing, do we need involve extra-terrestrials? At what point do they become required to explain things? People say they have been abducted, but people also claim to have seen visions of the Virgin Mary, and my mind isn't so open my brains have fallen out and I accept everything people tell me.

Show us something that counts as evidence, and maybe we'll be swayed. I'd love it to be true that we were in contact with an alien race, I really would.
I'd love it to be true that we were in contact with an alien race, I really would.
This seems to be true of most UFO skeptics. We have a passionate desire that ETs are real and are visiting us, perhaps even in contact with some members of society. We long for it to be true.

But we are not about to be sold a pig in a poke. We are not going to be conned into believing a falsehood. I am not clear whether the UFO believers simply have an even stronger desire to believe, no matter the cost, or whether they are simply addicted to mystery. If proof of extraterrestrials became available tomorrow would these same individuals claim it was all a government conspiracy and deception?
If proof of extraterrestrials became available tomorrow would these same individuals claim it was all a government conspiracy and deception?

What would be funny, if Aliens got here, and were asked what 'sightings' they accounted for, for them only to say 'Sorry guys, we just got here, it's 27 light years from home, and it's been a long trip. We didn't have time to snoop around and turn any cows inside out.'

I guess the woowoos would just claim 'other aliens' must have done it.
Look, I've had it with the self righteousness "here". This is ridiculous.

Gustav, you're a harmless enough bloke, but it's irritating in that you jump the proverbial fence at the drop of a hat. Align and synchronize please.

EndLightEnd: You of all people should understand the NEED to refute idiots that claim they "know it all" when it comes to reality in general. If you aspire to the TRUEST of scientific principles (which I believe you do in fact do) you well should understand that science is a state of inquisitive determination. So yes, in ALL things scientific, we find ample amounts of ethics and philosophy.

Did you get the information I sent you on the TR-3B Astra? This is what is being seen and mistaken for you F ohs like those mentioned by the gentleman earlier in this thread. Jokers like Read-Only need to "read only" a little of the available technical information on these craft to well understand the physics reality of gravity generation and fluctuation. The Astra & Aurora projects have been working technologies for many years now. At least since the early 90s.

We must all face the fact (EndLightEnd, my much appreciated colleague) that people like SkinWalker, Oph, and Phylis the magician, or whatever the name is, are but a fraction of a real percentage of people that have for various reasons brought GREAT resistance to the push for public knowledge of these matters. I certainly don't contend that anyone here is involved in disinformation intentionally, just ignorantly. If a little name calling is necessary to call a spade a spade, and expose irrational ignorance as irrational ignorance, then so be it.

It's bad enough that the extremely serious subject matter that is UFOs have to be placed in a "pseudo scientific" section of a Science oriented message board, let alone be badgered by people that know NOTHING about the tremendous amount of current research going on within the highly and legitimately scientific research community.
You really dont have anything left do you.

Once you and electrafixtion decided not to actually participate and logically or reasonably address criticisms and questions, there really isn't anything left except to discuss the motivations and inspirations of the significance-junkies, the mystery-mongers, and the woo-woo. I think I said as much several posts back.
Pointing the most trivial of matters [philosophy].

This is, perhaps, why there is little left to discuss between the two sides. You trivialize the importance of logic and reason in a discussion.

Since this is a UFO thread, I dont really see how philosophy plays ANY role in this.

You're kidding, right? You have "philosophy" in your user title. SURELY you see how logic and argumentation would be vital in such a discussion. SURELY you're aware that logic and argumentation are taught in basic philosophy. You don't even need to have a formal education in this -any basic philosophy text will discuss it. (if you've never purchased or borrowed one, let me recommend your local bookstore or library).

And since there is not a branch of philosophy in "astrophysics" it really doesnt make much sense anyway does it smartass.

Of course there's no branch of philosophy in "astrophysics." But all academic discourse owes itself to philosophy for the source of argumentation and logic. Try to keep up.

So can you please stop diverting from the topic of UFOs with your pathetic attempt to undermine me? I would expect more from a mod, but not from you.

I have not had to make any attempt to "undermine" you -you've done this too efficiently to yourself. Moreover, I've maintained the topic to its completion and, since you and electrafixtion are unwilling to participate in intellectual or academic discourse, I've opted to move the the apparent sub-topic of discussing significance-junkies, mystery-mongers, and woo-woo's. I'm more than willing to go back to the original topic, but it will require that you participate with logic and reason and with a desire for intellectual and academic discourse. That's the level we're talking on here. Like or lump it.

So let me ask again, why is it so completely impossible that our very own government has developed this technology of anti-gravity?

It *isn't* impossible. Nor have I said so. It is, however, highly improbable and there's no good reason to accept such a wild speculation when there are far more parsimonious explanations that introduce fewer new assumptions. In other words, there are better explanations that do not require mystery-mongering or craving undo significance where none is evident.
Jokers like Read-Only need to "read only" a little of the available technical information on these craft to well understand the physics reality of gravity generation and fluctuation.

Pure and utter fantasy! "Gravity generation and fluctuation" exists nowhere on this planet except in your imagination.

If nothing else (and there's been a LOT!), that one statement alone is enough to establish that you are nothing but a woo-woo and certifiably nuts!!!!:bugeye:
Pure and utter fantasy! "Gravity generation and fluctuation" exists nowhere on this planet except in your imagination.

If nothing else (and there's been a LOT!), that one statement alone is enough to establish that you are nothing but a woo-woo and certifiably nuts!!!!:bugeye:

Everything you don't personally know anything about is "utter fantasy". You are pathetic.
Once you and electrafixtion decided not to actually participate and logically or reasonably address criticisms and questions, there really isn't anything left except to discuss the motivations and inspirations of the significance-junkies, the mystery-mongers, and the woo-woo. I think I said as much several posts back.

This is, perhaps, why there is little left to discuss between the two sides. You trivialize the importance of logic and reason in a discussion.

Since this is a UFO thread, I dont really see how philosophy plays ANY role in this.

You're kidding, right? You have "philosophy" in your user title. SURELY you see how logic and argumentation would be vital in such a discussion. SURELY you're aware that logic and argumentation are taught in basic philosophy. You don't even need to have a formal education in this -any basic philosophy text will discuss it. (if you've never purchased or borrowed one, let me recommend your local bookstore or library).

Of course there's no branch of philosophy in "astrophysics." But all academic discourse owes itself to philosophy for the source of argumentation and logic. Try to keep up.

So can you please stop diverting from the topic of UFOs with your pathetic attempt to undermine me? I would expect more from a mod, but not from you.

I have not had to make any attempt to "undermine" you -you've done this too efficiently to yourself. Moreover, I've maintained the topic to its completion and, since you and electrafixtion are unwilling to participate in intellectual or academic discourse, I've opted to move the the apparent sub-topic of discussing significance-junkies, mystery-mongers, and woo-woo's. I'm more than willing to go back to the original topic, but it will require that you participate with logic and reason and with a desire for intellectual and academic discourse. That's the level we're talking on here. Like or lump it.

It *isn't* impossible. Nor have I said so. It is, however, highly improbable and there's no good reason to accept such a wild speculation when there are far more parsimonious explanations that introduce fewer new assumptions. In other words, there are better explanations that do not require mystery-mongering or craving undo significance where none is evident.

I'm all done with ya Skin. It's obvious you are clueless and prefer to remain so.
Just so you know Oli, no one ever expressed that there was. Get it right if you're going to "get it" at all.

So why did you raise the point?

Originally Posted by electrafixtion
NO ONE here can factually refute expert testimony.

Oh now you explain:
The man just had to be an expert on what was cutting edge human engineered and developed flight/space travel based technology at that time.
Except that he was in no way "an expert". He was educated to handle particular aspects of that technology only - not be an expert in his own right.
Category error.
Did you get the information I sent you on the TR-3B Astra?
Are you serious?
You actually believe it exists?
It's a complete and utter fiction, along with Aurora and most of the other claimed "advanced aerospace vehicles".
Everything you don't personally know anything about is "utter fantasy". You are pathetic.


And the fact that you two fruitcakes are the only ones here who believe that sort of nonsense.

In fact, the proportion of people here who believe this junk vs. those of us who don't is probably about right. I would guess that it matches the real world pretty closely in the fact that for every couple of loony nuts there are out there, there are several people who are quite sane and reasonable.
So why did you raise the point?

Oh now you explain:

Except that he was in no way "an expert". He was educated to handle particular aspects of that technology only - not be an expert in his own right.
Category error.

That's BULLSHIT. "particular aspects[/I] of that technology" was a particularly small degree of Gordon Cooper's expertise. He was MUCH more knowledgeable than your laughable assertions attempt to manipulate reality to indicate. More garbage from you.

And the fact that you two fruitcakes are the only ones here who believe that sort of nonsense.

In fact, the proportion of people here who believe this junk vs. those of us who don't is probably about right. I would guess that it matches the real world pretty closely in the fact that for every couple of loony nuts there are out there, there are several people who are quite sane and reasonable.

Sure Read-Only, that's precisely what the poll here indicates, right?
Sure Read-Only, that's precisely what the poll here indicates, right?

Really? Several of pointed out quite clearly and with explanations just how stupidly that poll was constructed.

This poll would be very similar:

1. Everything is good

2. Everything is bad

Choose either 1 or 2.

(end false poll)
Are you serious?
You actually believe it exists?
It's a complete and utter fiction, along with Aurora and most of the other claimed "advanced aerospace vehicles".

Prove that it is utter fiction. That is your solid claim. I can show you dozens of videos that clearly display it in action. You should at least be able to refute those videos with absolute proof that it is utter science fiction. While you are at it, prove that you yourself are not utter fiction. For all l know, you are just a bot executing predictable responses. The same can be said of myself. Prove that I am utter fiction. A computer program could EASILY have made every post so far that I have presented here.

You and your ridiculous logic are pathetic.
Really? Several of pointed out quite clearly and with explanations just how stupidly that poll was constructed.

This poll would be very similar:

1. Everything is good

2. Everything is bad

Choose either 1 or 2.

(end false poll)

everything that doesn't align itself with your version of reality is just another false indicator, right Read-Only?
Some of the sightings are man-made - misinterpretations of aircraft; secret government tests, such as the stealth bomber. Anti-gravity devices are not necessary as an explanation.

Maybe not antigravity devices, but some form of inertia control is evident based on the maneuvers these things exhibit.

UFOs are reported when the observer sees something that does not fit alongside their expected world view! UFOs are a product of the observer's experience, therefore!

This is exactly my point. People have limited experience. Maybe you forgot just how BIG the universe is and just how SMALL you are.

UFO observers reject mundane explanations because they can't accept any number of possibilities. (parallax effect making Venus appear to follow them, for instance, lights on aircraft, shooting stars) and leap to conclusions.

Of course a percentage of UFO sightings are actually attributable to mundane explanations, no one is arguing that. Moot point.

Even if an object displays controlled flight, that in no way implies there is a pilot! If we remove the pilot from the equation, we see that we are not limited to certain G manoeuvres, and a pilotless, remotely controlled aircraft could perform stunts that defy current understanding.

And I guess without a pilot these crafts are suddenly able to move silently, make 90 degree turns at high speeds, and accelerate to impossible speeds.

So, with what we know, natural phenomena getting misreported, mundane man made events being misreported, and secret military testing, do we need involve extra-terrestrials? At what point do they become required to explain things?

This is WHY I am TRYING to get off the subject of ETs, you guys are clearly not ready. Instead I am trying to discuss man kinds involvement in the UFO phenomena.

Show us something that counts as evidence, and maybe we'll be swayed. I'd love it to be true that we were in contact with an alien race, I really would.

As I have said many times, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE (outside expert testimony), why keep bringing this point up when it has been addressed already on SEVERAL different occasions.

This seems to be true of most UFO skeptics. We have a passionate desire that ETs are real and are visiting us, perhaps even in contact with some members of society. We long for it to be true.

Again it appears you guys are more hooked on the ET subject then us, I have been trying (without any luck) to move from the oh so sensitive subject of ETs and focus on man-made. But then you guys couldnt call us crazy anymore so why would you want that?

Once you and electrafixtion decided not to actually participate and logically or reasonably address criticisms and questions, there really isn't anything left except to discuss the motivations and inspirations of the significance-junkies, the mystery-mongers, and the woo-woo. I think I said as much several posts back.

As Ive said before logic is based on causality, without causality logic falls apart. Right now we are only observing the effect of a cause which we are incapable of understanding. Because this is something that is "so far out there" we probably dont even have the words or concepts to describe what the cause actually is. So instead we assign causes that make sense to us with our limited scope of experience. We are not even capable of conceiving the actual cause because it lies outside our experience, and SOME peoples imaginations.

This is, perhaps, why there is little left to discuss between the two sides. You trivialize the importance of logic and reason in a discussion.

Tell me then how I could logically go about proving something I have no proof of and immediately gets me labeled as a crackpot? Its not even possible and you are well aware of this, thats why you keep bringing it up.

You're kidding, right? You have "philosophy" in your user title. SURELY you see how logic and argumentation would be vital in such a discussion. SURELY you're aware that logic and argumentation are taught in basic philosophy.

And I also have astrophysical in my user title. So you cant take one without the other unless of course your purpose is slander. You arent capable of logically proving that they ARENT real man-made flying saucers, can you? But of course the burden of proof is on us, so you have a get out of jail free card and a convenient way of avoiding the tricky parts.

Of course there's no branch of philosophy in "astrophysics." But all academic discourse owes itself to philosophy for the source of argumentation and logic.

Great. So whats the relevance to UFOs? In my experience to logically prove something you either need self evident truths, or evidence. I have neither.

I have not had to make any attempt to "undermine" you -you've done this too efficiently to yourself.

I dont ever remember calling my self crazy, woo woo, gullible, etc... So yes you have made several attempts to undermine my credibility as you have managed to do for astronauts and pilots as well.

I'm more than willing to go back to the original topic, but it will require that you participate with logic and reason and with a desire for intellectual and academic discourse. That's the level we're talking on here. Like or lump it.

Sure but first you have to admit that people have observed things that defy accepted logic. That seems to be the pivotal issue here. The first step is for the skeptics to admit that thousands of eye-witnesses potentially saw technology so far beyond the rational capacity of people that they had no other explanations except ETs (even though it was probably man-made). You are incapable of believing that even ONE sighting was something so extraordinary it may have actually been top secret technology from our government. You have made it abundantly clear that thousands of eye witness testimonies spanning countries and years will NOT suffice. So how again am I supposed to logically prove this if you wont even consider the limited evidence that is out there.

It *isn't* impossible. Nor have I said so. It is, however, highly improbable and there's no good reason to accept such a wild speculation when there are far more parsimonious explanations that introduce fewer new assumptions. In other words, there are better explanations that do not require mystery-mongering or craving undo significance where none is evident.

Simpler explanations sure, but better? Not necessarily. Still not sure how swamp gas can rapidly change direction at incredible speeds. Please explain the physics behind such a claim.

But I guess you have already proved how all eye witnesses are gullible fools subject to their fallible senses. Its a good thing pilots and other professionals with lives in their hands on a daily basis dont follow this skewed line of thinking. Just think how dangerous a plane flight would be if the pilot suddenly realized all his senses are completely unreliable! Oh wait, they ARENT and thats how they land planes safely DAY AFTER DAY.

And in case you ignored this deliberately again...
The feeling that no matter how honest scientists think they are, they are still influenced by various unconscious assumptions that prevent them from attaining true objectivity. Expressed in a sentence, Fort's principle goes something like this: People with a psychological need to believe in marvels are no more prejudiced and gullible than people with a psychological need not to believe in marvels

There some philosophy for you, and its telling you that you need to get off your high horse because your just as prejudice as I am. In fact I may start calling you crazy for NOT believing in man-made UFOs. You nutter.

And the fact that you two fruitcakes are the only ones here who believe that sort of nonsense.

Oh is that why the believers are winning the poll 3:1? Fool.

We are the only ones arguing it because Im sure the others dont want to put up with all the BS you guys have put us through.