The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
This is a stunningly detailed (although narrow in scope and relatively short in length) perspective on the history of the possible (more than likely) development of the Aurora aircraft.

Yes. Of course. It's on the interenet, therefore it must be real.
why is it you guys keep on feeding trolls?
ahh, i know
its what pseudo skeptics do
682 posts worth

i'd be ashamed but guys like these are your lifeblood, ja?
your reason for being!

Your assertions are laughable and completely without foundation .
Um, you're the one asserting that they exist.

This is NOT "fuzzy" nor is it poor quality nor is it a hoax as evidenced by great photographic scientific scrutiny.
Not a hoax?
Surely you jest - look at the variation in focus for a start.
In fact the designation "TR-3B" is the first clue that it's a fake...

Then we have your nonexistent Aurora as refernced:
And even the FAS reference points out that no money was ever assigned and that the aircraft doesn't actually exist...

It's just very hard to pull that type of secrecy off nowadays because of the advent of the video camera and long range photography.
Which would be why the actual configuration of the F-117 was kept entirely secret for ten whole years...
can you say "discrepancy in the premise"?:rolleyes:
The B-2, F-117, F-22 & F-35 are all AMAZING accomplishments that were "black" with respect to development and common public acknowledgment for between 20 & 30 years prior to their common use.
Can't even get this right can you?
F-22 and F-35 were never "black" - but maybe you just get your information from comics rather than trade and industry sources.
20-30 years? No chance. (Except for F-117 which dates back to CSIRS from the early 80s).

The flying wing aircraft (B-2) was developed as early as the 60s!
No it wasn't: there were flying wings in the late 40s and 50s but none of them had anything to do with B-2 whatsoever.

Both of these stunning pieces of technology have mind blowing technical performance and instrumentation capabilities.
"Mind-blowing performance"? Um, subsonic, much the same as a typical airliner...
"Instrumentaion capabilities"? Do you actually speak English?
Those are silly curiosities at best.

You mean you don't want to know the answers to those questions? It's the FIRST thing I want to know!

You could ask the same questions, raising the same exact uncertainties no matter what you were looking at.

And indeed I do. It's called 'provenance'.

If you don't have a clear understanding of photographic scrutiny, why even bother?

I am scrutinising it, that's the problem. The craft rotates just like the stuff I have modelled in basic 3D modelling software does! The camera is clearly on a tripod, but he loses his subject from time to time, when it isn't moving, that is suspicious, but I know why it's done; to make it look serendipitous, when it isn't!

Your best shot was clearly a fake, but you want to believe. If you won't show discernment, and abandon fakes, there's no hope for you; UFOs are your religion.
This is exactly my point. People have limited experience. Maybe you forgot just how BIG the universe is and just how SMALL you are.

Exactly not. It's the size of the Universe that factors into my thoughts quite highly, ie, it's so frikking big why would aliens travel all that way to abduct fat Americans and probe their arseholes? See, this is testimony too, so I know testimony is flawed, which is why I want evidence, data, pictures, and video.

And I guess without a pilot these crafts are suddenly able to move silently, make 90 degree turns at high speeds, and accelerate to impossible speeds.

Assuming they actually do that, and it's not the observer misreading what they are seeing, but without a pilot, craft would not be limited to low G manoeuvres, so maybe they could pull off some crazy shit. I've seen some pretty amazing footage of RC aircraft night flying, illuminated by LEDs, and I can understand why some observers might think it was more than it was.

This is WHY I am TRYING to get off the subject of ETs, you guys are clearly not ready. Instead I am trying to discuss man kinds involvement in the UFO phenomena.

Then I really think you need a new thread, and make it clear from the outset what you want to discuss, so electrafixtion doesn't hijack it. I'm happy to discuss what may or may not exist wrt secret military aircraft. Having lived on an airforce base during the end of the cold war, I like looking at declassified docs about Soviet military aircraft to find out what our AirForce would have been up against had it come to it, so here we have some common ground.

As I have said many times, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE (outside expert testimony), why keep bringing this point up when it has been addressed already on SEVERAL different occasions.

And like I said, testimony is clearly flawed, so let's look for anything that can support it, and not be lead by what people claim to have seen, but just go on what they have actually described. Seeing is one thing, naming is another.

So, if you want to talk about man made stuff, please start a fresh thread, this one has rattled on long enough.

Can't even get this right can you?
F-22 and F-35 were never "black" - but maybe you just get your information from comics rather than trade and industry sources.
20-30 years? No chance. (Except for F-117 which dates back to CSIRS from the early 80s).

No it wasn't: there were flying wings in the late 40s and 50s but none of them had anything to do with B-2 whatsoever.

"Mind-blowing performance"? Um, subsonic, much the same as a typical airliner...
"Instrumentaion capabilities"? Do you actually speak English?

Oli, you HAVE to be the most moronic bozo I have ever run into on the Internet. How can you make these claims above and keep from being too embarrassed to even post here again? F-22 never "black". You frigging retarded troll, what do you think, there is a big hanger that says. "this is where we keep the "black labeled" projects"???? I am dumbfounded by your attempts to insult me while proving yourself a fool. ANY aircraft incorporating Stealth Technology received the highest level of classification and black denial with respect to production dating back to 1981. Just because Stealth technology was public knowledge when the F-22 replaced the F-117, does in NO WAY imply that the technologies that went into the development of the F-22 were never "black" Why would you waste your time trying to achieve some pseudo level of superiority? What a twit.

There is NO hope for you and YES, the Aurora, despite your ridiculous and absurd claims, is most likely flying RIGHT NOW.

ALL stealth aircraft can be technically considered the product of black programs. So YES, the F-22 & F-35 whether directly referred to as "black" or not, had all kinds of black money thrown at them within their production and development.

Incidentally, the B-2's specific development (although I only referenced the 60s flying wing with respect to it's OBVIOUS similarities to the early B-2 designs) dates back to '81. The F-117 back to at least 1978. I don't imagine the B-2 wasn't black at first and then became black after it was already acknowledged. What lunacy! I guess that's just one more big oopsy eh?

Read this please and LEARN something for a change:

Man, I have NOTHING else to even waste my time on with you. I won't read your bullshit, I won't respond to it because it's all just a waste of time. Just a snotty egotists attempt to over rule his own erectile dysfunction I guess. Now that makes two of you. You guys definitely need a life outside "Trolling 4 Hollers" on this forum. Moderator eh SkinWalker? LOL!
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There is NO hope for you and YES, the Aurora, despite your ridiculous and absurd claims, is most likely flying RIGHT NOW.

Why "most likely?" What data exists for you to assign this sort of probability?

ALL stealth aircraft can be technically considered the product of black programs. So YES, the F-22 & F-35 whether directly referred to as "black" or not, had all kinds of black money thrown at them within their production and development.

What are your data to support this? I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm wondering what data you have that allows you to make such a positive and assertive claim.

What, specifically, was this supposed to provide in the way of support for you contention that the F-22 was a "black program?" There's nothing at all mentioned of this. Even the word "secret" doesn't populate on the page.

I leave these questions for you for your return. You have a one-day vacation earned for your thoughtless and rude comments in the post above. Upon return, please play nice in the sandbox.
Oli, you HAVE to be the most moronic bozo I have ever run into on the Internet. How can you make these claims above and keep from being too embarrassed to even post here again? F-22 never "black".
I can make the claim because, unlike you, I keep track of aerospace projects.
There is a difference between "classified" and "black", and F-22 was ALWAYS in the white budget (as a follow-on to F-15). Aspects are classified, but it was never, ever black.

Just because Stealth technology was public knowledge when the F-22 replaced the F-117
F-22 is a replacement for F-15, not F-117.
As stated above - some aspects of F-22 are classified (and may at one time have been black) but the F-22 programme as a whole was thoroughly white.

There is NO hope for you and YES, the Aurora, despite your ridiculous and absurd claims, is most likely flying RIGHT NOW.
No it isn't - it doesn't exist.

ALL stealth aircraft can be technically considered the product of black programs. So YES, the F-22 & F-35 whether directly referred to as "black" or not, had all kinds of black money thrown at them within their production and development.
The product of? Nope they use technologies that are the product of, but F-22 and F-35 are both white world projects.

Incidentally, the B-2's specific development (although I only referenced the 60s flying wing with respect to it's OBVIOUS similarities to the early B-2 designs) dates back to '81.
Obvious similarities?
Um, it's a wing and it flies...

The F-117 back to at least 1978.
Only as part of CSIRS - Covert Survivable In-weather Recce-Strike.

I don't imagine the B-2 wasn't black at first and then became black after it was already acknowledged. What lunacy! I guess that's just one more big oopsy eh?
Again, B-2 was largely white but highly classified.

Read this please and LEARN something for a change:
Oh yes, the article refers to the ATF programme which led in turn to F-22. Maybe you'd be interested to know that I have copies of the designs for nearly every single proposal for ATF, and broad specifications... If it had been "black" that wouldn't be possible would it?
Check out any reliable aviation magazine for the appropriate period and artists impressions from before first metal cutting of F-22 and F-23 abound - black programmes are denied utterly.
Please learn the difference between black and classified.

Just a snotty egotists attempt to over rule his own erectile dysfunction I guess.
Ah, you can't make an valid rebuttal so you resort to infantile attempts at insult.
Troll indeed.
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It would be too easy to go back, copy/paste, and PROVE how the 3 of you have conducted yourselves as trolls over and over in this thread. However it wouldn't be worth my time or effort. It's true, I have called people names and flamed here, but not a bit more than Read-Only or Oli. In my book, my responses have been directly balanced defensively speaking. I even googled your 3 individual SciForum names with the term "troll" and there is an abundance of posts outside this one that make the same claims associating you with this type of needless antagonism. I guess that's called being above the law.

SkinWalker directly slandered me, calling me a liar, when in fact the very claim he made, quoting my contentions, was an absolute LIE. I proved that irrefutably to which I received no sincere apology.

I know that I conclusively showed that there is far stronger real evidence of the uncertain phenomenon that UFOs are, that is both attributable to non human (within this space/time construct that is) as well as man made technologies yet publicly disclosed, than there is that attributes all these phenomenon solely to that which is explainable naturally or apart from a non human origin. That's a fact.

I have kill filed Oli & Read-Only. They have contributed NOTHING of valuable substance with respect to the threads I have personally witnessed them participate in.

Have a good day gentleman.
It's true, I have called people names and flamed here, but not a bit more than Read-Only or Oli.

You frigging retarded troll,
Where have I used anything like the above?

And of course you'll find that I'm referred to as a troll: in the majority of cases it's by people such as yourself who are incapable of actually rebutting my points.

I have kill filed Oli & Read-Only. They have contributed NOTHING of valuable substance with respect to the threads I have personally witnessed them participate in.
Which indicates where the closed mind is: you can't even recognise valid points.
"The F-22 replaced the F -117"
That is like saying, the aluminium baseball bat replaced a cricket ball.
They are two different breeds of aircraft.

Ok, Oli has won the debate, If there was any.
SkinWalker directly slandered me, calling me a liar, when in fact the very claim he made, quoting my contentions, was an absolute LIE. I proved that irrefutably to which I received no sincere apology.

It isn't slander to call someone a liar when you show the evidence of their lies. However, I can concede that you painted your self into a corner with your claims and made yourself out to be a liar unintentionally.

Its your claim that at least some of the observed UFOs are due to "non human technology."

If it isn't human, it is alien/ET. Correct?

If this isn't correct, what "non humans" do you suppose are creating technology more advanced than humans?

Your failure to adequately answer the above demonstrates you to be a liar, albeit, and in all probability, an unintentional one.

Instead of whining about slander, we'd rather have you participate in intellectual and academic discourse on the topic of UFOs. Instead, you whine and cry foul when others attempt to educate you on better ways to argue your case and think critically.

I, for one, am appalled at your lack of gratitude.
It isn't slander to call someone a liar when you show the evidence of their lies.
On this basis, without actually presenting the evidence, but referring to the thread at large, would it be acceptable to call him a ninkumpoop? It seems so apt.
It isn't slander to call someone a liar when you show the evidence of their lies. However, I can concede that you painted your self into a corner with your claims and made yourself out to be a liar unintentionally.

Its your claim that at least some of the observed UFOs are due to "non human technology."

If it isn't human, it is alien/ET. Correct?

If this isn't correct, what "non humans" do you suppose are creating technology more advanced than humans?

Your failure to adequately answer the above demonstrates you to be a liar, albeit, and in all probability, an unintentional one.

Instead of whining about slander, we'd rather have you participate in intellectual and academic discourse on the topic of UFOs. Instead, you whine and cry foul when others attempt to educate you on better ways to argue your case and think critically.

I, for one, am appalled at your lack of gratitude.

Quote the lie that you "evidence" that I made verbatim without your paraphrased manipulatory BS. I will readily admit to it if that is what I have done. It is my solid contention that I have NEVER lied once on this forum and that it is you in fact that is slandering me by attempting to make me out a liar. I believe that I can prove you to be disingenuous.
Quote the lie that you "evidence" that I made verbatim without your paraphrased manipulatory BS. I will readily admit to it if that is what I have done. It is my solid contention that I have NEVER lied once on this forum and that it is you in fact that is slandering me by attempting to make me out a liar. I believe that I can prove you to be disingenuous.

There you (everyone) has it. There were no lies, none intentional anyway. I do and will readily admit that the arrogant titan that is Oli was correct about the F-22 as a finished and named project having never been a "black project". I will say though that more than abundant black moneys went into it's technologies. That's an absolute fact.

Truth is however, that it is SkinWalker & Ophiolite that lied about me ever expressing a deliberate lie concerning the clear evidence that indicates undeniably that some UFOs are in fact of non-human origin. This being to the best of modern science's understanding. Expert testimony proves this unequivocally. One does not need to be an expert in "alien technology" to recognize in full cognitive certainty that what that expert is witnessing is not of human origin. One merely has to be an expert, which many aviation and space flight personal are that have witnessed UFOs first hand, on that which is up to date (and beyond, well beyond I might ad) human aerial and space technologies.

There is positively no denying that there is a group of people that includes moderation here at SciForums that are above being temporarily or permanently banned. This is not only foolish, it's unethical. I doubt very seriously if anything will ever come of this, a situation where I undoubtedly proved that I have never lied as SkinWalker claims I had, and that in fact, one of your very own moderators slandered me unjustifiably.

I googled "intelligent conversation" when I originally discovered SciForums. Lots of resistance to that notion has been encountered and I am leaving here with more than my fair share of doubts because of it. The factions that incite this type of discouragement and "proof before consideration" mentality are not advocates of this forum's growth whatsoever.

Einstein said this:

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

he also said:

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

There is positively no denying that there is a group of people that includes moderation here at SciForums that are above being temporarily or permanently banned.
I believe you are correct. I have been trying to get banned here for years.
  • I have issued deeply offensive insults.
  • I have implicitly threatened to kill felllow members
  • I have deliberately driven threads off topic.
  • I have stalked particular members
  • I have sent rude pms to members.
  • I have used foul language.
  • I have questioned the integrity of the moderators.
Despite all of this I have never been banned. I am not sure that I have even been issued with a warning.

What do you suppose is going on?
I do however appreciate your little troupe allowing me the opportunity to best provide ample evidence to the effect that UFOs can indeed be partly attributed to non human technology and understanding.

... the expert testimony is based on the observation of non human technology you fecking retard.

I also cannot be responsible for your inability to comprehend the reality of non human technology. After all, that's the ONLY reason why you deny it's existence. That being because you can't personally understand it.

Nope, I absolutely and unequivocally WON the argument about some UFOs being non human technology.

Please quote me where I "stated" (it's wrote, not"stated"BTW) that I believe "UFOs are alien". Please, I'll be waiting. Don't try any of your paraphrased BS either cause that is NOT gonna fly.

What I did CLEARLY contend, as I still most certainly do, is that SOME UFOs are without question that which constitutes "non human technology"

  • On Earth, only humans have technology.
  • Technological artifacts are evidence of human activity.
  • Non-human technology, therefore, isn't of Earth.

If the above syllogism is wrong, you need only demonstrate the existence of technology among non-humans that exceeds the use of twigs and stones by non-human primates.

Good luck with that.

Truth is however, that it is SkinWalker & Ophiolite that lied about me ever expressing a deliberate lie concerning the clear evidence that indicates undeniably that some UFOs are in fact of non-human origin.

Did you lie or not. Did you not say UFOs are "non human technology?" What, then, is "non-human" if not ETI/alien?
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